@Test public void testBookAShouldEqualsBookBIfTheirNameAndISBNAreEqual() { Book a = new Book("TDD", 1234); Book b = new Book("TDD", 1234); assertTrue(a.equals(b)); assertTrue(b.equals(a)); }
public Book hasBook(Book k) { for (Book q : BookList) { if (k.equals(q)) { return q; } } return null; }
public void removeAllBooksByList(List<Book> tmpBookList) { for (Book k : BookList) { for (Book tmpK : tmpBookList) { if (k.equals(tmpK)) { BookList.remove(k); } } } }
public void onClick(View v) { if (v.getId() == R.id.confirm) { // add code to remove the reservation dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy h:mm a", Locale.US); DateFormat transDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); DateFormat transTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("h:mm a"); Long checkDate = null; Long returnDate = null; Date date = new Date(); String resNum = ""; for (Reservation temp : otterLibrary.reservations) { if (myBook.equals(temp.getReservedBook())) { System.out.println("they are equal"); otterLibrary.availableBooks.add( myBook); // this should let the book be available for a hold again checkDate = temp.getCheckoutDate(); returnDate = temp.getReturnDate(); resNum = Integer.toString(temp.getReservationNumber()); } } otterLibrary.addToLogs("----------------", "---------------"); otterLibrary.addToLogs("Transaction Type: ", "Cancel Hold"); otterLibrary.addToLogs("Customer's Username: "******"Book Title: ", myBook.getTitle()); otterLibrary.addToLogs("Pickup Date: ", dateFormat.format(checkDate)); otterLibrary.addToLogs("Return Date: ", dateFormat.format(returnDate)); otterLibrary.addToLogs("Reservation Number: ", resNum); otterLibrary.addToLogs( "Transaction Date: ", transDateFormat.format(date)); // double check this otterLibrary.addToLogs("Transaction Time: ", transTimeFormat.format(date)); otterLibrary.addToLogs("----------------", "---------------"); Intent i = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class); startActivity(i); } }
ObjectsCompare() { Book b0 = new Book(1); Book b1 = new Book(1); Book b2 = b1; // porownuje sie referencje if (b1 == b2) { System.out.println("the same object"); } // porowuje "zawartosc" obiektow if (b0.equals(b2)) { System.out.println("the same contents"); } /** instanceof operator sprawdzanie czy X jest typu Y */ String s = "sss"; if (s instanceof String) { System.out.println("s is String"); } if (s instanceof Object) { // ALWAYS true System.out.println("s is Object"); } }
public boolean has(Book otherBook, ArrayList<Book> listOfBooks) { for (Book book : listOfBooks) { if (book.equals(otherBook)) return true; } return false; }
@Test public void testBookAShouldNotEqualsBookBIfTheirISBNAreDifferent() throws Exception { Book a = new Book("TDD", 123); Book b = new Book("TDD", 1234); assertFalse(a.equals(b)); }
@Test public void testBookAShouldNotEqualsBookBIfTheirNamesAreDifferent() { Book a = new Book("TDD", 1234); Book b = new Book("Refactor", 1234); assertFalse(a.equals(b)); }
@Test public void testABookShouldEqualsItself() throws Exception { Book book = new Book("TDD", 1234); assertTrue(book.equals(book)); }