  * Seeds the bound instance's local ads-truststore with a set of instance key-pair public key
  * certificates. The result is the instance will trust any instance posessing the private key
  * corresponding to one of the public-key certificates. This trust is necessary at least to
  * initialize replication, which uses the trusted certificate entries in the ads-truststore for
  * server authentication.
  * @param ctx The bound instance.
  * @param keyEntryMap The set of valid (i.e., not tagged as compromised) instance key-pair
  *     public-key certificate entries in ADS represented as a map from keyID to public-key
  *     certificate (binary).
  * @throws NamingException in case an error occurs while updating the instance's ads-truststore
  *     via LDAP.
 public static void seedAdsTrustStore(InitialLdapContext ctx, Map<String, byte[]> keyEntryMap)
     throws NamingException {
   /* TODO: this DN is declared in some core constants file. Create a
   constants file for the installer and import it into the core. */
   final Attribute oc = new BasicAttribute("objectclass");
   for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> keyEntry : keyEntryMap.entrySet()) {
     final BasicAttributes keyAttrs = new BasicAttributes();
     final Attribute rdnAttr =
         new BasicAttribute(
             ADSContext.ServerProperty.INSTANCE_KEY_ID.getAttributeName(), keyEntry.getKey());
         new BasicAttribute(
                 + ";binary",
     final LdapName keyDn =
         new LdapName(
             (new StringBuilder(rdnAttr.getID()))
     try {
       ctx.createSubcontext(keyDn, keyAttrs).close();
     } catch (NameAlreadyBoundException x) {
       ctx.createSubcontext(keyDn, keyAttrs).close();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public List<String> write() {
   List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
   StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
   for (Entry<String, Attribute> attribute : attributes.entrySet()) {
     out.append(attribute.getKey()).append(": ");
     Attribute attributeValue = attribute.getValue();
     if (attributeValue.size() > 1) {
       for (int i = 0; i < attributeValue.size(); i++) {
         Value value = attributeValue.get(i);
         out.append(" ");
         if (i + 1 < attributeValue.size()) {
     } else {
       attributeValue.toString("", out);
   return lines;
  * Updates the instance key public-key certificate value of this context from the local truststore
  * of the instance bound by this context. Any current value of the certificate is overwritten. The
  * intent of this method is to retrieve the instance-key public-key certificate when this context
  * is bound to an instance, and cache it for later use in registering the instance into ADS.
  * @param desc The map to update with the instance key-pair public-key certificate.
  * @param ctx The bound server instance.
  * @throws NamingException if unable to retrieve certificate from bound instance.
 private static void updatePublicKeyCertificate(
     ServerDescriptor desc, InitialLdapContext ctx, TopologyCacheFilter filter)
     throws NamingException {
   /* TODO: this DN is declared in some core constants file. Create a constants
   file for the installer and import it into the core. */
   final String dnStr = "ds-cfg-key-id=ads-certificate,cn=ads-truststore";
   final LdapName dn = new LdapName(dnStr);
   for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
     /* If the entry does not exist in the instance's truststore backend, add
     it (which induces the CryptoManager to create the public-key
     certificate attribute), then repeat the search. */
     try {
       final SearchControls searchControls = new SearchControls();
       final String attrIDs[] = {"ds-cfg-public-key-certificate;binary"};
       final SearchResult certEntry =
           ctx.search(dn, "(objectclass=ds-cfg-instance-key)", searchControls).next();
       final Attribute certAttr = certEntry.getAttributes().get(attrIDs[0]);
       if (null != certAttr) {
         /* attribute ds-cfg-public-key-certificate is a MUST in the schema */
         desc.serverProperties.put(ServerProperty.INSTANCE_PUBLIC_KEY_CERTIFICATE, certAttr.get());
     } catch (NameNotFoundException x) {
       if (0 == i) {
         /* Poke CryptoManager to initialize truststore. Note the special
         attribute in the request. */
         final Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes();
         final Attribute oc = new BasicAttribute("objectclass");
         ctx.createSubcontext(dn, attrs).close();
       } else {
         throw x;
Exemplo n.º 4
   * Search for the user's entry. Determine the distinguished name of the user's entry and
   * optionally an authorization identity for the user.
   * @param ctx an LDAP context to use for the search
   * @return the user's distinguished name or an empty string if none was found.
   * @exception LoginException if the user's entry cannot be found.
  private String findUserDN(LdapContext ctx) throws LoginException {

    String userDN = "";

    // Locate the user's LDAP entry
    if (userFilter != null) {
      if (debug) {
            "\t\t[LdapLoginModule] " + "searching for entry belonging to user: "******"\t\t[LdapLoginModule] " + "cannot search for entry belonging to user: "******"Cannot find user's LDAP entry");

    try {
      NamingEnumeration results =
          ctx.search("", replaceUsernameToken(filterMatcher, userFilter), constraints);

      // Extract the distinguished name of the user's entry
      // (Use the first entry if more than one is returned)
      if (results.hasMore()) {
        SearchResult entry = (SearchResult) results.next();

        // %%% - use the SearchResult.getNameInNamespace method
        //        available in JDK 1.5 and later.
        //        (can remove call to constraints.setReturningObjFlag)
        userDN = ((Context) entry.getObject()).getNameInNamespace();

        if (debug) {
          System.out.println("\t\t[LdapLoginModule] found entry: " + userDN);

        // Extract a value from user's authorization identity attribute
        if (authzIdentityAttr != null) {
          Attribute attr = entry.getAttributes().get(authzIdentityAttr);
          if (attr != null) {
            Object val = attr.get();
            if (val instanceof String) {
              authzIdentity = (String) val;


      } else {
        // Bad username
        if (debug) {
          System.out.println("\t\t[LdapLoginModule] user's entry " + "not found");

    } catch (NamingException e) {
      // ignore

    if (userDN.equals("")) {
      throw (LoginException) new FailedLoginException("Cannot find user's LDAP entry");
    } else {
      return userDN;