Exemplo n.º 1
 void storeType(TypeModel type, String defaultUriPrefix) {
   // 1) store the base-topic parts ### TODO: call storeTopic() instead?
   associateWithTopicType(type.getId(), type.getTypeUri());
   // Note: the created AttachedTopic is just a temporary vehicle to
   // let us call its setUri() and storeAndIndexValue() methods.
   AttachedTopic typeTopic = new AttachedTopic(type, dms);
   // If no URI is set the type gets a default URI based on its ID.
   // Note: this must be done *after* the topic is created. The ID is not known before.
   if (typeTopic.getUri().equals("")) {
     typeTopic.setUri(defaultUriPrefix + type.getId());
   // 2) put in type cache
   // Note: an association type must be put in type cache *before* storing its association
   // definitions.
   // Consider creation of association type "Composition Definition": it has a composition
   // definition itself.
   // 3) store the type-specific parts
   associateDataType(type.getUri(), type.getDataTypeUri());
   storeIndexModes(type.getUri(), type.getIndexModes());
   storeAssocDefs(type.getUri(), type.getAssocDefs());
   storeLabelConfig(type.getLabelConfig(), type.getAssocDefs());
   storeViewConfig(createConfigurableType(type.getId()), type.getViewConfigModel());
Exemplo n.º 2
 Topic storeTopic(TopicModel model, ClientState clientState, Directives directives) {
   associateWithTopicType(model.getId(), model.getTypeUri());
   AttachedTopic topic = new AttachedTopic(model, dms);
   topic.storeValue(clientState, directives);
   return topic;