Exemplo n.º 1
   * Yields a parse tree (parsetree or appl) to a string builder.
   * @author Martin Bravenboer
  public void yield(ATerm parsetree, StringBuilder builder) {
    ATermAppl appl = assertAppl(parsetree);
    if (appl.getAFun() == parsetreeFun) {
      appl = assertAppl(appl.getArgument(PARSE_TREE));

    yieldAppl(appl, builder);
Exemplo n.º 2
  private static ATermAppl assertAppl(ATerm t, AFun fun) {
    ATermAppl result = assertAppl(t);
    if (result.getAFun() != fun) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Expected application of function " + fun + ": " + result.getAFun());

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
 /** Private helper for the yield method. */
 private void yieldAppl(ATermAppl appl, StringBuilder builder) {
   for (ATerm t : (ATermList) appl.getArgument(APPL_ARGS)) {
     if (t instanceof ATermAppl) {
       ATermAppl arg = (ATermAppl) t;
       if (arg.getAFun() == applFun) {
         yieldAppl(arg, builder);
       } else {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to yield " + arg);
     } else if (t instanceof ATermInt) {
       ATermInt arg = (ATermInt) t;
       builder.append((char) arg.getInt());
     } else {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to yield " + t);
Exemplo n.º 4
  public Visitable visitAppl(ATermAppl arg) throws VisitFailure {

    AFun fun = (AFun) arg.getAFun().accept(this);

    ATerm[] arguments = arg.getArgumentArray();

    if (fun != arg.getAFun()) {
      arg = arg.getFactory().makeAppl(fun, arguments);

    for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
      Visitable v = arguments[i].accept(this);

      if (v != arguments[i]) {
        arg = (ATermAppl) arg.setChildAt(i, v);

    return arg;
Exemplo n.º 5
   * Given a production or application returns the constructor name attached to the production, or
   * null if there is no constructor.
   * @author Martin Bravenboer
   * @author Lennart Kats
  public String getConstructor(ATerm arg) {
    ATermAppl appl = assertAppl(arg, applFun);

    ATermAppl prod;
    if (appl.getAFun() == prodFun) {
      prod = appl;
    } else if (appl.getAFun() == applFun) {
      prod = assertAppl(appl.getArgument(APPL_PROD), prodFun);
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected prod or appl: " + arg);

    ATermAppl attrs = assertAppl(prod.getArgument(PROD_ATTRS));
    if (attrs.getAFun() == noattrsFun) {
      return null;
    } else {
      for (ATerm attr : (ATermList) attrs.getChildAt(ATTRS_LIST)) {
        if (attr instanceof ATermAppl) {
          ATermAppl namedAttr = (ATermAppl) attr;
          if (namedAttr.getAFun() == termFun) {
            namedAttr = (ATermAppl) namedAttr.getArgument(TERM_CONS);
            if (namedAttr.getAFun() == consFun) {
              namedAttr = (ATermAppl) namedAttr.getArgument(CONS_NAME);
              return namedAttr.getName();

    return null;