private void buildDropboxUser() { User user = new User(); UserPreference preferences = UserPreference.getInstance(); preferences.readPreferences(user.username); preferenceUI.setUsername(user.username); systemManager.changeUser( user.username,, preferences.getContentPath(), preferences.getNumMatchingTextDisplay(), preferences.getClearCachesTimeInHours()); }
/** * User interface for login to dropbox * * @author Lee */ public class LoginUI extends Application { private Stage stage; private static final String stageTitle = "x-aurora"; private static final String title = "x-aurora: simplify copy and paste"; private static final String styleSheets = "style.css"; private static final String dropboxIconPath = "File:dropbox.png"; private static final int sceneWidth = 500; private static final int sceneHeight = 300; private static final int imageWidth = 140; private static final int imageHeight = 140; private static final int topOffset = 15; private static final int rightOffset = 10; private static final int bottomOffset = 15; private static final int leftOffset = 10; private static final int hGap = 50; private static final int vGap = 10; private static final int spacing = 20; private static final String loginPage = ""; // dummy private static final String skipWarning = "Cross device copy paste will not be available without loggin in"; private static final String defaultUser = "******"; PreferenceUI preferenceUI = new PreferenceUI(); SystemManager systemManager = SystemManager.getInstance(); public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } @Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) { stage = primaryStage; stage.setTitle(stageTitle); Scene loginScene = createLoginScene(); stage.setScene(loginScene); String styleSheetsPath = new File(styleSheets).getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "/"); loginScene.getStylesheets().add("File:///" + styleSheetsPath);; buildDefaultUser(); } public Scene createLoginScene() { BorderPane borderPane = new BorderPane(); HBox title = createTitle(); GridPane grid = createLoginForm(borderPane); HBox hbox = createSkipLoginBar(); borderPane.setTop(title); borderPane.setCenter(grid); borderPane.setBottom(hbox); Scene scene = new Scene(borderPane, sceneWidth, sceneHeight); return scene; } private HBox createTitle() { HBox hbox = createHBox(); Label labelTitle = new Label(); labelTitle.setText(title); hbox.getChildren().add(labelTitle); return hbox; } private GridPane createLoginForm(BorderPane borderPane) { GridPane loginGrid = createGridPane(); GridPane loadingGrid = createLoadingIndicator(); ImageView dropboxIconView = createDropboxIconView(); Button loginButton = new Button("Login to Dropbox"); loginButton.setOnAction( event -> { // direct to login website getHostServices().showDocument(loginPage); // show loading animation borderPane.setCenter(loadingGrid); // successful login, direct to preferencesUI with dropbox user settings buildDropboxUser(); stage.setScene(preferenceUI.createPreferenceScene()); }); loginGrid.add(dropboxIconView, 0, 0); loginGrid.add(loginButton, 1, 0); return loginGrid; } private HBox createSkipLoginBar() { HBox hbox = createHBox(); Label labelWarning = new Label(); labelWarning.setText(skipWarning); labelWarning.setWrapText(true); Button skipButton = new Button("Skip login"); skipButton.setOnAction( event -> { // skip login, direct to preferencesUI with default user settings buildDefaultUser(); stage.setScene(preferenceUI.createPreferenceScene()); }); hbox.getChildren().addAll(labelWarning, skipButton); return hbox; } private HBox createHBox() { HBox hbox = new HBox(); hbox.setPadding(new Insets(topOffset, rightOffset, bottomOffset, leftOffset)); hbox.setSpacing(spacing); hbox.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); return hbox; } private GridPane createGridPane() { GridPane grid = new GridPane(); grid.setHgap(hGap); grid.setVgap(vGap); grid.setPadding(new Insets(topOffset, rightOffset, bottomOffset, leftOffset)); grid.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); return grid; } private ImageView createDropboxIconView() { Image dropboxIcon = new Image(dropboxIconPath); ImageView dropboxIconView = new ImageView(dropboxIcon); dropboxIconView.setFitWidth(imageWidth); dropboxIconView.setFitHeight(imageHeight); return dropboxIconView; } private GridPane createLoadingIndicator() { GridPane grid = createGridPane(); ProgressIndicator loadingIndicator = new ProgressIndicator(); Label labelLoading = new Label("Waiting for login"); grid.add(loadingIndicator, 0, 0); grid.add(labelLoading, 0, 1); return grid; } private void buildDropboxUser() { User user = new User(); UserPreference preferences = UserPreference.getInstance(); preferences.readPreferences(user.username); preferenceUI.setUsername(user.username); systemManager.changeUser( user.username,, preferences.getContentPath(), preferences.getNumMatchingTextDisplay(), preferences.getClearCachesTimeInHours()); } private void buildDefaultUser() { UserPreference preferences = UserPreference.getInstance(); preferences.readPreferences(defaultUser); preferenceUI.setUsername(defaultUser); systemManager.reset(); } }
private void buildDefaultUser() { UserPreference preferences = UserPreference.getInstance(); preferences.readPreferences(defaultUser); preferenceUI.setUsername(defaultUser); systemManager.reset(); }