예제 #1
   * Generate IL expression for a top-level declaration sequence</br>
   * @see GenUtil.doGenModuleIL
   * @param ctx the context
   * @param isModule whether is is actually a module expression: true for the body of a module,
   *     false for the body of a script
   * @return the IL expression of a module
  public Expression generateModuleIL(GenContext ctx, boolean isModule) {
    Sequence seqWithBlocks = combine();

    TopLevelContext tlc = new TopLevelContext(ctx);
    Expression result = isModule ? tlc.getModuleExpression() : tlc.getExpression();

    /*Iterator<TypedAST> ai = seqWithBlocks.iterator();

    if (!ai.hasNext())
    	throw new RuntimeException("expected an expression in the list");

    Expression decl =  GenUtil.doGenModuleIL(ctx, ctx, ctx, ai, isModule);*/
    return result;