예제 #1
   * Initialises the TextFrame. Finds the equivalent Ontology class, creates the graph with it's
   * root, and then expands the Graph with information about the user, the date of deposit, and the
   * project.
   * @param type The type of resource we want to deposit
   * @param user User ID
   * @param projectID Project ID, may be null
   * @param userInfo SemanticGraphTransformer containing all information about this user in the
   *     archive
   * @param r Ontology
   * @param query True if this is the querying module, and we need a QueryGraph
   * @throws OntologyInputException if there was an error extracting information from the archive
  public TextFrame(
      String type,
      String user,
      String projectID,
      SemanticGraphTransformer userInfo,
      OntologyReader r,
      boolean query)
      throws OntologyInputException {
    super(userInfo, r);
    if (query) // if it's a query, we don't need to include the user info
    setGraph(new QueryGraph(user));
    reader = r;
    doctype = type;
    OntClass c = r.getClass(type);
    if (c == null) throw new OntologyInputException("Class " + type + " not in ontology");

    SGNode userNode =
        getGraph().getRoot(); // store old root, because we need to pass it to AutomaticGenerator
    SGNode root = new SGNode(type);
    if (query) root = new QueryNode(type);

    if (!query) AutomaticGenerator.expandGraph(this, userNode, projectID);
예제 #2
   * Initialises the TextFrame of a query. Finds the equivalent Ontology class, creates the graph
   * with it's root, and then expands the Graph with information about the user and the date of
   * deposit.
   * @param type Te type of resource we want to find.
   * @param user User ID
   * @param r Ontology
   * @throws OntologyInputException if there was an error extracting information from the archive
  public TextFrame(String type, String user, OntologyReader r) throws OntologyInputException {
    super(new QueryGraph(user), r);
    reader = r;
    doctype = type;
    OntClass c = r.getClass(type);
    if (c == null) throw new OntologyInputException("Class " + type + " not in ontology");

    SGNode userNode =
        getGraph().getRoot(); // store old root, because we need to pass it to AutomaticGenerator
    SGNode root = new QueryNode(type);