예제 #1
   * Set the model to use
   * @param model the model to use
   * @param modelHeader the header of the training data used to train the model
   * @param dataHeader the header of the incoming data
   * @throws DistributedWekaException if more than 50% of the attributes expected by the model are
   *     missing or have a type mismatch with the incoming data
  public void setModel(Object model, Instances modelHeader, Instances dataHeader)
      throws DistributedWekaException {


    if (dataHeader == null || modelHeader == null) {
      throw new DistributedWekaException(
          "Can't continue without a header for the model and incoming data");
    try {
      m_isUsingStringAttributes = modelHeader.checkForStringAttributes();
      m_model = ScoringModel.createScorer(model);

      if (modelHeader != null) {

      if (m_model.isBatchPredicor()) {
        m_batchScoringData = new Instances(modelHeader, 0);
        Environment env = Environment.getSystemWide();
        String batchSize = ((BatchPredictor) model).getBatchSize();
        if (!DistributedJobConfig.isEmpty(batchSize)) {
          m_batchSize = Integer.parseInt(env.substitute(batchSize));
        } else {
          m_batchSize = 1000;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new DistributedWekaException(ex);

    buildAttributeMap(modelHeader, dataHeader);
예제 #2
   * Generates a clusterer. Has to initialize all fields of the clusterer that are not being set via
   * options.
   * @param data set of instances serving as training data
   * @exception Exception if the clusterer has not been generated successfully
  public void buildClusterer(Instances data) throws Exception {

    // long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (data.checkForStringAttributes()) {
      throw new Exception("Can't handle string attributes!");

    m_ReplaceMissingFilter = new ReplaceMissingValues();
    m_instances = Filter.useFilter(data, m_ReplaceMissingFilter);


    m_ClusterCentroids = new Instances(m_instances, m_NumClusters);

    int n = m_instances.numInstances();
    Random r = new Random(m_Seed);
    boolean[] selected = new boolean[n];
    double[] minDistance = new double[n];

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) minDistance[i] = Double.MAX_VALUE;

    int firstI = r.nextInt(n);
    selected[firstI] = true;

    updateMinDistance(minDistance, selected, m_instances, m_instances.instance(firstI));

    if (m_NumClusters > n) m_NumClusters = n;

    for (int i = 1; i < m_NumClusters; i++) {
      int nextI = farthestAway(minDistance, selected);
      selected[nextI] = true;
      updateMinDistance(minDistance, selected, m_instances, m_instances.instance(nextI));

    m_instances = new Instances(m_instances, 0);
    // long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // System.out.println("Clustering Time = " + (end-start));
예제 #3
   * Build Decorate classifier
   * @param data the training data to be used for generating the classifier
   * @exception Exception if the classifier could not be built successfully
  public void buildClassifier(Instances data) throws Exception {
    if (m_Classifier == null) {
      throw new Exception("A base classifier has not been specified!");
    if (data.checkForStringAttributes()) {
      throw new UnsupportedAttributeTypeException("Cannot handle string attributes!");
    if (data.classAttribute().isNumeric()) {
      throw new UnsupportedClassTypeException("Decorate can't handle a numeric class!");
    if (m_NumIterations < m_DesiredSize)
      throw new Exception("Max number of iterations must be >= desired ensemble size!");

    // initialize random number generator
    if (m_Seed == -1) m_Random = new Random();
    else m_Random = new Random(m_Seed);

    int i = 1; // current committee size
    int numTrials = 1; // number of Decorate iterations
    Instances divData = new Instances(data); // local copy of data - diversity data
    Instances artData = null; // artificial data

    // compute number of artficial instances to add at each iteration
    int artSize = (int) (Math.abs(m_ArtSize) * divData.numInstances());
    if (artSize == 0) artSize = 1; // atleast add one random example
    computeStats(data); // Compute training data stats for creating artificial examples

    // initialize new committee
    m_Committee = new Vector();
    Classifier newClassifier = m_Classifier;
    double eComm = computeError(divData); // compute ensemble error
    if (m_Debug)
          "Initialize:\tClassifier " + i + " added to ensemble. Ensemble error = " + eComm);

    // repeat till desired committee size is reached OR the max number of iterations is exceeded
    while (i < m_DesiredSize && numTrials < m_NumIterations) {
      // Generate artificial training examples
      artData = generateArtificialData(artSize, data);

      // Label artificial examples
      addInstances(divData, artData); // Add new artificial data

      // Build new classifier
      Classifier tmp[] = Classifier.makeCopies(m_Classifier, 1);
      newClassifier = tmp[0];
      // Remove all the artificial data
      removeInstances(divData, artSize);

      // Test if the new classifier should be added to the ensemble
      m_Committee.add(newClassifier); // add new classifier to current committee
      double currError = computeError(divData);
      if (currError <= eComm) { // adding the new member did not increase the error
        eComm = currError;
        if (m_Debug)
              "Iteration: "
                  + (1 + numTrials)
                  + "\tClassifier "
                  + i
                  + " added to ensemble. Ensemble error = "
                  + eComm);
      } else { // reject the current classifier because it increased the ensemble error
        m_Committee.removeElementAt(m_Committee.size() - 1); // pop the last member
예제 #4
   * Method that generates all large itemsets with a minimum support, and from these all association
   * rules.
   * @param instances the instances to be used for generating the associations
   * @exception Exception if rules can't be built successfully
  public void buildAssociations(Instances instances) throws Exception {

    int temp = m_premiseCount, exactNumber = m_numRules - 5;

    if (instances.checkForStringAttributes()) {
      throw new Exception("Can't handle string attributes!");
    m_instances = instances;
    m_instances.setClassIndex(m_instances.numAttributes() - 1);

    // prior estimation
    m_priorEstimator = new PriorEstimation(m_instances, m_numRandRules, m_numIntervals, false);
    m_priors = m_priorEstimator.estimatePrior();
    m_midPoints = m_priorEstimator.getMidPoints();

    m_Ls = new FastVector();
    m_hashtables = new FastVector();

    for (int i = 1; i < m_instances.numAttributes(); i++) {
      m_bestChanged = false;

      // find large item sets

      // find association rules (rule generation procedure)

      if (m_bestChanged) {
        temp = m_premiseCount;
        while (RuleGeneration.expectation(m_premiseCount, m_premiseCount, m_midPoints, m_priors)
            <= m_expectation) {
          if (m_premiseCount > m_instances.numInstances()) break;
      if (m_premiseCount > m_instances.numInstances()) {

        // Reserve space for variables
        m_allTheRules = new FastVector[3];
        m_allTheRules[0] = new FastVector();
        m_allTheRules[1] = new FastVector();
        m_allTheRules[2] = new FastVector();

        int k = 0;
        while (m_best.size() > 0 && exactNumber > 0) {
          m_allTheRules[0].insertElementAt((ItemSet) ((RuleItem) m_best.last()).premise(), k);
          m_allTheRules[1].insertElementAt((ItemSet) ((RuleItem) m_best.last()).consequence(), k);
          m_allTheRules[2].insertElementAt(new Double(((RuleItem) m_best.last()).accuracy()), k);
          boolean remove = m_best.remove(m_best.last());

      if (temp != m_premiseCount && m_Ls.size() > 0) {
        FastVector kSets = (FastVector) m_Ls.lastElement();
        m_Ls.removeElementAt(m_Ls.size() - 1);
        kSets = ItemSet.deleteItemSets(kSets, m_premiseCount, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    // Reserve space for variables
    m_allTheRules = new FastVector[3];
    m_allTheRules[0] = new FastVector();
    m_allTheRules[1] = new FastVector();
    m_allTheRules[2] = new FastVector();

    int k = 0;
    while (m_best.size() > 0 && exactNumber > 0) {
      m_allTheRules[0].insertElementAt((ItemSet) ((RuleItem) m_best.last()).premise(), k);
      m_allTheRules[1].insertElementAt((ItemSet) ((RuleItem) m_best.last()).consequence(), k);
      m_allTheRules[2].insertElementAt(new Double(((RuleItem) m_best.last()).accuracy()), k);
      boolean remove = m_best.remove(m_best.last());
예제 #5
   * Carry out the bias-variance decomposition
   * @throws Exception if the decomposition couldn't be carried out
  public void decompose() throws Exception {

    Reader dataReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(m_DataFileName));
    Instances data = new Instances(dataReader);

    if (m_ClassIndex < 0) {
      data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes() - 1);
    } else {
    if (data.classAttribute().type() != Attribute.NOMINAL) {
      throw new Exception("Class attribute must be nominal");
    int numClasses = data.numClasses();

    if (data.checkForStringAttributes()) {
      throw new Exception("Can't handle string attributes!");

    if (data.numInstances() < 2 * m_TrainPoolSize) {
      throw new Exception(
          "The dataset must contain at least " + (2 * m_TrainPoolSize) + " instances");
    Random random = new Random(m_Seed);
    Instances trainPool = new Instances(data, 0, m_TrainPoolSize);
    Instances test = new Instances(data, m_TrainPoolSize, data.numInstances() - m_TrainPoolSize);
    int numTest = test.numInstances();
    double[][] instanceProbs = new double[numTest][numClasses];

    m_Error = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_TrainIterations; i++) {
      if (m_Debug) {
        System.err.println("Iteration " + (i + 1));
      Instances train = new Instances(trainPool, 0, m_TrainPoolSize / 2);

      Classifier current = AbstractClassifier.makeCopy(m_Classifier);

      //// Evaluate the classifier on test, updating BVD stats
      for (int j = 0; j < numTest; j++) {
        int pred = (int) current.classifyInstance(test.instance(j));
        if (pred != test.instance(j).classValue()) {
    m_Error /= (m_TrainIterations * numTest);

    // Average the BV over each instance in test.
    m_Bias = 0;
    m_Variance = 0;
    m_Sigma = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < numTest; i++) {
      Instance current = test.instance(i);
      double[] predProbs = instanceProbs[i];
      double pActual, pPred;
      double bsum = 0, vsum = 0, ssum = 0;
      for (int j = 0; j < numClasses; j++) {
        pActual = (current.classValue() == j) ? 1 : 0; // Or via 1NN from test data?
        pPred = predProbs[j] / m_TrainIterations;
        bsum +=
            (pActual - pPred) * (pActual - pPred) - pPred * (1 - pPred) / (m_TrainIterations - 1);
        vsum += pPred * pPred;
        ssum += pActual * pActual;
      m_Bias += bsum;
      m_Variance += (1 - vsum);
      m_Sigma += (1 - ssum);
    m_Bias /= (2 * numTest);
    m_Variance /= (2 * numTest);
    m_Sigma /= (2 * numTest);

    if (m_Debug) {
      System.err.println("Decomposition finished");