public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { OptionParser parser = new OptionParser(); parser .accepts("client-zone-id", "client zone id for zone routing") .withRequiredArg() .describedAs("zone-id") .ofType(Integer.class); OptionSet options = parser.parse(args); List<String> nonOptions = options.nonOptionArguments(); if (nonOptions.size() < 2 || nonOptions.size() > 3) { System.err.println( "Usage: java VoldemortClientShell store_name bootstrap_url [command_file] [options]"); parser.printHelpOn(System.err); System.exit(-1); } String storeName = nonOptions.get(0); String bootstrapUrl = nonOptions.get(1); String commandsFileName = ""; BufferedReader fileReader = null; BufferedReader inputReader = null; try { if (nonOptions.size() == 3) { commandsFileName = nonOptions.get(2); fileReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(commandsFileName)); } inputReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; } catch (IOException e) { Utils.croak("Failure to open input stream: " + e.getMessage()); } ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig() .setBootstrapUrls(bootstrapUrl) .setRequestFormatType(RequestFormatType.VOLDEMORT_V3); if (options.has("client-zone-id")) { clientConfig.setClientZoneId((Integer) options.valueOf("client-zone-id")); } StoreClientFactory factory = new SocketStoreClientFactory(clientConfig); try { client = (DefaultStoreClient<Object, Object>) factory.getStoreClient(storeName); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.croak("Could not connect to server: " + e.getMessage()); } System.out.println("Established connection to " + storeName + " via " + bootstrapUrl); System.out.print(PROMPT); if (fileReader != null) { processCommands(factory, fileReader, true); fileReader.close(); } processCommands(factory, inputReader, false); }
public static void main(String[] args) { String bootstrapUrl = "tcp://localhost:6666"; StoreClientFactory factory = new SocketStoreClientFactory(new ClientConfig().setBootstrapUrls(bootstrapUrl)); // create a client that executes operations on a single store StoreClient store = factory.getStoreClient("kevoree"); store.put("pompier1", "capteurs"); Versioned<String> data = store.get("pompier1"); System.out.println(data.getValue() + " " + data.getVersion()); store.delete("pompier1", data.getVersion()); }
public long multiWrite(int count, String keyRoot) { StoreClient<String, Doc> client = _factory.getStoreClient("test"); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Doc d = new Doc("name", "geir"); d.add("x", 1); Versioned<Doc> v = new Versioned<Doc>(d); client.put(keyRoot + i, v); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); return end - start; }
public void simple() { StoreClient<String, Doc> client = _factory.getStoreClient("test"); Versioned<Doc> v = client.get("key"); if (v == null) { Doc d = new Doc("name", "geir"); d.add("x", 1); v = new Versioned<Doc>(d); } // update the value client.put("key", v); v = client.get("key"); System.out.println("value : " + v.getValue()); System.out.println("clock : " + v.getVersion()); }
public long multiRead(int count, String keyRoot) { StoreClient<String, Doc> client = _factory.getStoreClient("test"); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); int found = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Versioned<Doc> v = client.get(keyRoot + i); if (v != null) { found++; } } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Found : " + found); return end - start; }
public static void main(String[] args) { /* */ String bootstrapUrl = "tcp://localhost:6666"; StoreClientFactory factory = new SocketStoreClientFactory(new ClientConfig().setBootstrapUrls(bootstrapUrl)); String bootstrapUrl2 = "tcp://localhost:6667"; StoreClientFactory factory2 = new SocketStoreClientFactory(new ClientConfig().setBootstrapUrls(bootstrapUrl2)); String bootstrapUrl3 = "tcp://localhost:6668"; StoreClientFactory factory3 = new SocketStoreClientFactory(new ClientConfig().setBootstrapUrls(bootstrapUrl3)); // create a client that executes operations on a single store StoreClient client = factory.getStoreClient("kevoree"); StoreClient client2 = factory2.getStoreClient("kevoree"); StoreClient client3 = factory3.getStoreClient("kevoree"); /* AdminClientConfig config = new AdminClientConfig(); AdminClient t2 = new AdminClient(bootstrapUrl,config); Cluster current = t2.getAdminClientCluster(); System.out.println("Number of node "+current.getNodes().size()); Node newNode = new Node(11,"localhost",8081,6666,9000, new ArrayList<Integer>()); List<Node> nodes = Lists.newArrayList(); Cluster newCluster = new Cluster(current.getName(),nodes,Lists.newArrayList(current.getZones())); Cluster generatedCluster = RebalanceUtils.getClusterWithNewNodes(current, newCluster); RebalanceClientConfig config2 = new RebalanceClientConfig(); config2.setMaxParallelRebalancing(1); config2.setDeleteAfterRebalancingEnabled(false); config2.setEnableShowPlan(false); config2.setMaxTriesRebalancing(100); config2.setRebalancingClientTimeoutSeconds(500); config2.setPrimaryPartitionBatchSize(1000); config2.setStealerBasedRebalancing(false); RebalanceController rebalanceController = new RebalanceController(bootstrapUrl, config2); rebalanceController.rebalance(generatedCluster); rebalanceController.stop(); AdminClient t3 = new AdminClient(bootstrapUrl,config); Cluster current3 = t2.getAdminClientCluster(); System.out.println("Number of node "+current3.getNodes().size()); */ client2.put("pompier1", "jed2"); List<Node> t = client2.getResponsibleNodes("id2"); System.out.println(t); factory.close(); factory2.close(); factory3.close(); // System.out.println(client.get("some_key")); }
private static void processCommands( StoreClientFactory factory, BufferedReader reader, boolean printCommands) throws IOException { for (String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine()) { if (line.trim().equals("")) continue; if (printCommands) System.out.println(line); try { if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("put")) { JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader(new StringReader(line.substring("put".length()))); Object key = tightenNumericTypes(; Object value = tightenNumericTypes(; if (jsonReader.hasMore()) client.put(key, value, tightenNumericTypes(; else client.put(key, value); } else if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("getall")) { JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader(new StringReader(line.substring("getall".length()))); List<Object> keys = new ArrayList<Object>(); try { while (true) keys.add(; } catch (EndOfFileException e) { // this is okay, just means we are done reading } Map<Object, Versioned<Object>> vals = client.getAll(keys); if (vals.size() > 0) { for (Map.Entry<Object, Versioned<Object>> entry : vals.entrySet()) { System.out.print(entry.getKey()); System.out.print(" => "); printVersioned(entry.getValue()); } } else { System.out.println("null"); } } else if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("get")) { JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader(new StringReader(line.substring("get".length()))); Object key = tightenNumericTypes(; if (jsonReader.hasMore()) printVersioned(client.get(key, tightenNumericTypes(; else printVersioned(client.get(key)); } else if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("delete")) { JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader(new StringReader(line.substring("delete".length()))); client.delete(tightenNumericTypes(; } else if (line.startsWith("preflist")) { JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader(new StringReader(line.substring("preflist".length()))); Object key = tightenNumericTypes(; printNodeList(client.getResponsibleNodes(key), factory.getFailureDetector()); } else if (line.startsWith("help")) { System.out.println("Commands:"); System.out.println("put key value -- Associate the given value with the key."); System.out.println("get key -- Retrieve the value associated with the key."); System.out.println("getall key -- Retrieve the value(s) associated with the key."); System.out.println("delete key -- Remove all values associated with the key."); System.out.println("preflist key -- Get node preference list for given key."); System.out.println("help -- Print this message."); System.out.println("exit -- Exit from this shell."); System.out.println(); } else if (line.startsWith("quit") || line.startsWith("exit")) { System.out.println("k k thx bye."); System.exit(0); } else { System.err.println("Invalid command."); } } catch (EndOfFileException e) { System.err.println("Expected additional token."); } catch (SerializationException e) { System.err.print("Error serializing values: "); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (VoldemortException e) { System.err.println("Exception thrown during operation."); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.err.println("Invalid command."); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Unexpected error:"); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } System.out.print(PROMPT); } }