public void updateStatsSubmitUI() { File explist = new File(m_curSQExp + "/EXPLIST"); File enterSQ = new File(m_curSQExp + "/tmpstudy/enterSQ"); Map<String, String> titleToIdMap = getTitleToIdMap(explist, enterSQ); String curSampleDir = getDataDir(m_autodir); File acqlist = new File(m_archiveDir + "/" + curSampleDir + "/dirinfo/macdir/ACQlist"); Map<String, String> expStats = getExpStats(acqlist); Set<String> titles = titleToIdMap.keySet(); for (String title : titles) { String node = titleToIdMap.get(title); String status = expStats.get(title); if (status == null) { status = SQ_READY; } else if (status.equals(SQ_ACTIVE)) { status = SQ_EXECUTING; } m_studyQueue.processCommand(SET + " " + node + " " + ATTR_STATUS + " " + status); } // Set the parent title to show the current sample number // m_studyQueue.processCommand(SET + " tmpstudy " + ATTR_TITLE // + " \"Sample " + m_sampleNumber + "\""); // m_studyQueue.processCommand(SET + " tmpstudy " + ATTR_TOOLTEXT // + " \"\""); }
public void updateStatsMoreUI() { List<String> stats = null; String curSampleDir = getDataDir(m_autodir); File acqlist = new File(m_archiveDir + "/" + curSampleDir + "/dirinfo/macdir/ACQlist"); stats = getStatList(acqlist); File enterSQ = new File(m_curSQExp + "/tmpstudy/enterSQ"); List<String> nodes = getNodeList(enterSQ); int len = nodes.size(); int statsLen = stats.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { String node = nodes.get(i); String status = i < statsLen ? stats.get(i) : SQ_READY; if (status.equals(SQ_ACTIVE)) { status = SQ_EXECUTING; } m_studyQueue.processCommand(SET + " " + node + " " + ATTR_STATUS + " " + status); } }