예제 #1
  * Puts a GUI file-selection dialog box on the screen in which the user can select an input file.
  * If the user cancels the dialog instead of selecting a file, it is not considered an error, but
  * the return value of the subroutine is false. If the user does select a file, but there is an
  * error while trying to open the file, then an exception of type IllegalArgumentException is
  * thrown. Finally, if the user selects a file and it is successfully opened, then the return
  * value of the subroutine is true, and the input routines will read from the file, instead of
  * from standard input. If the user cancels, or if any error occurs, then the previous input
  * source is not changed.
  * <p>NOTE: Calling this method starts a GUI user interface thread, which can continue to run even
  * if the thread that runs the main program ends. If you use this method in a non-GUI program, it
  * might be necessary to call System.exit(0) at the end of the main() routine to shut down the
  * Java virtual machine completely.
 public static boolean readUserSelectedFile() {
   if (fileDialog == null) fileDialog = new JFileChooser();
   fileDialog.setDialogTitle("Select File for Input");
   int option = fileDialog.showOpenDialog(null);
   if (option != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) return false;
   File selectedFile = fileDialog.getSelectedFile();
   BufferedReader newin;
   try {
     newin = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(selectedFile));
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "Can't open file \"" + selectedFile.getName() + "\" for input.\n" + "(Error :" + e + ")");
   if (!readingStandardInput) { // close current file
     try {
     } catch (Exception e) {
   emptyBuffer(); // Added November 2007
   in = newin;
   inputFileName = selectedFile.getName();
   readingStandardInput = false;
   inputErrorCount = 0;
   return true;
예제 #2
  * After this method is called, input will be read from inputStream, provided it is non-null. If
  * inputStream is null, then this method has the same effect as calling readStandardInput(); that
  * is, future input will come from the standard input stream.
 public static void readStream(Reader inputStream) {
   if (inputStream == null) readStandardInput();
   else {
     if (inputStream instanceof BufferedReader) in = (BufferedReader) inputStream;
     else in = new BufferedReader(inputStream);
     emptyBuffer(); // Added November 2007
     inputFileName = null;
     readingStandardInput = false;
     inputErrorCount = 0;
예제 #3
  * After this method is called, input will be read from standard input (as it is in the default
  * state). If a file or stream was previously the input source, that file or stream is closed.
 public static void readStandardInput() {
   if (readingStandardInput) return;
   try {
   } catch (Exception e) {
   emptyBuffer(); // Added November 2007
   in = standardInput;
   inputFileName = null;
   readingStandardInput = true;
   inputErrorCount = 0;
예제 #4
  * Opens a file with a specified name for input. If the file name is null, this has the same
  * effect as calling readStandardInput(); that is, input will be read from standard input. If an
  * error occurs while trying to open the file, an exception of type IllegalArgumentException is
  * thrown, and the input source is not changed. If the file is opened successfully, then after
  * this method is called, all of the input routines will read from the file, instead of from
  * standard input.
 public static void readFile(String fileName) {
   if (fileName == null) // Go back to reading standard input
   else {
     BufferedReader newin;
     try {
       newin = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
     } catch (Exception e) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException(
           "Can't open file \"" + fileName + "\" for input.\n" + "(Error :" + e + ")");
     if (!readingStandardInput) { // close current input stream
       try {
       } catch (Exception e) {
     emptyBuffer(); // Added November 2007
     in = newin;
     readingStandardInput = false;
     inputErrorCount = 0;
     inputFileName = fileName;
예제 #5
  * Skips whitespace characters and then reads one "word" from input, discarding the rest of the
  * current line of input (including the next end-of-line character, if any). A word is defined as
  * a sequence of non-whitespace characters (not just letters!). When using standard IO, this will
  * not produce an error. In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if an
  * end-of-file is encountered.
 public static String getlnWord() {
   String x = getWord();
   return x;
예제 #6
  * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type boolean from input, discarding the
  * rest of the current line of input (including the next end-of-line character, if any). When
  * using standard IO, this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for
  * input until a legal value is input. In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown
  * if a legal value is not found.
  * <p>Legal inputs for a boolean input are: true, t, yes, y, 1, false, f, no, n, and 0; letters
  * can be either upper case or lower case. One "word" of input is read, using the getWord()
  * method, and it must be one of these; note that the "word" must be terminated by a whitespace
  * character (or end-of-file).
 public static boolean getlnBoolean() {
   boolean x = getBoolean();
   return x;
예제 #7
  * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type char from input, discarding the rest
  * of the current line of input (including the next end-of-line character, if any). Note that the
  * value that is returned will be a non-whitespace character; compare this with the getAnyChar()
  * method. When using standard IO, this will not produce an error. In other cases, an error can
  * occur if an end-of-file is encountered.
 public static char getlnChar() {
   char x = getChar();
   return x;
예제 #8
  * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type double from input, discarding the
  * rest of the current line of input (including the next end-of-line character, if any). When
  * using standard IO, this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for
  * input until a legal value is input. In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown
  * if a legal value is not found.
 public static double getlnDouble() {
   double x = getDouble();
   return x;
예제 #9
  * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type float from input, discarding the
  * rest of the current line of input (including the next end-of-line character, if any). When
  * using standard IO, this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for
  * input until a legal value is input. In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown
  * if a legal value is not found.
 public static float getlnFloat() {
   float x = getFloat();
   return x;
예제 #10
  * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type long from input, discarding the rest
  * of the current line of input (including the next end-of-line character, if any). When using
  * standard IO, this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for input
  * until a legal value is input. In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a
  * legal value is not found.
 public static long getlnLong() {
   long x = getLong();
   return x;
예제 #11
  * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type int from input, discarding the rest
  * of the current line of input (including the next end-of-line character, if any). When using
  * standard IO, this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for input
  * until a legal value is input. In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a
  * legal value is not found.
 public static int getlnInt() {
   int x = getInt();
   return x;
예제 #12
  * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type short from input, discarding the
  * rest of the current line of input (including the next end-of-line character, if any). When
  * using standard IO, this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for
  * input until a legal value is input. In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown
  * if a legal value is not found.
 public static short getlnShort() {
   short x = getShort();
   return x;
예제 #13
  * Skips whitespace characters and then reads a value of type byte from input, discarding the rest
  * of the current line of input (including the next end-of-line character, if any). When using
  * standard IO, this will not produce an error; the user will be prompted repeatedly for input
  * until a legal value is input. In other cases, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a
  * legal value is not found.
 public static byte getlnByte() {
   byte x = getByte();
   return x;