public void type_stat() throws Exception { String sql = "select count(*) AS count, AS type from tag t, repo_tag rt where = rt.tag_id group by type;"; Connection connection = MysqlInfo.getMysqlConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(); Map<String, Integer> maps = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); while ( { String type = resultSet.getString("type"); int count = resultSet.getInt("count"); if (type.length() <= 5) { maps.put(type, count); } } String insertSql = "replace into type_stat values(?,?)"; connection.setAutoCommit(false); stmt = connection.prepareStatement(insertSql); Set<String> keys = maps.keySet(); for (String key : keys) { stmt.setString(1, key); stmt.setInt(2, maps.get(key)); stmt.execute(); } connection.commit(); }
public void year_stat() throws Exception { String sql = "select count(*) AS count, substr(create_time,1,4) AS year from repotest group by year;"; Connection connection = MysqlInfo.getMysqlConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(); Map<Integer, Integer> maps = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); while ( { int year = Integer.parseInt(resultSet.getString("year")); int count = resultSet.getInt("count"); maps.put(year, count); } String insertSql = "replace into year_stat values(?,?)"; connection.setAutoCommit(false); stmt = connection.prepareStatement(insertSql); Set<Integer> keys = maps.keySet(); for (Integer key : keys) { stmt.setInt(1, key); stmt.setInt(2, maps.get(key)); stmt.execute(); } connection.commit(); }
public void language_stat() throws Exception { String sql = "select count(*) AS count, language from language group by language order by count desc;"; Connection connection = MysqlInfo.getMysqlConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(); Map<String, Integer> maps = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); int others = 0; while ( { String language = resultSet.getString("language"); int count = resultSet.getInt("count"); if (languages.contains(language)) { maps.put(language, count); } else { others += count; } } maps.put("others", others); String insertSql = "replace into language_stat values(?,?)"; connection.setAutoCommit(false); stmt = connection.prepareStatement(insertSql); Set<String> keys = maps.keySet(); for (String key : keys) { stmt.setString(1, key); stmt.setInt(2, maps.get(key)); stmt.execute(); } connection.commit(); }
public void getIssueAndPull() throws Exception { MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(MongoInfo.getMongoServerIp(), 27017); MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("ghcrawlerV3"); FindIterable<Document> issueIterable = database.getCollection("issueandpull").find(); Connection connection = MysqlInfo.getMysqlConnection(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); String sql = "update repotest set open_issues = ?,closed_issues = ?,open_pull=?,closed_pull=? where full_name = ?"; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); for (Document document : issueIterable) { String json = document.toJson(); JsonObject repoIssue = parser.parse(json).getAsJsonObject(); int openIssue = repoIssue.get("openissue").getAsInt(); int closedIssue = repoIssue.get("closedissue").getAsInt(); int openPull = repoIssue.get("openpull").getAsInt(); int closedPull = repoIssue.get("closedpull").getAsInt(); String repoName = repoIssue.get("fn").getAsString(); System.out.println(repoName); stmt.setInt(1, openIssue); stmt.setInt(2, closedIssue); stmt.setInt(3, openPull); stmt.setInt(4, closedPull); stmt.setString(5, repoName); stmt.execute(); } connection.commit(); connection.close(); mongoClient.close(); }
public void updateScore() throws Exception { Connection connection = MysqlInfo.getMysqlConnection(); String sql = "select * from repotest"; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); while ( { int repo_id = resultSet.getInt("id"); int hot = resultSet.getInt("hot"); int mature = resultSet.getInt("mature"); int popular = resultSet.getInt("popular"); int nb = resultSet.getInt("nb"); int contributor = (int) Math.min(10, Math.log10(resultSet.getInt("contributor")) * 2.5); int size = (int) Math.min(10, Math.log10(resultSet.getInt("size")) * 2.5); int update = 10; int release = 10; int total = (hot + mature + popular + nb + contributor + size + update + release) / 8; String insertSql = "replace into reposcore values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; stmt = connection.prepareStatement(insertSql); stmt.setInt(1, repo_id); stmt.setInt(2, hot); stmt.setInt(3, mature); stmt.setInt(4, popular); stmt.setInt(5, nb); stmt.setInt(6, contributor); stmt.setInt(7, size); stmt.setInt(8, update); stmt.setInt(9, release); stmt.setInt(10, total); stmt.execute(); } connection.commit(); connection.close(); }
public void generateTag() throws Exception { String sql = "replace into tag(node_id,name,weight) values(?,?,?);"; Connection connection = MysqlInfo.getMysqlConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); char init = 'A' - 1; for (int i = 0; i <= 25; i++) { init++; String typeName = "type" + init; int node_id = i; char subInit = 'a' - 1; int weight = (int) (Math.random() * 10); stmt.setString(1, Integer.toString(node_id)); stmt.setString(2, typeName); stmt.setInt(3, weight); stmt.execute(); for (int j = 0; j <= 10; j++) { subInit++; String subType = typeName + subInit; String node = i + "." + j; weight = (int) (Math.random() * 10); stmt.setString(1, node); stmt.setString(2, subType); stmt.setInt(3, weight); stmt.execute(); } } stmt.close(); connection.close(); }
public void getCommitCount() throws Exception { MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(MongoInfo.getMongoServerIp(), 27017); MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("ghcrawlerV3"); FindIterable<Document> issueIterable = database.getCollection("commitnumber").find(); Connection connection = MysqlInfo.getMysqlConnection(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); for (Document document : issueIterable) { String json = document.toJson(); JsonObject repoJsonObject = parser.parse(json).getAsJsonObject(); int commit = repoJsonObject.get("commitnumber").getAsInt(); String full_name = repoJsonObject.get("fn").getAsString(); System.out.println(full_name); String sql = "update repotest set commit = ? where full_name = ?"; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, commit); stmt.setString(2, full_name); stmt.execute(); } connection.commit(); connection.close(); mongoClient.close(); }
public void getCollaborators() throws Exception { // get mysql connection Connection connection = MysqlInfo.getMysqlConnection(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); String conSql = "insert into collaborator(user_id,repo_id) values(?,?);"; PreparedStatement conStmt = connection.prepareStatement(conSql); String repoSql = "update repotest set collaborator = ? where id = ?"; PreparedStatement repoStmt = connection.prepareStatement(repoSql); // get repos from mongo MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(MongoInfo.getMongoServerIp(), 27017); MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("ghcrawlerV3"); FindIterable<Document> repoIterable = database.getCollection("repo").find(); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); Map<String, Integer> repoMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (Document document : repoIterable) { String json = document.toJson(); JsonObject repoJsonObject = parser.parse(json).getAsJsonObject(); int id = repoJsonObject.get("id").getAsInt(); String full_name = repoJsonObject.get("full_name").getAsString(); System.out.println(id); repoMap.put(full_name, id); } Map<Integer, Integer> collaboratorMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); FindIterable<Document> collaboratorIterable = database.getCollection("assignees").find(); for (Document document : collaboratorIterable) { String json = document.toJson(); JsonObject contriJsonObject = parser.parse(json).getAsJsonObject(); int id = contriJsonObject.get("id").getAsInt(); String repoName = contriJsonObject.get("fn").getAsString(); int repo_id = repoMap.get(repoName); conStmt.setInt(1, id); conStmt.setInt(2, repo_id); conStmt.execute(); if (collaboratorMap.containsKey(repo_id)) { collaboratorMap.put(repo_id, collaboratorMap.get(repo_id) + 1); } else { collaboratorMap.put(repo_id, 1); } } Set<Integer> keySet = collaboratorMap.keySet(); for (Integer repoId : keySet) { int contri_count = collaboratorMap.get(repoId); repoStmt.setInt(1, contri_count); repoStmt.setInt(2, repoId); repoStmt.execute(); } mongoClient.close(); connection.commit(); conStmt.close(); repoStmt.close(); connection.close(); }
public void ohno() throws Exception { String sql = "select * from word"; String insertSQL = "insert into tag(node_id,name,weight) values(?,?,?)"; Connection connection = MysqlInfo.getMysqlConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { String name = resultSet.getString("word"); int count = resultSet.getInt("count"); String node = "0"; PreparedStatement stmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(insertSQL); stmt2.setString(1, node); stmt2.setString(2, name); stmt2.setInt(3, count); stmt2.execute(); stmt2.close(); } stmt.close(); connection.close(); }
public void analyseContributors() throws Exception { Connection connection = MysqlInfo.getMysqlConnection(); String groupSql = "select repo_id,count(*) AS contributors from contribution group by `repo_id`;"; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(groupSql); ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); while ( { int repo_id = resultSet.getInt("repo_id"); int contributors = resultSet.getInt("contributors"); String sql = "update repotest set contributor = ? where id =?"; stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setInt(1, contributors); stmt.setInt(2, repo_id); stmt.execute(); } connection.commit(); stmt.close(); connection.close(); }
public void generateRepoTagStub() throws Exception { String sql = "select id from repotest"; Connection connection = MysqlInfo.getMysqlConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); String insertSql = "replace into repo_tag(repo_id,tag_id) values(?,?);"; stmt = connection.prepareStatement(insertSql); while ( { int repo_id = resultSet.getInt("id"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int random = (int) (Math.random() * 312); stmt.setInt(1, repo_id); stmt.setInt(2, random); stmt.execute(); } } connection.commit(); stmt.close(); connection.close(); }
public void addRepoTag() throws Exception { Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); Connection connection = MysqlInfo.getMysqlConnection(); String tagSQL = "select id,name from tag"; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(tagSQL); ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { String name = resultSet.getString("name"); int id = resultSet.getInt("id"); map.put(name, id); } resultSet.close(); Set<String> types = map.keySet(); String insertSQL = "insert into repo_tag(repo_id,tag_id) values(?,?)"; String sql = "select id,description from repotest"; stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet resultSet2 = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { int id = resultSet2.getInt("id"); String description = resultSet2.getString("description"); for (String type : types) { if (description.contains(type)) { PreparedStatement stmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(insertSQL); stmt2.setInt(1, id); stmt2.setInt(2, map.get(type)); stmt2.execute(); stmt2.close(); } } } resultSet2.close(); stmt.close(); connection.close(); }
public List<Event> getEvents(String full_name, String type) throws Exception { List<Event> events = new ArrayList<Event>(); Connection connection = MysqlInfo.getMysqlConnection(); String sql = "SELECT * FROM HistoryEvent WHERE full_name = ? and type = ?"; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, full_name); stmt.setString(2, type); ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { String timeString = resultSet.getString("time").substring(0, 19); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date time = sdf.parse(timeString); String person = resultSet.getString("person"); String action = resultSet.getString("action"); Event event = new Event(full_name, type, time, person, action); events.add(event); } resultSet.close(); stmt.close(); connection.close(); return events; }
public void analysisClasses() throws Exception { // Map<String,Integer> wordMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); // String sql = "select description from repotest"; // Connection connection = MysqlInfo.getMysqlConnection(); // PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); // ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(); // while ( { // String description = resultSet.getString("description"); // String[] items = description.split(" "); // for (String item : items) { // if(!wordMap.containsKey(item)){ // wordMap.put(item, 1); // }else{ // wordMap.put(item, wordMap.get(item)+1); // System.out.println(item+"---------------"); // } // } // } Mongo mongo = new Mongo(MongoInfo.getMongoServerIp(), 27017); DB db = mongo.getDB("ghcrawlerV3"); DBCollection repo = db.getCollection("repository"); DBCursor repos = repo.find(); repos.addOption(com.mongodb.Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT); HashMap<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); while (repos.hasNext()) { DBObject object =; if (object.get("description") != null) { // System.out.println(object.get("description").toString().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z'0-9]", " // ").replaceAll("\\s+", " ")); String description = object .get("description") .toString() .replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", " ") .replaceAll("\\s+", " "); for (int i = 0; i < description.split(" ").length; i++) { String word = description.split(" ")[i].toLowerCase(); if (map.containsKey(word)) { map.put(word, map.get(word) + 1); } else { map.put(word, 1); } } } } Connection connection = MysqlInfo.getMysqlConnection(); String sqlInsert = "replace into word values(?,?)"; Set<String> words = map.keySet(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); for (String word : words) { int count = map.get(word); if (count < 2) { continue; } PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sqlInsert); stmt.setString(1, word); stmt.setInt(2, count); stmt.execute(); stmt.close(); } connection.commit(); connection.close(); }
public void analyseLanguage() throws Exception { // get mysql connection Connection connection = MysqlInfo.getMysqlConnection(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); String lanSql = "insert into language(repo_id,language,count) values(?,?,?);"; PreparedStatement lanStmt = connection.prepareStatement(lanSql); String repoSql = "update repotest set language = ? where id = ?"; PreparedStatement repoStmt = connection.prepareStatement(repoSql); // get repos from mongo MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(MongoInfo.getMongoServerIp(), 27017); MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("ghcrawlerV3"); FindIterable<Document> repoIterable = database.getCollection("repo").find(); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); Map<String, Integer> repoMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (Document document : repoIterable) { String json = document.toJson(); JsonObject repoJsonObject = parser.parse(json).getAsJsonObject(); int id = repoJsonObject.get("id").getAsInt(); String full_name = repoJsonObject.get("full_name").getAsString(); System.out.println(id); repoMap.put(full_name, id); } Map<Integer, String> languageMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); // the most language line of each repo Map<Integer, Integer> lanNumMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); FindIterable<Document> collaboratorIterable = database.getCollection("languages").find(); for (Document document : collaboratorIterable) { String json = document.toJson(); String[] items = json.split(",")[1].split(":"); String language = items[0].trim().replaceAll("\"", ""); int num = Integer.parseInt(items[1].trim()); System.out.println(language + "\t" + num); JsonObject lanJsonObject = parser.parse(json).getAsJsonObject(); String repoName = lanJsonObject.get("fn").getAsString(); int repo_id = repoMap.get(repoName); if (lanNumMap.containsKey(repo_id)) { if (num >= lanNumMap.get(repo_id)) { languageMap.put(repo_id, language); lanNumMap.put(repo_id, num); } } else { languageMap.put(repo_id, language); lanNumMap.put(repo_id, num); } lanStmt.setInt(1, repo_id); lanStmt.setString(2, language); lanStmt.setInt(3, num); lanStmt.execute(); } Set<Integer> keySet = languageMap.keySet(); for (Integer repoId : keySet) { String language = languageMap.get(repoId); repoStmt.setString(1, language); repoStmt.setInt(2, repoId); repoStmt.execute(); } mongoClient.close(); connection.commit(); lanStmt.close(); repoStmt.close(); connection.close(); }
public void calculateRepoSimilarity() throws Exception { String sql = "select * from repo_tag order by repo_id,tag_id"; ArrayList<RepoTagPair> repoTagPairs = new ArrayList<RepoTagPair>(); Connection connection = MysqlInfo.getMysqlConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { int id = resultSet.getInt("id"); int repo_id = resultSet.getInt("repo_id"); int tag_id = resultSet.getInt("tag_id"); RepoTagPair repoTagPair = new RepoTagPair(); repoTagPair.setId(id); repoTagPair.setRepo_id(repo_id); repoTagPair.setTag_id(tag_id); repoTagPairs.add(repoTagPair); } Map<Integer, List<Integer>> repoTagMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>(); for (RepoTagPair repoTagPair : repoTagPairs) { if (!repoTagMap.containsKey(repoTagPair.getRepo_id())) { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); list.add(repoTagPair.getTag_id()); repoTagMap.put(repoTagPair.getRepo_id(), list); } else { List<Integer> list = repoTagMap.get(repoTagPair.getRepo_id()); list.add(repoTagPair.getTag_id()); } } // compare tags of different repos HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<RepoPairRelation>> matrix = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<RepoPairRelation>>(); Set<Integer> keySet = repoTagMap.keySet(); int c = 0; for (Integer integer : keySet) { List<Integer> values1 = repoTagMap.get(integer); matrix.put(integer, new ArrayList<RepoPairRelation>()); for (Integer integer2 : keySet) { RepoPairRelation repoPairRelation = new RepoPairRelation(integer, integer2, 0); int count = 0; List<Integer> values2 = repoTagMap.get(integer2); int index1 = 0, index2 = 0; while (index1 < values1.size() && index2 < values2.size()) { if (values1.get(index1).equals(values2.get(index2))) { count++; index1++; index2++; } else if (values1.get(index1) < values2.get(index2)) { index1++; } else { index2++; } } repoPairRelation.setRelation_score(count); matrix.get(integer).add(repoPairRelation); } } connection.setAutoCommit(false); keySet = matrix.keySet(); System.out.println("haha"); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("relate.txt", true); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); for (Integer id : keySet) { ArrayList<RepoPairRelation> relations = matrix.get(id); for (RepoPairRelation repoPairRelation : relations) { int repo_id = repoPairRelation.getRepo_id(); int relate_repo_id = repoPairRelation.getRepo_relate_id(); System.out.println(repo_id + " " + relate_repo_id); if (repo_id == relate_repo_id) { continue; } int similar = repoPairRelation.getRelation_score(); bw.write(repo_id + "\t" + relate_repo_id + "\t" + similar + "\n"); // String insertsql = "insert into repo_similar values(?,?,?)"; // stmt = connection.prepareStatement(insertsql); // stmt.setInt(1, repo_id); // stmt.setInt(2, relate_repo_id); // stmt.setInt(3, similar); // stmt.execute(); } } bw.flush(); bw.close(); fw.close(); connection.commit(); stmt.close(); connection.close(); }
/** * fetch the repo info from mongo to mysql * * @throws Exception */ public void getRepo() throws Exception { // fetch from mongo MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(MongoInfo.getMongoServerIp(), 27017); MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("ghcrawlerV3"); FindIterable<Document> repoIterable = database.getCollection("repository").find(); // get mysql connection Connection connection = MysqlInfo.getMysqlConnection(); // refresh update time String updateSql = "update updatetime set repo_update_time = ?"; PreparedStatement updateStmt = connection.prepareStatement(updateSql); Date time = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); updateStmt.setString(1, sdf.format(time)); updateStmt.execute(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); String sql = "replace into repotest(id,full_name,description,fork,owner_id,owner_name,owner_type,create_time,push_time,update_time,stargazers,subscribers,fork_num,size,hot,mature,popular,nb,gitclone_url,github_url,language) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"; // String sql = "replace into // repotest(id,full_name,description,fork,owner_id,owner_name,owner_type,create_time,push_time,update_time,stargazers,subscribers,fork_num,size,hot,mature,popular,nb) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); for (Document document : repoIterable) { String json = document.toJson(); JsonObject repoJsonObject = parser.parse(json).getAsJsonObject(); int id = repoJsonObject.get("id").getAsInt(); System.out.println(id); stmt.setInt(1, id); String full_Name = repoJsonObject.get("full_name").getAsString(); System.out.println(full_Name); stmt.setString(2, full_Name); String description = ""; if (repoJsonObject.has("description") && !repoJsonObject.get("description").isJsonNull()) { description = repoJsonObject.get("description").getAsString(); } stmt.setString(3, description); boolean fork = repoJsonObject.get("fork").getAsBoolean(); int forkNum = fork ? 1 : 0; stmt.setInt(4, forkNum); int owner_id = repoJsonObject.get("owner").getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsInt(); stmt.setInt(5, owner_id); String[] items = full_Name.split("/"); String owner_name = items[0]; stmt.setString(6, owner_name); String ownerType = repoJsonObject.get("owner").getAsJsonObject().get("type").getAsString(); int ot_num = 1; if (ownerType.equals("Organization")) { ot_num = 2; } stmt.setInt(7, ot_num); String createTime = repoJsonObject.get("created_at").getAsString(); stmt.setString(8, createTime); String pushTime = ""; if (repoJsonObject.has("pushed_at") && !repoJsonObject.get("pushed_at").isJsonNull()) { pushTime = repoJsonObject.get("pushed_at").getAsString(); } stmt.setString(9, pushTime); String updateTime = repoJsonObject.get("updated_at").getAsString(); stmt.setString(10, updateTime); int starCount = repoJsonObject.get("stargazers_count").getAsInt(); stmt.setInt(11, starCount); int subscriber = repoJsonObject.get("subscribers_count").getAsInt(); stmt.setInt(12, subscriber); int forksCount = repoJsonObject.get("forks_count").getAsInt(); stmt.setInt(13, forksCount); int size = repoJsonObject.get("size").getAsInt(); stmt.setInt(14, size); int hot = (int) (Math.log10(starCount) * 2.5); if (hot > 10) { hot = 10; } stmt.setInt(15, hot); int mature = (int) (Math.log10(forksCount) * 2.5); if (mature > 10) { mature = 10; } stmt.setInt(16, mature); int popular = (int) (Math.log10(subscriber) * 2.5); if (popular > 10) { popular = 10; } stmt.setInt(17, popular); int nb = (int) (Math.log10(size) * 2.5); if (nb > 10) { nb = 10; } stmt.setInt(18, nb); String gitclone_url = repoJsonObject.get("clone_url").getAsString(); stmt.setString(19, gitclone_url); String github_url = repoJsonObject.get("html_url").getAsString(); stmt.setString(20, github_url); String language = "unknown"; if (!repoJsonObject.get("language").isJsonNull()) { language = repoJsonObject.get("language").getAsString(); } stmt.setString(21, language); stmt.execute(); } connection.commit(); stmt.close(); connection.close(); mongoClient.close(); }