@Override public void run() { UIMaster master = UIMaster.getInstance(); ArrayList<ArchiveInfo> info = null; MasterMgrClient client = master.acquireMasterMgrClient(); long opID = master.beginDialogOp("Searching for Candidate Versions..."); master.setDialogOpCancelClient(opID, client); long monitorID = client.addMonitor(new DialogOpMonitor(opID)); try { info = client.archiveQuery(pPattern, pMaxArchives); } catch (PipelineException ex) { showErrorDialog(ex); } finally { master.endDialogOp(opID, "Archive Search Complete."); client.removeMonitor(monitorID); master.releaseMasterMgrClient(client); } UpdateTask task = new UpdateTask(info); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(task); }
/** * Get list of each asset to be replaced, and the shots it's in. * * @return * @throws PipelineException */ private boolean getShotsUsingAssets() throws PipelineException { ArrayList<ArchiveInfo> archive = mclient.archiveQuery(shotPattern, null); logLine("Looking for shots using lo-res assets."); for (ArchiveInfo curArc : archive) { String name = curArc.getName(); VersionID vid = curArc.getVersionID(); TreeSet<VersionID> allVers = mclient.getCheckedInVersionIDs(name); if (!vid.equals(allVers.last())) continue; NodeVersion ver = mclient.getCheckedInVersion(name, vid); Set<String> srcs = ver.getSourceNames(); for (String loResAsset : pAssetManager.keySet()) { if (srcs.contains(loResAsset)) { // TODO chec if latest. logLine("\t" + getShortName(loResAsset) + ": " + getShortName(name)); AssetInfo tempInfo = pAssetManager.get(loResAsset); if (!tempInfo.getLoHiResShots().containsKey(name)) tempInfo.getLoHiResShots().put(name, null); } // end if } // end for } // end for logLine("Looking for shots using hi-res assets"); /* - Populate lo-res */ for (ArchiveInfo curArc : archive) { String name = curArc.getName(); VersionID vid = curArc.getVersionID(); TreeSet<VersionID> allVers = mclient.getCheckedInVersionIDs(name); if (!vid.equals(allVers.last())) continue; NodeVersion ver = mclient.getCheckedInVersion(name, vid); Set<String> srcs = ver.getSourceNames(); for (String updateAsset : pAssetManager.keySet()) { String hiResAsset = updateAsset.replace(lr, ""); if (srcs.contains(hiResAsset)) { logLine("\t" + getShortName(hiResAsset) + ": " + getShortName(name)); AssetInfo tempInfo = pAssetManager.get(updateAsset); String loRes = tempInfo.getMatchingLoResShot(name); if (loRes == null) { logLine( "!!!\nWARNING:" + getShortName(hiResAsset) + " is used in the " + getShortName(name) + " node which has no matching lo-res model in an anim node." + " So it will not be changed\n!!!"); continue; } tempInfo.getLoHiResShots().put(loRes, name); } // end if } // end for } // end for(ArchiveInfo) logLine(""); for (String updateAsset : potentialUpdates) { TreeMap<String, String> shots = pAssetManager.get(updateAsset).getLoHiResShots(); if (shots.isEmpty()) { logLine(getShortName(updateAsset) + " is not used in any shots"); pAssetManager.remove(updateAsset); } for (String loRes : shots.keySet()) { if (shots.get(loRes) == null) logLine( getShortName(updateAsset) + " is in a hi-res shot, " + getShortName(loRes) + ", but doesn't have a matching hi-res" + "model in the lgt node."); } } if (pAssetManager.isEmpty()) return false; return true; } // end getShotsUsingAssets