/** Update the panel state. */ public void updatePanel() { UIMaster master = UIMaster.getInstance(); MasterMgrClient client = master.acquireMasterMgrClient(); try { pPrivilegeDetails = client.getPrivilegeDetails(); } catch (PipelineException ex) { showErrorDialog(ex); } finally { master.releaseMasterMgrClient(client); } updateButtons(); }
/** @return The path of a node */ private Path getNodePath(String nodeName) throws PipelineException { NodeID targetID = new NodeID(w.user, w.view, nodeName); NodeStatus targetStat = mclient.status(targetID); NodeMod targetMod = targetStat.getHeavyDetails().getWorkingVersion(); if (targetMod == null) throw new PipelineException( "No working version of the Target Scene Node (" + nodeName + ") exists " + "in the (" + w.view + ") working area owned by (" + PackageInfo.sUser + ")!"); Path targetPath; FileSeq fseq = targetMod.getPrimarySequence(); String suffix = fseq.getFilePattern().getSuffix(); if (!fseq.isSingle() || (suffix == null) || (!suffix.equals("ma") && !suffix.equals("mb"))) throw new PipelineException("The target node (" + nodeName + ") must be a maya scene!"); targetPath = new Path(PackageInfo.sProdPath, targetID.getWorkingParent() + "/" + fseq.getFile(0)); // System.err.println("$WORKING"+nodeName+"."+suffix); return targetPath; } // end getNodePath(String)
@Override public void run() { UIMaster master = UIMaster.getInstance(); if (master.beginPanelOp(pGroupID, "Reverting Files...")) { MasterMgrClient client = master.acquireMasterMgrClient(); try { client.revertFiles(pAuthor, pView, pStatus.getName(), pFiles); } catch (PipelineException ex) { master.showErrorDialog(ex); return; } finally { master.releaseMasterMgrClient(client); master.endPanelOp(pGroupID, "Done."); } updatePanels(); } }
@Override public void run() { UIMaster master = UIMaster.getInstance(); MasterMgrClient client = master.acquireMasterMgrClient(); try { MappedSet<String, VersionID> versions = pArchives.get(pIndex); String archiveName = null; String msg = ("Archiving Volume (" + (pIndex + 1) + " of " + pArchives.size() + ")..."); long opID = master.beginDialogOp(msg); master.setDialogOpCancelClient(opID, client); long monitorID = client.addMonitor(new DialogOpMonitor(opID)); try { archiveName = client.archive(pPrefix, versions, pArchiver, pToolset); } catch (PipelineException ex) { showErrorDialog( "Error:", ex.getMessage() + "\n\n" + "Archive operation aborted early without creating " + "(" + (pArchives.size() - pIndex) + " of " + pArchives.size() + ") archive " + "volumes!"); return; } finally { master.endDialogOp(opID, "Archived."); client.removeMonitor(monitorID); } SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new RemoveTask(versions)); ManualArchiveConfirmTask task = new ManualArchiveConfirmTask( pParent, archiveName, pIndex + 1, pPrefix, pArchives, pToolset, pArchiver); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(task); } finally { master.releaseMasterMgrClient(client); } }
@Override public void run() { UIMaster master = UIMaster.getInstance(); MasterMgrClient client = master.acquireMasterMgrClient(); long monitorID = -1L; try { DoubleMap<String, VersionID, Long> data = null; long opID = master.beginDialogOp("Calculating File Sizes..."); master.setDialogOpCancelClient(opID, client); monitorID = client.addMonitor(new DialogOpMonitor(opID)); try { data = client.getArchivedSizes(pVersions); } catch (PipelineException ex) { showErrorDialog(ex); } finally { master.endDialogOp(opID, "File Sizes Calculated."); } /* merge existing and new sizes */ if (data != null) { for (String name : pData.keySet()) { TreeMap<VersionID, Long> oversions = pData.get(name); TreeMap<VersionID, Long> versions = data.get(name); if (versions == null) { data.put(name, oversions); } else { for (VersionID vid : oversions.keySet()) { if (versions.get(vid) == null) versions.put(vid, oversions.get(vid)); } } } UpdateSizesTask task = new UpdateSizesTask(data); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(task); } } finally { client.removeMonitor(monitorID); master.releaseMasterMgrClient(client); } }
@Override public void run() { UIMaster master = UIMaster.getInstance(); ArrayList<ArchiveInfo> info = null; MasterMgrClient client = master.acquireMasterMgrClient(); long opID = master.beginDialogOp("Searching for Candidate Versions..."); master.setDialogOpCancelClient(opID, client); long monitorID = client.addMonitor(new DialogOpMonitor(opID)); try { info = client.archiveQuery(pPattern, pMaxArchives); } catch (PipelineException ex) { showErrorDialog(ex); } finally { master.endDialogOp(opID, "Archive Search Complete."); client.removeMonitor(monitorID); master.releaseMasterMgrClient(client); } UpdateTask task = new UpdateTask(info); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(task); }
@Override public void run() { UIMaster master = UIMaster.getInstance(); MasterMgrClient client = master.acquireMasterMgrClient(); try { DoubleMap<String, VersionID, Long> versionSizes = null; { long opID = master.beginDialogOp("Assigning Versions to Archives..."); long monitorID = client.addMonitor(new DialogOpMonitor(opID)); try { versionSizes = client.getArchivedSizes(pVersions); } catch (PipelineException ex) { showErrorDialog(ex); } finally { master.endDialogOp(opID, "Versions Assigned."); client.removeMonitor(monitorID); } } /* assign the maximum number of versions to each archive volume without exceeding its capacity */ TreeMap<Integer, MappedSet<String, VersionID>> archives = new TreeMap<Integer, MappedSet<String, VersionID>>(); if (versionSizes != null) { long capacity = pArchiver.getCapacity(); int idx = 0; long total = 0L; boolean done = false; DoubleMap<String, VersionID, Long> skippedVersionSizes = new DoubleMap<String, VersionID, Long>(); while (!done) { for (String name : versionSizes.keySet()) { for (VersionID vid : versionSizes.keySet(name)) { Long size = versionSizes.get(name, vid); if ((total + size) >= capacity) { /* the version is too big to fit by itself in a volume */ if (total == 0L) { showErrorDialog( "Error:", "The version (" + vid + ") of node (" + name + ") was larger than " + "the capacity of an entire archive volume! The capacity of the " + "archive volume must be increased to at least " + "(" + formatLong(size) + ") in order to archive this version."); return; } skippedVersionSizes.put(name, vid, size); } /* the version fits, add it to this volume */ else { MappedSet<String, VersionID> versions = archives.get(idx); if (versions == null) { versions = new MappedSet<String, VersionID>(); archives.put(idx, versions); } versions.put(name, vid); total += size; } } } /* some versions wouldn't fit in the current volume, create a new volume and try again... */ if (!skippedVersionSizes.isEmpty()) { idx++; total = 0L; versionSizes = skippedVersionSizes; skippedVersionSizes = new DoubleMap<String, VersionID, Long>(); } else { if (total < pMinSize) { if (idx == 0) { showErrorDialog( "Error:", "The total size (" + formatLong(total) + ") of all versions selected " + "for archiving was less than the minimum archive volume size " + "(" + formatLong(pMinSize) + ")! Either select enough versions to " + "meet this minimum size or specify a smaller minimum size to create " + "an archive volume."); return; } else { archives.remove(idx); } } break; } } } /* perform the archive operations */ if (!archives.isEmpty()) { if (pArchiver.isManual()) { ManualArchiveConfirmTask task = new ManualArchiveConfirmTask( pParent, null, 0, pPrefix, archives, pToolset, pArchiver); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(task); } else { long opID = master.beginDialogOp(); master.setDialogOpCancelClient(opID, client); long monitorID = client.addMonitor(new DialogOpMonitor(opID)); int lastIdx = 0; try { for (Integer idx : archives.keySet()) { master.updateDialogOp( opID, "Archiving Volume (" + (idx + 1) + " of " + archives.size() + ")..."); lastIdx = idx; client.archive(pPrefix, archives.get(idx), pArchiver, pToolset); } } catch (PipelineException ex) { showErrorDialog( "Error:", ex.getMessage() + "\n\n" + "Archive operation aborted early without creating " + "(" + (archives.size() - lastIdx) + " of " + archives.size() + ") archive " + "volumes!"); return; } finally { master.endDialogOp(opID, "Archived."); client.removeMonitor(monitorID); } RemoveAllTask task = new RemoveAllTask(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(task); } // else } // if(!archives.isEmpty()) { } finally { master.releaseMasterMgrClient(client); } }
/** * Draws the GUI that allows a user to select assets to be updated. * * @return true if the user made a valid choice of assets to replace. * @throws PipelineException */ private boolean buildUpdateGUI() throws PipelineException { Box finalBox = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS); top = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS); JScrollPane scroll; { scroll = new JScrollPane(finalBox); scroll.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); scroll.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); Dimension size = new Dimension(sVSize + sVSize + sTSize + 52, 500); scroll.setMinimumSize(size); scroll.setPreferredSize(size); scroll.getViewport().setScrollMode(JViewport.BACKINGSTORE_SCROLL_MODE); } /* query the user */ diag = new JToolDialog("Propagate Asset", scroll, "Continue"); areas = mclient.getWorkingAreas(); { Box hbox = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS); Component comps[] = UIFactory.createTitledPanels(); JPanel tpanel = (JPanel) comps[0]; JPanel vpanel = (JPanel) comps[1]; { userField = UIFactory.createTitledCollectionField( tpanel, "User:"******"The user whose area the node is being created in."); userField.setActionCommand("user"); userField.setSelected(PackageInfo.sUser); userField.addActionListener(this); } UIFactory.addVerticalSpacer(tpanel, vpanel, 3); { viewField = UIFactory.createTitledCollectionField( tpanel, "View:", sTSize, vpanel, areas.get(PackageInfo.sUser), diag, sVSize, "The working area to create the nodes in."); viewField.setActionCommand("wrap"); viewField.addActionListener(this); } UIFactory.addVerticalSpacer(tpanel, vpanel, 3); { toolsetField = UIFactory.createTitledCollectionField( tpanel, "Toolset:", sTSize, vpanel, mclient.getActiveToolsetNames(), diag, sVSize, "The toolset to set on all the nodes."); toolsetField.setSelected(mclient.getDefaultToolsetName()); toolsetField.setActionCommand("wrap"); toolsetField.addActionListener(this); } UIFactory.addVerticalSpacer(tpanel, vpanel, 3); w = new Wrapper( userField.getSelected(), viewField.getSelected(), toolsetField.getSelected(), mclient); charList = SonyConstants.getAssetList(w, project, AssetType.CHARACTER); setsList = SonyConstants.getAssetList(w, project, AssetType.SET); propsList = SonyConstants.getAssetList(w, project, AssetType.PROP); { projectField = UIFactory.createTitledCollectionField( tpanel, "Project:", sTSize, vpanel, Globals.getChildrenDirs(w, "/projects"), diag, sVSize, "All the projects in pipeline."); projectField.setActionCommand("proj"); projectField.addActionListener(this); } hbox.add(comps[2]); top.add(hbox); } { Box vbox = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS); Box hbox = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS); JButton button = new JButton("Propagate Additional Asset"); button.setName("ValuePanelButton"); button.setRolloverEnabled(false); button.setFocusable(false); Dimension d = new Dimension(sVSize, 25); button.setPreferredSize(d); button.setMinimumSize(d); button.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 25)); vbox.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 5))); hbox.add(button); hbox.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(4, 0))); vbox.add(hbox); vbox.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 5))); button.setActionCommand("add"); button.addActionListener(this); top.add(vbox); } list = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS); test = new JDrawer("Propagate Additional Asset", list, false); top.add(test); list.add(assetChoiceBox()); finalBox.add(top); { JPanel spanel = new JPanel(); spanel.setName("Spacer"); spanel.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(sTSize + sVSize, 7)); spanel.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE)); spanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(sTSize + sVSize, 7)); finalBox.add(spanel); } diag.setVisible(true); if (diag.wasConfirmed()) { // get list of things to change. for (Component comp : list.getComponents()) { if (comp instanceof Box) { Box can = (Box) comp; JCollectionField oldOne = (JCollectionField) can.getComponent(2); JCollectionField newOne = (JCollectionField) can.getComponent(4); TreeMap<String, String> assetList = new TreeMap<String, String>(); assetList.putAll(charList); assetList.putAll(propsList); assetList.putAll(setsList); String key = assetList.get(oldOne.getSelected()) + lr; String value = assetList.get(newOne.getSelected()) + lr; if (!key.equals(value)) { potentialUpdates.add(key); pAssetManager.put(key, new AssetInfo(key, value)); } // System.err.println("bUG: "+pAssetManager.get(key).getHiLoResShots()); } } if (!pAssetManager.isEmpty()) return true; } return false; } // end buildReplacementGUI
/** * Get list of each asset to be replaced, and the shots it's in. * * @return * @throws PipelineException */ private boolean getShotsUsingAssets() throws PipelineException { ArrayList<ArchiveInfo> archive = mclient.archiveQuery(shotPattern, null); logLine("Looking for shots using lo-res assets."); for (ArchiveInfo curArc : archive) { String name = curArc.getName(); VersionID vid = curArc.getVersionID(); TreeSet<VersionID> allVers = mclient.getCheckedInVersionIDs(name); if (!vid.equals(allVers.last())) continue; NodeVersion ver = mclient.getCheckedInVersion(name, vid); Set<String> srcs = ver.getSourceNames(); for (String loResAsset : pAssetManager.keySet()) { if (srcs.contains(loResAsset)) { // TODO chec if latest. logLine("\t" + getShortName(loResAsset) + ": " + getShortName(name)); AssetInfo tempInfo = pAssetManager.get(loResAsset); if (!tempInfo.getLoHiResShots().containsKey(name)) tempInfo.getLoHiResShots().put(name, null); } // end if } // end for } // end for logLine("Looking for shots using hi-res assets"); /* - Populate lo-res */ for (ArchiveInfo curArc : archive) { String name = curArc.getName(); VersionID vid = curArc.getVersionID(); TreeSet<VersionID> allVers = mclient.getCheckedInVersionIDs(name); if (!vid.equals(allVers.last())) continue; NodeVersion ver = mclient.getCheckedInVersion(name, vid); Set<String> srcs = ver.getSourceNames(); for (String updateAsset : pAssetManager.keySet()) { String hiResAsset = updateAsset.replace(lr, ""); if (srcs.contains(hiResAsset)) { logLine("\t" + getShortName(hiResAsset) + ": " + getShortName(name)); AssetInfo tempInfo = pAssetManager.get(updateAsset); String loRes = tempInfo.getMatchingLoResShot(name); if (loRes == null) { logLine( "!!!\nWARNING:" + getShortName(hiResAsset) + " is used in the " + getShortName(name) + " node which has no matching lo-res model in an anim node." + " So it will not be changed\n!!!"); continue; } tempInfo.getLoHiResShots().put(loRes, name); } // end if } // end for } // end for(ArchiveInfo) logLine(""); for (String updateAsset : potentialUpdates) { TreeMap<String, String> shots = pAssetManager.get(updateAsset).getLoHiResShots(); if (shots.isEmpty()) { logLine(getShortName(updateAsset) + " is not used in any shots"); pAssetManager.remove(updateAsset); } for (String loRes : shots.keySet()) { if (shots.get(loRes) == null) logLine( getShortName(updateAsset) + " is in a hi-res shot, " + getShortName(loRes) + ", but doesn't have a matching hi-res" + "model in the lgt node."); } } if (pAssetManager.isEmpty()) return false; return true; } // end getShotsUsingAssets
/** * Updates the asset references for a shot within Maya and then in pipeline. * * @param shotName The name of the shot being processed. * @param pRemoveRef The list of assets being dereferenced from the shot. * @param pReplaceRef The list of assets being referenced into the shot. * @param nameMap */ private void editShotReferences( String shotName, NodeMod targetMod, TreeSet<String> pRemoveRef, TreeSet<String> pReplaceRef, TreeMap<String, String> nameMap) throws PipelineException { logLine("Editing shot: " + shotName); boolean anim = !shotName.matches(lgtPattern); /* writing the mel script */ if (anim) { File script = null; try { script = File.createTempFile("UpdateAssetGUI.", ".mel", PackageInfo.sTempPath.toFile()); FileCleaner.add(script); } // end try catch (IOException ex) { throw new PipelineException( "Unable to create the temporary MEL script used to collect " + "texture information from the Maya scene!"); } // end catch try { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(script))); for (String asset : pReplaceRef) { String nameSpace; if (asset.endsWith(lr)) nameSpace = nameMap.get(getShortName(asset.substring(0, asset.length() - 3))); else { System.err.println("This should not be happening, a hi res asset in a lo-res node."); continue; // nameSpace = nameMap.get(getShortName(asset)); } out.println("print (\"referencing file: $WORKING" + asset + ".ma\");"); out.println( "file -reference -namespace \"" + nameSpace + "\" \"$WORKING" + asset + ".ma\";"); } // end for for (String asset : pRemoveRef) { out.println("print (\"dereferencing file: $WORKING" + asset + ".ma\");"); out.println("file -rr \"$WORKING" + asset + ".ma\";"); } // end for out.println("// SAVE"); out.println("file -save;"); out.close(); } // end try catch (IOException ex) { throw new PipelineException( "Unable to write the temporary MEL script(" + script + ") used add the references!"); } // end catch NodeID targetID = new NodeID(w.user, w.view, shotName); // NodeStatus targetStat = mclient.status(targetID); /* run Maya to collect the information */ try { Path targetPath = getNodePath(shotName); ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); args.add("-batch"); args.add("-script"); args.add(script.getPath()); args.add("-file"); args.add(targetPath.toOsString()); Path wdir = new Path(PackageInfo.sProdPath.toOsString() + targetID.getWorkingParent()); TreeMap<String, String> env = mclient.getToolsetEnvironment( w.user, w.view, targetMod.getToolset(), PackageInfo.sOsType); Map<String, String> nenv = env; String midefs = env.get("PIPELINE_MI_SHADER_PATH"); if (midefs != null) { nenv = new TreeMap<String, String>(env); Path dpath = new Path(new Path(wdir, midefs)); nenv.put("MI_CUSTOM_SHADER_PATH", dpath.toOsString()); } String command = "maya"; if (PackageInfo.sOsType.equals(OsType.Windows)) command += ".exe"; SubProcessLight proc = new SubProcessLight("UpdateAssetGUI", command, args, env, wdir.toFile()); try { proc.start(); proc.join(); if (!proc.wasSuccessful()) { throw new PipelineException( "Did not correctly edit the reference due to a maya error.!\n\n" + proc.getStdOut() + "\n\n" + proc.getStdErr()); } // end if } // end try catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw new PipelineException(ex); } // end catch } // end try catch (Exception ex) { throw new PipelineException(ex); } // end catch } /*-edit the references in pipeline once they are done in the file-*/ BaseAction targetAction = targetMod.getAction(); for (String asset : pReplaceRef) { mclient.link( w.user, w.view, shotName, asset, LinkPolicy.Reference, LinkRelationship.All, null); if (anim) { /*Set the namespaces*/ String nameSpace = nameMap.get(getShortName(asset.substring(0, asset.length() - 3))); System.err.println(nameSpace); targetAction.initSourceParams(asset); targetAction.setSourceParamValue(asset, "PrefixName", nameSpace); targetMod.setAction(targetAction); } } w.mclient.modifyProperties(w.user, w.view, targetMod); for (String asset : pRemoveRef) mclient.unlink(w.user, w.view, shotName, asset); if (!anim) { System.err.println("Queuing the switchLgt node " + shotName); mclient.submitJobs(w.user, w.view, shotName, null); } } // end editShotReferences
/** * Using a list of shots and the assets to be changed per shot, gets each shot node and modifies * the references as needed. */ private void processNodes() throws PipelineException { /*each asset, its replacement and the lo-res versions*/ for (String asset : pAssetManager.keySet()) { String newAsset = pAssetManager.get(asset).getNewAsset(); String hrAsset = asset.replace(lr, ""); String newHrAsset = newAsset.replace(lr, ""); logLine( "Checking out nodes:\n\t" + asset + "\n\t" + hrAsset + "\n\t" + newAsset + "\n\t" + newHrAsset); mclient.checkOut(w.user, w.view, asset, null, over, froz); mclient.checkOut(w.user, w.view, newAsset, null, over, froz); mclient.checkOut(w.user, w.view, hrAsset, null, over, froz); mclient.checkOut(w.user, w.view, newHrAsset, null, over, froz); } // end for TreeMap<String, TreeSet<String>> shotBased = convertListToShotBased(); TreeMap<String, String> nameMap = SonyConstants.getCustomNamespaces(project); TreeSet<String> oldRef = new TreeSet<String>(); TreeSet<String> newRef = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String shot : shotBased.keySet()) { // check out the shot if (shot.endsWith("anim")) mclient.checkOut(w.user, w.view, shot, null, keep, frozU); else { continue; // mclient.checkOut(w.user, w.view, shot, null, keep, pFroz); } logLine("Checking out: " + shot); NodeMod targetMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(w.user, w.view, shot); if (!shot.matches(lgtPattern)) { if (targetMod.isActionEnabled()) { System.err.println("Anim node with action enabled"); FileSeq fseq = targetMod.getPrimarySequence(); VersionID targetID = targetMod.getWorkingID(); TreeMap<String, VersionID> files = new TreeMap<String, VersionID>(); files.put(fseq.getFile(0).getPath(), targetID); mclient.revertFiles(w.user, w.view, shot, files); targetMod.setActionEnabled(false); } w.mclient.modifyProperties(w.user, w.view, targetMod); } /*--checking the shot to be modified---*/ for (String assetToReplace : shotBased.get(shot)) { if (assetToReplace.endsWith(lr)) { AssetInfo temp = pAssetManager.get(assetToReplace); oldRef.add(assetToReplace); newRef.add(temp.getNewAsset()); } else { String hiRes = assetToReplace.replace(lr, ""); AssetInfo temp = pAssetManager.get(hiRes); if (temp == null) continue; oldRef.add(assetToReplace); newRef.add(temp.getNewAsset() + lr); } // end else } // end for if (oldRef.isEmpty() || newRef.isEmpty()) { logLine("Shot " + shot + " somehow does not need any changes."); continue; } // end if editShotReferences(shot, targetMod, oldRef, newRef, nameMap); } // end for /*for(String shot: shotBased.keySet()){ //TODO: Check in nodes String msg = "Checked in with UpdateAssetGUI. Removed:\n\t"; for(String asset: oldRef) msg+= (asset + " "); msg+="\nAdded:\n\t"; for(String asset: newRef) msg+= (asset + " "); mclient.checkIn(w.user, w.view,shot, msg, VersionID.Level.Major); }*/ } // end processShots