public JSONObject changePlateLocation(HttpSession session, JSONObject json) { Long plateId = json.getLong("plateId"); String locationBarcode = json.getString("locationBarcode"); try { String newLocation = LimsUtils.lookupLocation(locationBarcode); if (newLocation != null) { User user = securityManager.getUserByLoginName( SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName()); // Plate<LinkedList<Plateable>, Plateable> plate = requestManager.<LinkedList<Plateable>, // Plateable> getPlateById(plateId); Plate<? extends List<? extends Plateable>, ? extends Plateable> plate = requestManager.getPlateById(plateId); plate.setLocationBarcode(locationBarcode); /* Note note = new Note(); note.setInternalOnly(true); note.setText("Location changed to " + newLocation + " by " + user.getLoginName() + " on " + new Date()); note.setOwner(user); note.setCreationDate(new Date()); plate.getNotes().add(note); requestManager.saveSampleNote(sample, note); */ requestManager.savePlate(plate); } else { return JSONUtils.SimpleJSONError("New location barcode not recognised"); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return JSONUtils.SimpleJSONError(e.getMessage()); } return JSONUtils.SimpleJSONResponse("Plate saved successfully"); }
public JSONObject plateElementsDataTable(HttpSession session, JSONObject json) { if (json.has("plateId")) { try { JSONObject j = new JSONObject(); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); long plateId = json.getLong("plateId"); Plate<? extends List<? extends Plateable>, ? extends Plateable> plate = requestManager.getPlateById(plateId); if (plate != null) { for (Plateable p : plate.getElements()) { if (p instanceof Library) { Library l = (Library) p; String strategyName = "No barcode"; StringBuilder seqbuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (!l.getTagBarcodes().isEmpty()) { int count = 1; Collection<TagBarcode> barcodes = l.getTagBarcodes().values(); for (TagBarcode tb : barcodes) { strategyName = tb.getStrategyName(); seqbuilder.append(tb.getSequence()); if (l.getTagBarcodes().values().size() > 1 && count < l.getTagBarcodes().values().size()) { seqbuilder.append("-"); } count++; } } else {"No tag barcodes!"); } jsonArray.add( "['" + l.getName() + "','" + l.getAlias() + "','" + strategyName + "','" + seqbuilder.toString() + "','" + "<a href=\"/miso/library/" + l.getId() + "\"><span class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-pencil\"></span></a>" + "']"); } } } j.put("elementsArray", jsonArray); return j; } catch (IOException e) { log.debug("Failed", e); return JSONUtils.SimpleJSONError("Failed: " + e.getMessage()); } } else { return JSONUtils.SimpleJSONError("No plates to show"); } }
public JSONObject printPlateBarcodes(HttpSession session, JSONObject json) { try { User user = securityManager.getUserByLoginName( SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName()); String serviceName = null; if (json.has("serviceName")) { serviceName = json.getString("serviceName"); } MisoPrintService<File, PrintContext<File>> mps = null; if (serviceName == null) { Collection<MisoPrintService> services = printManager.listPrintServicesByBarcodeableClass(Plate.class); if (services.size() == 1) { mps = services.iterator().next(); } else { return JSONUtils.SimpleJSONError( "No serviceName specified, but more than one available service able to print this barcode type."); } } else { mps = printManager.getPrintService(serviceName); } Queue<File> thingsToPrint = new LinkedList<File>(); JSONArray ss = JSONArray.fromObject(json.getString("plates")); for (JSONObject s : (Iterable<JSONObject>) ss) { try { Long plateId = s.getLong("plateId"); // Plate<LinkedList<Plateable>, Plateable> plate = requestManager.<LinkedList<Plateable>, // Plateable> getPlateById(plateId); Plate<? extends List<? extends Plateable>, ? extends Plateable> plate = requestManager.getPlateById(plateId); // autosave the barcode if none has been previously generated if (plate.getIdentificationBarcode() == null || "".equals(plate.getIdentificationBarcode())) { requestManager.savePlate(plate); } File f = mps.getLabelFor(plate); if (f != null) thingsToPrint.add(f); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return JSONUtils.SimpleJSONError("Error printing barcodes: " + e.getMessage()); } } PrintJob pj = printManager.print(thingsToPrint, mps.getName(), user); return JSONUtils.SimpleJSONResponse("Job " + pj.getJobId() + " : Barcodes printed."); } catch (MisoPrintException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return JSONUtils.SimpleJSONError("Failed to print barcodes: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return JSONUtils.SimpleJSONError("Failed to print barcodes: " + e.getMessage()); } }
public JSONObject getPlateBarcode(HttpSession session, JSONObject json) { Long plateId = json.getLong("plateId"); File temploc = new File(session.getServletContext().getRealPath("/") + "temp/"); try { // Plate<LinkedList<Plateable>, Plateable> plate = requestManager.<LinkedList<Plateable>, // Plateable> getPlateById(plateId); Plate<? extends List<? extends Plateable>, ? extends Plateable> plate = requestManager.getPlateById(plateId); barcodeFactory.setPointPixels(1.5f); barcodeFactory.setBitmapResolution(600); RenderedImage bi = null; if (json.has("barcodeGenerator")) { BarcodeDimension dim = new BarcodeDimension(100, 100); if (json.has("dimensionWidth") && json.has("dimensionHeight")) { dim = new BarcodeDimension( json.getDouble("dimensionWidth"), json.getDouble("dimensionHeight")); } BarcodeGenerator bg = BarcodeFactory.lookupGenerator(json.getString("barcodeGenerator")); if (bg != null) { bi = barcodeFactory.generateBarcode(plate, bg, dim); } else { return JSONUtils.SimpleJSONError( "'" + json.getString("barcodeGenerator") + "' is not a valid barcode generator type"); } } else { bi = barcodeFactory.generateSquareDataMatrix(plate, 400); } if (bi != null) { File tempimage = misoFileManager.generateTemporaryFile("barcode-", ".png", temploc); if (ImageIO.write(bi, "png", tempimage)) { return JSONUtils.JSONObjectResponse("img", tempimage.getName()); } return JSONUtils.SimpleJSONError("Writing temp image file failed."); } else { return JSONUtils.SimpleJSONError("Plate has no parseable barcode"); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return JSONUtils.SimpleJSONError( e.getMessage() + ": Cannot seem to access " + temploc.getAbsolutePath()); } }
public JSONObject deletePlate(HttpSession session, JSONObject json) { try { User user = securityManager.getUserByLoginName( SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName()); if (user.isAdmin()) { if (json.has("plateId")) { Long plateId = json.getLong("plateId"); requestManager.deletePlate(requestManager.getPlateById(plateId)); return JSONUtils.SimpleJSONResponse("Plate deleted"); } else { return JSONUtils.SimpleJSONError("No plate specified to delete."); } } else { return JSONUtils.SimpleJSONError("Only admins can delete objects."); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return JSONUtils.SimpleJSONError("Error getting currently logged in user."); } }