예제 #1
   * Moves this actor to a new location. If there is another actor at the given location, it is
   * removed. <br>
   * Precondition: (1) This actor is contained in a grid (2) <code>newLocation</code> is valid in
   * the grid of this actor
   * @param newLocation the new location
  public void moveTo(Location newLocation) {
    if (grid == null) throw new IllegalStateException("This actor is not in a grid.");
    if (grid.get(location) != this)
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "The grid contains a different actor at location " + location + ".");
    if (!grid.isValid(newLocation))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Location " + newLocation + " is not valid.");

    if (newLocation.equals(location)) return;
    Actor other = grid.get(newLocation);
    if (other != null) other.removeSelfFromGrid();
    location = newLocation;
    grid.put(location, this);
예제 #2
   * Puts this actor into a grid. If there is another actor at the given location, it is removed.
   * <br>
   * Precondition: (1) This actor is not contained in a grid (2) <code>loc</code> is valid in <code>
   * gr</code>
   * @param gr the grid into which this actor should be placed
   * @param loc the location into which the actor should be placed
  public void putSelfInGrid(Grid<Actor> gr, Location loc) {
    if (grid != null) throw new IllegalStateException("This actor is already contained in a grid.");

    Actor actor = gr.get(loc);
    if (actor != null) actor.removeSelfFromGrid();
    gr.put(loc, this);
    grid = gr;
    location = loc;
예제 #3
   * Removes this actor from its grid. <br>
   * Precondition: This actor is contained in a grid
  public void removeSelfFromGrid() {
    if (grid == null) throw new IllegalStateException("This actor is not contained in a grid.");
    if (grid.get(location) != this)
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "The grid contains a different actor at location " + location + ".");

    grid = null;
    location = null;