예제 #1
  private InvDataset processLocation(
      String location, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask task, Result result) {
    location = location.trim();
    location = ucar.unidata.util.StringUtil.replace(location, '\\', "/");

    if (location.startsWith(SCHEME)) location = location.substring(8);

    if (location.startsWith("resolve:")) {
      location = location.substring(8);
      return openResolver(location, task, result);

    if (!location.startsWith("http:") && !location.startsWith("file:")) // LOOK whats this for??
    location = "http:" + location;

    InvCatalog catalog;
    InvDataset invDataset;
    String datasetId;

    int pos = location.indexOf('#');
    if (pos < 0) {
      result.fatalError = true;
      result.errLog.format("Must have the form catalog.xml#datasetId%n");
      return null;

    InvCatalogFactory catFactory = new InvCatalogFactory("", false);
    String catalogLocation = location.substring(0, pos);
    catalog = catFactory.readXML(catalogLocation);
    StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
    if (!catalog.check(buff)) {
          "Invalid catalog from Resolver <%s>%n%s%n", catalogLocation, buff.toString());
      result.fatalError = true;
      return null;

    datasetId = location.substring(pos + 1);
    invDataset = catalog.findDatasetByID(datasetId);
    if (invDataset == null) {
      result.fatalError = true;
      result.errLog.format("Could not find dataset %s in %s %n", datasetId, catalogLocation);
      return null;

    return invDataset;
예제 #2
  private NetcdfDataset openDataset(
      InvDataset invDataset, boolean acquire, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask task, Result result)
      throws IOException {

    IOException saveException = null;

    List<InvAccess> accessList =
        new ArrayList<InvAccess>(invDataset.getAccess()); // a list of all the accesses
    while (accessList.size() > 0) {
      InvAccess access = chooseDatasetAccess(accessList);

      // no valid access
      if (access == null) {
        result.errLog.format("No access that could be used in dataset %s %n", invDataset);
        if (saveException != null) throw saveException;
        return null;

      String datasetLocation = access.getStandardUrlName();
      ServiceType serviceType = access.getService().getServiceType();
      if (debugOpen)
        System.out.println("ThreddsDataset.openDataset try " + datasetLocation + " " + serviceType);

      // deal with RESOLVER type
      if (serviceType == ServiceType.RESOLVER) {
        InvDatasetImpl rds = openResolver(datasetLocation, task, result);
        if (rds == null) return null;
        accessList = new ArrayList<InvAccess>(rds.getAccess());

      // ready to open it through netcdf API
      NetcdfDataset ds;

      // try to open
      try {
        ds = openDataset(access, acquire, task, result);

      } catch (IOException e) {
        result.errLog.format("Cant open %s %n err=%s%n", datasetLocation, e.getMessage());
        if (debugOpen) {
          System.out.println("Cant open= " + datasetLocation + " " + serviceType);

        saveException = e;

      result.accessUsed = access;
      return ds;
    } // loop over accesses

    if (saveException != null) throw saveException;
    return null;
예제 #3
  private ThreddsDataFactory.Result openFeatureDataset(
      FeatureType wantFeatureType, InvAccess access, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask task, Result result)
      throws IOException {
    result.featureType = wantFeatureType;
    result.accessUsed = access;

    // special handling for IMAGE
    if (result.featureType == FeatureType.IMAGE) {
      result.imageURL = access.getStandardUrlName();
      result.location = result.imageURL;
      return result;

    if (access.getService().getServiceType() == ServiceType.CdmrFeature) {
      result.featureDataset =
          CdmrFeatureDataset.factory(wantFeatureType, access.getStandardUrlName());

    } else {

      // all other datatypes
      NetcdfDataset ncd = openDataset(access, true, task, result);
      if (null != ncd) {
        result.featureDataset =
            FeatureDatasetFactoryManager.wrap(result.featureType, ncd, task, result.errLog);

    if (null == result.featureDataset) result.fatalError = true;
    else {
      result.location = result.featureDataset.getLocation();
      if ((result.featureType == null) && (result.featureDataset != null))
        result.featureType = result.featureDataset.getFeatureType();

    return result;
예제 #4
 private InvDatasetImpl openResolver(
     String urlString, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask task, Result result) {
   InvCatalogFactory catFactory = new InvCatalogFactory("", false);
   InvCatalogImpl catalog = catFactory.readXML(urlString);
   if (catalog == null) {
     result.errLog.format("Couldnt open Resolver %s %n ", urlString);
     return null;
   StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
   if (!catalog.check(buff)) {
     result.errLog.format("Invalid catalog from Resolver <%s>%n%s%n", urlString, buff.toString());
     result.fatalError = true;
     return null;
   InvDataset top = catalog.getDataset();
   if (top.hasAccess()) return (InvDatasetImpl) top;
   else {
     java.util.List datasets = top.getDatasets();
     return (InvDatasetImpl) datasets.get(0);
예제 #5
  private NetcdfDataset openDataset(
      InvAccess access, boolean acquire, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask task, Result result)
      throws IOException {
    InvDataset invDataset = access.getDataset();
    String datasetId = invDataset.getID();
    String title = invDataset.getName();

    String datasetLocation = access.getStandardUrlName();
    ServiceType serviceType = access.getService().getServiceType();
    if (debugOpen) System.out.println("ThreddsDataset.openDataset= " + datasetLocation);

    // deal with RESOLVER type
    if (serviceType == ServiceType.RESOLVER) {
      InvDatasetImpl rds = openResolver(datasetLocation, task, result);
      if (rds == null) return null;
      return openDataset(rds, acquire, task, result);

    // ready to open it through netcdf API
    NetcdfDataset ds;

    // open DODS type
    if ((serviceType == ServiceType.OPENDAP) || (serviceType == ServiceType.DODS)) {
      String curl = DODSNetcdfFile.canonicalURL(datasetLocation);
      ds =
              ? NetcdfDataset.acquireDataset(curl, enhanceMode, task)
              : NetcdfDataset.openDataset(curl, enhanceMode, task);

    // open CdmRemote
    else if (serviceType == ServiceType.CdmRemote) {
      String curl = CdmRemote.canonicalURL(datasetLocation);
      ds =
              ? NetcdfDataset.acquireDataset(curl, enhanceMode, task)
              : NetcdfDataset.openDataset(curl, enhanceMode, task);

    /* open ADDE type
    else if (serviceType == ServiceType.ADDE) {
      try {
        ds = ucar.nc2.adde.AddeDatasetFactory.openDataset(access, task);

      } catch (IOException e) {
        log.append("Cant open as ADDE dataset= "+datasetLocation);
        accessList.remove( access);
    } */

    else {
      // open through NetcdfDataset API
      ds =
              ? NetcdfDataset.acquireDataset(datasetLocation, enhanceMode, task)
              : NetcdfDataset.openDataset(datasetLocation, enhanceMode, task);

    if (ds != null) {
      annotate(invDataset, ds);

    // see if there's metadata LOOK whats this
    List list = invDataset.getMetadata(MetadataType.NcML);
    if (list.size() > 0) {
      InvMetadata ncmlMetadata = (InvMetadata) list.get(0);
      NcMLReader.wrapNcML(ds, ncmlMetadata.getXlinkHref(), null);

    result.accessUsed = access;
    return ds;
예제 #6
  public ThreddsDataFactory.Result openFeatureDataset(
      FeatureType wantFeatureType,
      InvDataset invDataset,
      ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask task,
      Result result)
      throws IOException {

    result.featureType = invDataset.getDataType();
    if (result.featureType == null) result.featureType = wantFeatureType;

    // look for remote FeatureDataset
    if ((result.featureType != null) && result.featureType.isPointFeatureType()) {
      InvAccess access = findAccessByServiceType(invDataset.getAccess(), ServiceType.CdmrFeature);
      if (access != null) return openFeatureDataset(result.featureType, access, task, result);

    // special handling for images
    if (result.featureType == FeatureType.IMAGE) {
      InvAccess access = getImageAccess(invDataset, task, result);
      if (access != null) {
        return openFeatureDataset(result.featureType, access, task, result);
      } else result.fatalError = true;
      return result;

    // special handling for DQC
    InvAccess qc = invDataset.getAccess(ServiceType.QC);
    if (qc != null) {
      String dqc_location = qc.getStandardUrlName();

      if (result.featureType == FeatureType.STATION) {

        /* DqcFactory dqcFactory = new DqcFactory(true);
        QueryCapability dqc = dqcFactory.readXML(dqc_location);
        if (dqc.hasFatalError()) {
          result.fatalError = true;
        } */

        result.featureDataset =
            null; // LOOK FIX ucar.nc2.thredds.DqcStationObsDataset.factory(invDataset,
                  // dqc_location, result.errLog);
        result.fatalError = (result.featureDataset == null);

      } else {
        result.errLog.format("DQC must be station DQC, dataset = %s %n", invDataset.getName());
        result.fatalError = true;

      return result;

    NetcdfDataset ncd = openDataset(invDataset, true, task, result.errLog);
    if (null != ncd)
      result.featureDataset =
          FeatureDatasetFactoryManager.wrap(result.featureType, ncd, task, result.errLog);

    if (null == result.featureDataset) result.fatalError = true;
    else {
      result.location = result.featureDataset.getLocation();
      if ((result.featureType == null) && (result.featureDataset != null))
        result.featureType = result.featureDataset.getFeatureType();

    return result;