 @Optional.Method(modid = "ComputerCraft")
 public Object[] callMethod(
     IComputerAccess computer, ILuaContext context, int method, Object[] arguments)
     throws Exception {
   switch (method) {
     case 0:
       return getGolemDecorationsImplementation();
     case 1:
       if (golem == null) return new Integer[] {};
       return new Integer[] {(int) golem.posX, (int) golem.posY, (int) golem.posZ};
     case 2:
       return getGolemTypeImplementation();
     case 3:
       if (golem == null) return new Float[] {};
       return new Float[] {golem.getHealth()};
     case 4:
       return getGolemCoreImplementation();
     case 5:
       return getHomeImplementation();
     case 6:
       if (arguments.length != 4) throw new Exception("Invalid arguments");
       double x = (Double) arguments[0];
       double y = (Double) arguments[0];
       double z = (Double) arguments[0];
       double facing = (Double) arguments[0];
       return setHomeImplementation(x, y, z, facing);
     case 7:
       return getMarkersImplementation();
     case 8:
       if (arguments.length != 1) throw new Exception("setMarkers takes 1 argument");
       return setMarkersImplementation((HashMap<Double, HashMap<String, Object>>) arguments[0]);
     case 9:
       return newMarkerImplementation();
     case 10:
       if (arguments.length != 1) throw new Exception("addMarker must have 1 argument");
       return addMarkerImplementation((Map) arguments[0]);
     case 11:
       if (arguments.length != 2) throw new Exception("saveMarker must have 2 arguments");
       return saveMarkerImplementation((Double) arguments[0], (Map) arguments[1]);
     case 12:
       if (arguments.length != 1) throw new Exception("deleteMarker must have 1 argument");
       return deleteMarkerImplementation((Double) arguments[0]);
     case 13:
       if (arguments.length != 1) throw new Exception("getMarker must have 1 argument");
       return getMarkerImplementation((Double) arguments[0]);
     case 14:
       return getMarkerCountImplementation();
   return null;
 @Callback(doc = "function():number -- Returns The golems health")
 @Optional.Method(modid = "OpenComputers")
 public Object[] getHealth(Context context, Arguments args) throws Exception {
   return new Float[] {golem.getHealth()};