예제 #1
  private boolean removeBeginNode() {
    List heads = getHeads();
    if (heads.size() != 1) {
      // System.out.println("heads: "+heads);
      // System.out.println("Error: the size of heads is not equal to 1!");
      return false;
      //	    System.exit(1);
    } else {
      JPegStmt head = (JPegStmt) heads.get(0);
      // System.out.println("test head: "+head);
      if (!head.getName().equals("begin")) {
        System.err.println("Error: the head is not begin node!");
      // remove begin node from heads list
      // set the preds list of the succs of head to a new list and put succs of head into heads
      Iterator succOfHeadIt = getSuccsOf(head).iterator();
      while (succOfHeadIt.hasNext()) {

        JPegStmt succOfHead = (JPegStmt) succOfHeadIt.next();

        unitToPreds.put(succOfHead, new ArrayList());
        // put succs of head into heads
      // remove begin node from inlinee Peg
      if (!mainPegChain.remove(head)) {
        System.err.println("fail to remove begin node in from mainPegChain!");
      if (!allNodes.contains(head)) {
        System.err.println("fail to find begin node in FlowSet allNodes!");
      } else {

      // remove begin node from unitToSuccs
      if (unitToSuccs.containsKey(head)) {

    return true;
예제 #2
  //	STEP 5: Define flow equations.
  //	in(s) = ( out(s) minus defs(s) ) union uses(s)
  protected void flowThrough(Object inValue, Object unit, Object outValue) {
    MonitorSet in = (MonitorSet) inValue;
    MonitorSet out = (MonitorSet) outValue;
    JPegStmt s = (JPegStmt) unit;
    Tag tag = (Tag) s.getTags().get(0);
    // System.out.println("s: "+tag+" "+s);
    // Copy in to out
    // if (in.contains("&")) in.remove("&");

    //	System.out.println("-----in: ");
    // in.test();

    if (in.size() > 0) {

      if (!s.getName().equals("waiting") && !s.getName().equals("notified-entry"))
        updateMonitor(in, unit);
    String objName = s.getObject();
    // if (objName == null) throw new RuntimeException("null object: "+s.getUnit());
    if (s.getName().equals("entry") || s.getName().equals("exit")) {
      if (out.contains("&")) out.remove("&");

      Object obj = out.getMonitorDepth(objName);

      if (obj == null) {

        if (s.getName().equals("entry")) {
          MonitorDepth md = new MonitorDepth(objName, 1);
          // System.out.println("add to out: "+md.getObjName()+" "+md.getDepth());
        throw new RuntimeException("The monitor depth can not be decreased at  "+
        (Tag)((JPegStmt)s).getTags().get(0)+" "+unit);

      } else {
        // System.out.println("obj: "+obj);
        if (obj instanceof MonitorDepth) {
          MonitorDepth md = (MonitorDepth) obj;

          if (s.getName().equals("entry")) {
            // System.out.println("===increase depth===");
          } else {

            if (md.getDepth() > 1) {
              // System.out.println("===decrease depth==");
            } else if (md.getDepth() == 1) {
              //  System.out.println("===remove monitordepth: "+md);

            } else throw new RuntimeException("The monitor depth can not be decreased at  " + unit);
        } else throw new RuntimeException("MonitorSet contains non MonitorDepth element!");

    // System.out.println("-----out: "+out);
    // out.test();
    // testForDebug();
예제 #3
  private void buildSuccessor(Chain pegChain) {

    // Add regular successors
      HashMap unitToPeg = (HashMap) unitToPegMap.get(pegChain);
      Iterator pegIt = pegChain.iterator();
      JPegStmt currentNode, nextNode;
      currentNode = pegIt.hasNext() ? (JPegStmt) pegIt.next() : null;
      // June 19 add for begin node
      if (currentNode != null) {
        // System.out.println("currentNode: "+currentNode);
        // if the unit is "begin" node
        nextNode = pegIt.hasNext() ? (JPegStmt) pegIt.next() : null;

        if (currentNode.getName().equals("begin")) {
          List<JPegStmt> successors = new ArrayList<JPegStmt>();
          unitToSuccs.put(currentNode, successors);

          currentNode = nextNode;
        // end June 19 add for begin node

        while (currentNode != null) {
          //		    System.out.println("currentNode: "+currentNode);
          /* If unitToSuccs contains currentNode, it is the point to inline methods,
           * we need not compute its successors again

          if (unitToSuccs.containsKey(currentNode) && !currentNode.getName().equals("wait")) {
            currentNode = pegIt.hasNext() ? (JPegStmt) pegIt.next() : null;
          List<JPegStmt> successors = new ArrayList<JPegStmt>();
          Unit unit = currentNode.getUnit();

          UnitGraph unitGraph = currentNode.getUnitGraph();
          List unitSucc = unitGraph.getSuccsOf(unit);
          Iterator succIt = unitSucc.iterator();
          while (succIt.hasNext()) {
            Unit un = (Unit) succIt.next();

            // Don't build the edge from "monitor exit" to exception handler

            if (unit instanceof ExitMonitorStmt && exceHandlers.contains(un)) {
              // System.out.println("====find it! unit: "+unit+"\n un: "+un);
            } else if (unitToPeg.containsKey(un)) {
              JPegStmt pp = (JPegStmt) (unitToPeg.get(un));
              if (pp != null && !successors.contains(pp)) successors.add(pp);
          } // end while

          if (currentNode.getName().equals("wait")) {
            while (!(currentNode.getName().equals("notified-entry"))) {
              currentNode = pegIt.hasNext() ? (JPegStmt) pegIt.next() : null;
            unitToSuccs.put(currentNode, successors);
            // System.out.println("put key: "+currentNode+" into unitToSucc");
          } else {
            unitToSuccs.put(currentNode, successors);
          if (currentNode.getName().equals("start")) {

            //						System.out.println("-----build succ for start----");

            if (startToThread.containsKey(currentNode)) {
              List runMethodChainList = startToThread.get(currentNode);
              Iterator possibleMethodIt = runMethodChainList.iterator();
              while (possibleMethodIt.hasNext()) {

                Chain subChain = (Chain) possibleMethodIt.next();
                if (subChain != null) {
                  // System.out.println("build succ for subChain");
                  // buildSuccessor(subGraph, subChain, addExceptionEdges);
                } else System.out.println("*********subgraph is null!!!");

          currentNode = pegIt.hasNext() ? (JPegStmt) pegIt.next() : null;
        } // while

        // June 19 add for begin node
      // end June 19 add for begin node