public void replaceIndex2BodyList(Map<Object, List<Object>> index2BodyList) { this.index2BodyList = index2BodyList; subBodies = new ArrayList<Object>(); Iterator<Object> it = indexList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { List body = index2BodyList.get(; if (body != null) subBodies.add(body); } }
public void toString(UnitPrinter up) { label_toString(up); up.literal("switch"); up.literal(" "); up.literal("("); keyBox.toString(up); up.literal(")"); up.newline(); up.literal("{"); up.newline(); Iterator<Object> it = indexList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object index =; up.incIndent(); if (index instanceof String) up.literal("default"); else { up.literal("case"); up.literal(" "); up.literal(index.toString()); } up.literal(":"); up.newline(); List<Object> subBody = index2BodyList.get(index); if (subBody != null) { up.incIndent(); body_toString(up, subBody); if (it.hasNext()) up.newline(); up.decIndent(); } up.decIndent(); } up.literal("}"); up.newline(); }
public ASTSwitchNode( SETNodeLabel label, Value key, List<Object> indexList, Map<Object, List<Object>> index2BodyList) { super(label); this.keyBox = Jimple.v().newRValueBox(key); this.indexList = indexList; this.index2BodyList = index2BodyList; Iterator<Object> it = indexList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { List body = index2BodyList.get(; if (body != null) subBodies.add(body); } }
public String toString() { StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(); b.append(label_toString()); b.append("switch ("); b.append(get_Key()); b.append(")"); b.append(NEWLINE); b.append("{"); b.append(NEWLINE); Iterator<Object> it = indexList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object index =; b.append(TAB); if (index instanceof String) b.append("default"); else { b.append("case "); b.append(((Integer) index).toString()); } b.append(":"); b.append(NEWLINE); List<Object> subBody = index2BodyList.get(index); if (subBody != null) { b.append(body_toString(subBody)); if (it.hasNext()) b.append(NEWLINE); } } b.append("}"); b.append(NEWLINE); return b.toString(); }
/* We know this method is called when there is a loop node which has a body consisting entirely of one ASTIfElseNode */ public static List getNewNode(ASTNode loopNode, ASTIfElseNode ifElseNode) { // make sure that elsebody has only a stmtseq node List elseBody = ((ASTIfElseNode) ifElseNode).getElseBody(); if (elseBody.size() != 1) { // this is more than one we need one stmtSeq Node return null; } ASTNode tempNode = (ASTNode) elseBody.get(0); if (!(tempNode instanceof ASTStatementSequenceNode)) { // not a stmtSeq return null; } List statements = ((ASTStatementSequenceNode) tempNode).getStatements(); Iterator stmtIt = statements.iterator(); while (stmtIt.hasNext()) { AugmentedStmt as = (AugmentedStmt); Stmt stmt = as.get_Stmt(); if (stmt instanceof DAbruptStmt) { // this is a abrupt stmt DAbruptStmt abStmt = (DAbruptStmt) stmt; if (!(abStmt.is_Break())) { // we need a break return null; } else { if (stmtIt.hasNext()) { // a break should be the last stmt return null; } SETNodeLabel label = abStmt.getLabel(); String labelBroken = label.toString(); String loopLabel = ((ASTLabeledNode) loopNode).get_Label().toString(); if (labelBroken != null && loopLabel != null) { // stmt breaks some label if (labelBroken.compareTo(loopLabel) == 0) { // we have found a break breaking this label // make sure that if the orignal was an ASTWhileNode then there was // ONLY a break statement if (loopNode instanceof ASTWhileNode) { if (statements.size() != 1) { // more than 1 statement return null; } } // pattern matched ASTWhileNode newWhileNode = makeWhileNode(ifElseNode, loopNode); if (newWhileNode == null) { return null; } List toReturn = new ArrayList(); toReturn.add(newWhileNode); // Add the statementSequenceNode AFTER the whileNode except for the laststmt if (statements.size() != 1) { // size 1 means that the only stmt is a break stmt Iterator tempIt = statements.iterator(); List newStmts = new ArrayList(); while (tempIt.hasNext()) { Object tempStmt =; if (tempIt.hasNext()) { newStmts.add(tempStmt); } } toReturn.add(new ASTStatementSequenceNode(newStmts)); } return toReturn; } // labels matched } // non null labels } // end of break stmt } // stmt is an abrupt stmt else if (stmt instanceof ReturnStmt || stmt instanceof ReturnVoidStmt) { if (!(loopNode instanceof ASTUnconditionalLoopNode)) { // this pattern is only possible for while(true) return null; } if (stmtIt.hasNext()) { // returns should come in the end return null; } // pattern matched ASTWhileNode newWhileNode = makeWhileNode(ifElseNode, loopNode); if (newWhileNode == null) { return null; } List toReturn = new ArrayList(); toReturn.add(newWhileNode); // Add the statementSequenceNode AFTER the whileNode Iterator tempIt = statements.iterator(); List newStmts = new ArrayList(); while (tempIt.hasNext()) { Object tempStmt =; newStmts.add(tempStmt); } toReturn.add(new ASTStatementSequenceNode(newStmts)); return toReturn; } // if stmt was a return stmt } // going through the stmts return null; } // end of method