public static Boolean insertTaskRun(
      String text, int task_id, int project_id, String contributor_name, String source) {

    Document taskRun = MongodbMethods.getTaskRunsFromMongoDB(task_id, contributor_name, text);
    if (taskRun != null) {
      logger.error("You are only allowed one contribution for each task.");
      logger.error("task_id= " + task_id + " screen_name: " + contributor_name);
      return false;

    JSONObject jsonData = PybossaMethods.BuildJsonTaskRunContent(text, task_id, project_id);
    if (MongodbMethods.insertTaskRunIntoMongoDB(jsonData, contributor_name, source)) {
      logger.debug("Task run was successfully inserted into MongoDB");
      // Project has to be reqested before inserting a task run
      logger.debug("Requesting the project ID from PyBossa before inserting it");
      String postURL = Config.PyBossahost + Config.taskRunDir + Config.api_key;
      JSONObject postResponse = PybossaMethods.insertTaskRunIntoPyBossa(postURL, jsonData);
      if (postResponse != null) {
        logger.debug("Task run was successfully inserted into PyBossa");
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;

    } else {
      logger.error("Task run was not inserted into MongoDB!");
      return false;