예제 #1
파일: Main2.java 프로젝트: sdp-2011/sdp-5
 public Point findPointToShootAt() {
   // checks if it is clear to shoot at any of the points in the goal
   for (Point point : goalPoints) {
     if (!isInTheWay(ball.getCoors(), point, opponentRobot.getCoors())) return point;
   return new Point(0, 0); // function that uses the point returned needs
   // to check that it is not (0,0)
예제 #2
파일: Main2.java 프로젝트: sdp-2011/sdp-5
  private boolean isClearToShoot(Point from) {

    // if facing the other way, return false
    if (shootingLeft && (nxt.getAngle() < Math.PI / 2 || nxt.getAngle() > 3 * Math.PI / 2)) {
      // System.out.println("ERROR 1");
      return false;

    if (!shootingLeft && nxt.getAngle() > Math.PI / 2 && nxt.getAngle() < 3 * Math.PI / 2) {
      // System.out.println("ERROR 2");
      return false;

    // if not pointing to the goal, return false
    if (shootingLeft) {
      int y = new Line(from, nxt.getAngle()).getYfromX(GOAL_LEFT);
      if (y > GOAL_TOP || y < GOAL_BOTTOM) {
        // System.out.println("ERROR 3");
        return false;
    } else {
      int y = new Line(from, nxt.getAngle()).getYfromX(GOAL_RIGHT);
      if (y > GOAL_TOP || y < GOAL_BOTTOM) {
        // System.out.println("ERROR 4");
        return false;

    // if the other robot is behind just return true
    if (shootingLeft && opponentRobot.getCoors().x > nxt.getCoors().x) return true;
    if (!shootingLeft && opponentRobot.getCoors().x < nxt.getCoors().x) return true;

    // 30 is size of the robot, sth larger should work better
    if (new Line(from, nxt.getAngle()).distanceBetweenPointAndALine(opponentRobot.getCoors()) > 50)
      return true;

    // System.out.println("ERROR 5");
    return false;
예제 #3
파일: Main2.java 프로젝트: sdp-2011/sdp-5
  public void defend() {


    Line oppShootLine = new Line(ball.getCoors(), opponentRobot.getAngle());

    int targetY = oppShootLine.getYfromX(nxt.getCoors().x);

    System.out.println("YCood " + targetY);
    System.out.println("OurCoord " + nxt.getCoors().y);

    if (targetY > GOAL_TOP - 30) targetY = GOAL_TOP - 30;
    if (targetY < GOAL_BOTTOM + 30) targetY = GOAL_BOTTOM + 30;

    int targetX = shootingLeft ? GOAL_RIGHT - 30 : GOAL_LEFT + 30;

    Point target = new Point(targetX, targetY);

    printOnVisionFix(target, Color.CYAN);

    int d = (int) Math.abs(target.y - nxt.getCoors().y);

    int facingupordown = nxt.getAngle() > 0 && nxt.getAngle() < Math.PI ? 1 : -1;

    int goingupordown = targetY > nxt.getCoors().y ? 1 : -1;

    int s = 0;
    if (d < 20) nxt.stop();
    else if (d < 60) {
      s = 200;
    } else if (d < 90) {
      s = 400;
    } else {
      s = 400;

    nxt.adjustWheelSpeeds(facingupordown * goingupordown * s, facingupordown * goingupordown * s);
예제 #4
파일: Main2.java 프로젝트: sdp-2011/sdp-5
  private void theLoop() {
    while (true) {
      // pause if gui asks to pause
      while (!robotMoving) {
      while (blockingMode && robotMoving) {
        // this is the penalty mode that returns to normal game

      // get rid of debug lines

      // update coordinates

      // if robot is by the wall, try to rotate
      // 97-379 seem to be upper and lower limits for robots y value
      int tmpy = ImageProcessor.barrelCorrected(nxt.getCoors()).y;
      if (tmpy < MINYPOS || tmpy > MAXYPOS) {
        System.out.println("im too close to wall");
        boolean d = false;
        int upordown = 0;
        if (tmpy < MINYPOS) {
          // d = ball.getCoors().x > nxt.getCoors().x;
          d = !shootingLeft;
          // which way should it be facing
          upordown = nxt.getAngle() > 0 && nxt.getAngle() < Math.PI ? 1 : -1;
          // by which side is it stuck
        if (tmpy > MAXYPOS) {
          // d = ball.getCoors().x < nxt.getCoors().x;
          d = shootingLeft;
          // which way should it be facing
          upordown = nxt.getAngle() > 0 && nxt.getAngle() < Math.PI ? -1 : 1;
          // by which side is it stuck

        if (d) Main2.nxt.adjustWheelSpeeds(0, upordown * 600);
        else Main2.nxt.adjustWheelSpeeds(upordown * 600, 0);


      // target point is the shooting position
      // returns ball coors if there is no shooting position
      Point target = findPositionToShootFrom(ball.getCoors());

      // if the other robot is less than 300 away, go for the ball
      if (ball.getCoors().distance(opponentRobot.getCoors()) < 300) target = ball.getCoors();

      // distance between the robot and the ball
      int dist = (int) Tools.getDistanceBetweenPoint(nxt.getCoors(), ball.getCoors());

      // if we are close to the ball AND it is not behind us, go for the
      // ball
      if (shootingLeft && (ball.getCoors().x - 30) < nxt.getCoors().x && dist < 70) {
        target = ball.getCoors();
      if (!shootingLeft && (ball.getCoors().x + 30) > nxt.getCoors().x && dist < 70) {
        target = ball.getCoors();

      // if we are close to the ball: slow down
      // gear = dist < 100 ? (dist < 70 ? 4 : 7) : 12;

      // if has ball and can shoot -> shoot
      if (hasBall()) {
        // if pointing to the other half -> shoot (also, don't kick
        // 10cm~30px from the wall)
        // 10cm = by how much does the kicker stick our when it kicks
        if (isPointingTheOtherWay()
            && !(tmpy < MINYPOS + 30 && nxt.getAngle() > Math.PI && nxt.getAngle() < 2 * Math.PI)
            && !(tmpy > MAXYPOS - 30 && nxt.getAngle() > 0 && nxt.getAngle() < Math.PI)) {

          nxt.adjustWheelSpeeds(600, 600);


        if (isClearToShoot(ball.getCoors())) {
          nxt.adjustWheelSpeeds(600, 600);
        } else {
          // if has ball but cannot shoot: just go for goal
          target = ball.getCoors(); // goalPoints[0];

      // print the possible goals.
      for (int i = 0; i < goalPoints.length; i++) {
        printOnVisionFix(goalPoints[i], Color.red);

      // mark blue possible shoothig position
      printOnVisionFix(currentGoal, Color.blue);

      // if close enough, rotate.
        if (dist < 50 && !ball.getCoors().equals(target)) {
          double a = getAngleToFacePoint(currentGoal);
          if (Math.toDegrees(a) > 10) {
            long l = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (l - lr > 1000) {
              lr = l;

      // Get a path from the path planner, fiddle with it to get the correct waypoint, move, iterate
      ArrayList<Point> path =
              new Point(ball.getCoors().x, 480 - ball.getCoors().y),
              new Point(nxt.getCoors().x, 480 - nxt.getCoors().y),
              (int) Math.toDegrees(nxt.getAngle()),
              new Point(opponentRobot.getCoors().x, 480 - opponentRobot.getCoors().y));
      for (int j = 0; j < path.size(); j++) {
        printOnVision(path.get(j), Color.red);
      if (path.size() > 2) target = path.remove(2);
      else if (path.size() > 1) target = path.remove(1);
      else target = path.remove(0);

      target.y = 480 - target.y;

      printOnVisionFix(target, Color.red);

