private String addWhere(User user, String hql, List<Object> values) { if (user.getCname() != null && !user.getCname().trim().equals("")) { hql += " and t.cname like ? "; values.add("%%" + user.getCname().trim() + "%%"); } /* if (user.getCcreatedatetimeStart() != null) { hql += " and t.ccreatedatetime>=? "; values.add(user.getCcreatedatetimeStart()); } if (user.getCcreatedatetimeEnd() != null) { hql += " and t.ccreatedatetime<=? "; values.add(user.getCcreatedatetimeEnd()); } if (user.getCmodifydatetimeStart() != null) { hql += " and t.cmodifydatetime>=? "; values.add(user.getCmodifydatetimeStart()); } if (user.getCmodifydatetimeEnd() != null) { hql += " and t.cmodifydatetime<=? "; values.add(user.getCmodifydatetimeEnd()); } */ return hql; }
public User login(User user) { Tuser t = userDao.get( "from Tuser t where t.cname = ? and t.cpwd = ?", new Object[] {user.getCname(), Encrypt.e(user.getCpwd())}); if (t != null) { BeanUtils.copyProperties(t, user, new String[] {"cpwd"}); Map<String, String> authIdsMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String authIds = ""; String authNames = ""; Map<String, String> authUrlsMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String authUrls = ""; String roleIds = ""; String roleNames = ""; boolean b1 = false; Set<Tusertrole> tusertroles = t.getTusertroles(); if (tusertroles != null && tusertroles.size() > 0) { for (Tusertrole tusertrole : tusertroles) { Trole trole = tusertrole.getTrole(); if (b1) { roleIds += ","; roleNames += ","; } roleIds += trole.getCid(); roleNames += trole.getCname(); b1 = true; Set<Troletauth> troletauths = trole.getTroletauths(); if (troletauths != null && troletauths.size() > 0) { for (Troletauth troletauth : troletauths) { Tauth tauth = troletauth.getTauth(); authIdsMap.put(tauth.getCid(), tauth.getCname()); authUrlsMap.put(tauth.getCid(), tauth.getCurl()); } } } } boolean b2 = false; for (String id : authIdsMap.keySet()) { if (b2) { authIds += ","; authNames += ","; } authIds += id; authNames += authIdsMap.get(id); b2 = true; } user.setAuthIds(authIds); user.setAuthNames(authNames); user.setRoleIds(roleIds); user.setRoleNames(roleNames); boolean b3 = false; for (String id : authUrlsMap.keySet()) { if (b3) { authUrls += ","; } authUrls += authUrlsMap.get(id); b3 = true; } user.setAuthUrls(authUrls); return user; } return null; }