/** * @see * railo.transformer.cfml.attributes.AttributeEvaluator#evaluate(railo.transformer.library.tag.TagLibTag, * org.w3c.dom.Element) */ public TagLibTag evaluate(TagLibTag tagLibTag, Tag tag) throws AttributeEvaluatorException { tagLibTag.setParseBody(false); Attribute attrOutput = tag.getAttribute("output"); if (attrOutput == null) return tagLibTag; Expression expr = CastBoolean.toExprBoolean(attrOutput.getValue()); if (!(expr instanceof LitBoolean)) throw new AttributeEvaluatorException( "Attribute output of the Tag Function, must be a literal boolean value (true or false)"); boolean output = ((LitBoolean) expr).getBooleanValue(); if (output) tagLibTag.setParseBody(true); return tagLibTag; }
/** * @see * railo.transformer.cfml.evaluator.EvaluatorSupport#evaluate(railo.transformer.bytecode.statement.tag.Tag, * railo.transformer.library.tag.TagLibTag, railo.transformer.library.function.FunctionLib[]) */ public void evaluate(Tag tag, TagLibTag tagLibTag, FunctionLib[] flibs) throws EvaluatorException { String id = "sprite_" + IDGenerator.intId(); try { Page page = ASMUtil.getAncestorPage(tag); String key = Md5.getDigestAsString(Thread.currentThread().getId() + ":" + page.getSource()); Expression src = tag.getAttribute("src").getValue(); // get data from previous sprites Previous previous = sprites.get(key); if (previous != null) { previous.tag.removeAttribute("_ids"); previous.tag.removeAttribute("_srcs"); previous.tag = tag; } else { sprites.put(key, previous = new Previous(tag)); } previous.ids.add(id); if (previous.src == null) previous.src = src; else { previous.src = OpString.toExprString(previous.src, DELIMITER); previous.src = OpString.toExprString(previous.src, src); } tag.addAttribute(new Attribute(false, "_id", LitString.toExprString(id), "string")); tag.addAttribute( new Attribute( false, "_ids", LitString.toExprString( railo.runtime.type.util.ListUtil.listToList(previous.ids, ",")), "string")); tag.addAttribute(new Attribute(false, "_srcs", previous.src, "string")); } catch (Throwable e) { // TODO handle Excpetion much more precise throw new PageRuntimeException(Caster.toPageException(e)); } }
@Override public void evaluate(Tag tag, TagLibTag libTag) throws EvaluatorException { String ns = libTag.getTagLib().getNameSpaceAndSeparator(); String loopName = ns + "loop"; String whileName = ns + "while"; // label String label = null; Attribute attrLabel = tag.getAttribute("label"); if (attrLabel != null) { TagBreak tb = (TagBreak) tag; label = variableToString(tag, attrLabel, null); if (label != null) { tb.setLabel(label = label.trim()); tag.removeAttribute("label"); } else if (ASMUtil.isLiteralAttribute(tag, attrLabel, ASMUtil.TYPE_STRING, false, true)) { LitString ls = (LitString) CastString.toExprString(tag.getAttribute("label").getValue()); label = ls.getString(); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(label, true)) { tb.setLabel(label = label.trim()); tag.removeAttribute("label"); } else label = null; } } // no base tag found if (!ASMUtil.hasAncestorBreakFCStatement(tag, label)) { if (tag.isScriptBase()) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(label)) throw new EvaluatorException( "Wrong Context, " + libTag.getName() + " must be inside a looping statement or tag"); throw new EvaluatorException( "Wrong Context, " + libTag.getName() + " must be inside a looping statement or tag with the label [" + label + "]"); } if (StringUtil.isEmpty(label)) throw new EvaluatorException( "Wrong Context, tag " + libTag.getFullName() + " must be inside a " + loopName + " or " + whileName + " tag"); throw new EvaluatorException( "Wrong Context, tag " + libTag.getFullName() + " must be inside a " + loopName + " or " + whileName + " tag with the label [" + label + "]"); } }