public Component getEntityByCFCName(String cfcName, boolean unique) throws PageException { String name = cfcName; int pointIndex = cfcName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (pointIndex != -1) { name = cfcName.substring(pointIndex + 1); } else cfcName = null; ComponentPro cfc; String[] names = null; // search array (array exist when cfcs is in generation) if (arr != null) { names = new String[arr.size()]; int index = 0; Iterator<ComponentPro> it2 = arr.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { cfc =; names[index++] = cfc.getName(); if (isEntity(cfc, cfcName, name)) // if(cfc.equalTo(name)) return unique ? (Component) cfc.duplicate(false) : cfc; } } else { // search cfcs Iterator<Entry<String, CFCInfo>> it = cfcs.entrySet().iterator(); Entry<String, CFCInfo> entry; while (it.hasNext()) { entry =; cfc = entry.getValue().getCFC(); if (isEntity(cfc, cfcName, name)) // if(cfc.instanceOf(name)) return unique ? (Component) cfc.duplicate(false) : cfc; // if(name.equalsIgnoreCase(HibernateCaster.getEntityName(cfc))) // return cfc; } names = cfcs.keySet().toArray(new String[cfcs.size()]); } // search by entityname //TODO is this ok? CFCInfo info = cfcs.get(name.toLowerCase()); if (info != null) { cfc = info.getCFC(); return unique ? (Component) cfc.duplicate(false) : cfc; } throw new ORMException( this, "entity [" + name + "] " + (StringUtil.isEmpty(cfcName) ? "" : "with cfc name [" + cfcName + "] ") + "does not exist, existing entities are [" + railo.runtime.type.List.arrayToList(names, ", ") + "]"); }
private ComponentPro _create(PageContext pc, String entityName, boolean unique) throws PageException { CFCInfo info = cfcs.get(id(entityName)); if (info != null) { ComponentPro cfc = info.getCFC(); if (unique) { cfc = (ComponentPro) cfc.duplicate(false); if (cfc.contains(pc, INIT)), "init", new Object[] {}); } return cfc; } return null; }
public void createMapping( PageContext pc, Component cfc, DatasourceConnection dc, ORMConfiguration ormConf) throws PageException { ComponentPro cfcp = ComponentUtil.toComponentPro(cfc); String id = id(HibernateCaster.getEntityName(cfcp)); CFCInfo info = cfcs.get(id); // Long modified=cfcs.get(id); String xml; long cfcCompTime = ComponentUtil.getCompileTime(pc, cfcp.getPageSource()); if (info == null || (ORMUtil.equals(info.getCFC(), cfcp))) { // && info.getModified()!=cfcCompTime StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); long xmlLastMod = loadMapping(sb, ormConf, cfcp); Element root; // create maaping if (true || xmlLastMod < cfcCompTime) { // MUSTMUST configuration = null; Document doc = null; try { doc = XMLUtil.newDocument(); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } root = doc.createElement("hibernate-mapping"); doc.appendChild(root); pc.addPageSource(cfcp.getPageSource(), true); try { HBMCreator.createXMLMapping(pc, dc, cfcp, ormConf, root, this); } finally { pc.removeLastPageSource(true); } xml = XMLCaster.toString(root.getChildNodes(), true); saveMapping(ormConf, cfcp, root); } // load else { xml = sb.toString(); root = Caster.toXML(xml).getOwnerDocument().getDocumentElement(); /*print.o("1+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); print.o(xml); print.o("2+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); print.o(root); print.o("3+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");*/ } cfcs.put(id, new CFCInfo(ComponentUtil.getCompileTime(pc, cfcp.getPageSource()), xml, cfcp)); } }
private boolean isEntity(ComponentPro cfc, String cfcName, String name) { if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(cfcName)) { if (cfc.equalTo(cfcName)) return true; if (cfcName.indexOf('.') != -1) { String path = cfcName.replace('.', '/') + ".cfc"; Resource[] locations = ormConf.getCfcLocations(); for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { if (locations[i].getRealResource(path).equals(cfc.getPageSource().getFile())) return true; } return false; } } if (cfc.equalTo(name)) return true; return name.equalsIgnoreCase(HibernateCaster.getEntityName(cfc)); }
public Component getEntityByEntityName(String entityName, boolean unique) throws PageException { ComponentPro cfc; CFCInfo info = cfcs.get(entityName.toLowerCase()); if (info != null) { cfc = info.getCFC(); return unique ? (Component) cfc.duplicate(false) : cfc; } if (arr != null) { Iterator<ComponentPro> it2 = arr.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { cfc =; if (HibernateCaster.getEntityName(cfc).equalsIgnoreCase(entityName)) return unique ? (Component) cfc.duplicate(false) : cfc; } } throw new ORMException(this, "entity [" + entityName + "] does not exist"); }
private synchronized SessionFactory getSessionFactory(PageContext pc, boolean init) throws PageException { ApplicationContextPro appContext = ((ApplicationContextPro) pc.getApplicationContext()); if (!appContext.isORMEnabled()) throw new ORMException(this, "ORM is not enabled in application.cfc/cfapplication"); this.hash = hash(appContext); // datasource String dsn = appContext.getORMDatasource(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(dsn)) throw new ORMException(this, "missing datasource defintion in application.cfc/cfapplication"); if (!dsn.equalsIgnoreCase(datasource)) { configuration = null; if (_factory != null) _factory.close(); _factory = null; datasource = dsn.toLowerCase(); } // config ormConf = appContext.getORMConfiguration(); // List<Component> arr = null; arr = null; if (init) { if (ormConf.autogenmap()) { arr = HibernateSessionFactory.loadComponents(pc, this, ormConf); cfcs.clear(); } else throw new HibernateException(this, "orm setting autogenmap=false is not supported yet"); } // load entities if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(arr)) { loadNamingStrategy(ormConf); DatasourceConnectionPool pool = ((ConfigWebImpl) pc.getConfig()).getDatasourceConnectionPool(); DatasourceConnection dc = pool.getDatasourceConnection(pc, pc.getConfig().getDataSource(dsn), null, null); // DataSourceManager manager = pc.getDataSourceManager(); // DatasourceConnection dc=manager.getConnection(pc,dsn, null, null); this.ds = dc.getDatasource(); try { Iterator<ComponentPro> it = arr.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { createMapping(pc,, dc, ormConf); } } finally { pool.releaseDatasourceConnection(dc); // manager.releaseConnection(pc,dc); } if (arr.size() != cfcs.size()) { ComponentPro cfc; String name, lcName; Map<String, String> names = new HashMap<String, String>(); Iterator<ComponentPro> it = arr.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { cfc =; name = HibernateCaster.getEntityName(cfc); lcName = name.toLowerCase(); if (names.containsKey(lcName)) throw new ORMException( this, "Entity Name [" + name + "] is ambigous, [" + names.get(lcName) + "] and [" + cfc.getPageSource().getDisplayPath() + "] use the same entity name."); names.put(lcName, cfc.getPageSource().getDisplayPath()); } } } arr = null; if (configuration != null) return _factory; // MUST // cacheconfig // cacheprovider // ... String mappings = HibernateSessionFactory.createMappings(this, cfcs); DatasourceConnectionPool pool = ((ConfigWebImpl) pc.getConfig()).getDatasourceConnectionPool(); DatasourceConnection dc = pool.getDatasourceConnection(pc, pc.getConfig().getDataSource(dsn), null, null); try { configuration = HibernateSessionFactory.createConfiguration(this, mappings, dc, ormConf); } catch (Exception e) { throw Caster.toPageException(e); } finally { pool.releaseDatasourceConnection(dc); } addEventListeners(pc, configuration, ormConf, cfcs); EntityTuplizerFactory tuplizerFactory = configuration.getEntityTuplizerFactory(); // tuplizerFactory.registerDefaultTuplizerClass(EntityMode.MAP, CFCEntityTuplizer.class); // tuplizerFactory.registerDefaultTuplizerClass(EntityMode.MAP, MapEntityTuplizer.class); tuplizerFactory.registerDefaultTuplizerClass(EntityMode.MAP, AbstractEntityTuplizerImpl.class); tuplizerFactory.registerDefaultTuplizerClass(EntityMode.POJO, AbstractEntityTuplizerImpl.class); // tuplizerFactory.registerDefaultTuplizerClass(EntityMode.POJO, // AbstractEntityTuplizerImpl.class); // configuration.setEntityResolver(new CFCEntityResolver()); // configuration.setEntityNotFoundDelegate(new EntityNotFoundDelegate()); return _factory = configuration.buildSessionFactory(); }