  * Return the schedule. This method attempts to construct a schedule based on a topological sort
  * of the graph (which uses causality interfaces). If there are cycles, no such sort is possible,
  * and this method simply returns a schedule that lists the actors in their natural order in the
  * container, which is the order in which they were created (unless that order has been modified
  * through "bring to front" or "send to back"). This method should not be called directly, but
  * rather the getSchedule() method (which is defined in the superclass) will call it when the
  * schedule is invalid. This method is not synchronized on the workspace.
  * @return A schedule.
 protected Schedule _getSchedule() {
   StaticSchedulingDirector director = (StaticSchedulingDirector) getContainer();
   if (director == null) {
     throw new NotSchedulableException(this, "No director.  ");
   CompositeActor compositeActor = (CompositeActor) director.getContainer();
   if (compositeActor == null) {
     throw new NotSchedulableException(this, "No container.");
   CausalityInterfaceForComposites causality =
       (CausalityInterfaceForComposites) compositeActor.getCausalityInterface();
   List<Actor> sortedActors;
   try {
     sortedActors = causality.topologicalSort();
   } catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
     sortedActors = compositeActor.deepEntityList();
   Schedule schedule = new Schedule();
   if (_debugging) {
     _debug("## Schedule generated:");
   for (Actor actor : sortedActors) {
     Firing firing = new Firing(actor);
     if (_debugging) {
       _debug(" - " + actor.getFullName());
   if (_debugging) {
     _debug("## End of schedule.");
   return schedule;
예제 #2
   * Returns <code>null</code> as a Tree EditPart holds no children under it.
   * @return <code>null</code>
  protected List getModelChildren() {
    NamedObj namedObjectModel = getNamedObjectModel();

    List children = new ArrayList();
    if (namedObjectModel instanceof AtomicActor) {
      AtomicActor actor = (AtomicActor) namedObjectModel;
    } else if (namedObjectModel instanceof CompositeActor) {
      CompositeActor composite = (CompositeActor) namedObjectModel;

      Enumeration enumeration = composite.getEntities();
      while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
    } else if (namedObjectModel instanceof IOPort) {
      IOPort text = (IOPort) namedObjectModel;
    } else if (namedObjectModel instanceof Vertex) {
      Vertex text = (Vertex) namedObjectModel;
    } else if (namedObjectModel instanceof TextAttribute) {
      TextAttribute text = (TextAttribute) namedObjectModel;
    } else if (namedObjectModel instanceof Director) {
      Director director = (Director) namedObjectModel;
    return children;
  public void setFocus() {



    if (actor == null && momlPath != null) {
      final MoMLParser parser = new MoMLParser(new Workspace());
      try {
        final IResource moml = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().findMember(momlPath);
        CompositeActor toplevel =
            (CompositeActor) parser.parse(null, new File(moml.getLocation().toString()).toURL());
        ComponentEntity entity = PasserelleProjectUtils.findEntityByName(toplevel, actorName);

        if (entity != null && entity.getName().equals(actorName)) {
          this.actor = (SubstitutionParticipant) entity;

      } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Cannot parse " + momlPath, e);

    if (actor != null) {
      viewer.setInput(new Object());
예제 #4
파일: SketchApplet.java 프로젝트: ptII/ptII
  /** Create the shared plot and set it up based on the director parameters. */
  public void _createView() {

    try {
      // Find out how many iterations the director expects to run for.
      CompositeActor toplevel = (CompositeActor) _toplevel;
      SDFDirector director = (SDFDirector) toplevel.getDirector();
      int iterations = ((IntToken) (director.iterations.getToken())).intValue();

      _sketchedSource = (SketchedSource) toplevel.getEntity("SketchedSource");

      // Note: The order of the following is important.
      // First, specify how long the sketched plot should be.
      _sketchedSource.length.setToken(new IntToken(iterations));

      // Then, create the plot and place it in this applet,
      // and specify to both the source and destination actors
      // to use the same plot widget.
      EditablePlot plot = new EditablePlot();
      plot.setSize(700, 300);
      plot.setTitle("Editable envelope");
      plot.setXRange(0, iterations);
      _sketchedSource.place(new AWTContainer(plot));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      report("Error constructing model.", ex);
예제 #5
   * Initialize the applet. This method is called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this
   * applet that it has been loaded into the system. It is always called before the first time that
   * the start() method is called. In this base class, this method creates a new workspace, and
   * instantiates in it the model whose class name is given by the <i>modelClass</i> applet
   * parameter. If that model does not contain a manager, then this method creates one for it.
  public void init() {
    _setupOK = true;
    _workspace = new Workspace(getClass().getName());

    try {
      _toplevel = _createModel(_workspace);

      _toplevel.setModelErrorHandler(new BasicModelErrorHandler());

      // This might not actually be a top level, because we might
      // be looking inside. So we check before creating a manager.
      if ((_toplevel.getContainer() == null) && _toplevel instanceof CompositeActor) {
        if (((CompositeActor) _toplevel).getManager() == null) {
          _manager = new Manager(_workspace, "manager");
          ((CompositeActor) _toplevel).setManager(_manager);
        } else {
          _manager = ((CompositeActor) _toplevel).getManager();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      _setupOK = false;
      report("Creation of model failed:\n", ex);

예제 #6
   * Return a string representation of the buffer sizes of the relations in the model. This
   * diagnostic method shows the buffer size expression for each relation along with the relation
   * itself.
   * @return A string representation of the buffer sizes.
  public String displayBufferSizes() {
    StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
    PSDFDirector director = (PSDFDirector) getContainer();
    CompositeActor model = (CompositeActor) director.getContainer();
    Iterator relations = model.relationList().iterator();

    while (relations.hasNext()) {
      Relation relation = (Relation) relations.next();
      Variable variable = (Variable) relation.getAttribute("bufferSize");
      result.append(relation.getName() + ": ");

      if (variable == null) {
      } else {


    return result.toString();
예제 #7
   * Generate the initialize code for the associated SDF director.
   * @return The generated initialize code.
   * @exception IllegalActionException If the helper associated with an actor throws it while
   *     generating initialize code for the actor.
  public String generateInitializeCode() throws IllegalActionException {
    StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();

    ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor container =
        (ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor) getComponent().getContainer();
    CodeGeneratorHelper containerHelper = (CodeGeneratorHelper) _getHelper(container);

    // Generate code for creating external initial production.
    Iterator outputPorts = container.outputPortList().iterator();
    while (outputPorts.hasNext()) {
      IOPort outputPort = (IOPort) outputPorts.next();
      int rate = DFUtilities.getTokenInitProduction(outputPort);

      if (rate > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < outputPort.getWidthInside(); i++) {
          if (i < outputPort.getWidth()) {
            String name = outputPort.getName();

            if (outputPort.isMultiport()) {
              name = name + '#' + i;

            for (int k = 0; k < rate; k++) {
              code.append(CodeStream.indent(containerHelper.getReference(name + "," + k)));
              code.append(" = ");
              code.append(containerHelper.getReference("@" + name + "," + k));
              code.append(";" + _eol);

        // The offset of the ports connected to the output port is
        // updated by outside director.
        _updatePortOffset(outputPort, code, rate);
    return code.toString();
예제 #8
   * Create a LinkedList containing all the instances of Actor contained by the CompositeActor in
   * which this director is embedded.
   * @return A LinkedList containing all the instances of Actor contained by the CompositeActor in
   *     which this director is embedded.
  private LinkedList getActors() {
    if (VERBOSE) {
      System.out.println("Getting actors");

    CompositeActor container = (CompositeActor) getContainer();

    // A linked list containing all the actors.
    LinkedList allActorList = new LinkedList();

    // Populate it.
    for (Iterator entities = container.deepEntityList().iterator(); entities.hasNext(); ) {
      ComponentEntity entity = (ComponentEntity) entities.next();

      // Fill allActorList with the list of things that we can schedule
      if (entity instanceof Actor) {

    return allActorList;
예제 #9
   * Override the base class to open the model specified if the attribute is modelFileOrURL, or for
   * other parameters, to cache their values.
   * @param attribute The attribute that changed.
   * @exception IllegalActionException If the change is not acceptable to this container (not thrown
   *     in this base class).
  public void attributeChanged(Attribute attribute) throws IllegalActionException {
    if (attribute == modelFileOrURL) {
      // Open the file and read the MoML to create a model.
      URL url = modelFileOrURL.asURL();

      if (url != null) {
        // By specifying no workspace argument to the parser, we
        // are asking it to create a new workspace for the referenced
        // model. This is necessary because the execution of that
        // model will proceed through its own sequences, and it
        // will need to get write permission on the workspace.
        // Particularly if it is executing in a new thread, then
        // during the fire() method of this actor it would be
        // inappropriate to grant write access on the workspace
        // of this actor.
        MoMLParser parser = new MoMLParser();

        try {
          _model = parser.parse(null, url);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
          throw new IllegalActionException(this, ex, "Failed to read model.");

        // Create a manager, if appropriate.
        if (_model instanceof CompositeActor) {
          _manager = new Manager(_model.workspace(), "Manager");
          ((CompositeActor) _model).setManager(_manager);

          if (_debugging) {
            _debug("** Created new manager.");
      } else {
        // URL is null... delete the current model.
        _model = null;
        _manager = null;
        _throwable = null;
    } else if (attribute == maxOutputLength) {
      IntToken length = (IntToken) maxOutputLength.getToken();

      if (length.intValue() > 0) {
        _outputLength = length.intValue();
      } else {
        throw new IllegalActionException(this, "output array length is less than or equal 0?!");
    } else {
예제 #10
   * Check to see if the buffer size for the current schedule is greater than the previous size. If
   * so, set the buffer size to the current buffer size needed.
   * @exception IllegalActionException If thrown while getting helper or buffer size.
  protected void _updatePortBufferSize() throws IllegalActionException {

    ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector director =
        (ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector) getComponent();
    CompositeActor container = (CompositeActor) director.getContainer();
    ptolemy.codegen.c.actor.TypedCompositeActor containerHelper =
        (ptolemy.codegen.c.actor.TypedCompositeActor) _getHelper(container);

    Iterator actors = container.deepEntityList().iterator();
    while (actors.hasNext()) {
      Actor actor = (Actor) actors.next();
      CodeGeneratorHelper actorHelper = (CodeGeneratorHelper) _getHelper((NamedObj) actor);
      Iterator inputPorts = actor.inputPortList().iterator();
      while (inputPorts.hasNext()) {
        IOPort inputPort = (IOPort) inputPorts.next();
        for (int k = 0; k < inputPort.getWidth(); k++) {
          int newCapacity = getBufferSize(inputPort, k);
          int oldCapacity = actorHelper.getBufferSize(inputPort, k);
          if (newCapacity > oldCapacity) {
            actorHelper.setBufferSize(inputPort, k, newCapacity);

    Iterator outputPorts = container.outputPortList().iterator();
    while (outputPorts.hasNext()) {
      IOPort outputPort = (IOPort) outputPorts.next();
      for (int k = 0; k < outputPort.getWidthInside(); k++) {
        int newCapacity = getBufferSize(outputPort, k);
        int oldCapacity = containerHelper.getBufferSize(outputPort, k);
        if (newCapacity > oldCapacity) {
          containerHelper.setBufferSize(outputPort, k, newCapacity);
예제 #11
   * Topology analysis to get a list of agents. The agents should be TypedCompositeActor with
   * parameter charonMode as null (by default) or true.
   * @param actor Container to be analyzed to return agent list.
   * @return List of agents defined in model.
  private LinkedList _agents(CompositeActor actor) throws IllegalActionException {
    LinkedList agentList = new LinkedList();
    ListIterator agentsIterator = actor.entityList(TypedCompositeActor.class).listIterator();

    while (agentsIterator.hasNext()) {
      TypedCompositeActor agent = (TypedCompositeActor) agentsIterator.next();
      Parameter charonAgent = (Parameter) agent.getAttribute("charonAgent");

      if ((charonAgent == null) || ((BooleanToken) charonAgent.getToken()).booleanValue()) {

    return agentList;
예제 #12
   * Read in a MoML class, sanitize the top level name, initialize the model. Usually initialize()
   * is called after calling readInModel().
   * <p>If the director is an SDF director, then the number of iterations is handled specially. If
   * the director is an SDF director and a parameter called "copernicus_iterations" is present, then
   * the value of that parameter is used as the number of iterations. If the director is an SDF
   * director, and there is no "copernicus_iterations" parameter but the
   * "ptolemy.ptII.copernicusIterations" Java property is set, then the value of that property is
   * used as the number of iterations.
   * @param toplevel The model we are generating code for.
  public void initialize(CompositeActor toplevel)
      throws IllegalActionException, NameDuplicationException {
    _toplevel = toplevel;

    // Applet codegen works with all directors, not just SDF.
    Director topLevelDirector = toplevel.getDirector();

    // FIXME: nearly duplicate code in java/TestApplication.java
    if (topLevelDirector != null && topLevelDirector instanceof SDFDirector) {
      SDFDirector director = (SDFDirector) topLevelDirector;
      Parameter iterations = (Parameter) director.getAttribute("iterations");
      Parameter copernicus_iterations = (Parameter) director.getAttribute("copernicus_iterations");

      // Set to be a large number of iterations, unless
      // copernicus_iterations is set.
      if (copernicus_iterations != null) {
      } else {
        String copernicusIterations =

        if (copernicusIterations.length() > 0) {
              "KernelMain: " + "Setting number of iterations to " + copernicusIterations);
          iterations.setToken(new IntToken(copernicusIterations));

    // Initialize the model to ensure type resolution and scheduling
    // are done.
    try {
      Manager manager = new Manager(_toplevel.workspace(), "manager");
    } catch (Exception exception) {
      throw new KernelRuntimeException(exception, "Could not initialize composite actor");
예제 #13
   * Transform the graphic block diagram to text expression. Assume container only contains atomic
   * actors.
   * @param container contains actors.
   * @return txtExpression of graphic block diagram.
  private String _graphToText(CompositeActor container) throws IllegalActionException {
    // It is not trivial to transform graph to text.
    // Here, we assume there is only one Integrator and one expression actor.
    String txtString = "";
    LinkedList actors = new LinkedList(container.entityList());
    ListIterator actorIterator = actors.listIterator();

    // we begin with Integrator.
    AtomicActor beginActor = new AtomicActor();

    while (actorIterator.hasNext()) {
      Actor actor = (Actor) actorIterator.next();

      if (Integrator.class.isInstance(actor)) {
        beginActor = (AtomicActor) actor;

    if (beginActor == null) {
      throw new IllegalActionException("Integrator is needed!");
    } else {
      // we trace the output of the Integrator
      // we assume the output of the integrator is connectted
      // to the container output directly and they have same names
      // for simplicity at this time.
      // FIXME: we really need to reconsider the methods of ports.
      List outputs = beginActor.outputPortList();
      ListIterator outputIterator = outputs.listIterator();
      String outputName = "";

      if (outputs.size() != 1) {
        throw new IllegalActionException("Integrator only have one output!  " + outputs.size());
      } else {
        TypedIOPort output = (TypedIOPort) outputIterator.next();
        ListIterator sinkIterator = output.connectedPortList().listIterator();

        while (sinkIterator.hasNext()) {
          TypedIOPort sink = (TypedIOPort) sinkIterator.next();

          if (sink.isOutput()) {
            // FIXME: we need to consider depth in hierarchy
            // to avoid two outputs connected to same output
            // of composite actor
            outputName = sink.getName();

        txtString += ("diff { d(" + outputName + ") == ");

      // we trace the input of the integrator
      List inputs = beginActor.inputPortList();
      ListIterator inputIterator = inputs.listIterator();

      if (inputs.size() != 1) {
        throw new IllegalActionException("Integrator only have one input!");
      } else {
        TypedIOPort input = (TypedIOPort) inputIterator.next();
        List sources = input.connectedPortList();

        if (sources.size() != 1) {
          throw new IllegalActionException("There is only one connection to the input!");
        } else {
          TypedIOPort source = (TypedIOPort) sources.get(0);

          // if there is just an integrator
          if (source.isInput()) {
            txtString += (source.getName() + " ; }" + _endLine);
          // if there is some expression actor
          else {
            AtomicActor expressionActor = (AtomicActor) source.getContainer();

            if (Expression.class.isInstance(expressionActor)) {
              Parameter expPara = (Parameter) expressionActor.getAttribute("expression");
              txtString += (expPara.getExpression() + " ; } " + _endLine);
            } else {
              throw new IllegalActionException("This should be Expression Atomic Actor!");

    return txtString;
예제 #14
   * Generate code for the agent.
   * @param CompositeActor The agent generated code from.
   * @return The agent code.
  private String _agentCode(CompositeActor actor) throws IllegalActionException {
    //    System.out.println("dealing with " + actor.getFullName());
    String codeString = "agent";
    String parameterString = "";
    String inputString = "";
    String outputString = "";
    String initString = "";
    String modeString = "";
    String modeParameterString = "";
    String typedModeParameterString = "";
    String flowString = "";
    String invariantString = "";

    LinkedList parameterList = (LinkedList) actor.attributeList(Parameter.class);

    /*        Parameter invariantPara = (Parameter) actor.getAttribute("_invariant");
              if (invariantPara  != null) {
              invariantString = "inv { "
              + ((StringToken)invariantPara.getToken()).stringValue()
              + " } ";
              //get rid of _invariant parameter
              //FIXME: it seems that after getAttribute,
              //the attribute does not exist?
    ListIterator assertions = _assertions(actor).listIterator();

    while (assertions.hasNext()) {
      Assertion assertion = (Assertion) assertions.next();

      if (invariantString.length() == 0) {
        invariantString = "inv { " + assertion.assertion.getExpression();
      } else {
        invariantString += (" ; " + assertion.assertion.getExpression());

      invariantString += " } ";

    int parameterNumber = parameterList.size();
    ListIterator parameters = parameterList.listIterator();

    _inPorts = actor.inputPortList().iterator();

    while (_inPorts.hasNext()) {
      if (inputString == "") {
        inputString += ("read analog real " + ((NamedObj) _inPorts.next()).getName());
      } else {
        inputString += (", " + ((NamedObj) _inPorts.next()).getName());

    if (inputString != "") {
      inputString += ";";

    _outPorts = actor.outputPortList().iterator();

    int outportNumber = actor.outputPortList().size();

    // since the parameters are either for mode or for outport,
    // we assume the number of the parameters for outport is the same
    // with the number of outport(s)
    boolean parameterForOutport = false;

    while (parameters.hasNext()) {
      String parameterName = ((NamedObj) parameters.next()).getName();

      if (parameterName.startsWith("_")) {

      if (parameters.nextIndex() > (parameterNumber - outportNumber)) {
        parameterForOutport = true;

      if (parameterString == "") {
        parameterString += ("real " + parameterName);
      } else {
        parameterString += (", real " + parameterName);

      if (parameterForOutport) {
        if (_outPorts.hasNext()) {
          String outportName = ((NamedObj) _outPorts.next()).getName();

          if (outputString == "") {
            outputString += ("write analog real " + outportName);
          } else {
            outputString += (", " + outportName);

          initString += (outportName + " = " + parameterName + " ;");
      } else {
        if (modeParameterString == "") {
          modeParameterString += parameterName;
          typedModeParameterString += ("real " + parameterName);
        } else {
          modeParameterString += (", " + parameterName);
          typedModeParameterString += (", real " + parameterName);

    if (outputString != "") {
      outputString += ";";

    initString = "init { " + initString + " }";

    modeString = "mode top = " + actor.getName() + "TopMode" + " ( " + modeParameterString + " ) ;";

    codeString +=
        (" "
            + actor.getName()
            + " ( "
            + parameterString
            + " )"
            + _endLine
            + "{"
            + _endLine
            + "  "
            + outputString
            + _endLine
            + "  "
            + inputString
            + _endLine
            + "  "
            + initString
            + _endLine
            + "  "
            + modeString
            + _endLine
            + "}"
            + _endLine);

    if (FSMDirector.class.isInstance(actor.getDirector())) {
      // mode code generation goes here.
      _modeCode +=
          ("mode "
              + actor.getName()
              + "TopMode"
              + " ( "
              + typedModeParameterString
              + " )"
              + _endLine
              + "{"
              + _endLine
              + "  "
              + outputString
              + _endLine
              + "  "
              + inputString
              + _endLine);

      // notice the _fsmModeCode(actor) will modify the _modeCode with transitions code
      // and return the mode code for each sub mode.(refinement)
      String subModeString =
              ((FSMDirector) actor.getDirector()).getController(), inputString, outputString);
      _modeCode += ("  " + invariantString + _endLine + "}" + _endLine + subModeString);
    } else {
      flowString = _graphToText(actor);
      _modeCode +=
          ("mode "
              + actor.getName()
              + "TopMode"
              + " ( "
              + typedModeParameterString
              + " )"
              + _endLine
              + "{"
              + _endLine
              + "  "
              + outputString
              + _endLine
              + "  "
              + inputString
              + _endLine
              + "  "
              + flowString
              + _endLine
              + "  "
              + invariantString
              + _endLine
              + "}"
              + _endLine);

    return codeString;
예제 #15
  // we assume the composite agent has no mode
  // only atomic agent has mode
  private String _compositeAgentCode(CompositeActor actor) throws IllegalActionException {
    if (FSMDirector.class.isInstance(actor.getDirector())) {
      //            System.out.println("in FSM");
      return _agentCode(actor);

    LinkedList subAgents = _agents(actor);

    if (subAgents.size() == 0) {
      return _agentCode(actor);

    String compositeCodeString = "";
    String subAgentCode = "";
    String privateVariables = "";

    ListIterator subAgentsIterator = subAgents.listIterator();

    // the output ports of composite agent
    // In fact, there is always at most one output
    List outputPorts = actor.outputPortList();
    ListIterator outputPortsIterator = actor.outputPortList().listIterator();

    if (outputPorts.size() > 1) {
      throw new IllegalActionException(" The agent has more than one output!");

    // get the source subAgent name
    String outputAgentName = "";
    String outputPortName = "";
    String sourceForOutputName = "";

    while (outputPortsIterator.hasNext()) {
      TypedIOPort output = (TypedIOPort) outputPortsIterator.next();
      outputPortName = output.getName();

      ListIterator sourcePorts = output.insidePortList().listIterator();

      TypedIOPort sourcePort = new TypedIOPort();

      while (sourcePorts.hasNext()) {
        TypedIOPort port = (TypedIOPort) sourcePorts.next();

        if (port.isOutput()) {
          if (sourcePort == null) {
            throw new IllegalActionException(" The output has more than one source!");
          } else {
            sourcePort = port;
            sourceForOutputName = sourcePort.getName();

            Nameable sourceContainer = sourcePort.getContainer();
            outputAgentName = sourceContainer.getName();

    while (subAgentsIterator.hasNext()) {
      String subAgentConnectionInputs = "";
      String subAgentConnectionOutputs = "";

      CompositeActor subAgent = (CompositeActor) subAgentsIterator.next();

      if (outputAgentName.equals(subAgent.getName())) {
        // the inside output actually is input to outside environment
        subAgentConnectionOutputs += sourceForOutputName;
        subAgentConnectionInputs += outputPortName;

      subAgentCode +=
          ("  agent " + subAgent.getName().toLowerCase() + " = " + subAgent.getName() + " ( ");

      if (actor.depthInHierarchy() == 0) {
        subAgentCode += _agentParameterTokens((NamedObj) subAgent);
      } else {
        subAgentCode += _agentParameters((NamedObj) subAgent, false);

      subAgentCode += (" );" + _endLine);

      ListIterator subAgentInputs = subAgent.inputPortList().listIterator();

      while (subAgentInputs.hasNext()) {
        TypedIOPort input = (TypedIOPort) subAgentInputs.next();
        LinkedList sourceList = _shallowSourcePortList(input);
        ListIterator sources = sourceList.listIterator();
        boolean privateVariable = true;

        while (sources.hasNext()) {
          TypedIOPort source = (TypedIOPort) sources.next();

          if (source.depthInHierarchy() != input.depthInHierarchy()) {
            privateVariable = false;

          if (!(source.getName().equals(input.getName()))) {
            if (subAgentConnectionOutputs == "") {
              subAgentConnectionOutputs += source.getName();
              subAgentConnectionInputs += input.getName();
            } else {
              subAgentConnectionOutputs += (", " + source.getName());
              subAgentConnectionInputs += (", " + input.getName());

        if (privateVariable) {
          if (privateVariables == "") {
            privateVariables += ("private analog real " + input.getName());
          } else {
            privateVariables += (", " + input.getName());

      if (subAgentConnectionInputs.length() != 0) {
        subAgentCode +=
            ("       [ "
                + subAgentConnectionInputs
                + " := "
                + subAgentConnectionOutputs
                + " ] ;"
                + _endLine);

      compositeCodeString += _compositeAgentCode(subAgent);

    compositeCodeString += "agent";

    String parameterString = "";
    String inputString = "";
    String outputString = "";
    String initString = "";
    String modeString = "";
    String modeParameterString = "";

    LinkedList parameterList = (LinkedList) actor.attributeList(Parameter.class);
    int parameterNumber = parameterList.size();
    ListIterator parameters = parameterList.listIterator();

    _inPorts = actor.inputPortList().iterator();

    while (_inPorts.hasNext()) {
      if (inputString == "") {
        inputString += ("read analog real " + ((NamedObj) _inPorts.next()).getName());
      } else {
        inputString += (", " + ((NamedObj) _inPorts.next()).getName());

    if (inputString != "") {
      inputString += ";";

    _outPorts = actor.outputPortList().iterator();

    if (_outPorts.hasNext()) {
      String outportName = ((NamedObj) _outPorts.next()).getName();

      if (outputString == "") {
        outputString += ("write analog real " + outportName);
      } else {
        outputString += (", " + outportName);

    if (outputString != "") {
      outputString += ";";

    if (privateVariables.length() != 0) {
      privateVariables += ";";

    compositeCodeString += (" " + actor.getName() + " ( ");

    if (actor.depthInHierarchy() != 0) {
      compositeCodeString += _agentParameters((NamedObj) actor, true);

    compositeCodeString +=
        (" )"
            + _endLine
            + "{"
            + _endLine
            + "  "
            + outputString
            + _endLine
            + "  "
            + inputString
            + _endLine
            + "  "
            + privateVariables
            + _endLine
            + subAgentCode
            + _endLine
            + "}"
            + _endLine);

    return compositeCodeString;
예제 #16
 // Topology analysis to get the list of assertions.
 private LinkedList _assertions(CompositeActor actor) throws IllegalActionException {
   LinkedList assertionList = new LinkedList();
   assertionList = (LinkedList) actor.entityList(Assertion.class);
   return assertionList;
예제 #17
   * Return the parameterized scheduling sequence. An exception will be thrown if the graph is not
   * schedulable.
   * @return A schedule of the deeply contained opaque entities in the firing order.
   * @exception NotSchedulableException If a parameterized schedule cannot be derived for the model.
   * @exception IllegalActionException If the rate parameters of the model are not correct, or the
   *     computed rates for external ports are not correct.
  protected Schedule _getSchedule() throws NotSchedulableException, IllegalActionException {
    PSDFDirector director = (PSDFDirector) getContainer();
    CompositeActor model = (CompositeActor) director.getContainer();

    // Get the vectorization factor.
    String vectorizationFactorExpression = "1";

    String vectorizationName = director.vectorizationFactor.getName(model);
    vectorizationFactorExpression = vectorizationName.replaceAll("\\.", "::");

    if (vectorizationFactorExpression.indexOf(" ") != -1) {
      throw new InternalErrorException(
          "The vectorizationFactor "
              + "PSDFDirector parameter must "
              + "not have spaces in its value.  The original value "
              + "was \""
              + vectorizationName
              + "\". Try changing the name of "
              + "director.");

    PSDFGraphReader graphReader = new PSDFGraphReader();
    PSDFGraph graph = (PSDFGraph) graphReader.convert(model);
    _debug("PSDF graph = \n" + graph.toString());

    if (_debugFlag) {

    PSDFAPGANStrategy strategy = new PSDFAPGANStrategy(graph);
    ptolemy.graph.sched.Schedule graphSchedule = strategy.schedule();
    _debug("P-APGAN schedule = \n" + graphSchedule.toString());

    SymbolicScheduleElement resultSchedule =
        _expandAPGAN(graph, strategy.getClusterManager().getRootNode(), strategy);

    _debug("Final schedule = \n" + resultSchedule.toString());

    if (_debugging) {
      _debug("The buffer size map:\n");

      Iterator relations = _bufferSizeMap.keySet().iterator();

      while (relations.hasNext()) {
        Relation relation = (Relation) relations.next();
        _debug(relation.getName() + ": " + _bufferSizeMap.get(relation) + "\n");


    // Crazy hack to infer firing counts for each actor.
    try {
      _inferFiringCounts(resultSchedule, null);
    } catch (NameDuplicationException ex) {
      throw new NotSchedulableException(new LinkedList(), ex, "Error recording firing counts");

    // Crazy hack to Infer port production: FIXME: This should be
    // done as part of the APGAN expansion where the rates of
    // external ports are unknown The reason is that it will make
    // rate information propagate from an actor input port to
    // another actors input port that are connected on the inside
    // to the same external input port.  See
    // BaseSDFScheduler.setContainerRates.
    Iterator ports = model.portList().iterator();

    while (ports.hasNext()) {
      IOPort port = (IOPort) ports.next();

      if (_debugging && VERBOSE) {
        _debug("External Port " + port.getName());

      if (port.isInput() && port.isOutput()) {
        throw new NotSchedulableException(
            "External port is both an input and an output, " + "which is not allowed in SDF.");
      } else if (port.isInput()) {
        List sinks = port.insideSinkPortList();

        if (sinks.size() > 0) {
          IOPort connectedPort = (IOPort) sinks.get(0);
          Entity entity = (Entity) connectedPort.getContainer();
          String name = connectedPort.getName(model);
          String identifier = name.replaceAll("\\.", "::");

          String sinkExpression;
          Variable sinkRateVariable =
              DFUtilities.getRateVariable(connectedPort, "tokenConsumptionRate");

          if (sinkRateVariable == null) {
            sinkExpression = "1";
          } else {
            sinkExpression = identifier + "::" + sinkRateVariable.getName();

          String expression = sinkExpression + " * " + entity.getName() + "::firingsPerIteration";

          DFUtilities.setExpressionIfNotDefined(port, "tokenConsumptionRate", expression);

          if (_debugging && VERBOSE) {
            _debug("Setting tokenConsumptionRate to " + expression);
      } else if (port.isOutput()) {
        List sources = port.insideSourcePortList();

        if (sources.size() > 0) {
          IOPort connectedPort = (IOPort) sources.get(0);
          Entity entity = (Entity) connectedPort.getContainer();
          String name = connectedPort.getName(model);
          String identifier = name.replaceAll("\\.", "::");
          Variable sourceRateVariable =
              DFUtilities.getRateVariable(connectedPort, "tokenProductionRate");
          String sourceExpression;

          if (sourceRateVariable == null) {
            sourceExpression = "1";
          } else {
            sourceExpression = identifier + "::" + sourceRateVariable.getName();

          String expression = sourceExpression + " * " + entity.getName() + "::firingsPerIteration";

          DFUtilities.setExpressionIfNotDefined(port, "tokenProductionRate", expression);

          if (_debugging && VERBOSE) {
            _debug("Setting tokenProductionRate to " + expression);

        // Infer init production.
        // Note that this is a very simple type of inference...
        // However, in general, we don't want to try to
        // flatten this model...
        //  Iterator connectedPorts =
        //                     port.insideSourcePortList().iterator();
        //                 IOPort foundOutputPort = null;
        //                 int inferredRate = 0;
        //                 while (connectedPorts.hasNext()) {
        //                     IOPort connectedPort = (IOPort) connectedPorts.next();
        //                     int newRate;
        //                     if (connectedPort.isOutput()) {
        //                         newRate =
        //                             DFUtilities.getTokenInitProduction(connectedPort);
        //                     } else {
        //                         newRate = 0;
        //                     }
        //                     // If we've already set the rate, then check that the
        //                     // rate for any other internal port is correct.
        //                     if (foundOutputPort != null &&
        //                             newRate != inferredRate) {
        //                         throw new NotSchedulableException(
        //                                 "External output port " + port
        //                                 + " is connected on the inside to ports "
        //                                 + "with different initial production: "
        //                                 + foundOutputPort + " and "
        //                                 + connectedPort);
        //                     }
        //                     foundOutputPort = connectedPort;
        //                     inferredRate = newRate;
        //                 }
        //                 DFUtilities._setIfNotDefined(
        //                         port, "tokenInitProduction", inferredRate);
        //                 if (_debugging && VERBOSE) {
        //                     _debug("Setting tokenInitProduction to "
        //                             + inferredRate);
        //                 }
      } else {
        throw new NotSchedulableException(
            "External port is neither an input and an output, " + "which is not allowed in SDF.");

    // Set the schedule to be valid.

    if (resultSchedule instanceof Schedule) {
      return (Schedule) resultSchedule;
    } else {
      // Must be ScheduleElement.
      Schedule schedule = new Schedule();
      schedule.add((ScheduleElement) resultSchedule);
      return schedule;
예제 #18
   * Generate code for transferring enough tokens to fulfill the output production rate.
   * @param outputPort The port to transfer tokens.
   * @param code The string buffer that the generated code is appended to.
   * @exception IllegalActionException If thrown while transferring tokens.
  public void generateTransferOutputsCode(IOPort outputPort, StringBuffer code)
      throws IllegalActionException {
            _codeGenerator.comment("SDFDirector: " + "Transfer tokens to the outside.")));

    int rate = DFUtilities.getTokenProductionRate(outputPort);

    CompositeActor container = (CompositeActor) getComponent().getContainer();
    ptolemy.codegen.c.actor.TypedCompositeActor compositeActorHelper =
        (ptolemy.codegen.c.actor.TypedCompositeActor) _getHelper(container);

    if (container instanceof TypedCompositeActorWithCoSimulation) {

      if (_portNumber == 0) {
        int numberOfOutputPorts = container.outputPortList().size();

        code.append(_INDENT2 + "jobjectArray tokensToAllOutputPorts;" + _eol);
                + "jclass objClass = (*env)->FindClass(env, "
                + "\"Ljava/lang/Object;\");"
                + _eol);
                + "tokensToAllOutputPorts = "
                + "(*env)->NewObjectArray(env, "
                + numberOfOutputPorts
                + ", objClass, NULL);"
                + _eol);

      String portName = outputPort.getName();
      String tokensToThisPort = "tokensTo" + portName;
      Type type = ((TypedIOPort) outputPort).getType();

      int numberOfChannels = outputPort.getWidthInside();
      code.append(_INDENT2 + "jobjectArray " + tokensToThisPort + ";" + _eol);

      if (type == BaseType.INT) {
        if (!_intFlag) {
          code.append(_INDENT2 + "jclass objClassI = (*env)->FindClass(env, " + "\"[I\");" + _eol);
          _intFlag = true;
                + tokensToThisPort
                + " = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, "
                + numberOfChannels
                + ", objClassI, NULL);"
                + _eol);
      } else if (type == BaseType.DOUBLE) {
        if (!_doubleFlag) {
          code.append(_INDENT2 + "jclass objClassD = (*env)->FindClass(env, " + "\"[D\");" + _eol);
          _doubleFlag = true;
                + tokensToThisPort
                + " = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, "
                + numberOfChannels
                + ", objClassD, NULL);"
                + _eol);
      } else {
        // FIXME: need to deal with other types

      for (int i = 0; i < outputPort.getWidthInside(); i++) {

        String tokensToOneChannel = "tokensToOneChannelOf" + portName;
        if (i == 0) {
          if (type == BaseType.INT) {
            code.append(_INDENT2 + "jint " + tokensToOneChannel + "[" + rate + "];" + _eol);

          } else if (type == BaseType.DOUBLE) {
            code.append(_INDENT2 + "jdouble " + tokensToOneChannel + "[" + rate + "];" + _eol);

          } else {
            // FIXME: need to deal with other types

        String portNameWithChannelNumber = portName;
        if (outputPort.isMultiport()) {
          portNameWithChannelNumber = portName + '#' + i;

        for (int k = 0; k < rate; k++) {
                  + tokensToOneChannel
                  + "["
                  + k
                  + "] = "
                  + compositeActorHelper.getReference("@" + portNameWithChannelNumber + "," + k)
                  + ";"
                  + _eol);

        String tokensToOneChannelArray = "arr" + portName + i;
        if (type == BaseType.INT) {
                  + "jintArray "
                  + tokensToOneChannelArray
                  + " = "
                  + "(*env)->NewIntArray(env, "
                  + rate
                  + ");"
                  + _eol);
                  + "(*env)->SetIntArrayRegion"
                  + "(env, "
                  + tokensToOneChannelArray
                  + ", 0, "
                  + rate
                  + ", "
                  + tokensToOneChannel
                  + ");"
                  + _eol);

        } else if (type == BaseType.DOUBLE) {
                  + "jdoubleArray "
                  + tokensToOneChannelArray
                  + " = "
                  + "(*env)->NewDoubleArray(env, "
                  + rate
                  + ");"
                  + _eol);
                  + "(*env)->SetDoubleArrayRegion"
                  + "(env, "
                  + tokensToOneChannelArray
                  + ", 0, "
                  + rate
                  + ", "
                  + tokensToOneChannel
                  + ");"
                  + _eol);

        } else {
          // FIXME: need to deal with other types

                + "(*env)->SetObjectArrayElement"
                + "(env, "
                + tokensToThisPort
                + ", "
                + i
                + ", "
                + tokensToOneChannelArray
                + ");"
                + _eol);
            _INDENT2 + "(*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, " + tokensToOneChannelArray + ");" + _eol);

              + "(*env)->SetObjectArrayElement"
              + "(env, tokensToAllOutputPorts, "
              + _portNumber
              + ", "
              + tokensToThisPort
              + ");"
              + _eol);
      code.append(_INDENT2 + "(*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, " + tokensToThisPort + ");" + _eol);

    } else {
      for (int i = 0; i < outputPort.getWidthInside(); i++) {
        if (i < outputPort.getWidth()) {
          String name = outputPort.getName();

          if (outputPort.isMultiport()) {
            name = name + '#' + i;

          for (int k = 0; k < rate; k++) {
            code.append(CodeStream.indent(compositeActorHelper.getReference(name + "," + k)));
            code.append(" =" + _eol);
                    _INDENT2 + compositeActorHelper.getReference("@" + name + "," + k)));
            code.append(";" + _eol);

    // The offset of the ports connected to the output port is
    // updated by outside director.
    _updatePortOffset(outputPort, code, rate);
예제 #19
   * Check to see if variables are needed to represent read and write offsets for the given port.
   * @return Code that declares the read and write offset variables.
   * @exception IllegalActionException If getting the rate or reading parameters throws it.
  protected String _createOffsetVariablesIfNeeded() throws IllegalActionException {
    StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
    CompositeActor container = (CompositeActor) getComponent().getContainer();

    boolean inline = ((BooleanToken) _codeGenerator.inline.getToken()).booleanValue();

    StringBuffer tempCode = new StringBuffer();
    Iterator outputPorts = container.outputPortList().iterator();
    while (outputPorts.hasNext()) {

      IOPort outputPort = (IOPort) outputPorts.next();
      for (int i = 0; i < outputPort.getWidthInside(); i++) {
        int readTokens = 0;
        int writeTokens = 0;
        // If each actor firing is inlined in the code, then read
        // and write positions in the buffer must return to the
        // previous values after one iteration of the container actor
        // in order to avoid using read and write offset variables.
        if (inline) {
          readTokens = DFUtilities.getRate(outputPort);
          writeTokens = readTokens;
          // If each actor firing is wrapped in a function, then read
          // and write positions in the buffer must return to the
          // previous values after one firing of this actor or one
          // firing of the actor that produces tokens consumed by the
          // inside receiver of this actor in order to avoid using
          // read and write offset variables.
        } else {
          readTokens = DFUtilities.getRate(outputPort);
          Iterator sourcePorts = outputPort.insideSourcePortList().iterator();
          while (sourcePorts.hasNext()) {
            IOPort sourcePort = (IOPort) sourcePorts.next();
            CodeGeneratorHelper helper =
                (CodeGeneratorHelper) _getHelper(sourcePort.getContainer());
            int width;
            if (sourcePort.isInput()) {
              width = sourcePort.getWidthInside();
            } else {
              width = sourcePort.getWidth();
            for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
              Iterator channels = helper.getSinkChannels(sourcePort, j).iterator();
              while (channels.hasNext()) {
                Channel channel = (Channel) channels.next();
                if (channel.port == outputPort && channel.channelNumber == i) {
                  writeTokens = DFUtilities.getRate(sourcePort);
                  break label1;
        tempCode.append(_createOffsetVariablesIfNeeded(outputPort, i, readTokens, writeTokens));
    if (tempCode.length() > 0) {
      code.append("\n" + _codeGenerator.comment(container.getName() + "'s offset variables"));

    Iterator actors = container.deepEntityList().iterator();
    while (actors.hasNext()) {
      StringBuffer tempCode2 = new StringBuffer();
      Actor actor = (Actor) actors.next();
      Iterator inputPorts = actor.inputPortList().iterator();
      while (inputPorts.hasNext()) {
        IOPort inputPort = (IOPort) inputPorts.next();
        for (int i = 0; i < inputPort.getWidth(); i++) {
          int readTokens = 0;
          int writeTokens = 0;
          // If each actor firing is inlined in the code,
          // then read and write positions in the buffer
          // must return to the previous values after one
          // iteration of the container actor in order to
          // avoid using read and write offset variables.
          if (inline) {
            Variable firings = (Variable) ((NamedObj) actor).getAttribute("firingsPerIteration");
            int firingsPerIteration = ((IntToken) firings.getToken()).intValue();
            readTokens = DFUtilities.getRate(inputPort) * firingsPerIteration;
            writeTokens = readTokens;

            // If each actor firing is wrapped in a
            // function, then read and write positions in
            // the buffer must return to the previous
            // values after one firing of this actor or
            // one firing of the actor that produces
            // tokens consumed by this actor in order to
            // avoid using read and write offset
            // variables.
          } else {
            readTokens = DFUtilities.getRate(inputPort);
            Iterator sourcePorts = inputPort.sourcePortList().iterator();
            while (sourcePorts.hasNext()) {
              IOPort sourcePort = (IOPort) sourcePorts.next();
              CodeGeneratorHelper helper =
                  (CodeGeneratorHelper) _getHelper(sourcePort.getContainer());
              int width;
              if (sourcePort.isInput()) {
                width = sourcePort.getWidthInside();
              } else {
                width = sourcePort.getWidth();
              for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
                Iterator channels = helper.getSinkChannels(sourcePort, j).iterator();
                while (channels.hasNext()) {
                  Channel channel = (Channel) channels.next();
                  if (channel.port == inputPort && channel.channelNumber == i) {
                    writeTokens = DFUtilities.getRate(sourcePort);
                    break label2;
          tempCode2.append(_createOffsetVariablesIfNeeded(inputPort, i, readTokens, writeTokens));
      if (tempCode2.length() > 0) {
        code.append("\n" + _codeGenerator.comment(actor.getName() + "'s offset variables"));
    return code.toString();
예제 #20
   * Execute the filter model on each input array element until it gets as many elements as
   * specified by the <i>maxOutputLength</i> parameter. If there are no enough elements satisfying
   * the filter model, then only output all the satisfied elements. Before running the filter model,
   * this method update the filter model's <i>inputArrayElement</i> parameter for each array
   * element. After running the filter model, this method looks for the <i>evaluatedValue</i>
   * parameter and keep the input element if the evaluated value is ture, otherwise, skip the
   * element.
   * @exception IllegalActionException If there is no director, or if the director's action methods
   *     throw it.
  public void fire() throws IllegalActionException {

    if (_model instanceof CompositeActor) {
      CompositeActor executable = (CompositeActor) _model;

      _manager = executable.getManager();

      if (_manager == null) {
        throw new InternalErrorException("No manager!");

      if (_debugging) {

        Director director = executable.getDirector();

        if (director != null) {
      } else {

        Director director = executable.getDirector();

        if (director != null) {

      int i = 0;
      int j = 0;
      LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
      ArrayToken array = (ArrayToken) inputArray.get(0);

      while ((i < _outputLength) && (j < array.length())) {
        Token t = array.getElement(j);

        if (_debugging) {
          _debug("** Executing filter model.");

        try {
        } catch (KernelException ex) {
          throw new IllegalActionException(this, ex, "Execution failed.");

        if (_getResult()) {


      Token[] result = new Token[list.size()];

      for (i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
        result[i] = (Token) list.get(i);

      outputArray.send(0, new ArrayToken(array.getElementType(), result));
예제 #21
   * Parse the xml file and run it. If a parameter named "copernicus_iterations" is present, then
   * the value of that parameter is used to set the iterations parameter. If there is no
   * "copernicus_iterations" parameter, then then the number of iterations is set to 100000.
  public TestApplication(String xmlFilename) throws Exception {
    MoMLParser parser = new MoMLParser();

    // The test suite calls MoMLSimpleApplication multiple times,
    // and the list of filters is static, so we reset it each time
    // so as to avoid adding filters every time we run an auto test.
    // We set the list of MoMLFilters to handle Backward Compatibility.

    // Filter out any graphical classes.
    // We should filter out graphical classes or the
    // treeShakeWithoutCodegen rule will fail when we run it on
    // actor/lib/test/auto/ComplexDivide.
    MoMLParser.addMoMLFilter(new RemoveGraphicalClasses());

    // parser.setErrorHandler(new StreamErrorHandler());
    // We use parse(URL, URL) here instead of parseFile(String)
    // because parseFile() works best on relative pathnames and
    // has problems finding resources like files specified in
    // parameters if the xml file was specified as an absolute path.
    CompositeActor toplevel = null;

    // First, we gc and then print the memory stats
    // BTW to get more info about gc,
    // use java -verbose:gc -Xloggc:filename . . .

    Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();

    try {
      URL url = new URL(null, xmlFilename);
      toplevel = (CompositeActor) parser.parse(url, url.openStream());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      File f = new File(xmlFilename);
      URL url = f.toURL();
      System.err.println("Warning: Parsing '" + xmlFilename + "' failed: ");
      System.err.println(" Trying '" + url + "'");

      toplevel = (CompositeActor) parser.parse(null, url);

    // FIXME: nearly duplicate code in kernel/KernelMain.java
    SDFDirector director = (SDFDirector) toplevel.getDirector();

    if (director != null) {
      Parameter iterations = (Parameter) director.getAttribute("iterations");
      Parameter copernicus_iterations = (Parameter) director.getAttribute("copernicus_iterations");

      // Set to be a large number of iterations, unless
      // copernicus_iterations is set.
      if (copernicus_iterations != null) {
      } else {
        iterations.setToken(new IntToken(100000));

      System.out.println("TestApplication: Setting Iterations to " + iterations.getToken());

    Manager manager = new Manager(toplevel.workspace(), "TestApplication");

    String modelName = toplevel.getName();

    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long totalMemory1 = runtime.totalMemory() / 1024;
    long freeMemory1 = runtime.freeMemory() / 1024;
    System.out.println("Spent " + (startTime - _parseStartTime) + " ms. creating the model.");
            + ": Stats before execution:    "
            + Manager.timeAndMemory(startTime, totalMemory1, freeMemory1));

    // Second, we run and print memory stats.

    long totalMemory2 = runtime.totalMemory() / 1024;
    long freeMemory2 = runtime.freeMemory() / 1024;
    String standardStats = Manager.timeAndMemory(startTime, totalMemory2, freeMemory2);

    System.out.println(modelName + ": Execution stats:           " + standardStats);

    // Third, we gc and print memory stats.

    long totalMemory3 = runtime.totalMemory() / 1024;
    long freeMemory3 = runtime.freeMemory() / 1024;
            + ": After Garbage Collection:  "
            + Manager.timeAndMemory(startTime, totalMemory3, freeMemory3));

    // Print out the standard stats at the end
    // so as not to break too many scripts