public GameScreen( Display display, Schema schema, QuestionRegistry questionRegistry, GameConfig config) { this.config = config; this.gameState.remaining_time = config.alotted_time; this.display = display; this.schema = schema; this.questionRegistry = questionRegistry; try { insertHighscore = schema.createInsert("Highscores", false, "user", "score"); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void import_genres(File directory) throws IOException, SQLException { reader = new ListFileReader(new File(directory, "genres.list")); reader.skipUntil("^8: THE GENRES LIST\\s*$"); final Pattern linePattern = Pattern.compile("^(.+?)\\t\\s*(.+)$"); HashMap<String, Integer> genresMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); Batch batch = schema.createBatch( "INSERT IGNORE MovieGenres (movie, genre) VALUES " + "((SELECT movie_id FROM Movies WHERE imdb_name = ? LIMIT 1), ?)"); SimpleInsert insertGenre = schema.createInsert("Genres", true, "name"); SimpleQuery findGenre = schema.createQuery("genre_id", "Genres", "name = ?"); // speedup: drop the FKs Statement stmt = schema.createStatement(); try { stmt.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE MovieGenres DROP FOREIGN KEY `mg_genre`"); } catch (SQLException ex) { } try { stmt.executeUpdate("ALTER TABLE MovieGenres DROP FOREIGN KEY `mg_movie`"); } catch (SQLException ex) { } stmt.close(); while (true) { String line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } line = line.trim(); if (line.isEmpty()) { continue; } Matcher m = linePattern.matcher(line); if (!m.matches()) { continue; } String imdb_name =; String genre =; int genre_id; genre = genre.toLowerCase(); if (genresMap.containsKey(genre)) { genre_id = genresMap.get(genre); } else { genre_id = insertGenre.insert(genre); if (genre_id < 0) { genre_id = findGenre.queryGetKey(genre); } genresMap.put(genre, genre_id); } batch.add(imdb_name, genre_id); } insertGenre.close(); findGenre.close(); batch.close(); // remove anomalies and re-add the FKs debug("re-normalizing..."); stmt = schema.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM MovieGenres WHERE movie = 0 OR genre = 0"); stmt.executeUpdate( "ALTER TABLE MovieGenres ADD CONSTRAINT `mg_movie` " + "FOREIGN KEY (`movie`) REFERENCES `Movies` (`movie_id`) " + "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, " + "ADD CONSTRAINT `mg_genre` " + "FOREIGN KEY (`genre`) REFERENCES `Genres` (`genre_id`) " + "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION"); stmt.close(); reader.close(); }