private Node buildSJSessionTypeCast(SJSessionTypeCast stc) throws SemanticException { SJTypeNode tn = disambiguateSJTypeNode(this, stc.sessionType()); SJSessionType st = tn.type(); if (stc instanceof SJAmbiguousCast) { SJNoAliasExprExt naee = getSJNoAliasExprExt(stc); Position pos = stc.position(); Expr e = stc.expr(); if (st instanceof SJBeginType) { stc = sjnf.SJChannelCast(pos, e, tn); } else { stc = sjnf.SJSessionCast(pos, e, tn); } stc = (SJSessionTypeCast) buildAndCheckTypes(this, stc); stc = (SJSessionTypeCast) SJNoAliasExprBuilder.setSJNoAliasExprExt( sjef, stc, naee.isNoAlias(), naee.isFinal(), naee.fields(), naee.locals(), naee.arrayAccesses()); } else { stc = stc.sessionType(tn); } stc = (SJSessionTypeCast) setSJTypeableExt(sjef, stc, st); return stc; }
/** * @author Raymond * <p>Also does SJSessionTypeCasts and SJFormals. */ public class SJProtocolDeclTypeBuilder extends ContextVisitor { private SJTypeSystem sjts = (SJTypeSystem) typeSystem(); private SJNodeFactory sjnf = (SJNodeFactory) nodeFactory(); private SJExtFactory sjef = sjnf.extFactory(); /** */ public SJProtocolDeclTypeBuilder(Job job, TypeSystem ts, NodeFactory nf) { super(job, ts, nf); } protected NodeVisitor enterCall(Node parent, Node n) throws SemanticException { return this; } protected Node leaveCall(Node old, Node n, NodeVisitor v) throws SemanticException { if (n instanceof VarInit) { if (n instanceof FieldDecl) { n = buildFieldDecl((FieldDecl) n); } else // if (n instanceof LocalDecl) { n = buildLocalDecl((LocalDecl) n); } } else if (n instanceof SJSessionTypeCast) { n = buildSJSessionTypeCast((SJSessionTypeCast) n); } else if (n instanceof Formal) { n = buildFormal((Formal) n); } return n; } private Node buildFieldDecl(FieldDecl fd) throws SemanticException { Type t = fd.declType(); if (t.isSubtype(SJ_PROTOCOL_TYPE)) { if (!(fd instanceof SJFieldProtocolDecl)) { throw new SemanticException( "[SJProtocolDeclTypeBuilder] Protocols may only be declared using the protocol keyword: " + fd); } SJTypeNode tn = disambiguateSJTypeNode(this, ((SJProtocolDecl) fd).sessionType()); SJSessionType st = tn.type(); String sjname =; // Should match that given by SJVariable.sjname. SJFieldInstance fi = (SJFieldInstance) fd.fieldInstance(); SJFieldProtocolInstance fpi = sjts.SJFieldProtocolInstance((SJFieldInstance) fd.fieldInstance(), st, sjname); fpi.setConstantValue( fi .constantValue()); // Currently, constant checker not run on custom nodes/type // objects. (Previously done by SJNoAliasTypeBuilder.) fd = fd.fieldInstance(fpi); fd = (FieldDecl) setSJProtocolDeclExt((SJProtocolDecl) fd, tn, sjname); updateSJFieldInstance(fi, fpi); } return fd; } private Node buildLocalDecl(LocalDecl ld) throws SemanticException { Type t = ld.declType(); SJLocalInstance li = (SJLocalInstance) ld.localInstance(); // SJNamedInstance ni = null; if (t.isSubtype(SJ_PROTOCOL_TYPE)) // Mostly the same as for LocalDecl. { if (!(ld instanceof SJLocalProtocolDecl)) { throw new SemanticException( "[SJProtocolDeclTypeBuilder] Protocols may only be declared using the protocol keyword: " + ld); } SJTypeNode tn = disambiguateSJTypeNode(this, ((SJProtocolDecl) ld).sessionType()); SJSessionType st = tn.type(); String sjname =; // Should match that given by SJVariable.sjname. ld = ld.localInstance(sjts.SJLocalProtocolInstance(li, st, sjname)); ld = (LocalDecl) setSJProtocolDeclExt((SJProtocolDecl) ld, tn, sjname); } return ld; } private SJProtocolDecl setSJProtocolDeclExt(SJProtocolDecl pd, SJTypeNode tn, String sjname) { pd = pd.sessionType(tn); pd = (SJProtocolDecl) setSJNamedExt(sjef, pd, tn.type(), sjname); return pd; } private Node buildSJSessionTypeCast(SJSessionTypeCast stc) throws SemanticException { SJTypeNode tn = disambiguateSJTypeNode(this, stc.sessionType()); SJSessionType st = tn.type(); if (stc instanceof SJAmbiguousCast) { SJNoAliasExprExt naee = getSJNoAliasExprExt(stc); Position pos = stc.position(); Expr e = stc.expr(); if (st instanceof SJBeginType) { stc = sjnf.SJChannelCast(pos, e, tn); } else { stc = sjnf.SJSessionCast(pos, e, tn); } stc = (SJSessionTypeCast) buildAndCheckTypes(this, stc); stc = (SJSessionTypeCast) SJNoAliasExprBuilder.setSJNoAliasExprExt( sjef, stc, naee.isNoAlias(), naee.isFinal(), naee.fields(), naee.locals(), naee.arrayAccesses()); } else { stc = stc.sessionType(tn); } stc = (SJSessionTypeCast) setSJTypeableExt(sjef, stc, st); return stc; } private Node buildFormal(Formal f) throws SemanticException // Based on buildLocalDecl. { Type t = f.declType(); SJLocalInstance li = (SJLocalInstance) f.localInstance(); if (t.isSubtype(SJ_ABSTRACT_CHANNEL_TYPE)) { if (!(f instanceof SJFormal)) { throw new SemanticException( "[SJProtocolDeclTypeBuilder] Session socket parameters should be declared by their session type: " + f); } SJTypeNode tn = disambiguateSJTypeNode(this, ((SJFormal) f).sessionType()); SJSessionType st = tn.type(); String sjname =; // Should match that given by SJVariable.sjname. f = f.localInstance(sjts.SJLocalProtocolInstance(li, st, sjname)); f = setSJFormalExt((SJFormal) f, tn, sjname); } return f; } private Formal setSJFormalExt( SJFormal f, SJTypeNode tn, String sjname) // Based on setSJProtocolDeclExt { f = f.sessionType(tn); f = (SJFormal) setSJNamedExt(sjef, f, tn.type(), sjname); return f; } }