public static void insert(Application app) { final String adminGroupTitle = app.configuration().getString(""); final String adminMail = app.configuration().getString("htwplus.admin.mail"); final String adminPassword = app.configuration().getString(""); // Do some inital db stuff JPA.withTransaction( new play.libs.F.Callback0() { @Override public void invoke() throws Throwable { // create Admin account if none exists Account admin = Account.findByEmail(adminMail); if (admin == null) { admin = new Account(); = adminMail; admin.firstname = "Admin"; admin.lastname = "@HTWplus"; admin.role = AccountRole.ADMIN; admin.avatar = "a1"; admin.password = Component.md5(adminPassword); admin.create(); } // create Admin group if none exists Group group = Group.findByTitle(adminGroupTitle); if (group == null && admin != null) { group = new Group(); group.title = adminGroupTitle; group.groupType = GroupType.close; group.description = "for HTWplus Admins only"; group.createWithGroupAccount(admin); } // create Feedback group if none exists Group feedbackGroup = Group.findByTitle("HTWplus Feedback"); if (feedbackGroup == null && admin != null) { group = new Group(); group.title = "HTWplus Feedback"; group.groupType =; group.description = "Du hast Wünsche, Ideen, Anregungen, Kritik oder Probleme mit der Seite? Hier kannst du es loswerden!"; group.createWithGroupAccount(admin); } // Generate indexes FullTextEntityManager fullTextEntityManager = Search.getFullTextEntityManager(JPA.em()); try { fullTextEntityManager.createIndexer(Group.class, Account.class).startAndWait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage()); } } }); }
@Override public void onStart(Application app) { if (app.isDev()) {"using development database: " + PlayJongo.getDatabase().getName()); } if (app.isTest()) {"using test database: " + PlayJongo.getDatabase().getName());"playjongo.test-uri: " + app.configuration().getString("playjongo.test-uri", "")); } }
@Override public void onStart() { String accessKey = application.configuration().getString(AWS_ACCESS_KEY); String secretKey = application.configuration().getString(AWS_SECRET_KEY); s3Bucket = application.configuration().getString(AWS_S3_BUCKET); if ((accessKey != null) && (secretKey != null)) { AWSCredentials awsCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKey, secretKey); amazonS3 = new AmazonS3Client(awsCredentials); amazonS3.createBucket(s3Bucket);"Using S3 Bucket: " + s3Bucket); } }
public static Result route(Application app, FakeRequest fakeRequest, byte[] body, long timeout) { return wrapScalaResult( Scala.orNull( play.api.test.Helpers.jRoute( app.getWrappedApplication(), fakeRequest.getWrappedRequest(), body)), timeout); }
@Override public boolean enabled() { isEnabled = !"disabled".equals(application.configuration().getString(Constants.MORPHIA_PLUGIN_ENABLED)); MorphiaLogger.warn(String.format("MorphiaPlugin is %s", isEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")); return isEnabled; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Result route(Application app, RequestBuilder requestBuilder, long timeout) { final scala.Option<scala.concurrent.Future<play.api.mvc.Result>> opt = play.api.test.Helpers.jRoute( app.getWrappedApplication(),, requestBuilder.body()); return wrapScalaResult(Scala.orNull(opt), timeout); }
@Provides Mongo create(final Application application) { try { return new Mongo(new MongoURI(application.configuration().getString("mongodb.uri"))); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { addError(e); return null; } }
@Provides Datastore createDatastore(Mongo mongo, Morphia morphia, final Application application) { Datastore datastore = morphia.createDatastore( mongo, application.configuration().getString("mongodb.db"), application.configuration().getString("mongodb.username"), application.configuration().getString("mongodb.password").toCharArray()); datastore.ensureIndexes(); "Connected to MongoDB [" + mongo.debugString() + "] database [" + datastore.getDB().getName() + "]"); return datastore; }
@Before static void setConnectedUser() { if (Security.isConnected()) { User user = User.find("byUsername", Security.connected()).first(); if (!user.isAdmin) { flash.error(Messages.get("UserIsNotAuthorized")); Application.index(); } } }
public void onStart(Application app) { JedisPool p = app.plugin(RedisPlugin.class).jedisPool(); // uncomment to test sentinel setup // JedisSentinelPool p = app.plugin(RedisPlugin.class).jedisSentinelPool(); Jedis j = p.getResource(); j.set("foo", "yay"); p.returnResource(j); Cache.set("foo2", 5); Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<String, String>(); m.put("test", "value"); Cache.set("foo3", m); }
private void mapClasses() throws ClassNotFoundException { // Register all models.Class Set<String> classes = new HashSet<String>(); classes.addAll(Classpath.getTypesAnnotatedWith(application, "models", Entity.class)); classes.addAll(Classpath.getTypesAnnotatedWith(application, "models", Embedded.class)); for (String clazz : classes) { MorphiaLogger.debug("mapping class: %1$s", clazz);, true, application.classloader())); } // @see ds.ensureCaps(); // creates capped collections from @Entity ds.ensureIndexes(); // creates indexes from @Index annotations in your entities }
private static void startStream(List<String> terms) throws TwitterException { if (twitter != null) { twitter.cleanUp(); } if (esClient != null) { esClient.close(); esClient = null; } play.Configuration pconf = Play.application().configuration(); String elasticSearchCluster = pconf.getString(""); if (elasticSearchCluster != null) {"Configuring ElasticSearch..."); Settings settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder().put("", elasticSearchCluster).build(); esClient = new TransportClient(settings) .addTransportAddress( new InetSocketTransportAddress( pconf.getString(""), pconf.getInt("tweet.elasticsearch.transport.port"))); } else { esClient = null; } twitter4j.conf.Configuration tconf = Application.getTwitterConfiguration(); TwitterStreamFactory tf = new TwitterStreamFactory(tconf); twitter = tf.getInstance(); StatusListener l = new TweetListener( terms, esClient, pconf.getString("tweet.elasticsearch.index"), pconf.getString("tweet.elasticsearch.type")); twitter.addListener(l); String[] tracks = new String[terms.size()]; StringBuffer termsString = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < terms.size(); i++) { tracks[i] = terms.get(i); if (i != 0) termsString.append(","); termsString.append(terms.get(i)); } FilterQuery q = new FilterQuery().track(tracks); twitter.filter(q);"Starting listening for tweets using terms " + termsString.toString() + "..."); }
public static void at(String location, String name, String address) { if (location != null && name != null && address != null && !location.equals("") && !name.equals("") && !address.equals("")) { new Post( user(), new Date().toString(), HTML.htmlEscape("Checked in at: " + name + "\n" + address)) .save();; } else { redirect("/checkin"); } }
@Inject public ExecutionContextProvider(final Configuration config, final Application application) { boolean customEcEnabled = config.getBoolean(ConfigKeys.CUSTOM_EC_DEFAULT._1, ConfigKeys.CUSTOM_EC_DEFAULT._2); DeadboltExecutionContextProvider defaultProvider = new DefaultDeadboltExecutionContextProvider(); DeadboltExecutionContextProvider ecp = defaultProvider; if (customEcEnabled) { try { ecp = application.injector().instanceOf(DeadboltExecutionContextProvider.class); LOGGER.debug("Custom execution context provider found"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug("No custom execution context found."); } this.ecProvider = ecp; } else { ecProvider = defaultProvider; } }
@Override public boolean enabled() { return (application.configuration().keys().contains(AWS_ACCESS_KEY) && application.configuration().keys().contains(AWS_SECRET_KEY) && application.configuration().keys().contains(AWS_S3_BUCKET)); }
@Override public void beforeStart(final Application application) { final Reflections reflections = new Reflections( new ConfigurationBuilder() .filterInputsBy(new FilterBuilder.Exclude(FilterBuilder.prefix(""))) .addUrls(ClasspathHelper.forClassLoader(application.classloader())) .addScanners(new SubTypesScanner())); // automatic Guice module detection Set<Class<? extends AbstractModule>> guiceModules = reflections.getSubTypesOf(AbstractModule.class); for (Class<? extends Module> moduleClass : guiceModules) { try { if (!moduleClass.isAnonymousClass()) { modules.add(moduleClass.newInstance()); } } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } modules.add( new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { bind(Application.class).toInstance(application); bind(Reflections.class).toInstance(reflections); Names.bindProperties( this.binder(), fromKeys( application.configuration().keys(), new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(String key) { // remove after is // fixed if (key.contains("akka")) return null; return application.configuration().getString(key); } })); for (Class<? extends Controller> controllerClass : reflections.getSubTypesOf(Controller.class)) { requestStaticInjection(controllerClass); } // bind all services Multibinder<Service> serviceBinder = Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder(), Service.class); for (Class<? extends Service> serviceImplClass : reflections.getSubTypesOf(AbstractService.class)) { serviceBinder.addBinding().to(serviceImplClass).asEagerSingleton(); } for (Class<? extends Service> serviceImplClass : reflections.getSubTypesOf(AbstractIdleService.class)) { serviceBinder.addBinding().to(serviceImplClass).asEagerSingleton(); } for (Class<? extends Service> serviceImplClass : reflections.getSubTypesOf(AbstractExecutionThreadService.class)) { serviceBinder.addBinding().to(serviceImplClass).asEagerSingleton(); } // bind actor - todo use reflections for this // start/stop services after injection and on shutdown of the Play app bindListener( MoreMatchers.subclassesOf(Service.class), new TypeListener() { @Override public <I> void hear(TypeLiteral<I> typeLiteral, TypeEncounter<I> typeEncounter) { typeEncounter.register( new InjectionListener<I>() { @Override public void afterInjection(final I i) { onStartListeners.add( new OnStartListener() { @Override public void onApplicationStart( Application application, Injector injector) {"Starting %s", i.toString())); ((Service) i).start(); onStopListeners.add( new OnStopListener() { @Override public void onApplicationStop(Application application) {"Stopping %s", i.toString())); ((Service) i).stop(); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); }
/** Stops an application. */ public static void stop(Application application) { play.api.Play.stop(application.getWrappedApplication()); }
public static Result route(Application app, FakeRequest fakeRequest, long timeout) { final scala.Option<scala.concurrent.Future<play.api.mvc.Result>> opt = play.api.test.Helpers.jRoute(app.getWrappedApplication(), fakeRequest.fake); return wrapScalaResult(Scala.orNull(opt), timeout); }
@Override public void onStart(Application app) { Util.configure(app.configuration()); SitemapJob.startSitemapGenerator(); }
@Override public void onStart() { Logger.debug("Spring Plugin Starting"); String contextPath = app.configuration().getString(SPRING_CONTEXT_PATH); String namespaceAware = app.configuration().getString(SPRING_NAMESPACE_AWARE); String addPlayProperties = app.configuration().getString(SPRING_ADD_PLAY_PROPERTIES); URL url = null; if (contextPath != null) { Logger.debug("Loading application context: " + contextPath); url = app.classloader().getResource(contextPath); } if (url == null) { Logger.debug("Loading default application context:"); url = app.classloader().getResource("application-context.xml"); } if (url != null) { InputStream is = null; try { Logger.debug("Starting Spring application context from " + url.toExternalForm()); applicationContext = new GenericApplicationContext(); applicationContext.setClassLoader(Play.application().classloader()); XmlBeanDefinitionReader xmlReader = new XmlBeanDefinitionReader(applicationContext); if (!"false".equalsIgnoreCase(namespaceAware)) { Logger.debug("Application context is namespace aware"); xmlReader.setNamespaceAware(true); } else { Logger.debug("Application context is NOT namespace aware"); } xmlReader.setValidationMode(XmlBeanDefinitionReader.VALIDATION_NONE); // Load Play Configuration if (!"false".equalsIgnoreCase(addPlayProperties)) { Logger.debug("Adding PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer with Play properties"); // Convert play's configuration to plain old java properties Properties properties = new Properties(); Set<String> keys = app.configuration().keys(); for (String key : keys) { try { String value = app.configuration().getString(key); properties.setProperty(key, value); } catch (Throwable t) { // Some config items are complex, so we'll just skip those for now. } } PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer configurer = new PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer(); configurer.setProperties(properties); applicationContext.addBeanFactoryPostProcessor(configurer); } else { Logger.debug("PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer with Play properties NOT added"); } is = url.openStream(); xmlReader.loadBeanDefinitions(new InputSource(is)); ClassLoader originalClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(app.classloader()); try { applicationContext.refresh(); // startDate = System.currentTimeMillis(); } catch (BeanCreationException e) { Throwable ex = e.getCause(); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to instantiate Spring application context", ex); } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(originalClassLoader); } } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error("Can't load spring config file", e); } finally { if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error("Can't close spring config file stream", e); } } } } }
public void onStop(Application app) {"Application shutdown...");; }
@Override public void onStart() { if (!isEnabled) { return; } // Register SLF4JLogrImplFactory as Logger // @see MorphiaLoggerFactory.reset(); MorphiaLoggerFactory.registerLogger(SLF4JLogrImplFactory.class); try { Configuration morphiaConf = Configuration.root().getConfig(ConfigKey.PREFIX); if (morphiaConf == null) { throw Configuration.root() .reportError(ConfigKey.PREFIX, "Missing Morphia configuration", null); } MorphiaLogger.debug(morphiaConf); String dbName = morphiaConf.getString(ConfigKey.DB_NAME.getKey()); if (StringUtils.isBlank(dbName)) { throw morphiaConf.reportError( ConfigKey.DB_NAME.getKey(), "Missing Morphia configuration", null); } // Connect to MongoDB String seeds = morphiaConf.getString(ConfigKey.DB_SEEDS.getKey()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(seeds)) { mongo = connect(seeds); } else { mongo = connect( morphiaConf.getString(ConfigKey.DB_HOST.getKey()), morphiaConf.getString(ConfigKey.DB_PORT.getKey())); } morphia = new Morphia(); // To prevent problem during hot-reload if (application.isDev()) { morphia.getMapper().getOptions().objectFactory = new PlayCreator(); } // Configure validator new ValidationExtension(morphia); // Check if credentials parameters are present String username = morphiaConf.getString(ConfigKey.DB_USERNAME.getKey()); String password = morphiaConf.getString(ConfigKey.DB_PASSWORD.getKey()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(username) ^ StringUtils.isNotBlank(password)) { throw morphiaConf.reportError( ConfigKey.DB_NAME.getKey(), "Missing username or password", null); } // Create datastore if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(username) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(password)) { ds = morphia.createDatastore(mongo, dbName, username, password.toCharArray()); } else { ds = morphia.createDatastore(mongo, dbName); } MorphiaLogger.debug("Datastore [%s] created", dbName); // Create GridFS String uploadCollection = morphiaConf.getString(ConfigKey.COLLECTION_UPLOADS.getKey()); if (StringUtils.isBlank(dbName)) { uploadCollection = "uploads"; MorphiaLogger.warn( "Missing Morphia configuration key [%s]. Use default value instead [%s]", ConfigKey.COLLECTION_UPLOADS, "uploads"); } gridfs = new GridFS(ds.getDB(), uploadCollection); MorphiaLogger.debug("GridFS created", ""); MorphiaLogger.debug("Add Interceptor...", ""); morphia .getMapper() .addInterceptor( new AbstractEntityInterceptor() { @Override public void postLoad(final Object ent, final DBObject dbObj, final Mapper mapr) { if (ent instanceof Model) { Model m = (Model) ent; m._post_Load(); } } }); MorphiaLogger.debug("Classes mapping...", ""); mapClasses(); MorphiaLogger.debug("End of initializing Morphia", ""); } catch (MongoException e) { MorphiaLogger.error(e, "Problem connecting MongoDB"); throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { MorphiaLogger.error(e, "Problem mapping class"); throw new RuntimeException(e); } }