/** * Validates fields from the registration form and either creates a new user or communicates any * validation errors. */ public static Result submit() { Form<User> filledForm = signupForm.bindFromRequest(); // Check accept conditions if (!"true".equals(filledForm.field("accept").value())) { filledForm.reject("accept", "You must accept the terms and conditions"); } // Check repeated password if (!filledForm.field("password").valueOr("").isEmpty()) { if (!filledForm .field("password") .valueOr("") .equals(filledForm.field("repeatPassword").value())) { filledForm.reject("repeatPassword", "Passwords do not match"); } } // Check if the username and email are valid if (!filledForm.hasErrors()) { String un = filledForm.get().username; String email = filledForm.get().email; if (un.equals("admin") || un.equals("guest")) { filledForm.reject("username", "This username is already taken"); } try { Logger.debug("Finding user " + email); User.findByEmail(email); filledForm.reject( "email", "There is already an account associated with this email address."); } catch (Exception e) { // continue - the user does not exist } } // Return validation results to user or save user if (filledForm.hasErrors()) { return badRequest(form.render(filledForm)); } else { User user = filledForm.get(); /* create an object from a form */ User svUser = new User(user.username, user.email, user.password); /* recreate to get save group info */ svUser.save(); return ok(summary.render(svUser)); } }
protected boolean checkMatch(twitter4j.Status status) { boolean result = false; if (matchPattern.matcher(status.getText()).find()) result = true; if (result) { Logger.debug("Terms found in text"); Logger.debug(" \"" + status.getText() + "\""); return result; } for (URLEntity ue : status.getURLEntities()) { if (matchPattern.matcher(ue.getDisplayURL()).find()) result = true; if (matchPattern.matcher(ue.getExpandedURL()).find()) result = true; } if (result) { Logger.debug("Terms found in URL entities"); for (URLEntity ue : status.getURLEntities()) { Logger.debug(" " + ue.getDisplayURL()); Logger.debug(" " + ue.getExpandedURL()); } return result; } for (URLEntity ue : status.getMediaEntities()) { if (matchPattern.matcher(ue.getDisplayURL()).find()) result = true; if (matchPattern.matcher(ue.getExpandedURL()).find()) result = true; } if (result) { Logger.debug("Terms found in Media entities"); for (URLEntity ue : status.getMediaEntities()) { Logger.debug(" " + ue.getDisplayURL()); Logger.debug(" " + ue.getExpandedURL()); } return result; } for (HashtagEntity he : status.getHashtagEntities()) { if (matchPattern.matcher(he.getText()).find()) result = true; } if (result) { Logger.debug("Terms found in Hashtag entities"); for (HashtagEntity he : status.getHashtagEntities()) { Logger.debug(" " + he.getText()); } return result; } for (UserMentionEntity me : status.getUserMentionEntities()) { if (matchPattern.matcher(me.getScreenName()).find()) result = true; } if (result) { Logger.debug("Terms found in User mention entities"); for (UserMentionEntity me : status.getUserMentionEntities()) { Logger.debug(" " + me.getScreenName()); } return result; } Logger.debug("Terms NOT FOUND"); Logger.debug(" Terms not found in URL entities"); for (URLEntity ue : status.getURLEntities()) { Logger.debug(" " + ue.getDisplayURL()); Logger.debug(" " + ue.getExpandedURL()); } Logger.debug(" Terms not found in Media entities"); for (URLEntity ue : status.getMediaEntities()) { Logger.debug(" " + ue.getDisplayURL()); Logger.debug(" " + ue.getExpandedURL()); } Logger.debug(" Terms not found in Hashtag entities"); for (HashtagEntity he : status.getHashtagEntities()) { Logger.debug(" " + he.getText()); } Logger.debug(" Terms not found in User mention entities"); for (UserMentionEntity me : status.getUserMentionEntities()) { Logger.debug(" " + me.getScreenName()); } return result; }