public static List<Post_thread> all(String usrInterest) { return find.where() .eq("interest", usrInterest) .order() .desc("id") .fetch("user") .setMaxRows(8) .findList(); }
public static void delete(Long id) { Institution institution = find.ref(id); if (institution == null) { return; } institution.retired = true;; }
public static Doctor findByFullName(String fullName) { String[] fio = fullName.split(" "); String query = "find doctor where name=:name and surname=:surname and patronymic=:patronymic"; /*Doctor doctor = Ebean.find(Doctor.class).setQuery(query).setParameter("surname", fio[0]) .setParameter("name", fio[1]).setParameter("patronymic", fio[2]).findUnique(); */ Doctor doctor = find.setQuery(query) .setParameter("surname", fio[0]) .setParameter("name", fio[1]) .setParameter("patronymic", fio[2]) .findUnique(); return doctor; }
// TODO: repair choosing doctor by typename public static List<String> fioListByType(String doctorTypeName) { /*String query = "find doctor fetch doctor_type.doctor_type_id"; List<Doctor> doctors = Ebean.find(Doctor.class) .setQuery(query) .setParameter("doctor_type_id", new Long(1)) .findList(); */ String sql = "SELECT * FROM DOCTOR LEFT JOIN DOCTOR_TYPE ON DOCTOR_TYPE.ID = DOCTOR.DOCTOR_TYPE_ID"; SqlQuery sqlQuery = Ebean.createSqlQuery(sql); List<SqlRow> list = sqlQuery.findList(); /*RawSql rawSql = RawSqlBuilder.parse(sql).create(); javax.persistence.Query<Doctor> query = Ebean.find(Doctor.class); query.setRawSql(rawSql); //.columnMapping("id", "") //.columnMapping("name", "") //.columnMapping("surname", "doctor.surname") //.columnMapping("patronymic", "doctor.patronymic") //.columnMapping("patronymic", "doctor_type.doctor_type_name"); List<Doctor> doctors = query.findList(); */ // List<Doctor> doctors = Ebean.find(Doctor.class) // .fetch("doctor_type","doctor.doctor_type_id") // .findList(); // List<Doctor> doctors = find.fetch("doctor_type") // .where().eq("doctor.doctor_type_name", doctorTypeName) // .findList(); /*com.avaje.ebean.Query q = Ebean.createQuery(Doctor.class); q.join("doctor_type"); final List<Doctor> eventList = q.findList();*/ List<Doctor> doctors = find.where().eq("doctor_type_id", new Long(1)).findList(); List<String> theList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Doctor doctor : doctors) { theList.add(doctor.getFullName()); } return theList; }
public static IdentityDocType get(Long id) { return find.ref(id); }
public static void delete(Long id) { find.ref(id).delete(); }
public static List<IdentityDocType> all() { return find.all(); }
public static Post_thread getById(Long id) { return find.byId(id); }
public static List<Post_thread> all() { return find.order().desc("id").fetch("user").setMaxRows(8).findList(); }
public static List<Doctor> allDoctors() { return find.all(); }
public static Doctor get(Long id) { return find.ref(id); }
// Get all Institutions in the system public static List<Institution> getAll() { return find.where().ne("retired", true).findList(); }
// Get Institution by name public static Institution byName(String name) { return find.where().ne("retired", true).eq("name", name).findUnique(); }
// Get Institution by ID public static Institution byId(Long id) { return find.where().ne("retired", true).eq("id", id).findUnique(); }