/** Test the SPELLLISTDC sub-tag of the SPELLLIST token. */ public void testSpellListDcToken() { PlayerCharacter character = new PlayerCharacter(); character.setRace(human); setPCStat(character, cha, 14); character.calcActiveBonuses(); character.incrementClassLevel(1, arcaneClass, true); character.calcActiveBonuses(); SpellListDcToken token = new SpellListDcToken(); assertEquals( "SpellListDcToken(1lv TA)", "12", token.getToken("SPELLLISTDC.0.0", character, null)); assertEquals( "SpellListDcToken(1lv TA)", "15", token.getToken("SPELLLISTDC.0.3", character, null)); }
/** Test the SPELLLISTCAST sub-tag of the SPELLLIST token. */ public void testSpellListCastToken() { PlayerCharacter character = new PlayerCharacter(); character.setRace(human); character.setStat(cha, 12); character.calcActiveBonuses(); character.incrementClassLevel(1, arcaneClass, true); SpellListCastToken token = new SpellListCastToken(); assertEquals( "testSpellListCastToken(1lv TA)", "2", token.getToken("SPELLLISTCAST.0.1", character, null)); }
/** * Test to ensure that a number of skills test will correctly require a number of separate skills * at the required level. * * @throws Exception */ public void testMultiSkills() throws Exception { final PreSkillParser producer = new PreSkillParser(); final Prerequisite prereq = producer.parse("SKILL", "2,TYPE.Knowledge=4", false, false); final PlayerCharacter character = getCharacter(); boolean passes = PrereqHandler.passes(prereq, character, null); assertFalse("Should not pass 2 knowledge skill test with 1 skill", passes); final Skill extraKnow = new Skill(); Globals.getContext().unconditionallyProcess(extraKnow, "CLASSES", "MyClass"); extraKnow.setName("KNOWLEDGE (RELIGION)"); TestHelper.addType(extraKnow, "KNOWLEDGE.INT"); character.addSkill(extraKnow); SkillRankControl.modRanks(5.0, myClass, true, character, extraKnow); passes = PrereqHandler.passes(prereq, character, null); assertTrue("Should pass 2 knowledge skill test with 2 skills", passes); character.removeSkill(knowledge); character.calcActiveBonuses(); }