public static PwmPasswordPolicy readPasswordPolicyForUser( final PwmApplication pwmApplication, final SessionLabel pwmSession, final UserIdentity userIdentity, final ChaiUser theUser, final Locale locale) throws PwmUnrecoverableException { final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final PasswordPolicySource ppSource = PasswordPolicySource.valueOf( pwmApplication.getConfig().readSettingAsString(PwmSetting.PASSWORD_POLICY_SOURCE)); final PwmPasswordPolicy returnPolicy; switch (ppSource) { case MERGE: final PwmPasswordPolicy pwmPolicy = determineConfiguredPolicyProfileForUser( pwmApplication, pwmSession, userIdentity, locale); final PwmPasswordPolicy userPolicy = readLdapPasswordPolicy(pwmApplication, theUser); LOGGER.trace( pwmSession, "read user policy for '" + theUser.getEntryDN() + "', policy: " + userPolicy.toString()); returnPolicy = pwmPolicy.merge(userPolicy); LOGGER.debug( pwmSession, "merged user password policy of '" + theUser.getEntryDN() + "' with PWM configured policy: " + returnPolicy.toString()); break; case LDAP: returnPolicy = readLdapPasswordPolicy(pwmApplication, theUser); LOGGER.debug( pwmSession, "discovered assigned password policy for " + theUser.getEntryDN() + " " + returnPolicy.toString()); break; case PWM: returnPolicy = determineConfiguredPolicyProfileForUser( pwmApplication, pwmSession, userIdentity, locale); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("unknown policy source defined: " +; } LOGGER.trace( pwmSession, "readPasswordPolicyForUser completed in " + TimeDuration.fromCurrent(startTime).asCompactString()); return returnPolicy; }
private void updateRestingCacheData() { final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int examinedRecords = 0; ClosableIterator<UserCacheRecord> iterator = null; try { LOGGER.trace(PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "checking size of stored cache records"); final int totalRecords = userCacheService.size(); LOGGER.debug( PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "beginning cache review process of " + totalRecords + " records"); iterator = iterator(); Date lastLogOutputTime = new Date(); while (iterator.hasNext() && status == STATUS.OPEN) { final UserCacheRecord record =; // (purge routine is embedded in next(); if (summaryData != null && record != null) { summaryData.update(record); } examinedRecords++; if (TimeDuration.fromCurrent(lastLogOutputTime).isLongerThan(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { final TimeDuration progressDuration = TimeDuration.fromCurrent(startTime); LOGGER.trace( PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "cache review process in progress, examined " + examinedRecords + " records in " + progressDuration.asCompactString()); lastLogOutputTime = new Date(); } } final TimeDuration totalTime = TimeDuration.fromCurrent(startTime); LOGGER.debug( PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "completed cache review process of " + examinedRecords + " cached report records in " + totalTime.asCompactString()); } finally { if (iterator != null) { iterator.close(); } } }