public static String getManagementServerIp() { if (managementServerIp != null) { return managementServerIp; } String ip = System.getProperty("management.server.ip"); if (ip != null) {"get management IP[%s] from Java property[management.server.ip]", ip)); return ip; } ip = System.getenv("ZSTACK_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_IP"); if (ip != null) {"get management IP[%s] from environment variable[ZSTACK_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_IP]", ip)); return ip; } Linux.ShellResult ret ="/sbin/ip route"); String defaultLine = null; for (String s : ret.getStdout().split("\n")) { if (s.contains("default via")) { defaultLine = s; break; } } String err = "cannot get management server ip of this machine. there are three ways to get the ip.\n1) search for 'management.server.ip' java property\n2) search for 'ZSTACK_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_IP' environment variable\n3) search for default route printed out by '/sbin/ip route'\nhowever, all above methods failed"; if (defaultLine == null) { throw new CloudRuntimeException(err); } try { Enumeration<NetworkInterface> nets = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); for (NetworkInterface iface : Collections.list(nets)) { String name = iface.getName(); if (defaultLine.contains(name)) { InetAddress ia = iface.getInetAddresses().nextElement(); ip = ia.getHostAddress(); break; } } } catch (SocketException e) { throw new CloudRuntimeException(e); } if (ip == null) { throw new CloudRuntimeException(err); }"get management IP[%s] from default route[/sbin/ip route]", ip)); managementServerIp = ip; return managementServerIp; }
private static void writePidFile() throws IOException { if (CoreGlobalProperty.UNIT_TEST_ON) { return; } File pidFile = new File(CoreGlobalProperty.PID_FILE_PATH); if (pidFile.exists()) { String pidStr = FileUtils.readFileToString(pidFile); try { long pid = Long.valueOf(pidStr); String processProcDir = String.format("/proc/%s", pid); File processProcDirFile = new File(processProcDir); if (processProcDirFile.exists()) { throw new CloudRuntimeException(String.format("pid file[%s] exists and the process[pid:%s] that the pid file points to is still running", CoreGlobalProperty.PID_FILE_PATH, pidStr)); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.warn(String.format("pid file[%s] includes an invalid pid[%s] that is not a long number, ignore it", CoreGlobalProperty.PID_FILE_PATH, pidStr)); }"stale pid file[%s], ignore it", CoreGlobalProperty.PID_FILE_PATH)); } pidFile.deleteOnExit(); String pid = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName().split("@")[0]; FileUtils.writeStringToFile(pidFile, pid); }