@Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public void preRecoverVm(VmInstanceInventory vm) { String rootVolUuid = vm.getRootVolumeUuid(); String sql = "select ps.uuid from PrimaryStorageVO ps, VolumeVO vol where ps.uuid = vol.primaryStorageUuid" + " and vol.uuid = :uuid and ps.type = :pstype"; TypedQuery<String> q = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, String.class); q.setParameter("uuid", rootVolUuid); q.setParameter("pstype", LocalStorageConstants.LOCAL_STORAGE_TYPE); String psuuid = dbf.find(q); if (psuuid == null) { return; } sql = "select count(ref) from LocalStorageResourceRefVO ref where ref.resourceUuid = :uuid and ref.resourceType = :rtype"; TypedQuery<Long> rq = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, Long.class); rq.setParameter("uuid", rootVolUuid); rq.setParameter("rtype", VolumeVO.class.getSimpleName()); long count = rq.getSingleResult(); if (count == 0) { throw new OperationFailureException( errf.stringToOperationError( String.format( "unable to recover the vm[uuid:%s, name:%s]. The vm's root volume is on the local" + " storage[uuid:%s]; however, the host on which the root volume is has been deleted", vm.getUuid(), vm.getName(), psuuid))); } }
@Override public void preAttachVolume(VmInstanceInventory vm, final VolumeInventory volume) { SimpleQuery<LocalStorageResourceRefVO> q = dbf.createQuery(LocalStorageResourceRefVO.class); q.add( LocalStorageResourceRefVO_.resourceUuid, Op.IN, list(vm.getRootVolumeUuid(), volume.getUuid())); q.groupBy(LocalStorageResourceRefVO_.hostUuid); long count = q.count(); if (count < 2) { return; } q = dbf.createQuery(LocalStorageResourceRefVO.class); q.select(LocalStorageResourceRefVO_.hostUuid); q.add(LocalStorageResourceRefVO_.resourceUuid, Op.EQ, vm.getRootVolumeUuid()); String rootHost = q.findValue(); q = dbf.createQuery(LocalStorageResourceRefVO.class); q.select(LocalStorageResourceRefVO_.hostUuid); q.add(LocalStorageResourceRefVO_.resourceUuid, Op.EQ, volume.getUuid()); String dataHost = q.findValue(); if (!rootHost.equals(dataHost)) { throw new OperationFailureException( errf.stringToOperationError( String.format( "cannot attach the data volume[uuid:%s] to the vm[uuid:%s]. Both vm's root volume and the data volume are" + " on local primary storage, but they are on different hosts. The root volume[uuid:%s] is on the host[uuid:%s] but the data volume[uuid: %s]" + " is on the host[uuid: %s]", volume.getUuid(), vm.getUuid(), vm.getRootVolumeUuid(), rootHost, volume.getUuid(), dataHost))); } }
@Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<VolumeVO> returnAttachableVolumes(VmInstanceInventory vm, List<VolumeVO> candidates) { // find instantiated volumes List<String> volUuids = CollectionUtils.transformToList( candidates, new Function<String, VolumeVO>() { @Override public String call(VolumeVO arg) { return VolumeStatus.Ready == arg.getStatus() ? arg.getUuid() : null; } }); if (volUuids.isEmpty()) { return candidates; } List<VolumeVO> uninstantiatedVolumes = CollectionUtils.transformToList( candidates, new Function<VolumeVO, VolumeVO>() { @Override public VolumeVO call(VolumeVO arg) { return arg.getStatus() == VolumeStatus.NotInstantiated ? arg : null; } }); String sql = "select ref.hostUuid from LocalStorageResourceRefVO ref where ref.resourceUuid = :volUuid and ref.resourceType = :rtype"; TypedQuery<String> q = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, String.class); q.setParameter("volUuid", vm.getRootVolumeUuid()); q.setParameter("rtype", VolumeVO.class.getSimpleName()); List<String> ret = q.getResultList(); if (ret.isEmpty()) { return candidates; } String hostUuid = ret.get(0); sql = "select ref.resourceUuid from LocalStorageResourceRefVO ref where ref.resourceUuid in (:uuids) and ref.resourceType = :rtype" + " and ref.hostUuid != :huuid"; q = dbf.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql, String.class); q.setParameter("uuids", volUuids); q.setParameter("huuid", hostUuid); q.setParameter("rtype", VolumeVO.class.getSimpleName()); final List<String> toExclude = q.getResultList(); candidates = CollectionUtils.transformToList( candidates, new Function<VolumeVO, VolumeVO>() { @Override public VolumeVO call(VolumeVO arg) { return toExclude.contains(arg.getUuid()) ? null : arg; } }); candidates.addAll(uninstantiatedVolumes); return candidates; }