public HeatMapData(ProteinGroupComparisonDataset grpComparison) { datasetLabels = new ArrayList<String>(grpComparison.getDatasetCount() + 1); for (Dataset ds : grpComparison.getDatasets()) { if (ds.getDatasetName() != null && ds.getDatasetName().length() > 0) { datasetLabels.add((ds.getDatasetName() + "(ID" + ds.getDatasetId()) + ")"); } else { datasetLabels.add(("ID_" + ds.getDatasetId())); } } rows = new ArrayList<HeatMapRow>(grpComparison.getTotalProteinGroupCount() + 1); int index = 0; for (ComparisonProteinGroup grp : grpComparison.getProteinsGroups()) { HeatMapRow row = new HeatMapRow(); row.setIndexInList(index); index += grp.getProteins().size(); rows.add(row); ComparisonProtein protein = grp.getProteins().get(0); List<HeatMapCell> cells = new ArrayList<HeatMapCell>(); // add cell for molecular wt. String molWtCellColor = getColorForMolWt(protein.getMolecularWeight()); HeatMapCell cell1 = new HeatMapCell(); cell1.setLabel(""); cell1.setHexColor(molWtCellColor); cells.add(cell1); row.setRowName(protein.getProteinListing().getFastaReferences().get(0).getShortAccession()); List<String> allNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ComparisonProtein prot : grp.getProteins()) { allNames.add(prot.getProteinListing().getFastaReferences().get(0).getShortAccession()); } row.setRowAllNames(allNames); for (Dataset ds : grpComparison.getDatasets()) { HeatMapCell cell = new HeatMapCell(); cells.add(cell); cell.setLabel(""); DatasetProteinInformation dpi = protein.getDatasetProteinInformation(ds); if (dpi == null || !dpi.isPresent()) { cell.setHexColor("#FFFFFF"); } else { float heatMapSpectrumCount = dpi.getHeatMapSpectrumCount(); cell.setHexColor(grpComparison.getHeatMapColor(heatMapSpectrumCount)); } } //,19,27,53,61&chds=0,61&chco=FFCC33&chxt=x,y&chxr=1,0,61,10&chxl=0:|Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May String plotUrl = getPlotUrl(protein, grpComparison.getDatasets()); row.setPlotUrl(plotUrl); row.setCells(cells); } }
private String getColorForMolWt(float molecularWeight) { // int r = 255; // int g = 255; // int b = 0; // // int bin = (int) (molecularWeight / 10000); // //r += 25 * bin; // g -= 25 * bin; // //b -= 25 * bin; // r = Math.min(255, r); // g = Math.max(0, g); // //b = Math.max(0, bin); if (molecularWeight > 0 && molecularWeight <= 12000) return ProteinGroupComparisonDataset.hexValue(255, 255, 0); // 0 to 12000; yellow else if (molecularWeight > 12000 && molecularWeight <= 18000) return ProteinGroupComparisonDataset.hexValue(255, 180, 0); // 12000 to 18000; orange else if (molecularWeight > 18000 && molecularWeight <= 22000) return ProteinGroupComparisonDataset.hexValue(255, 0, 0); // 18000 to 22000; red else if (molecularWeight > 22000 && molecularWeight <= 25000) return ProteinGroupComparisonDataset.hexValue(255, 0, 180); // 22000 to 25000; else if (molecularWeight > 25000 && molecularWeight <= 35000) return ProteinGroupComparisonDataset.hexValue(255, 0, 255); // 25000 to 35000; magenta else if (molecularWeight > 35000 && molecularWeight <= 40000) return ProteinGroupComparisonDataset.hexValue(180, 0, 255); // 35000 to 40000 else if (molecularWeight > 40000 && molecularWeight <= 50000) return ProteinGroupComparisonDataset.hexValue(0, 0, 255); // 40000 to 50000; blue else if (molecularWeight > 50000 && molecularWeight <= 60000) return ProteinGroupComparisonDataset.hexValue(0, 180, 255); // 50000 to 60000; else if (molecularWeight > 60000 && molecularWeight <= 70000) return ProteinGroupComparisonDataset.hexValue(0, 255, 255); // 60000 to 70000; cyan else if (molecularWeight > 70000 && molecularWeight <= 80000) return ProteinGroupComparisonDataset.hexValue(0, 255, 180); // 70000 to 80000; else if (molecularWeight > 80000 && molecularWeight <= 90000) return ProteinGroupComparisonDataset.hexValue(0, 255, 0); // 80000 to 90000; green else return ProteinGroupComparisonDataset.hexValue(0, 0, 0); // 90000 to 100000; black // return ProteinGroupComparisonDataset.hexValue(r, g, b); }