public String getParticipantsAsXML() { List<Participant> pList = sortFullParticipantListByName(); StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder("<participants>"); for (Participant p : pList) xml.append(p.toXML()); xml.append("</participants>"); return xml.toString(); }
public String getNonHumanCategoriesAsXML() { Set<NonHumanCategory> rList = new TreeSet<NonHumanCategory>(nonHumanCategoryMap.values()); StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder("<nonhumancategories>"); for (NonHumanCategory r : rList) xml.append(r.toXML()); xml.append("</nonhumancategories>"); return xml.toString(); }
public String getNonHumanResourcesAsXML() { Set<NonHumanResource> rList = new TreeSet<NonHumanResource>(nonHumanMap.values()); StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder("<nonhumanresources>"); for (NonHumanResource r : rList) xml.append(r.toXML()); xml.append("</nonhumanresources>"); return xml.toString(); }
// @return a csv listing of the full name of each role public String getRoleNames() { StringBuilder csvList = new StringBuilder(); for (Role r : roleMap.values()) { if (csvList.length() > 0) csvList.append(","); csvList.append(r.getName()); } return csvList.toString(); }
public String getOrgGroupsAsXML() { ArrayList<OrgGroup> oList = new ArrayList<OrgGroup>(orgGroupMap.values()); Collections.sort(oList); StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder("<orggroups>"); for (OrgGroup o : oList) xml.append(o.toXML()); xml.append("</orggroups>"); return xml.toString(); }
public String getPositionsAsXML() { ArrayList<Position> pList = new ArrayList<Position>(positionMap.values()); Collections.sort(pList); StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder("<positions>"); for (Position p : pList) xml.append(p.toXML()); xml.append("</positions>"); return xml.toString(); }
public String getCapabilitiesAsXML() { ArrayList<Capability> cList = new ArrayList<Capability>(capabilityMap.values()); Collections.sort(cList); StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder("<capabilities>"); for (Capability c : cList) xml.append(c.toXML()); xml.append("</capabilities>"); return xml.toString(); }
public String getRolesAsXML() { ArrayList<Role> rList = new ArrayList<Role>(roleMap.values()); Collections.sort(rList); StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder("<roles>"); for (Role r : rList) xml.append(r.toXML()); xml.append("</roles>"); return xml.toString(); }
// @return a csv listing of the full name of each participant public String getParticipantNames() { List<Participant> pList = sortFullParticipantListByName(); StringBuilder csvList = new StringBuilder(); for (Participant p : pList) { if (csvList.length() > 0) csvList.append(","); csvList.append(p.getFullName()); } return csvList.toString(); }
public String getParticipantCapabilitiesAsXML(String pid) { Set<Capability> capSet = getParticipantCapabilities(pid); if (capSet != null) { String header = String.format("<capabilities participantid=\"%s\">", pid); StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(header); for (Capability c : capSet) xml.append(c.toXML()); xml.append("</capabilities>"); return xml.toString(); } else return ("<capabilities/>"); }
public String getParticipantPositionsAsXML(String pid) { Set<Position> posSet = getParticipantPositions(pid); if (posSet != null) { String header = String.format("<positions participantid=\"%s\">", pid); StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(header); for (Position p : posSet) xml.append(p.toXML()); xml.append("</positions>"); return xml.toString(); } else return ("<positions/>"); }
public String getParticipantRolesAsXML(String pid) { Set<Role> roles = getParticipantRoles(pid); if (roles != null) { String header = String.format("<roles participantid=\"%s\">", pid); StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(header); for (Role r : roles) xml.append(r.toXML()); xml.append("</roles>"); return xml.toString(); } else return ("<roles/>"); }
private String constructCyclicAttributeErrorMessage( List<String> chain, String type, String refName) { String templateMsg = "Cyclic Reference Error: The selected %s cannot %s to %s " + "'%s' because it references itself in the hierarchy '%s'."; String refType = (type.equals("position")) ? "report" : "belong"; StringBuilder chainStr = new StringBuilder(chain.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < chain.size(); i++) { chainStr.append(" --> ").append(chain.get(i)); } return String.format(templateMsg, type, refType, type, refName, chainStr.toString()); }
public String getNonHumanSubCategoriesAsXML() { StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder("<nonhumansubcategories>"); for (NonHumanSubCategory n : getNonHumanSubCategories()) xml.append(n.toXML()); xml.append("</nonhumansubcategories>"); return xml.toString(); }
private String participantSetToXML(Set<Participant> pSet, String header) { StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(header); for (Participant p : pSet) xml.append(p.toXML()); xml.append("</participants>"); return xml.toString(); }