/** * Handles paxos prepare messages * * @param msg the incomming message * @return a response message */ public FleaseMessage handlePREPARE(FleaseMessage msg) { final FleaseAcceptorCell cc = getCell(msg); cc.touch(); if ((cc.getPrepared() != null) && (cc.getPrepared().after(msg))) { if (Logging.isDebug() && config.isDebugPrintMessages()) { final String preped = (cc.getPrepared() == null) ? ProposalNumber.EMPTY_PROPOSAL_NUMBER.toString() : cc.getPrepared().getProposalNo().toString(); Logging.logMessage( Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG, Category.replication, this, "A prepare NACK p:" + preped + " is after " + msg.getProposalNo() + ""); } FleaseMessage reject = new FleaseMessage(FleaseMessage.MsgType.MSG_PREPARE_NACK, msg); reject.setPrevProposalNo(cc.getPrepared().getProposalNo()); reject.setLeaseHolder(null); reject.setLeaseTimeout(0); reject.setSendTimestamp(TimeSync.getGlobalTime()); return reject; } else { if (Logging.isDebug() && config.isDebugPrintMessages()) { final String preped = (cc.getPrepared() == null) ? ProposalNumber.EMPTY_PROPOSAL_NUMBER.toString() : cc.getPrepared().getProposalNo().toString(); final String acced = (cc.getAccepted() == null) ? ProposalNumber.EMPTY_PROPOSAL_NUMBER.toString() : cc.getAccepted().getProposalNo() + "=" + cc.getAccepted().getLeaseHolder() + "/" + cc.getAccepted().getLeaseTimeout(); Logging.logMessage( Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG, Category.replication, this, "A prepare ACK p:" + preped + " -> " + msg.getProposalNo() + " a:" + acced); } // lastPrepared = msg; cc.setPrepared(msg); // FIXME:Persistently write to disk FleaseMessage response = new FleaseMessage(FleaseMessage.MsgType.MSG_PREPARE_ACK, msg); if (cc.getAccepted() != null) { response.setPrevProposalNo(cc.getAccepted().getProposalNo()); response.setLeaseHolder(cc.getAccepted().getLeaseHolder()); assert (response.getLeaseHolder() != null); response.setLeaseTimeout(cc.getAccepted().getLeaseTimeout()); } response.setSendTimestamp(TimeSync.getGlobalTime()); return response; } }
/** * Handles paxos learn messages. Removes oudated instances and updates maxLearnedInstId * accordingly * * @param msg incomming message */ public void handleLEARN(FleaseMessage msg) { final FleaseAcceptorCell cc = getCell(msg); cc.touch(); if ((cc.getPrepared() != null) && (cc.getPrepared().after(msg)) || (cc.getAccepted() != null) && (cc.getAccepted().after(msg))) { if (Logging.isDebug() && config.isDebugPrintMessages()) Logging.logMessage( Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG, Category.replication, this, "A ignore outdated LEARN message " + msg.getProposalNo()); } else { if (Logging.isDebug() && config.isDebugPrintMessages()) { final String preped = (cc.getPrepared() == null) ? ProposalNumber.EMPTY_PROPOSAL_NUMBER.toString() : cc.getPrepared().getProposalNo().toString(); final String acced = (cc.getAccepted() == null) ? ProposalNumber.EMPTY_PROPOSAL_NUMBER.toString() : cc.getAccepted().getProposalNo() + "=" + cc.getAccepted().getLeaseHolder() + "/" + cc.getAccepted().getLeaseTimeout(); Logging.logMessage( Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG, Category.replication, this, "A learn p:" + preped + " a: " + acced + " -> " + msg.getProposalNo() + "=" + msg.getLeaseHolder() + "/" + msg.getLeaseTimeout()); } cc.setAccepted(msg); cc.setPrepared(msg); cc.setLatestLearn(msg); evtListener.learnedEvent( msg.getCellId(), msg.getLeaseHolder(), msg.getLeaseTimeout(), msg.getMasterEpochNumber()); } }
private FleaseAcceptorCell getCell(ASCIIString cellId) { FleaseAcceptorCell cc = cells.get(cellId); if (cc == null) { cc = new FleaseAcceptorCell(); cells.put(cellId, cc); } else { if ((cc.lastAccess + config.getCellTimeout()) < System.currentTimeMillis()) { if (Logging.isDebug()) Logging.logMessage( Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG, Category.replication, this, "A GCed cell " + cellId); // Cell is outdated and GCed. // Create a new cell and transfer the previous view. FleaseAcceptorCell tmp = new FleaseAcceptorCell(); tmp.setViewId(cc.getViewId()); if (cc.isViewInvalidated()) { tmp.invalidateView(); } cells.put(cellId, tmp); cc = tmp; } } /*if (Logging.isDebug()) Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG,this,"using cell "+cellId);*/ cc.touch(); return cc; }
/** * Creates a new instance of PxAcceptor * * @param port port to listen on * @param debug */ public FleaseAcceptor( LearnEventListener evtListener, FleaseConfig localConfig, String lockfileDir, boolean ignoreLockFileForTesting) throws IOException { this.config = localConfig; cells = new HashMap<ASCIIString, FleaseAcceptorCell>(); quit = false; lockfile = lockfileDir + "/" + LOCKFILE_NAME + config.getIdentity().hashCode(); this.evtListener = evtListener; File lock = new File(lockfile); if (lock.exists() && !ignoreLockFileForTesting) { /*waitUntilTimestamp_ms = TimeSync.getLocalSystemTime()+TimeSync.getLocalRenewInterval()+ config.getRestartWait();*/ waitUntilTimestamp_ms = System.currentTimeMillis() + config.getRestartWait(); Logging.logMessage( Logging.LEVEL_INFO, Category.replication, this, "restarted after crash (lock file %s exists). acceptor will ignore all messages for %d ms (recovery period until %s)", lockfile, config.getRestartWait(), (new Date(waitUntilTimestamp_ms)).toString()); } else { waitUntilTimestamp_ms = 0; if (ignoreLockFileForTesting) lock.delete(); if (!lock.createNewFile()) throw new IOException("Lock file exists!"); } }
/** * string representation * * @return a string */ public String toString() { return "Acceptor @ " + config.getIdentity(); }
/** main loop */ public FleaseMessage processMessage(FleaseMessage msg) { assert (!quit); /*if (Logging.isDebug()) Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG,this,"received %s",msg.toString());*/ final long now = TimeSync.getLocalSystemTime(); if (msg.getSendTimestamp() + config.getMessageTimeout() < TimeSync.getGlobalTime()) { // old message, ignore if (Logging.isDebug() && config.isDebugPrintMessages()) Logging.logMessage( Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG, Category.replication, this, "A outdated message discarded: %s", msg.toString()); return null; } if (this.waitUntilTimestamp_ms >= now) { if (Logging.isDebug() && config.isDebugPrintMessages()) Logging.logMessage( Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG, Category.replication, this, "A message discarded, acceptor is still in recovery period"); return null; } assert (msg.getCellId() != null); final FleaseAcceptorCell cc = getCell(msg.getCellId()); if (cc.getViewId() < msg.getViewId()) { // If the local view is lower than the delivered one, the view listener has to be informed to // update // the local view. But the request can still be answered. viewListener.viewIdChangeEvent(msg.getCellId(), msg.getViewId()); } else if (cc.getViewId() > msg.getViewId() || (cc.getViewId() == msg.getViewId() && cc.isViewInvalidated())) { // If the request is from an older view, or the a view that has been invalidated on this // AcceptorCell, the request has to be aborted. FleaseMessage response = new FleaseMessage(FleaseMessage.MsgType.MSG_WRONG_VIEW, msg); response.setViewId(cc.getViewId()); return response; } FleaseMessage response = null; if (msg.getMsgType() == FleaseMessage.MsgType.MSG_PREPARE) response = handlePREPARE(msg); else if (msg.getMsgType() == FleaseMessage.MsgType.MSG_ACCEPT) response = handleACCEPT(msg); else if (msg.getMsgType() == FleaseMessage.MsgType.MSG_LEARN) handleLEARN(msg); /*else if (msg.getMsgType() == FleaseMessage.MsgType.MSG_GET_LEASE) response = handleGETLEASE(msg); else if (msg.getMsgType() == FleaseMessage.MsgType.MSG_RENEW_LEASE) response = handleRENEWINSTANCE(msg);*/ else Logging.logMessage( Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, Category.replication, this, "A invalid message type received: %s", msg.toString()); /*if (Logging.isDebug()) Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG,this,"response %s",(response != null) ? response.toString() : "<empty>");*/ return response; }
/** * Handles paxos accept (vote) messages. * * @param msg incomming message * @return a response message or null */ public FleaseMessage handleACCEPT(FleaseMessage msg) { final FleaseAcceptorCell cc = getCell(msg); cc.touch(); if ((cc.getPrepared() != null) && (cc.getPrepared().after(msg))) { // reject the request if (Logging.isDebug() && config.isDebugPrintMessages()) { final String preped = (cc.getPrepared() == null) ? ProposalNumber.EMPTY_PROPOSAL_NUMBER.toString() : cc.getPrepared().getProposalNo().toString(); Logging.logMessage( Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG, Category.replication, this, "A accept NACK p:" + preped + " is after " + msg.getProposalNo() + ""); } FleaseMessage tmp = new FleaseMessage(FleaseMessage.MsgType.MSG_ACCEPT_NACK, msg); tmp.setSendTimestamp(TimeSync.getGlobalTime()); tmp.setLeaseHolder(null); tmp.setLeaseTimeout(0); tmp.setPrevProposalNo(cc.getPrepared().getProposalNo()); return tmp; } else { // okay accept it if (Logging.isDebug() && config.isDebugPrintMessages()) { final String preped = (cc.getPrepared() == null) ? ProposalNumber.EMPTY_PROPOSAL_NUMBER.toString() : cc.getPrepared().getProposalNo().toString(); final String acced = (cc.getAccepted() == null) ? ProposalNumber.EMPTY_PROPOSAL_NUMBER.toString() : cc.getAccepted().getProposalNo() + "=" + cc.getAccepted().getLeaseHolder() + "/" + cc.getAccepted().getLeaseTimeout(); Logging.logMessage( Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG, Category.replication, this, "A accept ACK p:" + preped + " a: " + acced + " -> " + msg.getProposalNo() + "=" + msg.getLeaseHolder() + "/" + msg.getLeaseTimeout()); } assert (msg.getLeaseHolder() != null); cc.setAccepted(msg); cc.setPrepared(msg); FleaseMessage tmp = new FleaseMessage(FleaseMessage.MsgType.MSG_ACCEPT_ACK, msg); tmp.setSendTimestamp(TimeSync.getGlobalTime()); return tmp; } }