예제 #1
  private void parseRecord(Message message, InetAddress address) {
    // We really only care about the ADDITIONAL section (specifically the text records)
    Record[] responses = message.getSectionArray(Section.ADDITIONAL);
    // We only want to process records that actually have a length, have an ANSWER
    // section that has stuff in it and that the ANSWER to our query is what we sent
    if (responses.length != 0
        && message.getSectionArray(Section.ANSWER).length != 0
        && message
            .equals(NvmDNS.MDNS_QUERY)) {

      Log.v("NvmDNS Response", "Got a packet from " + address.getCanonicalHostName());
          "NvmDNS Response",
          "Question: " + message.getSectionArray(Section.ANSWER)[0].getName().toString());
      Log.v("NvmDNS Response", "Response: " + responses[0].getName().toString());

      // TODO: The DNS entry we get is "XENITH._nvstream._tcp.local."
      // And the .'s in there are not actually periods. Or something.
      String hostname = responses[0].getName().toString();

      // The records can be returned in any order, so we need to figure out which one is the
      // TXTRecord
      // We get three records back: A TXTRecord, a SRVRecord and an ARecord
      TXTRecord txtRecord = null;

      for (Record record : responses) {
            "NvmDNS Response",
            "We recieved a DNS repsonse with a " + record.getClass().getName() + " record.");
        if (record instanceof TXTRecord) {
          txtRecord = (TXTRecord) record;

      if (txtRecord == null) {
        Log.e("NvmDNS Response", "We recieved a malformed DNS repsonse with no TXTRecord");

      this.parseTXTRecord(txtRecord, address, hostname);