@Test( groups = "wso2.greg", description = "Upload CApp as Service", dependsOnMethods = "cAppWithIncorrectServerRole") public void deployNewCApplication() throws MalformedURLException, RemoteException, ApplicationAdminExceptionException, InterruptedException, RegistryException, ResourceAdminServiceExceptionException, LogViewerLogViewerException { String resourcePath = FrameworkPathUtil.getSystemResourceLocation() + "artifacts" + File.separator + "GREG" + File.separator + "car" + File.separator + "wsdl-t_1.0.0.car"; cAppUploader.uploadCarbonAppArtifact( "wsdl-t_1.0.0.car", new DataHandler(new URL("file:///" + resourcePath))); assertTrue( CAppTestUtils.isCAppDeployed(sessionCookie, wsdl_tCapp, adminServiceApplicationAdmin), "Deployed wsdl-t_1.0.0.car not in CApp List"); LogEvent[] logEvents = logViewerClient.getLogs( "INFO", "Successfully Deployed Carbon Application : wsdl-t", "", ""); boolean status = false; for (LogEvent event : logEvents) { if (event.getMessage().contains("Successfully Deployed Carbon Application : wsdl-t")) { status = true; break; } } assertTrue(status, "Log info message for cApp deployment not found"); boolean isService = false; // GovernanceUtils.loadGovernanceArtifacts((UserRegistry) governance); GenericArtifactManager manager = new GenericArtifactManager(governance, "service"); GenericArtifact[] serviceArtifacts = manager.getAllGenericArtifacts(); for (GenericArtifact genericArtifact : serviceArtifacts) { String name = genericArtifact.getQName().getLocalPart(); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("WeatherForecastService")) { isService = true; break; } } assertTrue(isService); }
@Test( groups = "wso2.greg", description = "Upload CApp with incorrect ServerRole(ESB)", dependsOnMethods = "deployCAppWithWsdl") public void cAppWithIncorrectServerRole() throws MalformedURLException, RemoteException, ApplicationAdminExceptionException, InterruptedException, LogViewerLogViewerException { String resourcePath = FrameworkPathUtil.getSystemResourceLocation() + "artifacts" + File.separator + "GREG" + File.separator + "car" + File.separator + "serverRole-incorrect_1.0.0.car"; cAppUploader.uploadCarbonAppArtifact( "serverRole-incorrect_1.0.0.car", new DataHandler(new URL("file:///" + resourcePath))); assertFalse( CAppTestUtils.isCAppDeployed( sessionCookie, serverRole_incorrectCapp, adminServiceApplicationAdmin), "Deployed serverRole-incorrect_1.0.0.car not in CApp List"); LogEvent[] logEvents = logViewerClient.getLogs( "WARN", "No artifacts found to be deployed in this server." + " Ignoring Carbon Application : serverRole-incorrect_1.0.0.car", "", ""); boolean status = false; for (LogEvent event : logEvents) { if (event .getMessage() .contains( "No artifacts found to be deployed in this server. " + "Ignoring Carbon Application : serverRole-incorrect_1.0.0.car")) { status = true; break; } } assertTrue(status, "Log info message for capp deployment not found"); }
@Test(groups = "wso2.greg", description = "Upload CApp with wsdls") public void deployCAppWithWsdl() throws MalformedURLException, RemoteException, ApplicationAdminExceptionException, InterruptedException, LogViewerLogViewerException { String resourcePath = FrameworkPathUtil.getSystemResourceLocation() + "artifacts" + File.separator + "GREG" + File.separator + "car" + File.separator + "wsdl_1.0.0.car"; cAppUploader.uploadCarbonAppArtifact( "wsdl_1.0.0.car", new DataHandler(new URL("file:///" + resourcePath))); // artifact.xml name is "wsdl_new". assertTrue( CAppTestUtils.isCAppDeployed(sessionCookie, wsdl_new_1Capp, adminServiceApplicationAdmin), "Deployed wsdl_1.0.0.car not in CApp List"); LogEvent[] logEvents = logViewerClient.getLogs( "INFO", "Successfully Deployed Carbon Application : wsdl_new", "", ""); boolean status = false; for (LogEvent event : logEvents) { if (event.getMessage().contains("Successfully Deployed Carbon Application : wsdl_new")) { status = true; break; } } assertTrue(status, "Log info message for capp deployment not found"); }