public RestVariable getVariableFromRequest( Execution execution, String variableName, String scope, boolean includeBinary, UriInfo uriInfo) { boolean variableFound = false; Object value = null; if (execution == null) { throw new ActivitiObjectNotFoundException("Could not find an execution", Execution.class); } RuntimeService runtimeService = BPMNOSGIService.getRumtimeService(); RestVariable.RestVariableScope variableScope = RestVariable.getScopeFromString(scope); if (variableScope == null) { // First, check local variables (which have precedence when no scope is supplied) if (runtimeService.hasVariableLocal(execution.getId(), variableName)) { value = runtimeService.getVariableLocal(execution.getId(), variableName); variableScope = RestVariable.RestVariableScope.LOCAL; variableFound = true; } else { if (execution.getParentId() != null) { value = runtimeService.getVariable(execution.getParentId(), variableName); variableScope = RestVariable.RestVariableScope.GLOBAL; variableFound = true; } } } else if (variableScope == RestVariable.RestVariableScope.GLOBAL) { // Use parent to get variables if (execution.getParentId() != null) { value = runtimeService.getVariable(execution.getParentId(), variableName); variableScope = RestVariable.RestVariableScope.GLOBAL; variableFound = true; } } else if (variableScope == RestVariable.RestVariableScope.LOCAL) { value = runtimeService.getVariableLocal(execution.getId(), variableName); variableScope = RestVariable.RestVariableScope.LOCAL; variableFound = true; } if (!variableFound) { throw new ActivitiObjectNotFoundException( "Execution '" + execution.getId() + "' doesn't have a variable with name: '" + variableName + "'.", VariableInstanceEntity.class); } else { return constructRestVariable( variableName, value, variableScope, execution.getId(), includeBinary, uriInfo); } }
protected List<RestVariable> processVariables( Execution execution, String scope, int variableType, UriInfo uriInfo) { List<RestVariable> result = new ArrayList<RestVariable>(); Map<String, RestVariable> variableMap = new HashMap<String, RestVariable>(); // Check if it's a valid execution to get the variables for RestVariable.RestVariableScope variableScope = RestVariable.getScopeFromString(scope); if (variableScope == null) { // Use both local and global variables addLocalVariables(execution, variableType, variableMap, uriInfo); addGlobalVariables(execution, variableType, variableMap, uriInfo); } else if (variableScope == RestVariable.RestVariableScope.GLOBAL) { addGlobalVariables(execution, variableType, variableMap, uriInfo); } else if (variableScope == RestVariable.RestVariableScope.LOCAL) { addLocalVariables(execution, variableType, variableMap, uriInfo); } // Get unique variables from map result.addAll(variableMap.values()); return result; }
protected RestVariable createBinaryExecutionVariable( Execution execution, int responseVariableType, UriInfo uriInfo, boolean isNew, MultipartBody multipartBody) { boolean debugEnabled = log.isDebugEnabled(); Response.ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.ok(); List<org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.multipart.Attachment> attachments = multipartBody.getAllAttachments(); int attachmentSize = attachments.size(); if (attachmentSize <= 0) { throw new ActivitiIllegalArgumentException("No Attachments found with the request body"); } AttachmentDataHolder attachmentDataHolder = new AttachmentDataHolder(); for (int i = 0; i < attachmentSize; i++) { org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.multipart.Attachment attachment = attachments.get(i); String contentDispositionHeaderValue = attachment.getHeader("Content-Disposition"); String contentType = attachment.getHeader("Content-Type"); if (debugEnabled) { log.debug("Going to iterate:" + i); log.debug("contentDisposition:" + contentDispositionHeaderValue); } if (contentDispositionHeaderValue != null) { contentDispositionHeaderValue = contentDispositionHeaderValue.trim(); Map<String, String> contentDispositionHeaderValueMap = Utils.processContentDispositionHeader(contentDispositionHeaderValue); String dispositionName = contentDispositionHeaderValueMap.get("name"); DataHandler dataHandler = attachment.getDataHandler(); OutputStream outputStream = null; if ("name".equals(dispositionName)) { try { outputStream = Utils.getAttachmentStream(dataHandler.getInputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ActivitiIllegalArgumentException("Attachment Name Reading error occured", e); } if (outputStream != null) { String fileName = outputStream.toString(); attachmentDataHolder.setName(fileName); } } else if ("type".equals(dispositionName)) { try { outputStream = Utils.getAttachmentStream(dataHandler.getInputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ActivitiIllegalArgumentException("Attachment Type Reading error occured", e); } if (outputStream != null) { String typeName = outputStream.toString(); attachmentDataHolder.setType(typeName); } } else if ("scope".equals(dispositionName)) { try { outputStream = Utils.getAttachmentStream(dataHandler.getInputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ActivitiIllegalArgumentException( "Attachment Description Reading error occured", e); } if (outputStream != null) { String description = outputStream.toString(); attachmentDataHolder.setScope(description); } } if (contentType != null) { if ("file".equals(dispositionName)) { InputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = dataHandler.getInputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ActivitiIllegalArgumentException( "Error Occured During processing empty body.", e); } if (inputStream != null) { attachmentDataHolder.setContentType(contentType); byte[] attachmentArray = new byte[0]; try { attachmentArray = IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ActivitiIllegalArgumentException("Processing Attachment Body Failed.", e); } attachmentDataHolder.setAttachmentArray(attachmentArray); } } } } } attachmentDataHolder.printDebug(); if (attachmentDataHolder.getName() == null) { throw new ActivitiIllegalArgumentException("Attachment name is required."); } if (attachmentDataHolder.getAttachmentArray() == null) { throw new ActivitiIllegalArgumentException( "Empty attachment body was found in request body after " + "decoding the request" + "."); } String variableScope = attachmentDataHolder.getScope(); String variableName = attachmentDataHolder.getName(); String variableType = attachmentDataHolder.getType(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "variableScope:" + variableScope + " variableName:" + variableName + " variableType:" + variableType); } try { // Validate input and set defaults if (variableName == null) { throw new ActivitiIllegalArgumentException("No variable name was found in request body."); } if (variableType != null) { if (!RestResponseFactory.BYTE_ARRAY_VARIABLE_TYPE.equals(variableType) && !RestResponseFactory.SERIALIZABLE_VARIABLE_TYPE.equals(variableType)) { throw new ActivitiIllegalArgumentException( "Only 'binary' and 'serializable' are supported as variable type."); } } else { variableType = RestResponseFactory.BYTE_ARRAY_VARIABLE_TYPE; } RestVariable.RestVariableScope scope = RestVariable.RestVariableScope.LOCAL; if (variableScope != null) { scope = RestVariable.getScopeFromString(variableScope); } if (variableType.equals(RestResponseFactory.BYTE_ARRAY_VARIABLE_TYPE)) { // Use raw bytes as variable value setVariable( execution, variableName, attachmentDataHolder.getAttachmentArray(), scope, isNew); } else { // Try deserializing the object InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(attachmentDataHolder.getAttachmentArray()); ObjectInputStream stream = new ObjectInputStream(inputStream); Object value = stream.readObject(); setVariable(execution, variableName, value, scope, isNew); stream.close(); } if (responseVariableType == RestResponseFactory.VARIABLE_PROCESS) { return new RestResponseFactory() .createBinaryRestVariable( variableName, scope, variableType, null, null, execution.getId(), uriInfo.getBaseUri().toString()); } else { return new RestResponseFactory() .createBinaryRestVariable( variableName, scope, variableType, null, execution.getId(), null, uriInfo.getBaseUri().toString()); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new ActivitiIllegalArgumentException("Could not process multipart content", ioe); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ioe) { throw new BPMNContentNotSupportedException( "The provided body contains a serialized object for which the class is nog found: " + ioe.getMessage()); } }