/** * Tests if a Element <code>element</code> is valid for the <code>FdFixme</code>. * * @param element * @return boolean */ public static boolean isMatch(Element element) { if (!URelaxer.isTargetElement(element, "fixme")) { return (false); } RStack target = new RStack(element); boolean $match$ = false; Element child; if (!URelaxer.hasAttributeHungry(target, "author")) { return (false); } $match$ = true; if (RString.isMatch(target)) { $match$ = true; } while (true) { if (FdImg.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FdIcon.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FdLink.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FdJump.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FdFork.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FdAcronym.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FdStrong.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FdEm.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FdCode.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FdSub.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FdSup.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FdBr.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else { break; } } if (!target.isEmptyElement()) { return (false); } return (true); }
/** * Tests if a Element <code>element</code> is valid for the <code>NonExistentAttributeTransition * </code>. * * @param element * @return boolean */ public static boolean isMatch(Element element) { if (!URelaxer2.isTargetElement( element, "http://www.iso_relax.org/xmlns/miaou/binaryTreeAutomaton", "nonExistentAttributeTransition")) { return (false); } RStack target = new RStack(element); boolean $match$ = false; Element child; if (!target.hasAttributeHungry("target")) { return (false); } $match$ = true; if (!target.hasAttributeHungry("nameClass")) { return (false); } $match$ = true; if (!target.hasAttributeHungry("right")) { return (false); } $match$ = true; if (!target.isEmptyElement()) { return (false); } return (true); }
/** * Tests if a Element <code>element</code> is valid for the <code>FtHeader</code>. * * @param element * @return boolean */ public static boolean isMatch(Element element) { if (!URelaxer.isTargetElement(element, "header")) { return (false); } RStack target = new RStack(element); boolean $match$ = false; Element child; if (!FtTitle.isMatchHungry(target)) { return (false); } $match$ = true; if (FtSubtitle.isMatchHungry(target)) {} if (FtVersion.isMatchHungry(target)) {} if (FtType.isMatchHungry(target)) {} if (FtAuthors.isMatchHungry(target)) {} while (true) { if (!FtNotice.isMatchHungry(target)) { break; } $match$ = true; } if (FtAbstract.isMatchHungry(target)) {} if (!target.isEmptyElement()) { return (false); } return (true); }
/** * Tests if a Element <code>element</code> is valid for the <code>XmlCenter</code>. * * @param element * @return boolean */ public static boolean isMatch(Element element) { String tagName = element.getTagName(); if (!"center".equals(tagName)) { return (false); } RStack target = new RStack(element); Element child; child = target.popElement(); if (child == null) { return (false); } if (!"ra".equals(child.getTagName())) { return (false); } child = target.popElement(); if (child == null) { return (false); } if (!"decl".equals(child.getTagName())) { return (false); } if (!target.isEmptyElement()) { return (false); } return (true); }
/** * Tests if a Element <code>element</code> is valid for the <code>MRem</code>. * * @param element * @return boolean */ public static boolean isMatch(Element element) { if (!URelaxer2.isTargetElement(element, "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", "rem")) { return (false); } RStack target = new RStack(element); Element child; if (!target.isEmptyElement()) { return (false); } return (true); }
/** * Tests if a Element <code>element</code> is valid for the <code>Direction</code>. * * @param element * @return boolean */ public static boolean isMatch(Element element) { if (!URelaxer2.isTargetElement( element, "http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~cs8k-cyu/bulletml", "direction")) { return (false); } RStack target = new RStack(element); Element child; if (!target.isEmptyElement()) { return (false); } return (true); }
/** * Tests if a Element <code>element</code> is valid for the <code>FtLegal</code>. * * @param element * @return boolean */ public static boolean isMatch(Element element) { if (!URelaxer.isTargetElement(element, "legal")) { return (false); } RStack target = new RStack(element); boolean $match$ = false; Element child; if (RString.isMatch(target)) { $match$ = true; } while (true) { if (FtImg.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FtLink.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FtJump.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FtAcronym.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FtStrong.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FtCode.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FtSub.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FtSup.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FtEm.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FtBr.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FtIcon.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else if (FtFork.isMatchHungry(target)) { $match$ = true; } else { break; } } if (!target.isEmptyElement()) { return (false); } return (true); }
/** * Tests if a Element <code>element</code> is valid for the <code>FtAuthors</code>. * * @param element * @return boolean */ public static boolean isMatch(Element element) { if (!URelaxer.isTargetElement(element, "authors")) { return (false); } RStack target = new RStack(element); boolean $match$ = false; Element child; if (!FtPerson.isMatchHungry(target)) { return (false); } $match$ = true; while (true) { if (!FtPerson.isMatchHungry(target)) { break; } $match$ = true; } if (!target.isEmptyElement()) { return (false); } return (true); }
/** * Tests if a Element <code>element</code> is valid for the <code>MSet</code>. * * @param element * @return boolean */ public static boolean isMatch(Element element) { if (!URelaxer2.isTargetElement(element, "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", "set")) { return (false); } RStack target = new RStack(element); Element child; while (!target.isEmptyElement()) { if (MCi.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MCn.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MApply.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MReln.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MLambda.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MCondition.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MDeclare.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MSep.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MSemantics.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MAnnotation.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MAnnotationXml.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MInterval.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MList.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMatrix.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMatrixrow.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MSet.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MVector.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MLowlimit.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MUplimit.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MBvar.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MDegree.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MLogbase.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MInverse.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MIdent.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MAbs.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MConjugate.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MExp.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MFactorial.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MNot.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MLn.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MSin.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MCos.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MTan.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MSec.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MCsc.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MCot.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MSinh.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MCosh.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MTanh.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MSech.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MCsch.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MCoth.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MArcsin.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MArccos.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MArctan.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MDeterminant.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MTranspose.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MQuotient.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MDivide.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MPower.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MRem.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MImplies.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MSetdiff.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MFn.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MCompose.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MPlus.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MTimes.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMax.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMin.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MGcd.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MAnd.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MOr.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MXor.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MUnion.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MIntersect.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMean.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MSdev.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MVariance.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMedian.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMode.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MSelector.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MRoot.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMinus.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MLog.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MInt.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MDiff.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MPartialdiff.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MSum.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MProduct.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MLimit.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMoment.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MExists.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MForall.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MNeq.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MIn.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MNotin.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MNotsubset.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MNotprsubset.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MTendsto.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MEq.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MLeq.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MLt.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MGeq.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MGt.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MSubset.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MPrsubset.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMi.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMn.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMo.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMtext.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMs.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMspace.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMrow.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMfrac.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMsqrt.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMroot.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMstyle.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMerror.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMpadded.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMphantom.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMfenced.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMsub.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMsup.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMsubsup.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMunder.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMover.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMunderover.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMmultiscripts.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMtable.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMtr.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMtd.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMaligngroup.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMalignmark.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else if (MMaction.isMatchHungry(target)) { } else { break; } } if (!target.isEmptyElement()) { return (false); } return (true); }
/** @param element */ private void init(Element element) { RStack stack = new RStack(element); classValue = URelaxer2.getAttributePropertyAsString( element, "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", "class"); style = URelaxer2.getAttributePropertyAsString( element, "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", "style"); id = URelaxer2.getAttributePropertyAsString(element, "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", "id"); other = URelaxer2.getAttributePropertyAsString( element, "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", "other"); content.clear(); while (!stack.isEmptyElement()) { if (MCi.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MCi(stack)); } else if (MCn.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MCn(stack)); } else if (MApply.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MApply(stack)); } else if (MReln.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MReln(stack)); } else if (MLambda.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MLambda(stack)); } else if (MCondition.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MCondition(stack)); } else if (MDeclare.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MDeclare(stack)); } else if (MSep.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MSep(stack)); } else if (MSemantics.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MSemantics(stack)); } else if (MAnnotation.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MAnnotation(stack)); } else if (MAnnotationXml.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MAnnotationXml(stack)); } else if (MInterval.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MInterval(stack)); } else if (MList.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MList(stack)); } else if (MMatrix.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMatrix(stack)); } else if (MMatrixrow.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMatrixrow(stack)); } else if (MSet.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MSet(stack)); } else if (MVector.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MVector(stack)); } else if (MLowlimit.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MLowlimit(stack)); } else if (MUplimit.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MUplimit(stack)); } else if (MBvar.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MBvar(stack)); } else if (MDegree.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MDegree(stack)); } else if (MLogbase.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MLogbase(stack)); } else if (MInverse.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MInverse(stack)); } else if (MIdent.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MIdent(stack)); } else if (MAbs.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MAbs(stack)); } else if (MConjugate.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MConjugate(stack)); } else if (MExp.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MExp(stack)); } else if (MFactorial.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MFactorial(stack)); } else if (MNot.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MNot(stack)); } else if (MLn.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MLn(stack)); } else if (MSin.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MSin(stack)); } else if (MCos.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MCos(stack)); } else if (MTan.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MTan(stack)); } else if (MSec.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MSec(stack)); } else if (MCsc.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MCsc(stack)); } else if (MCot.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MCot(stack)); } else if (MSinh.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MSinh(stack)); } else if (MCosh.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MCosh(stack)); } else if (MTanh.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MTanh(stack)); } else if (MSech.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MSech(stack)); } else if (MCsch.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MCsch(stack)); } else if (MCoth.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MCoth(stack)); } else if (MArcsin.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MArcsin(stack)); } else if (MArccos.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MArccos(stack)); } else if (MArctan.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MArctan(stack)); } else if (MDeterminant.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MDeterminant(stack)); } else if (MTranspose.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MTranspose(stack)); } else if (MQuotient.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MQuotient(stack)); } else if (MDivide.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MDivide(stack)); } else if (MPower.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MPower(stack)); } else if (MRem.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MRem(stack)); } else if (MImplies.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MImplies(stack)); } else if (MSetdiff.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MSetdiff(stack)); } else if (MFn.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MFn(stack)); } else if (MCompose.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MCompose(stack)); } else if (MPlus.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MPlus(stack)); } else if (MTimes.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MTimes(stack)); } else if (MMax.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMax(stack)); } else if (MMin.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMin(stack)); } else if (MGcd.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MGcd(stack)); } else if (MAnd.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MAnd(stack)); } else if (MOr.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MOr(stack)); } else if (MXor.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MXor(stack)); } else if (MUnion.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MUnion(stack)); } else if (MIntersect.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MIntersect(stack)); } else if (MMean.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMean(stack)); } else if (MSdev.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MSdev(stack)); } else if (MVariance.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MVariance(stack)); } else if (MMedian.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMedian(stack)); } else if (MMode.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMode(stack)); } else if (MSelector.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MSelector(stack)); } else if (MRoot.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MRoot(stack)); } else if (MMinus.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMinus(stack)); } else if (MLog.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MLog(stack)); } else if (MInt.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MInt(stack)); } else if (MDiff.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MDiff(stack)); } else if (MPartialdiff.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MPartialdiff(stack)); } else if (MSum.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MSum(stack)); } else if (MProduct.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MProduct(stack)); } else if (MLimit.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MLimit(stack)); } else if (MMoment.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMoment(stack)); } else if (MExists.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MExists(stack)); } else if (MForall.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MForall(stack)); } else if (MNeq.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MNeq(stack)); } else if (MIn.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MIn(stack)); } else if (MNotin.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MNotin(stack)); } else if (MNotsubset.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MNotsubset(stack)); } else if (MNotprsubset.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MNotprsubset(stack)); } else if (MTendsto.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MTendsto(stack)); } else if (MEq.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MEq(stack)); } else if (MLeq.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MLeq(stack)); } else if (MLt.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MLt(stack)); } else if (MGeq.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MGeq(stack)); } else if (MGt.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MGt(stack)); } else if (MSubset.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MSubset(stack)); } else if (MPrsubset.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MPrsubset(stack)); } else if (MMi.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMi(stack)); } else if (MMn.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMn(stack)); } else if (MMo.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMo(stack)); } else if (MMtext.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMtext(stack)); } else if (MMs.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMs(stack)); } else if (MMspace.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMspace(stack)); } else if (MMrow.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMrow(stack)); } else if (MMfrac.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMfrac(stack)); } else if (MMsqrt.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMsqrt(stack)); } else if (MMroot.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMroot(stack)); } else if (MMstyle.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMstyle(stack)); } else if (MMerror.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMerror(stack)); } else if (MMpadded.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMpadded(stack)); } else if (MMphantom.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMphantom(stack)); } else if (MMfenced.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMfenced(stack)); } else if (MMsub.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMsub(stack)); } else if (MMsup.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMsup(stack)); } else if (MMsubsup.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMsubsup(stack)); } else if (MMunder.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMunder(stack)); } else if (MMover.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMover(stack)); } else if (MMunderover.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMunderover(stack)); } else if (MMmultiscripts.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMmultiscripts(stack)); } else if (MMtable.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMtable(stack)); } else if (MMtr.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMtr(stack)); } else if (MMtd.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMtd(stack)); } else if (MMaligngroup.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMaligngroup(stack)); } else if (MMalignmark.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMalignmark(stack)); } else if (MMaction.isMatch(stack)) { addContent(new MMaction(stack)); } else { break; } } }