private void loadDecoratorMappers(NodeList nodes) { clearDecoratorMappers(); Properties emptyProps = new Properties(); pushDecoratorMapper("com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.mapper.NullDecoratorMapper", emptyProps); // note, this works from the bottom node up. for (int i = nodes.getLength() - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (nodes.item(i) instanceof Element) { Element curr = (Element) nodes.item(i); if ("mapper".equalsIgnoreCase(curr.getTagName())) { String className = curr.getAttribute("class"); Properties props = new Properties(); // build properties from <param> tags. NodeList children = curr.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++) { if (children.item(j) instanceof Element) { Element currC = (Element) children.item(j); if ("param".equalsIgnoreCase(currC.getTagName())) { String value = currC.getAttribute("value"); props.put(currC.getAttribute("name"), replaceProperties(value)); } } } // add mapper pushDecoratorMapper(className, props); } } } pushDecoratorMapper( "com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.mapper.InlineDecoratorMapper", emptyProps); }
@Nonnull private <T> Class<T> parseAttributeAsType( @Nonnull Element element, @Nonnull String attributeName, @Nonnull Class<T> expectedType) { requireNonNull("expectedType", expectedType); final String attributeValue = requireNonNull("element", element) .getAttribute(requireNonNull("attributeName", attributeName)); final Class<?> type; try { type = _classLoader.loadClass(attributeValue); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The value of <" + element.getTagName() + " " + attributeName + "=\"..\" ../> is no valid class.", e); } if (!expectedType.isAssignableFrom(type)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The value of <" + element.getTagName() + " " + attributeName + "=\"..\" ../> is no type of '" + expectedType.getName() + "'."); } // noinspection unchecked return (Class<T>) type; }
/* * Work down the children tree * @param parent * @param el */ private void processChildren(ESBNodeWithChildren parent, Element el) { el.normalize(); parent.setData(el); if (parent.getEsbObjectType() == null) { String tag = el.getTagName(); if (tag.endsWith("-bus") && el.getAttribute("busid") != null) { // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ parent.setEsbObjectType(ESBType.BUS); } else if (tag.endsWith("-listener") && el.getAttribute("busidref") != null) { // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ parent.setEsbObjectType(ESBType.LISTENER); } else if (tag.endsWith("-provider")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ parent.setEsbObjectType(ESBType.PROVIDER); } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("service")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ parent.setEsbObjectType(ESBType.SERVICE); } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("listeners")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ parent.setEsbObjectType(ESBType.LISTENER); } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("Actions")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ parent.setEsbObjectType(ESBType.ACTION); } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("action")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ parent.setEsbObjectType(ESBType.ACTION); } else if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("property")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ parent.setEsbObjectType(ESBType.PROPERTY); return; } } NodeList children = el.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { if (children.item(i) instanceof Element) { Element child = (Element) children.item(i); String name = child.getAttribute("name"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (name == null || name.trim().length() == 0) { name = child.getAttribute("busid"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } if (name == null || name.trim().length() == 0) { name = child.getAttribute("dest-name"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } if (name == null || name.trim().length() == 0) { name = child.getTagName(); } if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("actions")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ name = JBossESBUIMessages.ESBDomParser_Actions_Node_Label; } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("listeners")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ name = JBossESBUIMessages.ESBDomParser_Listeners_Node_Label; } ESBNodeWithChildren childNode = new ESBNodeWithChildren(name); String ref = child.getAttribute("busidref"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (ref != null && ref.trim().length() > 0) { childNode.setRef(ref); } processChildren(childNode, child); if (childNode.getEsbObjectType() != null && !childNode.getEsbObjectType().equals(ESBType.PROPERTY)) { parent.addChild(childNode); childNode.setEsbObjectType(parent.getEsbObjectType()); } } } }
private static SetInfo parseSet(Node parent) throws XmlParserException { String id = ""; String type = ""; String measurementids = null; NodeList nodes = parent.getChildNodes(); Vector<SetInfo> sets = new Vector<SetInfo>(); for (int nodeid = 0; nodeid < nodes.getLength(); ++nodeid) { Node node = nodes.item(nodeid); if (node.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; Element element = (Element) node; if (element.getTagName().equals("id")) id = element.getTextContent(); else if (element.getTagName().equals("set")) sets.add(parseSet(element)); else if (element.getTagName().equals("type")) type = element.getTextContent(); else if (element.getTagName().equals("measurementids")) measurementids = element.getTextContent(); } // create the set SetInfo set = new SetInfo(id, Integer.parseInt(type)); if (measurementids != null) { int mids[] = ByteArray.toIntArray(Base64.decode(measurementids), ByteArray.ENDIAN_LITTLE, 32); for (int mid : mids) set.addMeasurementID(mid); } // add the children for (SetInfo s : sets) set.addChild(s); return set; }
/** Private helper that parses the file and sets up the DOM tree. */ private Node getRootNode(File configFile) throws ParsingException { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setIgnoringComments(true); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(false); dbFactory.setValidating(false); DocumentBuilder db = null; try { db = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) { throw new ParsingException("couldn't get a document builder", pce); } Document doc = null; try { doc = db.parse(new FileInputStream(configFile)); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new ParsingException("failed to load the file ", ioe); } catch (SAXException saxe) { throw new ParsingException("error parsing the XML tree", saxe); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw new ParsingException("no data to parse", iae); } Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); if (!root.getTagName().equals("config")) throw new ParsingException("unknown document type: " + root.getTagName()); return root; }
// Walk the tree from a specified element, // inserting data from a DicomObject where required. private static String getElementText(Element element, DicomObject dicomObject) { if (dicomTag(element)) return getDicomElementText(element, dicomObject); if (element.getTagName().equals("block")) return getBlockText(element, dicomObject); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<" + element.getTagName()); NamedNodeMap attributes = element.getAttributes(); Attr attr; for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { attr = (Attr) attributes.item(i); String attrValue = attr.getValue().trim(); if (dicomTag(attrValue)) { attrValue = getDicomElementText(attrValue, dicomObject); } sb.append(" " + attr.getName() + "=\"" + attrValue + "\""); } sb.append(">"); if (element.getTagName().equals("table")) sb.append(getTableText(element, dicomObject)); else if (element.getTagName().equals("publication-date")) sb.append(StringUtil.getDate()); else sb.append(getChildrenText(element, dicomObject)); sb.append("</" + element.getTagName() + ">"); return sb.toString(); }
public DataNode(Element node) { this.tagName = node.getTagName(); NamedNodeMap nnm = node.getAttributes(); attributes.put(tagName, new HashMap<String, String>()); for (int j = 0; j < nnm.getLength(); j++) { attributes.get(tagName).put(nnm.item(j).getNodeName(), nnm.item(j).getNodeValue()); } // TODO: just iterate through all children instead of using predefined list of names? for (int j = 0; j < elementNames.length; j++) { NodeList elements = node.getElementsByTagName(elementNames[j]); if (elements == null || elements.getLength() == 0) { continue; } else { attributes.put(elementNames[j], new HashMap<String, String>()); } Element el = (Element) (elements.item(0)); String currentTag = el.getTagName(); nnm = el.getAttributes(); for (int k = 0; k < nnm.getLength(); k++) { attributes.get(currentTag).put(nnm.item(k).getNodeName(), nnm.item(k).getNodeValue()); } } }
public void transform(Element element, Element parentSource, Element parentResult) { NodeList childNodes = element.getChildNodes(); logger.log( Level.FINE, stringManager.getString( "upgrade.transform.baseelemnt.transformingMSG", element.getTagName())); for (int index = 0; index < childNodes.getLength(); index++) { Node aNode = childNodes.item(index); try { if (aNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { BaseElement baseElement = ElementToObjectMapper.getMapper().getElementObject(aNode.getNodeName()); baseElement.transform((Element) aNode, element, parentResult); } } catch (Exception ex) { // ****** LOG MESSAGE ************* ex.printStackTrace(); logger.log( Level.WARNING, stringManager.getString( "upgrade.transform.baseelement.transformexception", new String[] {element.getTagName(), ex.getMessage()})); // -logger.log(Level.WARNING, // stringManager.getString("upgrade.transform.baseelement.transformexception"), ex); } } }
/** * Tests if a Element <code>element</code> is valid for the <code>XmlCenter</code>. * * @param element * @return boolean */ public static boolean isMatch(Element element) { String tagName = element.getTagName(); if (!"center".equals(tagName)) { return (false); } RStack target = new RStack(element); Element child; child = target.popElement(); if (child == null) { return (false); } if (!"ra".equals(child.getTagName())) { return (false); } child = target.popElement(); if (child == null) { return (false); } if (!"decl".equals(child.getTagName())) { return (false); } if (!target.isEmptyElement()) { return (false); } return (true); }
/** * Build a library directive using an XML element. * * @param base the base directory * @param element the module element * @return the library directive * @exception Exception if an exception occurs */ private LibraryDirective buildLibraryDirective(File base, Element element) throws Exception { final String elementName = element.getTagName(); if (!LIBRARY_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(elementName)) { final String error = "Element is not a library."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(error); } // get type descriptors, modules and properties Properties properties = null; ImportDirective[] imports = new ImportDirective[0]; List<ResourceDirective> list = new ArrayList<ResourceDirective>(); Element[] children = ElementHelper.getChildren(element); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { Element child = children[i]; final String tag = child.getTagName(); if (PROPERTIES_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(tag)) { properties = buildProperties(child); } else if (IMPORTS_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(tag)) { imports = buildImportDirectives(child); } else { ResourceDirective resource = buildResourceDirectiveFromElement(base, child, null); list.add(resource); } } ResourceDirective[] resources = list.toArray(new ResourceDirective[0]); return new LibraryDirective(imports, resources, properties); }
private MatchTrace parseGameTrace(Element gametrace) { String gameName = null; List<TracedStep> steps = null; NodeList nodes = gametrace.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element element = (Element) node; if (element.getTagName().equals(GAME)) { if (gameName != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple <game> tags in XML file!"); } gameName = parseGame(element); } else if (element.getTagName().equals(STEPS)) { if (steps != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple <steps> tags in XML file!"); } steps = parseSteps(element); } else { logger.warning("ignoring element (expected <game> or <steps>): " + element); } } } if (gameName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing <game> tag in XML file!"); } if (steps == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing <steps> tag in XML file!"); } return new MatchTrace(gameName, steps); }
private void emitMenu(SourceWriter writer, Element el) throws UnableToCompleteException { for (Node n = el.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling()) { if (n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; Element child = (Element) n; if (child.getTagName().equals("cmd")) { String cmdId = child.getAttribute("refid"); writer.print("callback.addCommand("); writer.print("\"" + Generator.escape(cmdId) + "\", "); writer.println("this.cmds." + cmdId + "());"); } else if (child.getTagName().equals("separator")) { writer.println("callback.addSeparator();"); } else if (child.getTagName().equals("menu")) { String label = child.getAttribute("label"); writer.println("callback.beginMenu(\"" + Generator.escape(label) + "\");"); emitMenu(writer, child); writer.println("callback.endMenu();"); } else if (child.getTagName().equals("dynamic")) { String dynamicClass = child.getAttribute("class"); writer.println("new " + dynamicClass + "().execute(callback);"); } else { logger_.log(TreeLogger.Type.ERROR, "Unexpected tag " + el.getTagName() + " in menu"); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } }
private static MeasurementInfo parseMeasurement(Node parent) throws XmlParserException { String id = ""; String label = ""; String sampleid = ""; Vector<FileInfo> files = null; Vector<ScanInfo> scans = null; NodeList nodes = parent.getChildNodes(); for (int nodeid = 0; nodeid < nodes.getLength(); ++nodeid) { Node node = nodes.item(nodeid); if (node.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; Element element = (Element) node; if (element.getTagName().equals("id")) id = element.getTextContent(); else if (element.getTagName().equals("label")) label = element.getTextContent(); else if (element.getTagName().equals("sampleid")) sampleid = element.getTextContent(); else if (element.getTagName().equals("scans")) scans = parseScans(node); else if (element.getTagName().equals("files")) files = parseFiles(node); } MeasurementInfo measurement = new MeasurementInfo(Integer.parseInt(id), sampleid); measurement.setLabel(label); measurement.addFileInfos(files); if (scans != null) measurement.addScanInfos(scans); return measurement; }
public UPnPDeviceData(URL descriptionURL, Element deviceElem) { this.descriptionURL = descriptionURL; this.deviceElem = deviceElem; NodeList childNodes = deviceElem.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node childNode = childNodes.item(i); if (childNode instanceof Element) { Element childElement = (Element) childNode; String tagName = childElement.getTagName(); if ("deviceList".equalsIgnoreCase(tagName)) { NodeList childNodes2 = childElement.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < childNodes2.getLength(); j++) { Node childNode2 = childNodes2.item(j); if (childNode2 instanceof Element) { Element childElement2 = (Element) childNode2; if ("device".equalsIgnoreCase(childElement2.getTagName())) { deviceList.add(new UPnPDeviceData(descriptionURL, childElement2)); } } } } else if ("serviceList".equalsIgnoreCase(tagName)) { NodeList childNodes2 = childElement.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < childNodes2.getLength(); j++) { Node childNode2 = childNodes2.item(j); if (childNode2 instanceof Element) { Element childElement2 = (Element) childNode2; if ("service".equalsIgnoreCase(childElement2.getTagName())) { serviceList.add(new UPnPServiceData(this, childElement2)); } } } } } } }
private FilterDirective[] buildFilterDirectives(Element element) throws Exception { if (null == element) { return new FilterDirective[0]; } else { Element[] children = ElementHelper.getChildren(element); FilterDirective[] filters = new FilterDirective[children.length]; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { Element child = children[i]; String token = ElementHelper.getAttribute(child, "token"); if ("filter".equals(child.getTagName())) { String value = ElementHelper.getAttribute(child, "value"); filters[i] = new SimpleFilterDirective(token, value); } else if ("feature".equals(child.getTagName())) { String id = ElementHelper.getAttribute(child, "id").toUpperCase(); Feature feature = Feature.valueOf(id); String ref = ElementHelper.getAttribute(child, "ref"); String type = ElementHelper.getAttribute(child, "type"); boolean alias = ElementHelper.getBooleanAttribute(child, "alias"); filters[i] = new FeatureFilterDirective(token, ref, feature, type, alias); } else { final String error = "Element name not recognized [" + child.getTagName() + "] (expecting 'filter')."; throw new DecodingException(error, null, element); } } return filters; } }
@Override public void apply(Element e) { if (e.getTagName().equals("property")) { Element parent = (Element) e.getParentNode(); if (parent != null && parent.getTagName().equals("ndbx")) { Attr name = e.getAttributeNode("name"); Attr value = e.getAttributeNode("value"); if (name != null && name.getValue().equals("oscPort")) { if (value != null) { Element device = e.getOwnerDocument().createElement("device"); device.setAttribute("name", "osc1"); device.setAttribute("type", "osc"); Element portProperty = e.getOwnerDocument().createElement("property"); portProperty.setAttribute("name", "port"); portProperty.setAttribute("value", value.getValue()); device.appendChild(portProperty); Element autostartProperty = e.getOwnerDocument().createElement("property"); autostartProperty.setAttribute("name", "autostart"); autostartProperty.setAttribute("value", "true"); device.appendChild(autostartProperty); parent.replaceChild(device, e); } else { parent.removeChild(e); } } } } }
private Element getParagraph(Element node) { Element parent = (Element) node.getParentNode(); if (parent.getTagName().equals(XMLString.TEXT_P) || parent.getTagName().equals(XMLString.TEXT_H)) { return parent; } return getParagraph(parent); }
void parsePhase() { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); // Now use the factory to create a DOM parser (a.k.a. a DocumentBuilder) DocumentBuilder parser; try { parser = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); // Parse the file and build a Document tree to represent its content Document document = parser.parse(new StringBufferInputStream("<root>" + conf.get("phases") + "</root>")); // Ask the document for a list of all phases NodeList rows = document.getElementsByTagName(AnalysisProcessorConfiguration.phase); int phasenumber = rows.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < phasenumber; i++) { Node phase = rows.item(i); NodeList fields = phase.getChildNodes(); String phasename = null; String stacks = null; String funcs = null; List<String> functionlist = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int j = 0; j < fields.getLength(); j++) { Node fieldNode = fields.item(j); if (!(fieldNode instanceof Element)) continue; Element field = (Element) fieldNode; if ("phasename".equals(field.getTagName()) && field.hasChildNodes()) phasename = ((org.w3c.dom.Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData().trim(); else if ("stack".equals(field.getTagName()) && field.hasChildNodes()) stacks = ((org.w3c.dom.Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData(); else if ("functions".equals(field.getTagName()) && field.hasChildNodes()) funcs = ((org.w3c.dom.Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData(); } if (stacks != null && stacks.length() != 0) stacks = stacks.replace(" ", ""); else stacks = ""; phasealias.put(stacks, phasename); if (funcs == null) { continue; } for (String func : funcs.split(SEPERATOR_COMMA)) { functionlist.add(func); } this.phases.put(stacks, functionlist); } } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block log.warn(e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SAXException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block log.warn(e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block log.warn(e); e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** Determines if not should be skipped from checking. */ public boolean skip() { if (mBucket == Bucket.SKIP) { return true; } // Skip all includes and Views if (mNode.getTagName().equals(VIEW_INCLUDE) || mNode.getTagName().equals(VIEW)) { return true; } return false; }
private void buildFieldsDefsExtension(Map<Integer, CompositeDef> existingCodecs) { NodeList messageExtList = doc.getElementsByTagName(ELEMENT_MESSAGE_EXT); Map<Integer, CompositeDef> extensions = new TreeMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < messageExtList.getLength(); i++) { Element messageDef = (Element) messageExtList.item(i); Integer mtiExisting = getOptionalInteger(messageDef, ATTR_EXTENDS); Integer mti = getOptionalInteger(messageDef, ATTR_MTI); if (existingCodecs.containsKey(mti) || extensions.containsKey(mti)) { throw new ConfigException(format("Duplicate message config for mti %d", mti)); } CompositeDef existing = existingCodecs.get(mtiExisting); if (existing == null) { throw new ConfigException(format("Error extending mti %d, no config available", mti)); } SortedMap<Integer, ComponentDef> clonedFieldsDef = cloneSubComponentDefs(existing.getSubComponentDefs()); Element setElement = null; Element removeElement = null; for (Element e : getSubElements(messageDef)) { switch (e.getTagName()) { case ELEMENT_SET: setElement = e; break; case ELEMENT_REMOVE: removeElement = e; break; default: throw new ConfigException( format("Unknown message extension instruction %s", e.getTagName())); } } if (setElement != null) { setVarFields(clonedFieldsDef, getSubElements(setElement)); } if (removeElement != null) { removeFields(clonedFieldsDef, getSubElements(removeElement)); } extensions.put( mti, new CompositeDef( clonedFieldsDef, existing.getCompositeCodec(), existing.isMandatory(), existing.getLengthCodec())); } existingCodecs.putAll(extensions); }
/** * Construct from information in XML. * * @param el The XML DOM Element definining the user. */ public BaseDigest(Element el) { // setup for properties m_properties = new BaseResourcePropertiesEdit(); // setup for ranges m_ranges = new Hashtable(); m_id = el.getAttribute("id"); // the children (properties, messages) NodeList children = el.getChildNodes(); final int length = children.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Node child = children.item(i); if (child.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; Element element = (Element) child; // look for properties if (element.getTagName().equals("properties")) { // re-create properties m_properties = new BaseResourcePropertiesEdit(element); } // look for a messages else if (element.getTagName().equals("messages")) { String period = element.getAttribute("period"); // find the range List msgs = (List) m_ranges.get(period); if (msgs == null) { msgs = new Vector(); m_ranges.put(period, msgs); } // do these children for messages NodeList msgChildren = element.getChildNodes(); final int msgChildrenLen = msgChildren.getLength(); for (int m = 0; m < msgChildrenLen; m++) { Node msgChild = msgChildren.item(m); if (msgChild.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; Element msgChildEl = (Element) msgChild; if (msgChildEl.getTagName().equals("message")) { String subject = Xml.decodeAttribute(msgChildEl, "subject"); String body = Xml.decodeAttribute(msgChildEl, "body"); msgs.add(new, subject, body)); } } } } }
@Override public void apply(Element e) { if (e.getTagName().equals("property")) { Element parent = (Element) e.getParentNode(); if (parent != null && parent.getTagName().equals("device")) { Attr type = parent.getAttributeNode("type"); if (type != null && type.getValue().equals(this.deviceType)) { Attr name = e.getAttributeNode("name"); if (name != null && name.getValue().equals(oldPropertyName)) name.setValue(newPropertyName); } } } }
protected void setPh(Element t, String ph) { if (!t.getTagName().equals(MaryXML.TOKEN)) throw new DOMException( DOMException.INVALID_ACCESS_ERR, "Only t elements allowed, received " + t.getTagName() + "."); if (t.hasAttribute("ph")) { String prevPh = t.getAttribute("ph"); // In previous sampa, replace star with sampa: String newPh = prevPh.replaceFirst("\\*", ph); t.setAttribute("ph", newPh); } else { t.setAttribute("ph", ph); } }
public SetRoleByNameRule(String operatorTypeName, Element element) throws XMLException { super(operatorTypeName, element); NodeList children = element.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node child = children.item(i); if (child instanceof Element) { Element childElem = (Element) child; if (childElem.getTagName().equals("role")) { targetRole = childElem.getTextContent(); } else if (childElem.getTagName().equals("parameter")) { parameterName = childElem.getTextContent(); } } } }
private void loadExcludes() throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); InputStream is = null; if (excludesFile == null) { is = config.getServletContext().getResourceAsStream(excludesFileName); } else if (excludesFile.exists() && excludesFile.canRead()) { is = excludesFile.toURI().toURL().openStream(); } if (is == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot load excludes configuration file \"" + excludesFileName + "\" as specified in \"sitemesh.xml\" or \"sitemesh-default.xml\""); } Document document = builder.parse(is); Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); NodeList sections = root.getChildNodes(); // Loop through child elements of root node looking for the <excludes> block for (int i = 0; i < sections.getLength(); i++) { if (sections.item(i) instanceof Element) { Element curr = (Element) sections.item(i); if ("excludes".equalsIgnoreCase(curr.getTagName())) { loadExcludeUrls(curr.getChildNodes()); } } } }
private IncludeDirective buildIncludeDirective(Element element, boolean flag) throws DecodingException { final String tag = element.getTagName(); final Properties properties = buildProperties(element); if (INCLUDE_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(tag)) { Category category = buildCategory(element, flag); if (element.hasAttribute("key")) { final String value = ElementHelper.getAttribute(element, "key", null); return new IncludeDirective(IncludeDirective.KEY, category, value, properties); } else if (element.hasAttribute("ref")) { final String value = ElementHelper.getAttribute(element, "ref", null); return new IncludeDirective(IncludeDirective.REF, category, value, properties); } else if (element.hasAttribute("uri")) { final String value = ElementHelper.getAttribute(element, "uri", null); return new IncludeDirective(IncludeDirective.URI, category, value, properties); } else { final String error = "Include directive does not declare a 'uri', 'key' or 'ref' attribute.\n" + element.toString(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(error); } } else { final String error = "Invalid include element name [" + tag + "]."; throw new DecodingException(error, null, element); } }
private ImportDirective buildImportDirective(Element element) throws DecodingException { final String tag = element.getTagName(); final Properties properties = buildProperties(element); if (IMPORT_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(tag)) { try { if (element.hasAttribute("file")) { final String value = ElementHelper.getAttribute(element, "file", null); return new ImportDirective(ImportDirective.FILE, value, properties); } else if (element.hasAttribute("uri")) { final String value = ElementHelper.getAttribute(element, "uri", null); return new ImportDirective(ImportDirective.URI, value, properties); } else { final String error = "Import element does not declare a 'file' or 'uri' attribute.\n" + element.toString(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(error); } } catch (Throwable e) { final String error = "Internal error while attempting to resolve an import directive."; throw new DecodingException(error, e, element); } } else { final String error = "Invalid include element name [" + tag + "]."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(error); } }
public Key(Node keyNode, Element commandElement) { this(keyNode.getTextContent().trim()); if (keyNode instanceof Element) { Element keyElem = (Element) keyNode; String key = keyElem.getAttribute("jawskey"); if ((key != null) && (key.length() > 0)) { jawsKey = new Key(key); } String jawsHandleVal = keyElem.getAttribute("jawshandle"); if (jawsHandleVal != null) { if (jawsHandleVal.trim().equals("true")) { jawsHandle = true; } } String jawsSayAllStopVal = keyElem.getAttribute("jawsSayAllStop"); if (jawsSayAllStopVal != null) { if (jawsSayAllStopVal.trim().equals("false")) { jawsSayAllStop = false; } } String jawsScriptVal = keyElem.getAttribute("jawsscript"); if (jawsScriptVal != null) { if (jawsScriptVal.trim().equals("false")) { jawsScript = false; } } if ("speakAll".equals(commandElement.getTagName())) { jawsSayAllStopIgnore = true; } } }
private static List<Element> getTopLevelElementChildren( Element element, String parentName, String childrenName) throws TikaException { Node parentNode = null; if (parentName != null) { // Should be only zero or one <parsers> / <detectors> etc tag NodeList nodes = element.getElementsByTagName(parentName); if (nodes.getLength() > 1) { throw new TikaException("Properties may not contain multiple " + parentName + " entries"); } else if (nodes.getLength() == 1) { parentNode = nodes.item(0); } } else { // All children directly on the master element parentNode = element; } if (parentNode != null) { // Find only the direct child parser/detector objects NodeList nodes = parentNode.getChildNodes(); List<Element> elements = new ArrayList<Element>(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (node instanceof Element) { Element nodeE = (Element) node; if (childrenName.equals(nodeE.getTagName())) { elements.add(nodeE); } } } return elements; } else { // No elements of this type return Collections.emptyList(); } }
public void run() { /* Pre-conditions: p and game have been instantiated. Post-conditions: There will no longer be a connection to the player and the player can be removed from the game. Semantics: This method will loop while listening for messages and moves from p. When the connection to the player is lost this method will inform the game and stop looping. */ try { while ((message = p.getInput().readLine()) != null) { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader(message)); Document doc = builder.parse(is); Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); // Server only deals with messages if (root.getTagName().equals("message")) { parseMessage(root); } } } catch (Exception e) { } game.removePlayer(p); }