private LinkedHashMap[] obtenerMapeos(CliGol cliGol, NodeList variables, String[] excluye) { LinkedHashMap<String, Object> mapa = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); LinkedHashMap<String, String> puntos = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); List<String> ex = Arrays.asList(excluye); for (int i = 0; i < variables.getLength(); i++) { String nom = variables.item(i).getNodeName(); if (!ex.contains(nom)) { String golMapdijo = GolMap.xmlGol(nom); String val = null; if (golMapdijo != null) { val = buscaValEnCli(golMapdijo, cliGol); mapa.put(nom, val); puntos.put(nom, variables.item(i).getTextContent()); } } } return new LinkedHashMap[] {mapa, puntos}; }
public static void testCollections() throws Exception { CollectionsTest trt = set(CollectionsTest.class, new int[] {1, 2, 3}); List<String> source = Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3"); assertTrue(trt.collection() instanceof Collection); assertEqualList(source, trt.collection()); assertTrue(trt.list() instanceof List); assertEqualList(source, trt.list()); assertTrue(trt.set() instanceof Set); assertEqualList(source, trt.set()); assertTrue(trt.queue() instanceof Queue); assertEqualList(source, trt.queue()); // assertTrue( trt.deque() instanceof Deque); // assertEqualList( source, trt.deque()); assertTrue(trt.stack() instanceof Stack); assertEqualList(source, trt.stack()); assertTrue(trt.arrayList() instanceof ArrayList); assertEqualList(source, trt.arrayList()); assertTrue(trt.linkedList() instanceof LinkedList); assertEqualList(source, trt.linkedList()); assertTrue(trt.linkedHashSet() instanceof LinkedHashSet); assertEqualList(source, trt.linkedHashSet()); assertTrue(trt.myList() instanceof MyList); assertEqualList(source, trt.myList()); }
private void processGeneList(Session session, Element element, HashMap additionalInformation) { String name = getAttribute(element, SessionAttribute.NAME.getText()); String txt = element.getTextContent(); String[] genes = txt.trim().split("\\s+"); GeneList gl = new GeneList(name, Arrays.asList(genes)); GeneListManager.getInstance().addGeneList(gl); session.setCurrentGeneList(gl); // Adjust frames processFrames(element); }
@Test public void testElementsByTagNameWithoutNamespace() throws Exception { String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><html><head><title>TITLE</title></head><body><p>Good morning</p><p>How are you?</p></body></html>"; DocumentBuilder builder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes("UTF-8"))); NodeList plist = doc.getElementsByTagName("p"); List<String> pTexts = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < plist.getLength(); i++) { pTexts.add(plist.item(i).getFirstChild().getTextContent()); } Assert.assertEquals(pTexts, Arrays.asList("Good morning", "How are you?")); }
// @Test public void testElementsByTagNameWithNamespace() throws Exception { builderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); builderFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" + "<t:root xmlns=\"\" xmlns:t=\"\" id=\"stella\" t:type=\"police\">" + "<t:item id=\"a\"/>" + "<child id=\"1\"/>" + "<t:item id=\"b\"/>" + "<child id=\"2\"/>" + "</t:root>"; // TODO: Can I utilize xmlSearchNs or xmlSearchNsByHref? the problem is it searchs a specific // node and recurse up. // I don't have such a node DocumentBuilder builder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes())); Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); List<String> expectedList = Arrays.asList("1", "2"); List<String> actualList = new ArrayList<String>(); NodeList nl = root.getElementsByTagNameNS("", "child"); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Element elem = (Element) nl.item(i); actualList.add(elem.getAttribute("id")); } Assert.assertArrayEquals("elementsByTagName", expectedList.toArray(), actualList.toArray()); expectedList = Arrays.asList("a", "b"); actualList.clear(); nl = root.getElementsByTagNameNS("", "item"); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Element elem = (Element) nl.item(i); actualList.add(elem.getAttribute("id")); } }
private static Collection<String> parseSoapResponseForUrls(byte[] data) throws SOAPException, IOException { // System.out.println(new String(data)); final Collection<String> urls = new ArrayList<>(); MessageFactory factory = MessageFactory.newInstance(WS_DISCOVERY_SOAP_VERSION); final MimeHeaders headers = new MimeHeaders(); headers.addHeader("Content-type", WS_DISCOVERY_CONTENT_TYPE); SOAPMessage message = factory.createMessage(headers, new ByteArrayInputStream(data)); SOAPBody body = message.getSOAPBody(); for (Node node : getNodeMatching(body, ".*:XAddrs")) { if (node.getTextContent().length() > 0) { urls.addAll(Arrays.asList(node.getTextContent().split(" "))); } } return urls; }
private String sustraerInformacionNodo(CliGol cliGol, Node nodo) { String[] excluye = { "CLI_ID", "CLI_SAP", "CliApePat", "CliApeMat", "CliNom", "CLI_FEC_NAC", "CLI_DOM_CAL", "CLI_DOM_NUM_EXT", "CLI_DOM_NUM_INT", "CLI_DOM_COL", "CLI_POS_ID", "CliGolP1", "CliGolP8", "CliGolP10", "CliGolP11", "CliGolP15", "CliGolP17", "CliGolP18", "CliGolP25", "CliGolResAct", "CliGolNumTar", "CliGolCtaChe", "CliGolCrePer", "CliGolCreAut", "CliGolCreHip", "CliGolOtrCre", "CliBurMens", "PagRnt", "CliGolBurCre", "CliBurValr", "CliGolIng", "CliGolImpRen" }; NodeList variables = nodo.getChildNodes(); LinkedHashMap[] mapas = obtenerMapeos(cliGol, variables, excluye); Dao dao = new Dao(); Object[] descripciones = dao.ObtenLista(mapas[0], Arrays.asList(excluye)); // <variable,puntos>,descripciones return unirMapeos(mapas[1], descripciones); }
private List<ConfigurationResourceProvider> getConfigurationResourceProviders( List<ConfigurationResourceProvider> defaultProviders, ConfigurationResourceProviderFactory.ProviderType providerType) { ConfigurationResourceProvider[] custom = ConfigurationResourceProviderFactory.createProviders(providerType); if (custom.length == 0) { return defaultProviders; } else { List<ConfigurationResourceProvider> list = new ArrayList<ConfigurationResourceProvider>(); list.addAll(defaultProviders); // insert the custom providers after the META-INF providers and // before those that scan /WEB-INF list.addAll((defaultProviders.size() - 1), Arrays.asList(custom)); return Collections.unmodifiableList(list); } }
public boolean runTest(String filename) throws Exception { Test test = new Test(); test.file = new File(filename); runTest(test); // Print the DOM node if (this.resultsWriter != null) { this.resultsWriter.write("<html><head>"); this.resultsWriter.write("<title>" + + "</title>"); this.resultsWriter.write("<style>"); this.resultsWriter.write(".ran { background-color: #eeffee; }"); this.resultsWriter.write(".passed { background-color: #ccffcc; }"); this.resultsWriter.write(".failed { background-color: #ffcccc; }"); this.resultsWriter.write(".error { background-color: #ffeeee; }"); this.resultsWriter.write("</style>"); this.resultsWriter.write("</head><body>"); this.resultsWriter.write("<div>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "<h3><a name=\"" + test.label + "\">" + test.file.getName() + "</a></h3>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<table border=\"1\">\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr class=\"" + (test.result ? "passed" : "failed") + "\"><td colspan=\"3\">" + + "</td></tr>\n"); for (Command command : test.commands) { boolean result = command.result.startsWith("OK"); this.resultsWriter.write("<tr class=\"" + (result ? "passed" : "failed") + "\"><td>"); this.resultsWriter.write(command.cmd); this.resultsWriter.write("</td><td>"); if (command.args != null) { this.resultsWriter.write(Arrays.asList(command.args).toString()); } this.resultsWriter.write("</td><td>"); this.resultsWriter.write(command.result); this.resultsWriter.write("</td></tr>\n"); if (command.failure) break; } this.resultsWriter.write("</table>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("</body></html>"); // outputDocument(this.resultsWriter); } return test.result; }
private static Map<String, String> splitQuery(String body) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { Map<String, String> query_pairs = new LinkedHashMap<>(); List<String> pairs = Arrays.asList(body.split("&")); for (String pair : pairs) { final int idx = pair.indexOf("="); final String key = idx > 0 ? URLDecoder.decode(pair.substring(0, idx), "UTF-8") : pair; if (!query_pairs.containsKey(key)) { query_pairs.put(key, ""); } final String value = idx > 0 && pair.length() > idx + 1 ? URLDecoder.decode(pair.substring(idx + 1), "UTF-8") : ""; query_pairs.put(key, value.trim()); } return query_pairs; }
public Command executeStep(Element stepRow) throws Exception { Command command = new Command(); NodeList stepFields = stepRow.getElementsByTagName("td"); String cmd = stepFields.item(0).getTextContent().trim(); command.cmd = cmd; ArrayList<String> argList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (stepFields.getLength() == 1) { // skip comments command.result = "OK"; return command; } for (int i = 1; i < stepFields.getLength(); i++) { String content = stepFields.item(i).getTextContent(); content = content.replaceAll(" +", " "); content = content.replace('\u00A0', ' '); content = content.trim(); argList.add(content); } String args[] = argList.toArray(new String[0]); command.args = args; if (this.verbose) { System.out.println(cmd + " " + Arrays.asList(args)); } try { command.result = this.commandProcessor.doCommand(cmd, args); command.error = false; } catch (Exception e) { command.result = e.getMessage(); command.error = true; } command.failure = command.error && !cmd.startsWith("verify"); if (this.verbose) { System.out.println(command.result); } return command; }
ConfigBeanDefinitionParser() { skipMap = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(SKIP_ATTRIBUTES)); }
/** * return a list of queues for connected groups of pathways place pathways according to the order * of the queues and the list * * @param layouts * @param dependOn the index number of pathway this one depends on, -1 if no dependency * @return */ public static ArrayList<Queue> pathwayQueues(LayoutInfo[] layouts, int[] dependOn) { ArrayList<Queue> queues = new ArrayList<Queue>(); // each queue is for a disconnected group of pathways int n = layouts.length; boolean[] added = new boolean[n]; // whether the pathway is added into a queue // boolean[] processed = new boolean[n];//whether all neighbours of this pathway are added into // some queue Queue<Integer> toProcess = new LinkedList<Integer>(); // current queue to add pathways into // if not null, then exists a queue to add pathways into // otherwise need to create a new queue(for disconnected group of pathways) Queue currentQueue = null; Arrays.sort(layouts, new LayoutBoxSizeComparator()); /*TODO delete LayoutInfo tmp0 = layouts[0]; LayoutInfo tmp1 = layouts[1]; LayoutInfo tmp2 = layouts[2]; LayoutInfo tmp3 = layouts[3]; LayoutInfo tmp6 = layouts[6]; layouts[3]=tmp1; layouts[2]=tmp6; layouts[1]=tmp2; layouts[6]=tmp0; layouts[0] = tmp3; /* for(LayoutInfo i:layouts){ System.out.println(i.getExactLayoutBox().size()); } //*/ for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (added[i]) { continue; } currentQueue = new LinkedList<Integer>(); // current queue to add connected pathways into queues.add(currentQueue); toProcess.add(i); currentQueue.add(i); added[i] = true; dependOn[i] = -1; while (toProcess.size() != 0) { int p = toProcess.remove(); for (int j = n - 2; j >= 0; j--) { // the first one is already added, so search from n-2 // find all non-visited neighbour pathways of layout[p] if (added[j]) { continue; } if (layouts[p].sharedNodes(layouts[j]).size() > 0 && !added[j]) { currentQueue.add(j); toProcess.add(j); added[j] = true; dependOn[j] = p; } } // processed[p]=true; } currentQueue = null; // finished a connected group of pathways } return queues; }
/** * Returns a set of column headings and rows for a given metadata request. * * <p>Leverages mondrian's implementation of the XML/A specification, and is exposed here for use * by mondrian's olap4j driver. * * @param connection Connection * @param methodName Metadata method name per XMLA (e.g. "MDSCHEMA_CUBES") * @param restrictionMap Restrictions * @return Set of rows and column headings */ public static MetadataRowset getMetadataRowset( final OlapConnection connection, String methodName, final Map<String, Object> restrictionMap) throws OlapException { RowsetDefinition rowsetDefinition = RowsetDefinition.valueOf(methodName); final XmlaHandler.ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new XmlaHandler.ConnectionFactory() { public OlapConnection getConnection( String catalog, String schema, String roleName, Properties props) throws SQLException { return connection; } public Map<String, Object> getPreConfiguredDiscoverDatasourcesResponse() { // This method should not be used by the olap4j xmla // servlet. For the mondrian xmla servlet we don't provide // the "pre configured discover datasources" feature. return null; } }; final XmlaRequest request = new XmlaRequest() { public Method getMethod() { return Method.DISCOVER; } public Map<String, String> getProperties() { return Collections.emptyMap(); } public Map<String, Object> getRestrictions() { return restrictionMap; } public String getStatement() { return null; } public String getRoleName() { return null; } public String getRequestType() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public boolean isDrillThrough() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public Format getFormat() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public String getUsername() { return null; } public String getPassword() { return null; } public String getSessionId() { return null; } }; final Rowset rowset = rowsetDefinition.getRowset( request, new XmlaHandler(connectionFactory, "xmla") { @Override public OlapConnection getConnection( XmlaRequest request, Map<String, String> propMap) { return connection; } }); List<Rowset.Row> rowList = new ArrayList<Rowset.Row>(); rowset.populate( new DefaultXmlaResponse( new ByteArrayOutputStream(), Charset.defaultCharset().name(), Enumeration.ResponseMimeType.SOAP), connection, rowList); MetadataRowset result = new MetadataRowset(); final List<RowsetDefinition.Column> colDefs = new ArrayList<RowsetDefinition.Column>(); for (RowsetDefinition.Column columnDefinition : rowsetDefinition.columnDefinitions) { if (columnDefinition.type == RowsetDefinition.Type.Rowset) { // olap4j does not support the extended columns, e.g. // Cube.Dimensions continue; } colDefs.add(columnDefinition); } for (Rowset.Row row : rowList) { Object[] values = new Object[colDefs.size()]; int k = -1; for (RowsetDefinition.Column colDef : colDefs) { Object o = row.get(; if (o instanceof List) { o = toString((List<String>) o); } else if (o instanceof String[]) { o = toString(Arrays.asList((String[]) o)); } values[++k] = o; } result.rowList.add(Arrays.asList(values)); } for (RowsetDefinition.Column colDef : colDefs) { String columnName =; if (LOWERCASE_PATTERN.matcher(columnName).matches()) { columnName = Util.camelToUpper(columnName); } // VALUE is a SQL reserved word if (columnName.equals("VALUE")) { columnName = "PROPERTY_VALUE"; } result.headerList.add(columnName); } return result; }
/** * Process a track element. This should return a single track, but could return multiple tracks * since the uniqueness of the track id is not enforced. * * @param session * @param element * @param additionalInformation * @return */ private List<Track> processTrack( Session session, Element element, HashMap additionalInformation) { String id = getAttribute(element, SessionAttribute.ID.getText()); // TODo -- put in utility method, extacts attributes from element **Definitely need to do this HashMap<String, String> tAttributes = new HashMap(); HashMap<String, String> drAttributes = null; NamedNodeMap tNodeMap = element.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < tNodeMap.getLength(); i++) { Node node = tNodeMap.item(i); String value = node.getNodeValue(); if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { tAttributes.put(node.getNodeName(), value); } } if (element.hasChildNodes()) { drAttributes = new HashMap(); Node childNode = element.getFirstChild(); Node sibNode = childNode.getNextSibling(); String sibName = sibNode.getNodeName(); if (sibName.equals(SessionElement.DATA_RANGE.getText())) { NamedNodeMap drNodeMap = sibNode.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < drNodeMap.getLength(); i++) { Node node = drNodeMap.item(i); String value = node.getNodeValue(); if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { drAttributes.put(node.getNodeName(), value); } } } } // Get matching tracks. List<Track> matchedTracks = trackDictionary.get(id); if (matchedTracks == null) {"Warning. No tracks were found with id: " + id + " in session file"); } else { for (final Track track : matchedTracks) { // Special case for sequence & gene tracks, they need to be removed before being placed. if (version >= 4 && track == geneTrack || track == seqTrack) { igv.removeTracks(Arrays.asList(track)); } track.restorePersistentState(tAttributes); if (drAttributes != null) { DataRange dr = track.getDataRange(); dr.restorePersistentState(drAttributes); track.setDataRange(dr); } } trackDictionary.remove(id); } NodeList elements = element.getChildNodes(); process(session, elements, additionalInformation); return matchedTracks; }
/** * Discard cookies along this result<br> * For example: * * <pre> * response().discardCookies("theme"); * </pre> * * @param names Names of the cookies to discard */ public void discardCookies(String... names) { discardedCookies.addAll(Arrays.asList(names)); }
public boolean runSuite(String filename) throws Exception { if (this.verbose) { System.out.println( "Running test suite " + filename + " against " + + ":" + this.port + " with " + this.browser); } TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); suite.numTestPasses = 0; suite.file = new File(filename); File suiteDirectory = suite.file.getParentFile(); this.document = parseDocument(filename); Element table = (Element) this.document.getElementsByTagName("table").item(0); NodeList tableRows = table.getElementsByTagName("tr"); Element tableNameRow = (Element) tableRows.item(0); = tableNameRow.getTextContent(); suite.result = true; suite.tests = new Test[tableRows.getLength() - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < tableRows.getLength(); i++) { Element tableRow = (Element) tableRows.item(i); Element cell = (Element) tableRow.getElementsByTagName("td").item(0); Element link = (Element) cell.getElementsByTagName("a").item(0); Test test = new Test(); test.label = link.getTextContent(); test.file = new File(suiteDirectory, link.getAttribute("href")); SeleniumHtmlClient subclient = new SeleniumHtmlClient(); subclient.setHost(; subclient.setPort(this.port); subclient.setBrowser(this.browser); // subclient.setResultsWriter(this.resultsWriter); subclient.setBaseUrl(this.baseUrl); subclient.setVerbose(this.verbose); subclient.runTest(test); if (test.result) { suite.numTestPasses++; } suite.result &= test.result; suite.tests[i - 1] = test; } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); suite.totalTime = (end - start) / 1000; if (this.resultsWriter != null) { this.resultsWriter.write("<html><head>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<style type='text/css'>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "body, table {font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;font-size: 12;}\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("table {border-collapse: collapse;border: 1px solid #ccc;}\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("th, td {padding-left: 0.3em;padding-right: 0.3em;}\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("a {text-decoration: none;}\n"); this.resultsWriter.write(".title {font-style: italic;}"); this.resultsWriter.write(".selected {background-color: #ffffcc;}\n"); this.resultsWriter.write(".status_done {background-color: #eeffee;}\n"); this.resultsWriter.write(".status_passed {background-color: #ccffcc;}\n"); this.resultsWriter.write(".status_failed {background-color: #ffcccc;}\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( ".breakpoint {background-color: #cccccc;border: 1px solid black;}\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("</style>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<title>" + + "</title>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("</head><body>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<h1>Test suite results </h1>\n\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<table>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr>\n<td>result:</td>\n<td>" + (suite.result ? "passed" : "failed") + "</td>\n</tr>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr>\n<td>totalTime:</td>\n<td>" + suite.totalTime + "</td>\n</tr>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr>\n<td>numTestTotal:</td>\n<td>" + suite.tests.length + "</td>\n</tr>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr>\n<td>numTestPasses:</td>\n<td>" + suite.numTestPasses + "</td>\n</tr>\n"); int numTestFailures = suite.tests.length - suite.numTestPasses; this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr>\n<td>numTestFailures:</td>\n<td>" + numTestFailures + "</td>\n</tr>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<tr>\n<td>numCommandPasses:</td>\n<td>0</td>\n</tr>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<tr>\n<td>numCommandFailures:</td>\n<td>0</td>\n</tr>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<tr>\n<td>numCommandErrors:</td>\n<td>0</td>\n</tr>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<tr>\n<td>Selenium Version:</td>\n<td>2.24</td>\n</tr>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<tr>\n<td>Selenium Revision:</td>\n<td>.1</td>\n</tr>\n"); // test suite this.resultsWriter.write("<tr>\n<td>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "<table id=\"suiteTable\" class=\"selenium\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\"><tbody>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr class=\"title " + (suite.result ? "status_passed" : "status_failed") + "\"><td><b>Test Suite</b></td></tr>\n"); int i = 0; for (Test test : suite.tests) { this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr class=\"" + (test.result ? "status_passed" : "status_failed") + "\"><td><a href=\"#testresult" + i + "\">" + + "</a></td></tr>"); i++; } this.resultsWriter.write( "</tbody></table>\n</td>\n<td> </td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n<table>"); int j = 0; for (Test test : suite.tests) { this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr><td><a name=\"testresult" + j + "\">" + test.file + "</a><br/><div>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\">\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "<thead>\n<tr class=\"title " + (test.result ? "status_passed" : "status_failed") + "\"><td rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"3\">" + + "</td></tr>"); this.resultsWriter.write("</thead><tbody>\n"); for (Command command : test.commands) { boolean result = command.result.startsWith("OK"); boolean isAssert = command.cmd.startsWith("assert") || command.cmd.startsWith("verify"); ; if (!isAssert) { this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr class=\"" + (result ? "status_done" : "") + "\">\n<td>\n"); } else { this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr class=\"" + (result ? "status_passed" : "status_failed") + "\">\n<td>\n"); } this.resultsWriter.write(command.cmd); this.resultsWriter.write("</td>\n"); if (command.args != null) { for (String arg : Arrays.asList(command.args)) { this.resultsWriter.write("<td>" + arg + "</td>\n"); } } } this.resultsWriter.write("</tr>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("</tbody></table>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("</div></td>\n<td> </td>\n</tr>"); j++; } int k = 0; for (Test test : suite.tests) { k++; } this.resultsWriter.write("</tbody></table>\n</td><td> </td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("</body></html>"); } return suite.result; }
/** * Creates nodes from index entries * * @param theIndexEntries index entries * @param theTargetDocument target document * @param theIndexEntryComparator comparator to sort the index entries. if it is null the index * entries will be unsorted * @return nodes for the target document */ private Node[] transformToNodes( final IndexEntry[] theIndexEntries, final Document theTargetDocument, final Comparator<IndexEntry> theIndexEntryComparator) { if (null != theIndexEntryComparator) { Arrays.sort(theIndexEntries, theIndexEntryComparator); } final List<Element> result = new ArrayList<Element>(); for (final IndexEntry indexEntry : theIndexEntries) { final Element indexEntryNode = createElement(theTargetDocument, "index.entry"); final Element formattedStringElement = createElement(theTargetDocument, "formatted-value"); if (indexEntry.getContents() != null) { for (final Iterator<Node> i = indexEntry.getContents().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { final Node child =; final Node clone = theTargetDocument.importNode(child, true); if (!i.hasNext() && clone.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) { final Text t = (Text) clone; t.setData(t.getData().replaceAll("[\\s\\n]+$", "")); } formattedStringElement.appendChild(clone); } } else { final Text textNode = theTargetDocument.createTextNode(indexEntry.getFormattedString()); textNode.normalize(); formattedStringElement.appendChild(textNode); } indexEntryNode.appendChild(formattedStringElement); final String[] refIDs = indexEntry.getRefIDs(); for (final String refID : refIDs) { final Element referenceIDElement = createElement(theTargetDocument, "refID"); referenceIDElement.setAttribute("value", refID); indexEntryNode.appendChild(referenceIDElement); } final String val = indexEntry.getValue(); if (null != val) { indexEntryNode.setAttribute("value", val); } final String sort = indexEntry.getSortString(); if (null != sort) { indexEntryNode.setAttribute("sort-string", sort); } if (indexEntry.isStartingRange()) { indexEntryNode.setAttribute("start-range", "true"); } else if (indexEntry.isEndingRange()) { indexEntryNode.setAttribute("end-range", "true"); } if (indexEntry.isSuppressesThePageNumber()) { indexEntryNode.setAttribute("no-page", "true"); } else if (indexEntry.isRestoresPageNumber()) { indexEntryNode.setAttribute("single-page", "true"); } final IndexEntry[] childIndexEntries = indexEntry.getChildIndexEntries(); final Node[] nodes = transformToNodes(childIndexEntries, theTargetDocument, theIndexEntryComparator); for (final Node node : nodes) { indexEntryNode.appendChild(node); } final IndexEntry[] seeChildIndexEntries = indexEntry.getSeeChildIndexEntries(); if (seeChildIndexEntries != null) { final Element seeElement = createElement(theTargetDocument, "see-childs"); final Node[] seeNodes = transformToNodes(seeChildIndexEntries, theTargetDocument, theIndexEntryComparator); for (final Node node : seeNodes) { seeElement.appendChild(node); } indexEntryNode.appendChild(seeElement); } final IndexEntry[] seeAlsoChildIndexEntries = indexEntry.getSeeAlsoChildIndexEntries(); if (seeAlsoChildIndexEntries != null) { final Element seeAlsoElement = createElement(theTargetDocument, "see-also-childs"); final Node[] seeAlsoNodes = transformToNodes(seeAlsoChildIndexEntries, theTargetDocument, theIndexEntryComparator); for (final Node node : seeAlsoNodes) { seeAlsoElement.appendChild(node); } indexEntryNode.appendChild(seeAlsoElement); } result.add(indexEntryNode); } return (Node[]) result.toArray(new Node[result.size()]); }
/** * Test the converter. * * @throws URISyntaxException */ public static void testConverter() throws URISyntaxException { { // Test collections as value TestReturnTypes trt = set(TestReturnTypes.class, Arrays.asList(55)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new boolean[] {true}, trt.rpaBoolean())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new byte[] {55}, trt.rpaByte())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new short[] {55}, trt.rpaShort())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new int[] {55}, trt.rpaInt())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new long[] {55}, trt.rpaLong())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new float[] {55}, trt.rpaFloat())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new double[] {55}, trt.rpaDouble())); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(true), trt.rBooleans()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Byte((byte) 55)), trt.rBytes()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Short((short) 55)), trt.rShorts()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(Integer.valueOf(55)), trt.rInts()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Long(55L)), trt.rLongs()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Float(55F)), trt.rFloats()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Double(55D)), trt.rDoubles()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("55"), trt.rStrings()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new URI("55")), trt.rURIs()); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Boolean[] {true}, trt.raBoolean())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Byte[] {55}, trt.raByte())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Short[] {55}, trt.raShort())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Integer[] {55}, trt.raInt())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Long[] {55L}, trt.raLong())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Float[] {55F}, trt.raFloat())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Double[] {55D}, trt.raDouble())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new String[] {"55"}, trt.raString())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new URI[] {new URI("55")}, trt.raURI())); } { // Test primitive arrays as value TestReturnTypes trt = set(TestReturnTypes.class, new int[] {55}); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new boolean[] {true}, trt.rpaBoolean())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new byte[] {55}, trt.rpaByte())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new short[] {55}, trt.rpaShort())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new int[] {55}, trt.rpaInt())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new long[] {55}, trt.rpaLong())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new float[] {55}, trt.rpaFloat())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new double[] {55}, trt.rpaDouble())); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(true), trt.rBooleans()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Byte((byte) 55)), trt.rBytes()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Short((short) 55)), trt.rShorts()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(Integer.valueOf(55)), trt.rInts()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Long(55L)), trt.rLongs()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Float(55F)), trt.rFloats()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Double(55D)), trt.rDoubles()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("55"), trt.rStrings()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new URI("55")), trt.rURIs()); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Boolean[] {true}, trt.raBoolean())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Byte[] {55}, trt.raByte())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Short[] {55}, trt.raShort())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Integer[] {55}, trt.raInt())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Long[] {55L}, trt.raLong())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Float[] {55F}, trt.raFloat())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Double[] {55D}, trt.raDouble())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new String[] {"55"}, trt.raString())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new URI[] {new URI("55")}, trt.raURI())); } { // Test single value TestReturnTypes trt = set(TestReturnTypes.class, 55); assertEquals(true, trt.rpBoolean()); assertEquals(55, trt.rpByte()); assertEquals(55, trt.rpShort()); assertEquals(55, trt.rpInt()); assertEquals(55L, trt.rpLong()); assertEquals(55.0D, trt.rpDouble()); assertEquals(55.0F, trt.rpFloat()); assertEquals((Boolean) true, trt.rBoolean()); assertEquals(new Byte((byte) 55), trt.rByte()); assertEquals(new Short((short) 55), trt.rShort()); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(55), trt.rInt()); assertEquals(new Long(55L), trt.rLong()); assertEquals(new Float(55F), trt.rFloat()); assertEquals(new Double(55), trt.rDouble()); assertEquals("55", trt.rString()); assertEquals(new URI("55"), trt.rURI()); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new boolean[] {true}, trt.rpaBoolean())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new byte[] {55}, trt.rpaByte())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new short[] {55}, trt.rpaShort())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new int[] {55}, trt.rpaInt())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new long[] {55}, trt.rpaLong())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new float[] {55}, trt.rpaFloat())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new double[] {55}, trt.rpaDouble())); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(true), trt.rBooleans()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Byte((byte) 55)), trt.rBytes()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Short((short) 55)), trt.rShorts()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(Integer.valueOf(55)), trt.rInts()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Long(55L)), trt.rLongs()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Float(55F)), trt.rFloats()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new Double(55D)), trt.rDoubles()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("55"), trt.rStrings()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(new URI("55")), trt.rURIs()); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Boolean[] {true}, trt.raBoolean())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Byte[] {55}, trt.raByte())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Short[] {55}, trt.raShort())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Integer[] {55}, trt.raInt())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Long[] {55L}, trt.raLong())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Float[] {55F}, trt.raFloat())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new Double[] {55D}, trt.raDouble())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new String[] {"55"}, trt.raString())); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new URI[] {new URI("55")}, trt.raURI())); } }