protected Column getColumn(Table catalog_tbl, int col_idx) { int num_columns = catalog_tbl.getColumns().size(); if (col_idx < 0) col_idx = num_columns + col_idx; // Python! assert (col_idx >= 0 && col_idx < num_columns) : "Invalid column index for " + catalog_tbl + ": " + col_idx; Column catalog_col = catalog_tbl.getColumns().get(col_idx); assert (catalog_col != null) : "Failed to retrieve Column at '" + col_idx + "' from Table '" + catalog_tbl.getName() + "'"; return (catalog_col); }
@Override public String getColumnName(int columnIndex) { if (m_columns == null) { m_columns = CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(m_table.getColumns(), "index"); } return m_columns.get(columnIndex).getTypeName(); }
public static MaterializedViewInfo addVerticalPartition( final Database catalog_db, final String tableName, final List<String> columnNames, final boolean createIndex) throws Exception { Table catalog_tbl = catalog_db.getTables().get(tableName); if (catalog_tbl == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid vertical partition table '" + tableName + "'"); } else if (catalog_tbl.getIsreplicated()) { throw new Exception( "Cannot create vertical partition for replicated table '" + tableName + "'"); } ArrayList<Column> catalog_cols = new ArrayList<Column>(); for (String columnName : columnNames) { Column catalog_col = catalog_tbl.getColumns().get(columnName); if (catalog_col == null) { throw new Exception( "Invalid vertical partition column '" + columnName + "' for table '" + tableName + "'"); } else if (catalog_cols.contains(catalog_col)) { throw new Exception( "Duplicate vertical partition column '" + columnName + "' for table '" + tableName + "'"); } catalog_cols.add(catalog_col); } // FOR return (addVerticalPartition(catalog_tbl, catalog_cols, createIndex)); }
protected Column getColumn(Database catalog_db, Table catalog_tbl, String col_name) { assertNotNull(catalog_db); assertNotNull(catalog_tbl); Column catalog_col = catalog_tbl.getColumns().getIgnoreCase(col_name); assert (catalog_col != null) : "Failed to retrieve Column '" + col_name + "' from Table '" + catalog_tbl.getName() + "'"; return (catalog_col); }
@Override public void resolveForTable(Table table) { assert (table != null); // It MAY be that for the case in which this function is called (expression indexes), the // column's // table name is not specified (and not missed?). // It is possible to "correct" that here by cribbing it from the supplied table (base table for // the index) // -- not bothering for now. Column column = table.getColumns().getExact(m_columnName); assert (column != null); m_tableName = table.getTypeName(); m_columnIndex = column.getIndex(); setTypeSizeAndInBytes(column); }
/** * Return the name of the vertical partition for the given table name * * @param tableName * @return */ private static String getNextVerticalPartitionName( Table catalog_tbl, Collection<Column> catalog_cols) { Database catalog_db = ((Database) catalog_tbl.getParent()); Collection<String> colNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (Column catalog_col : catalog_cols) { colNames.add(catalog_col.getName()); } // Figure out how many vertical partition tables already exist for this table int next = 0; String prefix = "SYS_VP_" + catalog_tbl.getName() + "_"; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(prefix) + "[\\d]+"); for (Table otherTable : CatalogUtil.getSysTables(catalog_db)) { if (debug.get()) LOG.debug(String.format("Checking whether '%s' matches prefix '%s'", otherTable, prefix)); Matcher m = p.matcher(otherTable.getName()); if (m.matches() == false) continue; // Check to make sure it's not the same vertical partition Collection<Column> otherColumns = otherTable.getColumns(); if (debug.get()) LOG.debug( String.format( "%s.%s <-> %s.%s", catalog_tbl.getName(), catalog_cols, otherTable.getName(), otherColumns)); if (otherColumns.size() != colNames.size()) continue; boolean fail = false; for (Column otherCol : otherColumns) { if (colNames.contains(otherCol.getName()) == false) { fail = true; break; } } if (fail) continue; next++; } // FOR String viewName = String.format("%s%02d", prefix, next); assert (catalog_tbl.getViews().contains(viewName) == false); if (debug.get()) LOG.debug(String.format("Next VerticalPartition name '%s' for %s", viewName, catalog_tbl)); return (viewName); }
void parseTargetColumns( VoltXMLElement columnsNode, Table table, HashMap<Column, AbstractExpression> columns) { for (VoltXMLElement child : columnsNode.children) { assert ("column")); String name = child.attributes.get("name"); assert (name != null); Column col = table.getColumns().getIgnoreCase(name.trim()); assert (child.children.size() == 1); VoltXMLElement subChild = child.children.get(0); AbstractExpression expr = parseExpressionTree(subChild); assert (expr != null); expr.refineValueType(VoltType.get((byte) col.getType())); ExpressionUtil.finalizeValueTypes(expr); columns.put(col, expr); } }
public SEATSProfile(CatalogContext catalogContext, AbstractRandomGenerator rng) { this.catalogContext = catalogContext; this.rng = rng; // Tuple Code to Tuple Id Mapping for (String xref[] : SEATSConstants.CODE_TO_ID_COLUMNS) { assert (xref.length == 3); String tableName = xref[0]; String codeCol = xref[1]; String idCol = xref[2]; if (this.code_columns.containsKey(codeCol) == false) { this.code_columns.put(codeCol, idCol); this.code_id_xref.put(idCol, new HashMap<String, Long>()); if (debug.val) LOG.debug( String.format( "Added %s mapping from Code Column '%s' to Id Column '%s'", tableName, codeCol, idCol)); } } // FOR // Foreign Key Code to Ids Mapping // In this data structure, the key will be the name of the dependent column // and the value will be the name of the foreign key parent column // We then use this in conjunction with the Key->Id mapping to turn a code into // a foreign key column id. For example, if the child table AIRPORT has a column with a foreign // key reference to COUNTRY.CO_ID, then the data file for AIRPORT will have a value // 'USA' in the AP_CO_ID column. We can use mapping to get the id number for 'USA'. // Long winded and kind of screwy, but hey what else are you going to do? for (Table catalog_tbl : catalogContext.database.getTables()) { for (Column catalog_col : catalog_tbl.getColumns()) { Column catalog_fkey_col = CatalogUtil.getForeignKeyParent(catalog_col); if (catalog_fkey_col != null && this.code_id_xref.containsKey(catalog_fkey_col.getName())) { this.fkey_value_xref.put(catalog_col.getName(), catalog_fkey_col.getName()); if (debug.val) LOG.debug( String.format( "Added ForeignKey mapping from %s to %s", catalog_col.fullName(), catalog_fkey_col.fullName())); } } // FOR } // FOR }
// silly helper to add datasources for a table catalog object private void addDataSources(Table table, int hostId, List<Pair<Integer, Long>> partitions) { for (Pair<Integer, Long> p : partitions) { Integer partition = p.getFirst(); Long site = p.getSecond(); /* * IOException can occur if there is a problem * with the persistent aspects of the datasource storage */ try { HashMap<String, ExportDataSource> dataSourcesForPartition = m_dataSourcesByPartition.get(partition); if (dataSourcesForPartition == null) { dataSourcesForPartition = new HashMap<String, ExportDataSource>(); m_dataSourcesByPartition.put(partition, dataSourcesForPartition); } ExportDataSource exportDataSource = new ExportDataSource( m_onSourceDrained, "database", table.getTypeName(), partition, site, table.getSignature(), m_timestamp, table.getColumns(), m_directory.getPath()); m_numSources++; "Creating ExportDataSource for table " + table.getTypeName() + " signature " + table.getSignature() + " partition id " + partition); dataSourcesForPartition.put(table.getSignature(), exportDataSource); } catch (IOException e) { VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB( "Error creating datasources for table " + table.getTypeName() + " host id " + hostId, true, e); } } }
/** Determine which parameter is the partition indicator */ static void parsePartitionInfo( VoltCompiler compiler, Database db, Procedure procedure, String info) throws VoltCompilerException { assert (procedure.getSinglepartition() == true); // check this isn't empty if (info.length() == 0) { String msg = "Missing or Truncated PartitionInfo in attribute for procedure: " + procedure.getClassname(); throw VoltCompilerException(msg); } // split on the colon String[] parts = info.split(":"); // if the colon doesn't split well, we have a problem if (parts.length != 2) { String msg = "Possibly invalid PartitionInfo in attribute for procedure: " + procedure.getClassname(); throw VoltCompilerException(msg); } // relabel the parts for code readability String columnInfo = parts[0].trim(); int paramIndex = Integer.parseInt(parts[1].trim()); int paramCount = procedure.getParameters().size(); if ((paramIndex < 0) || (paramIndex >= paramCount)) { String msg = "PartitionInfo specifies invalid parameter index for procedure: " + procedure.getClassname(); throw VoltCompilerException(msg); } // locate the parameter procedure.setPartitionparameter(paramIndex); // split the columninfo parts = columnInfo.split("\\."); if (parts.length != 2) { String msg = "Possibly invalid PartitionInfo in attribute for procedure: " + procedure.getClassname(); throw VoltCompilerException(msg); } // relabel the parts for code readability String tableName = parts[0].trim(); String columnName = parts[1].trim(); // locate the partition column CatalogMap<Table> tables = db.getTables(); for (Table table : tables) { if (table.getTypeName().equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) { CatalogMap<Column> columns = table.getColumns(); Column partitionColumn = table.getPartitioncolumn(); if (partitionColumn == null) { String msg = String.format( "PartitionInfo for procedure %s references table %s which has no partition column (may be replicated).", procedure.getClassname(), table.getTypeName()); throw VoltCompilerException(msg); } for (Column column : columns) { if (column.getTypeName().equalsIgnoreCase(columnName)) { if (partitionColumn.getTypeName().equals(column.getTypeName())) { procedure.setPartitioncolumn(column); procedure.setPartitiontable(table); return; } else { String msg = "PartitionInfo for procedure " + procedure.getClassname() + " refers to a column in schema which is not a partition key."; throw VoltCompilerException(msg); } } } } } String msg = "PartitionInfo for procedure " + procedure.getClassname() + " refers to a column in schema which can't be found."; throw VoltCompilerException(msg); }
static String generateSchemaRow(Table table, boolean isExportTable) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<tr class='primaryrow'>"); // column 1: table name String anchor = table.getTypeName().toLowerCase(); sb.append( "<td style='white-space: nowrap;'><i id='s-" + anchor + "--icon' class='icon-chevron-right'></i> <a href='#' id='s-"); sb.append(anchor).append("' class='togglex'>"); sb.append(table.getTypeName()); sb.append("</a></td>"); // column 2: type sb.append("<td>"); if (table.getMaterializer() != null) { tag(sb, "info", "Materialized View"); } else { if (isExportTable) { tag(sb, "inverse", "Export Table"); } else { tag(sb, null, "Table"); } } sb.append("</td>"); // column 3: partitioning sb.append("<td style='whitespace: nowrap;'>"); if (table.getIsreplicated()) { tag(sb, "warning", "Replicated"); } else { tag(sb, "success", "Partitioned"); Column partitionCol = table.getPartitioncolumn(); if (partitionCol != null) { sb.append("<small> on " + partitionCol.getName() + "</small>"); } else { Table matSrc = table.getMaterializer(); if (matSrc != null) { sb.append("<small> with " + matSrc.getTypeName() + "</small>"); } } } sb.append("</td>"); // column 4: column count sb.append("<td>"); sb.append(table.getColumns().size()); sb.append("</td>"); // column 5: index count sb.append("<td>"); sb.append(table.getIndexes().size()); sb.append("</td>"); // column 6: has pkey sb.append("<td>"); boolean found = false; for (Constraint constraint : table.getConstraints()) { if (ConstraintType.get(constraint.getType()) == ConstraintType.PRIMARY_KEY) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { tag(sb, "info", "Has-PKey"); } else { tag(sb, null, "No-PKey"); } sb.append("</td>"); // column 6: has tuple limit sb.append("<td>"); if (table.getTuplelimit() != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { tag(sb, "info", String.valueOf(table.getTuplelimit())); } else { tag(sb, null, "No-limit"); } sb.append("</td>"); sb.append("</tr>\n"); // BUILD THE DROPDOWN FOR THE DDL / INDEXES DETAIL sb.append( "<tr class='tablesorter-childRow'><td class='invert' colspan='7' id='s-" + table.getTypeName().toLowerCase() + "--dropdown'>\n"); TableAnnotation annotation = (TableAnnotation) table.getAnnotation(); if (annotation != null) { // output the DDL if (annotation.ddl == null) { sb.append("<p>MISSING DDL</p>\n"); } else { String ddl = annotation.ddl; sb.append("<p><pre>" + ddl + "</pre></p>\n"); } // make sure procs appear in only one category annotation.proceduresThatReadThis.removeAll(annotation.proceduresThatUpdateThis); if (annotation.proceduresThatReadThis.size() > 0) { sb.append("<p>Read-only by procedures: "); List<String> procs = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Procedure proc : annotation.proceduresThatReadThis) { procs.add("<a href='#p-" + proc.getTypeName() + "'>" + proc.getTypeName() + "</a>"); } sb.append(StringUtils.join(procs, ", ")); sb.append("</p>"); } if (annotation.proceduresThatUpdateThis.size() > 0) { sb.append("<p>Read/Write by procedures: "); List<String> procs = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Procedure proc : annotation.proceduresThatUpdateThis) { procs.add("<a href='#p-" + proc.getTypeName() + "'>" + proc.getTypeName() + "</a>"); } sb.append(StringUtils.join(procs, ", ")); sb.append("</p>"); } } if (table.getIndexes().size() > 0) { sb.append(generateIndexesTable(table)); } else { sb.append("<p>No indexes defined on table.</p>\n"); } sb.append("</td></tr>\n"); return sb.toString(); }
public static MaterializedViewInfo addVerticalPartition( final Table catalog_tbl, final Collection<Column> catalog_cols, final boolean createIndex) throws Exception { assert (catalog_cols.isEmpty() == false); Database catalog_db = ((Database) catalog_tbl.getParent()); String viewName = getNextVerticalPartitionName(catalog_tbl, catalog_cols); if (debug.get()) LOG.debug( String.format( "Adding Vertical Partition %s for %s: %s", viewName, catalog_tbl, catalog_cols)); // Create a new virtual table Table virtual_tbl = catalog_db.getTables().get(viewName); if (virtual_tbl == null) { virtual_tbl = catalog_db.getTables().add(viewName); } virtual_tbl.setIsreplicated(true); virtual_tbl.setMaterializer(catalog_tbl); virtual_tbl.setSystable(true); virtual_tbl.getColumns().clear(); // Create MaterializedView and link it to the virtual table MaterializedViewInfo catalog_view = catalog_tbl.getViews().add(viewName); catalog_view.setVerticalpartition(true); catalog_view.setDest(virtual_tbl); List<Column> indexColumns = new ArrayList<Column>(); Column partition_col = catalog_tbl.getPartitioncolumn(); if (partition_col instanceof VerticalPartitionColumn) { partition_col = ((VerticalPartitionColumn) partition_col).getHorizontalColumn(); } if (debug.get()) LOG.debug(catalog_tbl.getName() + " Partition Column: " + partition_col); int i = 0; assert (catalog_cols != null); assert (catalog_cols.isEmpty() == false) : "No vertical partitioning columns for " + catalog_view.fullName(); for (Column catalog_col : catalog_cols) { // MaterializedView ColumnRef ColumnRef catalog_ref = catalog_view.getGroupbycols().add(catalog_col.getName()); catalog_ref.setColumn(catalog_col); catalog_ref.setIndex(i++); // VirtualTable Column Column virtual_col = virtual_tbl.getColumns().add(catalog_col.getName()); virtual_col.setDefaulttype(catalog_col.getDefaulttype()); virtual_col.setDefaultvalue(catalog_col.getDefaultvalue()); virtual_col.setIndex(catalog_col.getIndex()); virtual_col.setNullable(catalog_col.getNullable()); virtual_col.setSize(catalog_col.getSize()); virtual_col.setType(catalog_col.getType()); if (debug.get()) LOG.debug(String.format("Added VerticalPartition column %s", virtual_col.fullName())); // If they want an index, then we'll make one based on every column except for the column // that the table is partitioned on if (createIndex) { boolean include = true; if (partition_col instanceof MultiColumn) { include = (((MultiColumn) partition_col).contains(catalog_col) == false); } else if (catalog_col.equals(partition_col)) { include = false; } if (include) indexColumns.add(virtual_col); } } // FOR if (createIndex) { if (indexColumns.isEmpty()) { Map<String, Object> m = new ListOrderedMap<String, Object>(); m.put("Partition Column", partition_col); m.put("VP Table Columns", virtual_tbl.getColumns()); m.put("Passed-in Columns", CatalogUtil.debug(catalog_cols)); LOG.error("Failed to find index columns\n" + StringUtil.formatMaps(m)); throw new Exception(String.format("No columns selected for index on %s", viewName)); } String idxName = "SYS_IDX_" + viewName; Index virtual_idx = virtual_tbl.getIndexes().get(idxName); if (virtual_idx == null) { virtual_idx = virtual_tbl.getIndexes().add(idxName); } virtual_idx.getColumns().clear(); IndexType idxType = (indexColumns.size() == 1 ? IndexType.HASH_TABLE : IndexType.BALANCED_TREE); virtual_idx.setType(idxType.getValue()); i = 0; for (Column catalog_col : indexColumns) { ColumnRef cref = virtual_idx.getColumns().add(catalog_col.getTypeName()); cref.setColumn(catalog_col); cref.setIndex(i++); } // FOR if (debug.get()) LOG.debug( String.format( "Created %s index '%s' for vertical partition '%s'", idxType, idxName, viewName)); } return (catalog_view); }
void compileDatabaseNode(DatabaseType database) throws VoltCompilerException { final ArrayList<String> programs = new ArrayList<String>(); final ArrayList<String> schemas = new ArrayList<String>(); final ArrayList<ProcedureDescriptor> procedures = new ArrayList<ProcedureDescriptor>(); final ArrayList<Class<?>> classDependencies = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(); final ArrayList<String[]> partitions = new ArrayList<String[]>(); final String databaseName = database.getName(); // schema does not verify that the database is named "database" if (databaseName.equals("database") == false) { final String msg = "VoltDB currently requires all database elements to be named " + "\"database\" (found: \"" + databaseName + "\")"; throw new VoltCompilerException(msg); } // create the database in the catalog m_catalog.execute("add /clusters[cluster] databases " + databaseName); Database db = m_catalog.getClusters().get("cluster").getDatabases().get(databaseName); SnapshotType snapshotSettings = database.getSnapshot(); if (snapshotSettings != null) { SnapshotSchedule schedule = db.getSnapshotschedule().add("default"); String frequency = snapshotSettings.getFrequency(); if (!frequency.endsWith("s") && !frequency.endsWith("m") && !frequency.endsWith("h")) { throw new VoltCompilerException( "Snapshot frequency " + frequency + " needs to end with time unit specified" + " that is one of [s, m, h] (seconds, minutes, hours)"); } int frequencyInt = 0; String frequencySubstring = frequency.substring(0, frequency.length() - 1); try { frequencyInt = Integer.parseInt(frequencySubstring); } catch (Exception e) { throw new VoltCompilerException("Frequency " + frequencySubstring + " is not an integer "); } String prefix = snapshotSettings.getPrefix(); if (prefix == null || prefix.isEmpty()) { throw new VoltCompilerException("Snapshot prefix " + prefix + " is not a valid prefix "); } if (prefix.contains("-") || prefix.contains(",")) { throw new VoltCompilerException("Snapshot prefix " + prefix + " cannot include , or - "); } String path = snapshotSettings.getPath(); if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) { throw new VoltCompilerException("Snapshot path " + path + " is not a valid path "); } if (snapshotSettings.getRetain() == null) { throw new VoltCompilerException("Snapshot retain value not provided"); } int retain = snapshotSettings.getRetain().intValue(); if (retain < 1) { throw new VoltCompilerException( "Snapshot retain value " + retain + " is not a valid value. Must be 1 or greater."); } schedule.setFrequencyunit(frequency.substring(frequency.length() - 1, frequency.length())); schedule.setFrequencyvalue(frequencyInt); schedule.setPath(path); schedule.setPrefix(prefix); schedule.setRetain(retain); } // schemas/schema for (SchemasType.Schema schema : database.getSchemas().getSchema()) { LOG.l7dlog( Level.DEBUG,, new Object[] {schema.getPath()}, null); schemas.add(schema.getPath()); } // groups/group. if (database.getGroups() != null) { for (GroupsType.Group group : database.getGroups().getGroup()) { org.voltdb.catalog.Group catGroup = db.getGroups().add(group.getName()); catGroup.setAdhoc(group.isAdhoc()); catGroup.setSysproc(group.isSysproc()); } } // users/user if (database.getUsers() != null) { for (UsersType.User user : database.getUsers().getUser()) { org.voltdb.catalog.User catUser = db.getUsers().add(user.getName()); catUser.setAdhoc(user.isAdhoc()); catUser.setSysproc(user.isSysproc()); byte passwordHash[] = extractPassword(user.getPassword()); catUser.setShadowpassword(Encoder.hexEncode(passwordHash)); // process the @groups comma separated list if (user.getGroups() != null) { String grouplist[] = user.getGroups().split(","); for (final String group : grouplist) { final GroupRef groupRef = catUser.getGroups().add(group); final Group catalogGroup = db.getGroups().get(group); if (catalogGroup != null) { groupRef.setGroup(catalogGroup); } } } } } // procedures/procedure for (ProceduresType.Procedure proc : database.getProcedures().getProcedure()) { procedures.add(getProcedure(proc)); } // classdependencies/classdependency if (database.getClassdependencies() != null) { for (Classdependency dep : database.getClassdependencies().getClassdependency()) { classDependencies.add(getClassDependency(dep)); } } // partitions/table if (database.getPartitions() != null) { for (org.voltdb.compiler.projectfile.PartitionsType.Partition table : database.getPartitions().getPartition()) { partitions.add(getPartition(table)); } } String msg = "Database \"" + databaseName + "\" "; // TODO: schema allows 0 procedures. Testbase relies on this. if (procedures.size() == 0) { msg += "needs at least one \"procedure\" element " + "(currently has " + String.valueOf(procedures.size()) + ")"; throw new VoltCompilerException(msg); } if (procedures.size() < 1) { msg += "is missing the \"procedures\" element"; throw new VoltCompilerException(msg); } // shutdown and make a new hsqldb m_hsql = HSQLInterface.loadHsqldb(); // Actually parse and handle all the programs for (final String programName : programs) { m_catalog.execute("add " + db.getPath() + " programs " + programName); } // Actually parse and handle all the DDL final DDLCompiler ddlcompiler = new DDLCompiler(this, m_hsql); for (final String schemaPath : schemas) { File schemaFile = null; if (schemaPath.contains(".jar!")) { String ddlText = null; try { ddlText = JarReader.readFileFromJarfile(schemaPath); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new VoltCompilerException(e); } schemaFile = VoltProjectBuilder.writeStringToTempFile(ddlText); } else { schemaFile = new File(schemaPath); } if (!schemaFile.isAbsolute()) { // Resolve schemaPath relative to the database definition xml file schemaFile = new File(new File(m_projectFileURL).getParent(), schemaPath); } // add the file object's path to the list of files for the jar m_ddlFilePaths.put(schemaFile.getName(), schemaFile.getPath()); ddlcompiler.loadSchema(schemaFile.getAbsolutePath()); } ddlcompiler.compileToCatalog(m_catalog, db); // Actually parse and handle all the partitions // this needs to happen before procedures are compiled msg = "In database \"" + databaseName + "\", "; final CatalogMap<Table> tables = db.getTables(); for (final String[] partition : partitions) { final String tableName = partition[0]; final String colName = partition[1]; final Table t = tables.getIgnoreCase(tableName); if (t == null) { msg += "\"partition\" element has unknown \"table\" attribute '" + tableName + "'"; throw new VoltCompilerException(msg); } final Column c = t.getColumns().getIgnoreCase(colName); // make sure the column exists if (c == null) { msg += "\"partition\" element has unknown \"column\" attribute '" + colName + "'"; throw new VoltCompilerException(msg); } // make sure the column is marked not-nullable if (c.getNullable() == true) { msg += "Partition column '" + tableName + "." + colName + "' is nullable. " + "Partition columns must be constrained \"NOT NULL\"."; throw new VoltCompilerException(msg); } t.setPartitioncolumn(c); t.setIsreplicated(false); // Set the destination tables of associated views non-replicated. // If a view's source table is replicated, then a full scan of the // associated view is singled-sited. If the source is partitioned, // a full scan of the view must be distributed. final CatalogMap<MaterializedViewInfo> views = t.getViews(); for (final MaterializedViewInfo mvi : views) { mvi.getDest().setIsreplicated(false); } } // add vertical partitions if (database.getVerticalpartitions() != null) { for (Verticalpartition vp : database.getVerticalpartitions().getVerticalpartition()) { try { addVerticalPartition(db, vp.getTable(), vp.getColumn(), vp.isIndexed()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new VoltCompilerException( "Failed to create vertical partition for " + vp.getTable(), ex); } } } // this should reorder the tables and partitions all alphabetically String catData = m_catalog.serialize(); m_catalog = new Catalog(); m_catalog.execute(catData); db = m_catalog.getClusters().get("cluster").getDatabases().get(databaseName); // add database estimates info addDatabaseEstimatesInfo(m_estimates, db); addSystemProcsToCatalog(m_catalog, db); // Process and add exports and connectors to the catalog // Must do this before compiling procedures to deny updates // on append-only tables. if (database.getExports() != null) { // currently, only a single connector is allowed Connector conn = database.getExports().getConnector(); compileConnector(conn, db); } // Actually parse and handle all the Procedures for (final ProcedureDescriptor procedureDescriptor : procedures) { final String procedureName = procedureDescriptor.m_className; m_currentFilename = procedureName.substring(procedureName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); m_currentFilename += ".class"; ProcedureCompiler.compile(this, m_hsql, m_estimates, m_catalog, db, procedureDescriptor); } // Add all the class dependencies to the output jar for (final Class<?> classDependency : classDependencies) { addClassToJar(classDependency, this); } m_hsql.close(); }