예제 #1
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public RESTEasyBindingData decompose(Exchange exchange, RESTEasyBindingData target)
      throws Exception {
    Object content = exchange.getMessage().getContent();
    if (exchange.getState().equals(ExchangeState.FAULT)) {
      if (content instanceof HandlerException) {
        HandlerException he = (HandlerException) content;
        if (he.getCause() instanceof ItemNotFoundException) {
          throw (Exception) he.getCause();
        if (he.getMessage() != null && he.getMessage().startsWith("SWITCHYARD014014")) {
          UnauthorizedException ue = new UnauthorizedException("Unauthorized");
          throw (Exception) ue;

    target = super.decompose(exchange, target);

    if (target.getOperationName().equals("addItem")
        && (content != null)
        && (content instanceof Item)) {
      // Unwrap the parameters
      target.setParameters(new Object[] {((Item) content).getItemId(), ((Item) content).getName()});
    return target;
예제 #2
 protected static void assertCause(String message, Exchange exchange) {
   assertEquals(ExchangeState.FAULT, exchange.getState());
   HandlerException exception = exchange.getMessage().getContent(HandlerException.class);
   assertNotNull("Cause should not be null", exception.getCause());
   assertEquals(message, exception.getCause().getMessage());
예제 #3
 protected static void assertNoCause(String message, Exchange exchange) {
   assertEquals(ExchangeState.FAULT, exchange.getState());
   Exception exception = exchange.getMessage().getContent(Exception.class);
   assertNotNull("Exception should not be null", exception);
   assertNull("Cause should be null", exception.getCause());
   assertEquals(message, exception.getMessage());
예제 #4
  public void testFaultWithNoHandler() throws Exception {

    final QName serviceName = new QName("testFaultWithNoHandler");
    // Provide the service
    MockHandler provider =
        new MockHandler() {
          public void handleMessage(Exchange exchange) throws HandlerException {
            throw new HandlerException("Fault With No Handler!");
    ServiceReference service = _domain.createInOnlyService(serviceName, provider);

    // Consume the service
    Exchange exchange = service.createExchange();

    // Make sure the exchange is in fault status
    Assert.assertEquals(ExchangeState.FAULT, exchange.getState());
예제 #5
   * Send a message hash to the specified operation.
   * @param operationName The operation name.
   * @param rubyHash The message hash.
   * @return The response object if an IN_OUT operation was invoked, otherwise null.
   * @throws Throwable An exception occurred while invoking the target operation.
  public Object send(String operationName, RubyHash rubyHash) throws Throwable {
    if (operationName == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("null 'operationName' argument.");
    if (rubyHash == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("null 'rubyHash' argument.");

    ServiceOperation operation = _serviceReference.getInterface().getOperation(operationName);

    if (operation == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Unknown operation name '"
              + operationName
              + "' on Service '"
              + _serviceReference.getName()
              + "'.");

    // Clone the RubyHash to convert it to a normal Map based graph.  This makes it possible
    // to more safely transport the payload data out of the ruby app via a SwitchYard Exchange...
    Map<String, Object> payload = deepClone(rubyHash);

    // Create the exchange contract...
    BaseExchangeContract exchangeContract = new BaseExchangeContract(operation);

    // Set the input type...

    if (operation.getExchangePattern() == ExchangePattern.IN_OUT) {
      final BlockingQueue<Exchange> responseQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Exchange>(1);

      AtomicReference<ExchangeHandler> responseExchangeHandler =
          new AtomicReference<ExchangeHandler>(
              new ExchangeHandler() {
                public void handleMessage(Exchange exchange) throws HandlerException {

                public void handleFault(Exchange exchange) {

      Exchange exchange =
          _serviceReference.createExchange(exchangeContract, responseExchangeHandler.get());
      Message message = exchange.createMessage().setContent(payload);

      Exchange exchangeOut = null;
      try {
        exchangeOut = responseQueue.take();
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new SwitchYardException(
            "Operation '"
                + operationName
                + "' on Service '"
                + _serviceReference.getName()
                + "' interrupted.",

      if (exchangeOut.getState() == ExchangeState.OK) {
        return exchangeOut.getMessage().getContent();
      } else {
        Object failureObj = exchangeOut.getMessage().getContent();
        if (failureObj instanceof Throwable) {
          if (failureObj instanceof InvocationTargetException) {
            throw ((Throwable) failureObj).getCause();
          } else {
            throw (Throwable) failureObj;
        } else {
          throw new SwitchYardException(
              "Service invocation failure.  Service '"
                  + _serviceReference.getName()
                  + "', operation '"
                  + operationName
                  + "'.  Non Throwable failure message payload: "
                  + failureObj);
    } else {
      Exchange exchange = _serviceReference.createExchange(exchangeContract);
      Message message = exchange.createMessage().setContent(payload);


    return null;