public void drawPublicKey() { PGPPublicKeyRing pubring = ProviderHelper.getPGPPublicKeyRingByMasterKeyId(this, mPubKeyId); if (pubring != null) { PGPPublicKey key = PgpKeyHelper.getMasterKey(pubring); String masterKeyIdHex = PgpKeyHelper.convertKeyIdToHex(mPubKeyId); // get relevant UI elements TextView keyIdHex = (TextView) findViewById(; TextView keyUserId = (TextView) findViewById(; TextView keyUserIdRest = (TextView) findViewById(; if (key != null) { String userId = PgpKeyHelper.getMainUserIdSafe(this, key); String[] userIdSplit = PgpKeyHelper.splitUserId(userId); String userName, userEmail; if (userIdSplit[0] != null) { userName = userIdSplit[0]; } else { userName = getResources().getString(R.string.user_id_no_name); } if (userIdSplit[1] != null) { userEmail = userIdSplit[1]; } else { userEmail = getResources().getString(R.string.error_user_id_no_email); } keyIdHex.setText(masterKeyIdHex); keyUserId.setText(userName); keyUserIdRest.setText(userEmail); keyUserId.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); keyUserIdRest.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { Log.e(Constants.TAG, "this shouldn't happen. key == 0!"); finish(); return; } } else { Log.e(Constants.TAG, "this shouldn't happen. pubring == 0!"); finish(); return; } }
private void updateView() { if (mEncryptionKeyIds == null || mEncryptionKeyIds.length == 0) { mSelectKeysButton.setText(getString(R.string.select_keys_button_default)); } else { mSelectKeysButton.setText( getResources() .getQuantityString( R.plurals.select_keys_button, mEncryptionKeyIds.length, mEncryptionKeyIds.length)); } if (mSecretKeyId == Constants.key.none) { mSign.setChecked(false); mMainUserId.setText(""); mMainUserIdRest.setText(""); } else { // See if we can get a user_id from a unified query String[] userId; try { String userIdResult = (String) mProviderHelper.getUnifiedData( mSecretKeyId, KeyRings.USER_ID, ProviderHelper.FIELD_TYPE_STRING); userId = PgpKeyHelper.splitUserId(userIdResult); } catch (ProviderHelper.NotFoundException e) { userId = null; } if (userId != null && userId[0] != null) { mMainUserId.setText(userId[0]); } else { mMainUserId.setText(getResources().getString(R.string.user_id_no_name)); } if (userId != null && userId[1] != null) { mMainUserIdRest.setText(userId[1]); } else { mMainUserIdRest.setText(""); } mSign.setChecked(true); } }
public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor data) { // Swap the new cursor in. (The framework will take care of closing the // old cursor once we return.) switch (loader.getId()) { case LOADER_ID_KEYRING: if (data.moveToFirst()) { // get name, email, and comment from USER_ID String[] mainUserId = PgpKeyHelper.splitUserId(data.getString(KEYRING_INDEX_USER_ID)); if (mainUserId[0] != null) { getActivity().setTitle(mainUserId[0]); mName.setText(mainUserId[0]); } else { getActivity().setTitle(R.string.user_id_no_name); mName.setText(R.string.user_id_no_name); } mEmail.setText(mainUserId[1]); mComment.setText(mainUserId[2]); } break; case LOADER_ID_USER_IDS: mUserIdsAdapter.swapCursor(data); break; case LOADER_ID_KEYS: // the first key here is our master key if (data.moveToFirst()) { // get key id from MASTER_KEY_ID long keyId = data.getLong(KEYS_INDEX_KEY_ID); String keyIdStr = PgpKeyHelper.convertKeyIdToHex(keyId); mKeyId.setText(keyIdStr); // get creation date from CREATION if (data.isNull(KEYS_INDEX_CREATION)) { mCreation.setText(R.string.none); } else { Date creationDate = new Date(data.getLong(KEYS_INDEX_CREATION) * 1000); mCreation.setText( DateFormat.getDateFormat(getActivity().getApplicationContext()) .format(creationDate)); } // get expiry date from EXPIRY if (data.isNull(KEYS_INDEX_EXPIRY)) { mExpiry.setText(R.string.none); } else { Date expiryDate = new Date(data.getLong(KEYS_INDEX_EXPIRY) * 1000); mExpiry.setText( DateFormat.getDateFormat(getActivity().getApplicationContext()).format(expiryDate)); } String algorithmStr = PgpKeyHelper.getAlgorithmInfo( data.getInt(KEYS_INDEX_ALGORITHM), data.getInt(KEYS_INDEX_KEY_SIZE)); mAlgorithm.setText(algorithmStr); byte[] fingerprintBlob = data.getBlob(KEYS_INDEX_FINGERPRINT); if (fingerprintBlob == null) { // FALLBACK for old database entries fingerprintBlob = ProviderHelper.getFingerprint(getActivity(), mDataUri); } String fingerprint = PgpKeyHelper.convertFingerprintToHex(fingerprintBlob, true); mFingerprint.setText(OtherHelper.colorizeFingerprint(fingerprint)); } mKeysAdapter.swapCursor(data); break; default: break; } }