/** 功能:修改图片 */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/upLoadImages", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ResultMsg upLoadImages(String id2, @RequestParam MultipartFile[] images2, String gid) throws Exception { ResultMsg result = new ResultMsg(); result.setResultMessage("errors"); MusicBg music = new MusicBg(); if (images2 != null && images2.length > 0) { for (MultipartFile $file : images2) { if (!$file.isEmpty()) { String name = $file.getOriginalFilename(); String ext = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf("."), name.length()); String sha1 = DigestUtils.shaHex($file.getInputStream()); String fileName = sha1 + ext; String path = Constants.DEFAULT_UPLOADIMAGEPATH + File.separator + Constants.sha1ToPath(sha1); Constants.mkdirs(path); FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile($file.getInputStream(), new File(path, fileName)); music.setImageSha1(sha1); music.setImage(fileName); } } } music.setId(id2); if (this.musicBgService.addMusicBg(music, gid)) { result.setResultMessage("success"); } return result; }
/** 功能:添加修改 */ @RequestMapping(value = "/save", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ModelAndView save(@RequestParam MultipartFile[] images, String gid) throws Exception { ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(com.baofeng.utils.Constants.COREWEB_BUILDITEMS + "/musicbg"); MusicBg music = new MusicBg(); if (images != null && images.length > 0) { for (MultipartFile $file : images) { if (!$file.isEmpty()) { String name = $file.getOriginalFilename(); String ext = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf("."), name.length()); String sha1 = DigestUtils.shaHex($file.getInputStream()); String fileName = sha1 + ext; String path = Constants.DEFAULT_UPLOADIMAGEPATH + File.separator + Constants.sha1ToPath(sha1); Constants.mkdirs(path); FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile($file.getInputStream(), new File(path, fileName)); music.setImageSha1(sha1); music.setImage(fileName); } } } this.musicBgService.addMusicBg(music, gid); WeekService week = this.weekServiceService.readWeekService(gid); if (week != null) { mav.addObject("week", week); } return mav; }
@Test public void testImportStudents_exception() throws Exception { // Given StudentDirectoryServiceImpl studentDirectoryService = new StudentDirectoryServiceImpl(); Logger logger = mock(Logger.class); studentDirectoryService.setLogger(logger); StudentDAO studentDAO = mock(StudentDAO.class); studentDirectoryService.setStudentDAO(studentDAO); MultipartFile multipartFile = mock(MultipartFile.class); IOException exception = new IOException("This is a dummy IOException."); when(multipartFile.getInputStream()).thenThrow(exception); // When studentDirectoryService.importStudents(multipartFile); // Then ArgumentCaptor<String> errorCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class); verify(logger, times(1)).error(errorCaptor.capture()); assertEquals(exception, errorCaptor.getValue()); }
@Test public void testImportStudents() throws Exception { // Given StudentDirectoryServiceImpl studentDirectoryService = new StudentDirectoryServiceImpl(); StudentDAO studentDAO = mock(StudentDAO.class); studentDirectoryService.setStudentDAO(studentDAO); MultipartFile multipartFile = mock(MultipartFile.class); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("Bart, Simpson\n"); buffer.append("Lisa, Simpson"); InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); when(multipartFile.getInputStream()).thenReturn(stream); // When studentDirectoryService.importStudents(multipartFile); // Then ArgumentCaptor<Student> studentCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Student.class); verify(studentDAO, times(2)).createStudent(studentCaptor.capture()); assertEquals("Bart", studentCaptor.getAllValues().get(0).getFirstName()); assertEquals("Simpson", studentCaptor.getAllValues().get(0).getLastName()); assertEquals("Lisa", studentCaptor.getAllValues().get(1).getFirstName()); assertEquals("Simpson", studentCaptor.getAllValues().get(1).getLastName()); }
@RequestMapping(value = "/save", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String save( @Valid @ModelAttribute("document") Document document, BindingResult result, @RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file) { if (result.hasErrors()) { return "doc/documents.tiles"; } System.out.println("Name:" + document.getName()); System.out.println("Desc:" + document.getDescription()); System.out.println("File:" + file.getName()); System.out.println("ContentType:" + file.getContentType()); try { Blob blob = Hibernate.createBlob(file.getInputStream()); document.setFilename(file.getOriginalFilename()); document.setContent(blob); document.setContentType(file.getContentType()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { documentService.save(document); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return "redirect:/doc/index"; }
// https://github.com/javaswift/joss/blob/master/src/main/java/org/javaswift/joss/model/StoredObject.java @Override public void storeFile(MultipartFile myFile, String fileId, int fileTTL) throws IOException { if (swiftUsername == null) { System.out.println("Swift username is not configured"); } assert swiftUsername != null; if (config == null) { login(); } StoredObject swiftObject = container.getObject(fileId); swiftObject.uploadObject(myFile.getInputStream()); if (myFile.getContentType() != null) { swiftObject.setContentType(myFile.getContentType()); } Map<String, Object> metadata = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (myFile.getOriginalFilename() != null) { metadata.put("filename", myFile.getOriginalFilename()); } if (myFile.getContentType() != null) { metadata.put("content-type", myFile.getContentType()); } swiftObject.setMetadata(metadata); swiftObject.saveMetadata(); // swiftObject.setDeleteAt(Date date); }
@RequestMapping(value = "developReport/report", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ModelAndView uploadReportFile( @RequestParam("file") final MultipartFile file, final HttpServletRequest request) { if (!showReportDevelopment) { return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView("/")); } if (file.isEmpty()) { return new ModelAndView(L_QCADOO_REPORT_REPORT).addObject("isFileInvalid", true); } try { String template = IOUtils.toString(file.getInputStream()); List<ReportParameter> params = getReportParameters(template); return new ModelAndView(L_QCADOO_REPORT_REPORT) .addObject(L_TEMPLATE, template) .addObject("isParameter", true) .addObject(L_PARAMS, params) .addObject(L_LOCALE, "en"); } catch (Exception e) { return showException(L_QCADOO_REPORT_REPORT, e); } }
private String saveUploadFile(MultipartFile file, String targetDir, String targetFilename) { if (file == null) { return null; } File dir = new File(targetDir); if (!dir.exists()) { log.info("dir {} not exists.create dir now.", dir.getAbsolutePath()); dir.mkdirs(); } try { String fileName = file.getOriginalFilename(); log.debug("fileName:{}", fileName); InputStream is = file.getInputStream(); try { byte[] fileBytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is); FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(new File(targetDir + targetFilename), fileBytes); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } return targetDir + targetFilename; } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return null; } }
// 统一的Excel上传导入方式 @RequestMapping(params = "importExcel", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public AjaxJson importExcel(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { AjaxJson j = new AjaxJson(); MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request; Map<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multipartRequest.getFileMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, MultipartFile> entity : fileMap.entrySet()) { MultipartFile file = entity.getValue(); // 获取上传文件对象 List<JpPersonEntity> listPersons; try { listPersons = ExcelImportUtil.importExcel( file.getInputStream(), JpPersonEntity.class, new ImportParams()); for (JpPersonEntity person : listPersons) { if (person.getAge() != null) { person.setId(UUIDGenerator.generate()); jpPersonService.save(person); } } j.setMsg("文件导入成功!"); } catch (Exception e) { j.setMsg("文件导入失败!"); logger.error(ExceptionUtil.getExceptionMessage(e)); } // break; // 不支持多个文件导入? } return j; }
// 编辑器上传图片 @RequestMapping("/upload") @ResponseBody public JSONObject upload( @RequestParam("imgFile") MultipartFile file, HttpServletRequest request, ModelMap m) throws IOException { // String filetype = // StringUtils.substringAfterLast(file.getOriginalFilename(), "."); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); String ymd = sdf.format(new Date()); String realRootPath = getServletContext().getResource("/").toString() + "upload/choicenesscontent/" + ymd + "/"; YztUtil.writeFile(file.getInputStream(), realRootPath, file.getOriginalFilename()); /**/ String path = request.getContextPath(); String basePath = request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort() + path + "/"; // System.out.println("getContextPath==="+ // basePath+"upload/user/headimg/"+user.getId()+"."+filetype); String picurl = basePath + "upload/choicenesscontent/" + ymd + "/" + file.getOriginalFilename(); // user.setPicurl(picurl); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("error", 0); json.put("url", picurl); return json; }
public DeviceTestData parseAndSaveBBIFile( MultipartFile BBIfile, String verificationID, String originalFileName) throws IOException, NoSuchElementException, DecoderException { DeviceTestData deviceTestData = parseAndSaveBBIFile(BBIfile.getInputStream(), verificationID, originalFileName); return deviceTestData; }
protected void storeImage(MasterImageMetaData mimd, MultipartFile mpFile) { try { InputStream imageStream = mpFile.getInputStream(); log.debug("storeImage: uploaded a multipart file -- filename: " + FILE_UPLOAD_FIELD); ImageData imageData = imageResizeMgr.generateImage(imageStream, null, null); log.debug("storeImage: file name is: " + mpFile.getOriginalFilename()); imageData.setFilename(mpFile.getOriginalFilename()); // Store the image in the cache String imageKey = imageCacheManager.addImage(imageData); // Uploading a new image if (imageKey != mimd.getImageKey()) { // Then clear out the previous sized images and their data mimd.clearSizedImages(); } // Add the image key and data to the Master Image mimd.setImageKey(imageKey); mimd.setMetaData(imageData); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug( "storeImage: An exception was caught in storeImage: No inputStream found because no file was uploaded.", e.fillInStackTrace()); } }
@RequestMapping(value = "/uploadFiles") @ResponseBody public Result uploadFiles(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { MultipartHttpServletRequest servletRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request; List<MultipartFile> fileList = servletRequest.getFiles("uploadFile"); if (fileList != null && fileList.size() > 0) { List<String> files = new ArrayList<String>(); for (MultipartFile file : fileList) { if (file != null && file.getSize() > 0) { String realPath = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/upload"); String remotFilePath = FtpUtil.getFilePathName("file"); String orgFileName = file.getOriginalFilename(); String remortFileName = FtpUtil.getRemotFileName(orgFileName); String fileName = (new StringBuilder()) .append(remotFilePath) .append("/") .append(remortFileName) .toString(); FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile( file.getInputStream(), new File(realPath + File.separator + remotFilePath, remortFileName)); files.add(fileName); } } String dataJson = JSON.toJSONString(files); return Result.getSuccessResult(dataJson); } return new Result(ErrorCode.UPLOAD_FILE_FAILURE); }
@Override public void addOrUpdatePerson( TSysPerson person, MultipartFile photo, String savePath, String urlPath) throws IOException { if (photo != null && !photo.isEmpty()) { long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); String fileType = FilenameUtils.getExtension(photo.getOriginalFilename()); String thumbnailName = person.getUserId() + "_" + currentTimeMillis + fileType; String photoName = person.getUserId() + "_" + currentTimeMillis + "_original" + fileType; File dir = new File(savePath); if (!dir.exists() || !dir.isDirectory()) { dir.delete(); dir.mkdirs(); } FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(photo.getInputStream(), new File(dir, photoName)); ImageUtils.process( savePath + photoName, 256, 256, true, 0, null, null, 0, savePath + thumbnailName); person.setPhoto(urlPath + thumbnailName); } person.setSpell( PinyinUtils.getPinyin(person.getNickname()) + " " + PinyinUtils.getPinyinHead(person.getNickname())); this.baseDao.saveOrUpdate(person); }
@RequestMapping(value = "codiRoomMyClothesUpload", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String codiRoomMyClothesUpload( Clothes clothes, MultipartFile file, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { if (!file.isEmpty()) { ServletContext application = request.getServletContext(); String url = "/resource/image/clothes"; String path = application.getRealPath(url); String temp = file.getOriginalFilename(); String fname = temp.substring(temp.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1); String fpath = path + "\\" + fname; InputStream ins = file.getInputStream(); // part.getInputStream(); OutputStream outs = new FileOutputStream(fpath); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int len = 0; while ((len = ins.read(buffer, 0, 1024)) >= 0) outs.write(buffer, 0, len); outs.flush(); outs.close(); ins.close(); clothes.setImage(fname); } clothesDao.addClothes(clothes); return "redirect:codiRoomMyClothes"; }
// 上传资源 @RequestMapping(value = "/uploadSource") public String uploadSource( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @RequestParam(value = "sourceFile") MultipartFile file, Model model) { String orName = file.getOriginalFilename(); String houzui = ""; if (orName.lastIndexOf(".") != -1) { houzui = orName.substring(orName.lastIndexOf(".")); } String imgPath = init.getImgPath(); File parent = new File(imgPath + "newSource/"); if (!parent.exists()) { parent.mkdirs(); } String filename = UuidUtils.getImgUUID() + houzui; File target = new File(parent, filename); // 如果大于200K,则进行压缩 try { FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(file.getInputStream(), target); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // 回传结果 ImgUploadResult imgUploadResult = new ImgUploadResult(); imgUploadResult.setError(0); imgUploadResult.setUrl("/imgStore/newSource/" + filename); model.addAttribute("json", JSONUtil.object2json(imgUploadResult)); return JSON; }
@RequestMapping(value = "/upload", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String uploadFile(@RequestParam("uploadFile") MultipartFile multipartFile) throws IOException { // ファイル名 String fileName = multipartFile.getOriginalFilename(); // ファイルの大きさ(単位はbyte) long size = multipartFile.getSize(); // コンテンツタイプ String contentType = multipartFile.getContentType(); // 内容(byte配列) byte[] fileContents = multipartFile.getBytes(); // ファイルとして保存 multipartFile.transferTo(new File("/tmp/" + fileName)); InputStream is = null; try { // ファイルの内容を読み込むためのInputStream is = multipartFile.getInputStream(); // InputStreamを使用した処理 } finally { // 必ずcloseする is.close(); } LOG.trace("size=" + size); LOG.trace("contentType=" + contentType); LOG.trace("fileContents=" + new String(fileContents, "UTF-8")); return "redirect:/upload"; }
public FileUploadResponse uploadClientComponent(MultipartFile file) throws IOException { String fileName = file.getOriginalFilename(); String className = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(".zip")); FileUploadResponse ret = new FileUploadResponse(); Folder componentStage = this.fileSystem .getWaveMakerHomeFolder() .getFolder("common/packages") .getFolder(CLIENT_COMPONENTS_STAGE); ZipArchive.unpack(file.getInputStream(), componentStage); com.wavemaker.tools.io.File jsFile = componentStage.getFile(className + "/" + className + ".js"); if (!jsFile.exists()) { componentStage.delete(); throw new IOException(jsFile.toString() + " not found"); } String str = getClientComponentPackageString(jsFile); String packageStr = str.substring(0, str.lastIndexOf("." + className)); Folder componentFolder = this.fileSystem .getWaveMakerHomeFolder() .getFolder(StringUtils.packageToSrcFilePath(packageStr)); componentFolder.createIfMissing(); componentFolder.list().delete(); // delete older version of the composite Folder zipFolder = componentStage.getFolder(className); zipFolder.copyContentsTo(componentFolder); this.deploymentManager.writeModuleToLibJs(packageStr + "." + className); componentStage.delete(); ret.setPath(packageStr + "." + className); return ret; }
public void upload() throws Exception { MultipartRequest multipartRequest = (MultipartRequest) this.request; String currRelativeFolder = this.getFolder(this.relativeFolder); FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(this.savePath + currRelativeFolder)); MultipartFile multipartFile = multipartRequest.getFile("upfile"); if (multipartFile == null) { this.state = ERROR_INFO.get("NOFILE"); return; } if (multipartFile.getSize() > this.maxSize) { this.state = ERROR_INFO.get("SIZE"); return; } this.originalName = multipartFile.getOriginalFilename(); if (!this.checkFileType(this.originalName)) { this.state = ERROR_INFO.get("TYPE"); return; } this.fileName = this.getName(this.originalName); this.type = this.getFileExt(this.originalName); this.url = currRelativeFolder + "/" + fileName; FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile( multipartFile.getInputStream(), new File(savePath + currRelativeFolder + "/" + this.fileName)); this.state = ERROR_INFO.get("SUCCESS"); // UE中只会处理单张上传,完成后即退出 }
@RequestMapping("/add") public ModelAndView add(@Valid ContentRequest request, BindingResult result) { MultipartFile image = request.getCoverImg(); String path = StringUtils.EMPTY; if (image != null) { String fileType = FileUtil.getFileType(image.getOriginalFilename()); String fileName = new StringBuilder().append(UUID.randomUUID()).append(".").append(fileType).toString(); try { path = CDNUtil.uploadFile(image.getInputStream(), fileName); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("UploadFile Error.", e); } } Content content = new Content(); content.setCoverImg(path); content.setAdminUserId(0L); content.setArticle(request.getArticle()); content.setClicks(0L); Date time = new Date(); content.setCreated(time); content.setUpdated(time); content.setStatus("inactive"); content.setSynopsis(request.getSynopsis()); content.setTitle(request.getTitle()); content.setType(request.getType()); contentDAO.save(content); return new ModelAndView("redirect:/content/detail/" + content.getId()); }
public static void upload(String path, MultipartFile file, String fileName) { if (!file.isEmpty()) { InputStream inputStream = null; OutputStream outputStream = null; if (file.getSize() > 0) { try { inputStream = file.getInputStream(); outputStream = new FileOutputStream(path + file); int readBytes = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; while ((readBytes = inputStream.read(buffer, 0, 1024)) != -1) { outputStream.write(buffer, 0, readBytes); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { outputStream.close(); inputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } }
@RequestMapping("/edit/{contentId}") public ModelAndView edit( @PathVariable Long contentId, @Valid ContentRequest request, BindingResult result) { Content content = contentDAO.get(contentId); MultipartFile image = request.getCoverImg(); if (image != null) { String fileType = FileUtil.getFileType(image.getOriginalFilename()); String fileName = new StringBuilder().append(UUID.randomUUID()).append(".").append(fileType).toString(); try { String path = CDNUtil.uploadFile(image.getInputStream(), fileName); content.setCoverImg(path); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("UploadFile Error.", e); } } content.setArticle(request.getArticle()); content.setUpdated(new Date()); content.setStatus(request.getStatus()); content.setSynopsis(request.getSynopsis()); content.setTitle(request.getTitle()); content.setType(request.getType()); contentDAO.update(content); return new ModelAndView("redirect:/content/detail/" + contentId); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Multipart @RequestMapping(value = VIDEO_DATA_PATH, method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public VideoStatus setVideoData( @PathVariable(ID_PARAMETER) final long id, @RequestParam(DATA_PARAMETER) final MultipartFile videoData) { try { final InputStream is = videoData.getInputStream(); Video v = new Video(); v.setId(id); v.setDataUrl(VIDEO_DATA_PATH + id); boolean containsVideo = false; for (Video video : videoList) { if (video.getId() == id) { containsVideo = true; } } if (containsVideo) { VideoFileManager fileManager = VideoFileManager.get(); fileManager.saveVideoData(v, is); } else { throw new ResourceNotFoundException(); } } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } final VideoStatus status = new VideoStatus(VideoState.READY); return status; }
// 老的EasyUI上传方式(2013/05/28废弃) @RequestMapping(params = "implXls") @ResponseBody public AjaxJson implXls(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { AjaxJson j = new AjaxJson(); MultipartHttpServletRequest mulRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request; MultipartFile file = mulRequest.getFile("filedata"); List<JpPersonEntity> listPersons; try { boolean isSuccess = true; listPersons = ExcelImportUtil.importExcel( file.getInputStream(), JpPersonEntity.class, new ImportParams()); for (JpPersonEntity person : listPersons) { person.setId(UUIDGenerator.generate()); if (person.getAge() == null || person.getCreatedt() == null || person.getSalary() == null) { isSuccess = false; break; } else { jpPersonService.save(person); } } if (isSuccess) j.setMsg("文件导入成功!"); else j.setMsg("文件格式不正确,导入失败!"); } catch (IOException e) { j.setMsg("文件导入失败!"); logger.error(ExceptionUtil.getExceptionMessage(e)); } catch (Exception e) { j.setMsg("文件格式不正确,导入失败!"); } return j; }
/** * Uploads the dsl file of a user to an auxiliar folder, if it's not upload returns an error * * @param file * @param idUser */ @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/uploadDSL") public ResponseEntity<String> handleFileUploadDSL( @RequestParam("dsl") MultipartFile file, @RequestParam("idUser") String idUser) { // target DSL name String name = "dsl.yml"; if (!file.isEmpty()) { try { // User folder File userFolder = new File(idUser); if (!userFolder.exists()) Files.createDirectory(userFolder.toPath()); // Auxiliar folder where the temporal configuration files are // copy String folderAux = idUser + "/aux"; File folder = new File(folderAux); if (!folder.exists()) Files.createDirectory(folder.toPath()); // Copy DSL file BufferedOutputStream stream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(folderAux + "/" + name))); FileCopyUtils.copy(file.getInputStream(), stream); stream.close(); log.info("DSL copied: " + idUser); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("DSL not copied:" + e.getMessage()); throw new InternalError("Error copying: " + e.getMessage()); } } else { log.warn("DSL not copied, empty file: " + idUser); throw new BadRequestError("Empty file"); } return new ResponseEntity<>("copied", HttpStatus.OK); }
/** * 엑셀파일을 업로드하여 우편번호를 등록한다. * * @param loginVO * @param request * @param commandMap * @param model * @return "egovframework/com/sym/ccm/zip/EgovCcmExcelZipRegist" * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping(value = "/sym/ccm/zip/EgovCcmExcelZipRegist.do") public String insertExcelZip( @ModelAttribute("loginVO") LoginVO loginVO, final HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam Map<String, Object> commandMap, ZipVO searchVO, Model model) throws Exception { model.addAttribute("searchList", searchVO.getSearchList()); String sCmd = commandMap.get("cmd") == null ? "" : (String) commandMap.get("cmd"); if (sCmd.equals("")) { return "egovframework/com/sym/ccm/zip/EgovCcmExcelZipRegist"; } final MultipartHttpServletRequest multiRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request; final Map<String, MultipartFile> files = multiRequest.getFileMap(); InputStream fis = null; // String sResult = ""; Iterator<Entry<String, MultipartFile>> itr = files.entrySet().iterator(); MultipartFile file; while (itr.hasNext()) { Entry<String, MultipartFile> entry = itr.next(); file = entry.getValue(); if (!"".equals(file.getOriginalFilename())) { // 업로드 파일에 대한 확장자를 체크 if (file.getOriginalFilename().endsWith(".xls") || file.getOriginalFilename().endsWith(".xlsx") || file.getOriginalFilename().endsWith(".XLS") || file.getOriginalFilename().endsWith(".XLSX")) { // zipManageService.deleteAllZip(); // excelZipService.uploadExcel("ZipManageDAO.insertExcelZip", file.getInputStream(), 2); try { fis = file.getInputStream(); if (searchVO.getSearchList().equals("1")) { zipManageService.insertExcelZip(fis); } else { rdnmadZipService.insertExcelZip(fis); } } finally { EgovResourceCloseHelper.close(fis); } } else { LOGGER.info("xls, xlsx 파일 타입만 등록이 가능합니다."); return "egovframework/com/sym/ccm/zip/EgovCcmExcelZipRegist"; } // *********** 끝 *********** } } return "forward:/sym/ccm/zip/EgovCcmZipList.do"; }
@Override public Blob createBlob(MultipartFile uploadedFile) throws IOException { Long size = uploadedFile.getSize(); InputStream inputStream = uploadedFile.getInputStream(); // We'll work with Blob instances and streams so that the uploaded files are never read into // memory return ((HibernateEntityManager) em).getSession().getLobHelper().createBlob(inputStream, size); }
/** @return */ public InputStream getInputStream() { try { return multipartFile.getInputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public List<BBIOutcomeDTO> parseAndSaveArchiveOfBBIfiles( MultipartFile archiveFile, String originalFileName, User calibratorEmployee) throws IOException, ZipException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, ParseException { List<BBIOutcomeDTO> resultsOfBBIProcessing = parseAndSaveArchiveOfBBIfiles( archiveFile.getInputStream(), originalFileName, calibratorEmployee); return resultsOfBBIProcessing; }
@RequestMapping(value = "/admin/speaker/{speakerId}", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String editSpeaker( @PathVariable("speakerId") Long speakerId, @RequestParam MultipartFile pictureFile, @Valid Speaker speakerForm, BindingResult result, HttpServletRequest request) { if (request.getParameter("cancel") != null) { return "redirect:/s/admin/index"; } if (result.hasErrors()) { return "/admin/add-speaker"; } final Speaker speakerFromDb = businessService.getSpeaker(speakerId); speakerFromDb.setBio(speakerForm.getBio()); speakerFromDb.setTwitterId(speakerForm.getTwitterId()); speakerFromDb.setGooglePlusId(speakerForm.getGooglePlusId()); speakerFromDb.setFirstName(speakerForm.getFirstName()); speakerFromDb.setLastName(speakerForm.getLastName()); if (pictureFile != null && pictureFile.getSize() > 0) { final FileData pictureData; if (speakerFromDb.getPicture() == null) { pictureData = new FileData(); } else { pictureData = speakerFromDb.getPicture(); } try { pictureData.setFileData(IOUtils.toByteArray(pictureFile.getInputStream())); pictureData.setFileSize(pictureFile.getSize()); pictureData.setFileModified(new Date()); pictureData.setName(pictureFile.getOriginalFilename()); pictureData.setType(pictureFile.getContentType()); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } speakerFromDb.setPicture(pictureData); String message = "File '" + pictureData.getName() + "' uploaded successfully"; // FlashMap.setSuccessMessage(message); } businessService.saveSpeaker(speakerFromDb); // FlashMap.setSuccessMessage("The speaker was edited successfully."); return "redirect:/s/admin/speakers"; }