      method = RequestMethod.GET,
      value = "/getAll",
      headers = "Accept=application/json")
  public @ResponseBody Map<String, Object> getAll(HttpServletRequest req) {
    int pageNo = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("page"));
    int rowCount = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("rows"));
    String englishWord = req.getParameter("englishWord");
    String chineseWord = req.getParameter("chineseWord");
    String esglisgAb = req.getParameter("esglisgAb");
    String remark = req.getParameter("remark");

    List<SearchCondition> searchConds = new ArrayList<SearchCondition>();
    StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer("select c from CategoryWord c where 1=1 ");
    if (null != englishWord && !"".equals(englishWord)) {
      hql.append(" and englishWord like ?");
      searchConds.add(new SearchCondition("englishWord", "%" + englishWord + "%"));
    if (null != chineseWord && !"".equals(chineseWord)) {
      hql.append(" and chineseWord like ?");
      try {
        chineseWord = URLDecoder.decode(chineseWord, "utf-8");
      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      searchConds.add(new SearchCondition("chineseWord", "%" + chineseWord + "%"));
    if (null != esglisgAb && !"".equals(esglisgAb)) {
      hql.append(" and esglisgAb like ?");
      searchConds.add(new SearchCondition("esglisgAb", "%" + esglisgAb + "%"));
    if (null != remark && !"".equals(remark)) {
      hql.append(" and remark like ?");
      try {
        remark = URLDecoder.decode(remark, "utf-8");
      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      searchConds.add(new SearchCondition("remark", "%" + remark + "%"));
    hql.append(" order by esglisgAb");
    //        Page page = categoryWordService.getAll(rowCount);
    Page page = new Page();
    if (searchConds.size() <= 0) {
      page = categoryWordService.getPageBy(hql.toString(), rowCount);
    } else {
      page = categoryWordService.getPageBy(hql.toString(), rowCount, searchConds);


    List<CategoryWord> list = categoryWordService.findBy(hql.toString(), page, searchConds);
    HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    map.put("total", page.getResultCount());
    map.put("rows", list);
    return map;
 /** @return poolConfigurationId => poolStatus map with a single entry. */
 @RequestMapping(value = "/admin/pools/{poolId}/status", method = RequestMethod.GET)
 public Map<Long, PoolStatus> getPoolStatus(@PathVariable("poolId") Long poolConfigurationId) {
   PoolConfigurationModel poolConfiguration = poolDao.readPoolById(poolConfigurationId);
   HashMap<Long, PoolStatus> resultMap = new HashMap<Long, PoolStatus>();
   resultMap.put(poolConfigurationId, _getPoolStatus(poolConfiguration));
   return resultMap;
예제 #3
   * 선택한 시작 날짜 및 종료 날짜에 해당하는 Audit Log를 조회한다.
   * @param clusterName Hadoop Cluster명
   * @param searchType 조회 유형
   * @param startDate 시작 날짜 (yyyy-MM-dd HH)
   * @param endDate 종료 날짜 (yyyy-MM-dd HH)
   * @return trend 목록
  @RequestMapping(value = "trend", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public Response trend(
      @RequestParam(defaultValue = "") String clusterName,
      @RequestParam(defaultValue = "ACT") String searchType,
      @RequestParam(defaultValue = "") String startDate,
      @RequestParam(defaultValue = "") String endDate) {

    EngineService engineService = this.getEngineService(clusterName);
    FileSystemAuditRemoteService service = engineService.getFileSystemAuditRemoteService();
    int level = getSessionUserLevel();
    String username = level == 1 ? "" : getSessionUsername();

    SimpleDateFormat hoursFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH");
    SimpleDateFormat daysFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    List<Trend> trendList;
    Date startTime;
    Date endTime;

    try {
      if ("".equals(startDate) && "".equals(endDate)) {
        calendar.setTime(new Date());
        calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, -12);
        trendList = trends(hoursFormat, calendar, Calendar.HOUR, 12);
      } else if ("".equals(startDate) && !"".equals(endDate)) {
        calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, -1);
        trendList = trends(hoursFormat, calendar, Calendar.HOUR, 24);
      } else {
        startTime = daysFormat.parse(startDate);
        calendar.setTime(new Date());
        endTime =
                ? daysFormat.parse(daysFormat.format(calendar.getTime()))
                : daysFormat.parse(endDate);
        long difference = (endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
        calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);
        trendList = trends(daysFormat, calendar, Calendar.DATE, (int) difference + 1);
        calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      throw new ServiceException("Unable to parse the date.", e);

    List<Trends> trendsList = service.auditTrend(startDate, endDate, searchType, username);
    HashMap<String, String> trendTitle = new HashMap<>();

    for (Trends trends : trendsList) {
      String trendsSearchType = trends.getSearchType();
      if (!trendTitle.containsKey(trendsSearchType)) {
        trendTitle.put(trendsSearchType, "data" + (trendTitle.size() + 1));

      /** 날짜가 같은 필드에 데이터 삽입 */
      for (Trend trend : trendList) {
        if (trend.getTime().equals(trends.getTime())) {
          Integer position =
              Integer.parseInt(trendTitle.get(trendsSearchType).replaceAll("[^\\d]", ""));
          trend.setData(position, trend.getData(position) + trends.getCount());

    Response response = new Response();

    return response;