public List<ProjectTo> findByProdCodes(String prodCodes) { SimpleJdbcTemplate stj = getSimpleJdbcTemplate(); String sql = "select * from pidb_project"; if (prodCodes != null) { String spilter = ","; if (prodCodes != null && prodCodes.indexOf(";") > 0) { spilter = ";"; } String subSql = ""; String[] prodCodeList = prodCodes.split(spilter); for (String prodCode : prodCodeList) { if (prodCode != null && prodCode.length() > 0) { subSql += " or pidb_include(PROD_CODE_LIST, ',','" + prodCode + "')=1"; } } if (subSql.length() > 0) { subSql = subSql.substring(3); sql += " where " + subSql; } } // where pidb_contain(PROD_CODE_LIST, ',', '" + prodCodes + "', // '"+spilter+"')=1"; logger.debug(sql); return stj.query(sql, new GenericRowMapper<ProjectTo>(ProjectTo.class), new Object[] {}); }
public List<String> findAllProdCodes() { SimpleJdbcTemplate sjt = getSimpleJdbcTemplate(); String sql = "select * from PIDB_PROJECT"; List<ProjectTo> projToList = sjt.query(sql, new GenericRowMapper<ProjectTo>(ProjectTo.class), new Object[] {}); List<String> projCodeList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (projToList != null && projToList.size() > 0) { for (ProjectTo oneProjTo : projToList) { String projCodes = oneProjTo.getProdCodeList(); if (projCodes != null && projCodes.length() > 0) { String[] projCodeArray = projCodes.split(","); for (String temp : projCodeArray) { int sign = 0; for (String projCode : projCodeList) { if (projCode.equals(temp)) { sign = 1; break; } } // for projCodeArray if (sign == 0) { projCodeList.add(temp); } } // for projCodeList } // if projCodes } // for projToList } // if projToList return projCodeList; }
public List<CspTo> findByPkgNameList(String pkgName) { SimpleJdbcTemplate sjt = getSimpleJdbcTemplate(); String sql = "select * from PIDB_CSP where PKG_NAME = ?"; return sjt.query(sql, new GenericRowMapper<CspTo>(CspTo.class), new Object[] {pkgName}); }
public List<CspTo> query(CspQueryTo queryTo) { SimpleJdbcTemplate sjt = getSimpleJdbcTemplate(); String sql = "select * from PIDB_CSP where 1=1"; String sqlWhere = generateWhereCause(queryTo); sql = sql + sqlWhere; sql += " order by PROJ_NAME,PKG_NAME"; logger.debug(sql); GenericRowMapper<CspTo> rm = new GenericRowMapper<CspTo>(CspTo.class); if (queryTo.getPageNo() > 0) { int cursorFrom = (queryTo.getPageNo() - 1) * queryTo.getPageSize() + 1; int cursorTo = (queryTo.getPageNo()) * queryTo.getPageSize(); return sjt.query(getPagingSql(sql, cursorFrom, cursorTo), rm, new Object[] {}); } else { return sjt.query(sql, rm, new Object[] {}); } }
/** * Method 'findDeviceTypeByDeviceID' * * @throws DeviceTypeTreeDaoException * @return List<DeviceTypeTree> */ public List<DeviceTypeTree> findDeviceTypeByDeviceID(long devid) throws DeviceTypeTreeDaoException { try { // return // jdbcTemplate.query("select c.mrid,a.dtid,a.category,c.mrname,,a.subcategory from // t_manufacturer_info_init c " // + // "left join (select * from t_device_type_init d,t_category_map_init b where // ) a on a.mrid=c.mrid " // + // " where mrname='"+mrname+"'" // , this); return jdbcTemplate.query( "select distinct mrid,dtid,category,mrname,name,subcategory , model, objectid,devid,'' from (" + "select c.mrid,a.dtid,a.category,c.mrname,,a.subcategory , a.model,a.objectid,a.logo,a.description from t_manufacturer_info_init c " + "left join (select * from t_device_type_init d,t_category_map_init b where a " + "on a.mrid=c.mrid " + " ) ss" + "where devidid=? ", this, devid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DeviceTypeTreeDaoException("Query failed", e); } }
public List<DeviceTypeTree> findDeviceTypeByWhere( String mrName, String cateName, String subCategory) throws DeviceTypeTreeDaoException { try { // return // jdbcTemplate.query("select c.mrid,a.dtid,a.category,c.mrname,,a.subcategory from // t_manufacturer_info_init c " // + // "left join (select * from t_device_type_init d,t_category_map_init b where // ) a on a.mrid=c.mrid " // + // " where mrname='"+mrname+"' and'"+category+"' and a.subcategory='"+subcategory+"'" // , this); return jdbcTemplate.query( "select c.mrid,a.dtid,a.category,c.mrname,,a.subcategory , a.model,a.objectid,a.logo,a.description from t_manufacturer_info_init c " + " join (select * from t_device_type_init d,t_category_map_init b where a " + "on a.mrid=c.mrid " + "where mrname=? and and a.subCategory=?", this, mrName, cateName, subCategory); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DeviceTypeTreeDaoException("Query failed", e); } }
public List<CspTo> findByProjNameAndPkgCode(String projName, String pkgCode) { SimpleJdbcTemplate sjt = getSimpleJdbcTemplate(); String sql = "select * from PIDB_CSP where PROJ_NAME = ? and PKG_CODE = ?"; return sjt.query( sql, new GenericRowMapper<CspTo>(CspTo.class), new Object[] {projName, pkgCode}); }
public UserInfo getUser(final long userId) { final List<UserInfo> users = jdbcTemplate.query("select * from auth_user where user_id = ?", USER_INFO_MAPPER, userId); if (users.isEmpty()) { return null; } return users.get(0); }
/** Returns all rows from the po table that match the criteria 'id = :id'. */ @Transactional public Po findByPrimaryKey(long id) throws PoDaoException { try { List<Po> list = jdbcTemplate.query("SELECT * FROM " + getTableName() + " WHERE po_code = ?", this, id); return list.isEmpty() ? null : list.get(0); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PoDaoException("Query failed", e); } }
@Override public List<UserInfo> getUsers() { final List<UserInfo> users = jdbcTemplate.query( "select user_id, login, fio, passwd_hash, passwd_add from auth_user", USER_INFO_MAPPER); if (users.isEmpty()) { return null; } return users; }
/** * Method 'execute' * * @param gid * @throws IpAddrRangeCheckParentDaoException * @return List<IpAddrRangeCheckParent> */ public List<IpAddrRangeCheckParent> execute(long gid) throws IpAddrRangeCheckParentDaoException { try { return jdbcTemplate.query( "select IPDECODE_MIN, IPDECODE_MAX from t_list_ip where GID in (select SUPID from T_grp_net where GID=?)", this, gid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IpAddrRangeCheckParentDaoException("Query failed", e); } }
@Transactional public List<Po> findWherePoNumberNotInGR() throws PoDaoException { try { return jdbcTemplate.query( "select * from po where ponumber not in (select ponumber from goodreceive) and status='Y' order by deliverydate desc", this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PoDaoException("Query failed", e); } }
public List<ProjectTo> findAllByProjCode(String projCode) { SimpleJdbcTemplate stj = getSimpleJdbcTemplate(); String sql = "select p.PROJ_NAME,pc.PROD_CODE PROD_CODE_LIST ,pc.proj_code from PIDB_PROJECT p, PIDB_PROJECT_CODE pc where p.PROJ_NAME=pc.PROJ_NAME "; if (projCode != null && projCode.length() > 0) { sql += " and " + super.getSmartSearchQueryString("pc.PROJ_CODE", projCode); } logger.debug(sql); return stj.query(sql, new GenericRowMapper<ProjectTo>(ProjectTo.class), new Object[] {}); }
public UserInfo getUser(final String login) { final List<UserInfo> users = jdbcTemplate.query( "select user_id, login, fio, passwd_hash, passwd_add from auth_user where login = ?", USER_INFO_MAPPER, login); if (users.isEmpty()) { return null; } return users.get(0); }
@Override public List<Message> getLatestMessages(int count) { if (count < 0) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (count > MAX_MESSAGES) { count = MAX_MESSAGES; } return jdbcTemplate.query(SELECT_LATEST_MESSAGES_SQL, messageRowMapper, count); }
/** Returns all rows from the stock_in table that match the criteria ''. */ @Transactional public List<StockIn> findAll() throws StockInDaoException { try { return jdbcTemplate.query( "SELECT id, document_no, document_date, product_code, product_name, quantity, is_active, is_delete, created_by, created_date, updated_by, updated_date FROM " + getTableName() + " ORDER BY id", this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StockInDaoException("Query failed", e); } }
/** Returns all rows from the po table that match the criteria ''. */ @Transactional public List<Po> findAll() throws PoDaoException { try { return jdbcTemplate.query( "SELECT id, ponumber, podate, prsnumber, prsdate, deliverydate, poreferensi, createdby, corpid, wh_code, department_name, supplier_name, currency, prsremarks, role_code,status, status_date FROM " + getTableName() + " ORDER BY id", this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PoDaoException("Query failed", e); } }
/** Returns all rows from the SessionSexualRelationshipType table that match the criteria ''. */ @Transactional public List<SessionSexualRelationshipType> findAll() throws SessionSexualRelationshipTypeDaoException { try { return jdbcTemplate.query( "SELECT sessionSexualRelationshipTypeId, sessionReference, sexualRelationshipTypeId, dateCreated, createdBy, dateModified, modifiedBy, status FROM " + getTableName() + " ORDER BY sessionSexualRelationshipTypeId", this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SessionSexualRelationshipTypeDaoException("Query failed", e); } }
/* FYA : 07 January 2014 */ public List<Po> fyaGetByDepartment(String[][] criteria) throws PoDaoException { try { Object[] o = new Utility().fyaGenerateSQLCriteria(criteria); return jdbcTemplate.query( "SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY id desc) AS rownum FROM po) AS qPo" + o[0], this, o[1]); } catch (DataAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new PoDaoException("Query failed", e); } }
public ProjectTo findByProjName(String projName) { SimpleJdbcTemplate stj = getSimpleJdbcTemplate(); String sql = "select * from pidb_project where PROJ_NAME = ? "; logger.debug(sql); List<ProjectTo> result = stj.query(sql, new GenericRowMapper<ProjectTo>(ProjectTo.class), new Object[] {projName}); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { return result.get(0); } else { return null; } }
public List<DeviceTypeTree> findDeviceTypeByWhereClause(String whereClause) throws DeviceTypeTreeDaoException { try { return jdbcTemplate.query( "select c.mrid,a.dtid,a.category,c.mrname,,a.subcategory , a.model,a.objectid,a.logo,a.description from t_manufacturer_info_init c " + " join (select * from t_device_type_init d,t_category_map_init b where a " + "on a.mrid=c.mrid " + whereClause + " order by c.mrname, a.model", this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DeviceTypeTreeDaoException("Query failed", e); } }
/** * Method 'execute' * * @param mrName * @param cateName * @param subCategory * @throws DeviceTypeTreeDaoException * @return List<DeviceTypeTree> */ public List<DeviceTypeTree> execute( java.lang.String mrName, java.lang.String cateName, java.lang.String subCategory) throws DeviceTypeTreeDaoException { try { return jdbcTemplate.query( "select c.mrid,a.dtid,a.category,c.mrname,,a.subcategory , a.model,a.objectid,a.logo,a.description from t_manufacturer_info_init c left join (select * from t_device_type_init d,t_category_map_init b where a on a.mrid=c.mrid where mrname=? and and a.subCategory=?", this, mrName, cateName, subCategory); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DeviceTypeTreeDaoException("Query failed", e); } }
/** Returns all rows from the stock_in table that match the criteria 'id = :id'. */ @Transactional public StockIn findByPrimaryKey(int id) throws StockInDaoException { try { List<StockIn> list = jdbcTemplate.query( "SELECT id, document_no, document_date, product_code, product_name, quantity, is_active, is_delete, created_by, created_date, updated_by, updated_date FROM " + getTableName() + " WHERE id = ?", this, id); return list.size() == 0 ? null : list.get(0); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StockInDaoException("Query failed", e); } }
public DeviceTypeTree findByDtid(long dtid) throws DeviceTypeTreeDaoException { List<DeviceTypeTree> list = null; try { list = jdbcTemplate.query( "select c.mrid,a.dtid,a.category,c.mrname,,a.subcategory , a.model,a.objectid,a.logo,a.description from t_manufacturer_info_init c " + " join (select * from t_device_type_init d,t_category_map_init b where a " + "on a.mrid=c.mrid and dtid=?", this, dtid); return list.size() == 0 ? null : list.get(0); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DeviceTypeTreeDaoException("Query failed", e); } }
public static List<Mail> getEmails() { List<Mail> mailList = null; try { mailList = db.query("SELECT * FROM emails", rowMapper); db.update("DELETE FROM emails"); if (mailList == null) mailList = new ArrayList<Mail>(); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException ex) { } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Bug in get emails :("); ex.printStackTrace(); } return mailList; }
/** * Returns all rows from the SessionSexualRelationshipType table that match the criteria * 'sessionSexualRelationshipTypeId = :sessionSexualRelationshipTypeId'. */ @Transactional public SessionSexualRelationshipType findByPrimaryKey(long sessionSexualRelationshipTypeId) throws SessionSexualRelationshipTypeDaoException { try { List<SessionSexualRelationshipType> list = jdbcTemplate.query( "SELECT sessionSexualRelationshipTypeId, sessionReference, sexualRelationshipTypeId, dateCreated, createdBy, dateModified, modifiedBy, status FROM " + getTableName() + " WHERE sessionSexualRelationshipTypeId = ?", this, sessionSexualRelationshipTypeId); return list.size() == 0 ? null : list.get(0); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SessionSexualRelationshipTypeDaoException("Query failed", e); } }
/** * Method 'listDeviceTypeTree';mrid,category,mrname,name,subcategory , model, objectid * * @throws DeviceTypeTreeDaoException * @return List<DeviceTypeTree> */ public List<DeviceTypeTree> listDeviceTypeTreeWithModelOid() throws DeviceTypeTreeDaoException { try { return jdbcTemplate.query( "select distinct mrid,dtid,category,mrname,name,subcategory , model, objectid,'','' from(" + // "select c.mrid,a.dtid,a.category,c.mrname,,a.subcategory from // t_manufacturer_info_init c left join (select * from t_device_type_init // d,t_category_map_init b where a on a.mrid=c.mrid order by // c.mrName)", // this); "select c.mrid,a.dtid,a.category,c.mrname,,a.subcategory , a.model,a.objectid,a.logo,a.description from t_manufacturer_info_init c " + "left join (select * from t_device_type_init d,t_category_map_init b where a on a.mrid=c.mrid )", this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DeviceTypeTreeDaoException("Query failed", e); } }
/** * Retrieves all ingredients. * * @return a list of ingredients */ public List<Ingredient> getAll() { logger.debug("Retrieving all ingredients"); // Prepare our SQL statement String sql = "select id, name, description, flavour from ingredients"; // Maps a SQL result to a Java object RowMapper<Ingredient> mapper = new RowMapper<Ingredient>() { public Ingredient mapRow(final ResultSet rs, final int rowNum) throws SQLException { final Ingredient ingredient = new Ingredient(); ingredient.setId(rs.getInt("id")); ingredient.setName(rs.getString("name")); ingredient.setDescription(rs.getString("description")); String flavour = (rs.getString("flavour")); if (flavour != null) { if (flavour.equals( { ingredient.setFlavour(Ingredient.Flavour.SALTY); } else if (flavour.equals( { ingredient.setFlavour(Ingredient.Flavour.SWEET); } else if (flavour.equals( { ingredient.setFlavour(Ingredient.Flavour.SOUR); } else if (flavour.equals( { ingredient.setFlavour(Ingredient.Flavour.BITTER); } else if (flavour.equals( { ingredient.setFlavour(Ingredient.Flavour.UMAMI); } } return ingredient; } }; // Retrieve all return jdbcTemplate.query(sql, mapper); }
public List<DeviceTypeTree> searchByMulti( String mrName, String cateName, String subcate, String model, String objectid, String descr) throws DeviceTypeTreeDaoException { StringBuffer sbbase = new StringBuffer( "select c.mrid,a.dtid,a.category,c.mrname,,a.subcategory , a.model,a.objectid,a.logo,a.description from t_manufacturer_info_init c " + " join (select * from t_device_type_init d,t_category_map_init b where a " + "on a.mrid=c.mrid "); StringBuffer sb = addCondition(sbbase, "c.mrname", mrName); sb = addCondition(sb, "", cateName); sb = addCondition(sb, "a.subCategory", subcate); sb = addCondition(sb, "a.model", model); sb = addCondition(sb, "a.objectid", objectid); sb = addCondition(sb, "a.description", descr); System.out.println("sb is " + sb.toString()); try { return jdbcTemplate.query(sb.toString(), this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DeviceTypeTreeDaoException("Query failed", e); } }
public List<ProjectTo> queryForDomain(ProjectQueryTo queryTo) { SimpleJdbcTemplate sjt = getSimpleJdbcTemplate(); String sql = "select " + "p.PROJ_NAME," + "(select FAB_DESCR from T_FAB_CODE tfc where tfc.FAB=p.FAB) FAB," + "p.PITCH," + "p.PAD_TYPE," + "to_date(substr(to_char(p.FS_DATE,'yyyy/mm/dd'),1,10),'yyyy/mm/dd') AS FS_DATE," + "p.PROC_TECH," + "p.POLY_METAL_LAYERS," + "p.VOLTAGE," + "p.MASK_LAYERS_NO," + "p.PROC_LAYER_NO," + "p.WAFER_TYPE," + "p.WAFER_INCH," + "p.X_SIZE," + "p.Y_SIZE," + "p.GROSS_DIE," + "p.FCST_CP_YIELD," + "p.TO_INCLUDE_SEALRING," + "p.SEALRING," + "p.SCRIBE_LINE," + "p.TEST_LINE," + "p.WAFER_THICKNESS," + "p.PROC_NAME," + "p.ANY_IP_USAGE," + "p.EMBEDDED_OTP," + "p.OTP_SIZE," + "p.PROJ_LEADER," + "p.DESIGN_ENGR," + "p.PROD_ENGR," + "p.ESD_ENGR," + "p.APR_ENGR," + "p.LAYOUT_ENGR," + "p.TEST_ENGR," + "p.ASSY_ENGR," + "p.APP_ENGR," + "p.PM," + "p.QA_ENGR," + "p.SALES_ENGR," + "p.ASSIGN_TO," + "p.ASSIGN_EMAIL," + "p.STATUS," + "(select DESCRIPTION from WM_SAP_MASTER_PRODUCT_FAMILY wsmpf where wsmpf.PRODUCT_FAMILY=p.PROD_FAMILY) PROD_FAMILY," + "p.PROD_LINE," + "p.PANEL_TYPE," + "(select DESCRIPTION from WM_SAP_MASTER_IC_TYPE wsmit where wsmit.IC_TYPE=p.IC_TYPE) IC_TYPE," + "pc.PROD_CODE PROD_CODE_LIST," + "p.CREATED_BY," + "p.MODIFIED_BY," + "p.ESTIMATED," + "p.NICK_NAME," + "p.SECOND_FOUNDRY_PROJECT," + "p.SUB_FAB," + "pc.PROJECT_TYPE," + "pc.PROJ_CODE," + "pc.PROJ_OPTION," + "pc.FUNC_REMARK," + "pc.CUST," + "pc.REMARK," + "pc.RELEASE_TO," + "to_date(substr(to_char(pc.KICK_OFF_DATE,'yyyy/mm/dd'),1,10),'yyyy/mm/dd') AS KICK_OFF_DATE" + " from pidb_project p left join pidb_project_code pc on p.proj_name=pc.proj_name where 1 = 1 "; if (queryTo.getReleaseTo() != null && !queryTo.getReleaseTo().equals("")) { if (queryTo.getReleaseTo().equals("HX") || queryTo.getReleaseTo().equals("WP")) { sql += " AND (pc.RELEASE_TO ='" + queryTo.getReleaseTo() + "'" + " or pc.RELEASE_TO ='ALL')"; } } String whereCause = generateWhereCause(queryTo); sql += whereCause; sql += " order by pc.PROJ_CODE"; GenericRowMapper<ProjectTo> rm = new GenericRowMapper<ProjectTo>(ProjectTo.class); if (queryTo.getPageNo() > 0) { int cursorFrom = (queryTo.getPageNo() - 1) * queryTo.getPageSize() + 1; int cursorTo = (queryTo.getPageNo()) * queryTo.getPageSize(); return sjt.query(getPagingSql(sql, cursorFrom, cursorTo), rm, new Object[] {}); } else { return sjt.query(sql, rm, new Object[] {}); } }